by Kim Merryman |
faith, god, love, religion,
Be still and know that God is with you.
Be still and know His love is real.
Be still and know your Heavenly Father,
Feels every joy and pain you feel.
Be still and let God's love enfold you.
Be still and know His perfect peace.
Be still and know God is all-sufficient,
His grace and mercy will never cease.
Be still and know that God is for you.
Be still and know you're not alone.
Be still and know He'll ne'er forsake you.
He knows your name - you are His own.
Be still and know that God is holy.
Be still and learn His righteous ways.
Be still and know that God is worthy,
To receive our worship and our praise.
by Joanna Daniel |
god, jesus, joy,
Christ, the Lord of all tomorrows
Lived a holy life of true worth
Died for me, the Man of sorrows
Angels proclaimed His virgin birth
The wise men came in faith to see
Messiah, king of all the earth
His love was shown on Calvary
When He paid the penance for sin
He cried and died for you and me
This woebegone world we live in
We need His all-sufficient grace
The wiles of the devil to win
The hope of His return we face
Giving us joy none can replace.
For Regina McIntosh's "Jesus" contest
by Arturo Michael |
care, love, sweet,
Everybody needs
A little love and care
A friendly hello, how are you dear
A little smile
Can go for millions of miles
To make rainbows out of stormy skies
You don't have to be
A little courtesy is sufficient
But what I have to say I can't hold back
I really mean it
And that's a fact
I want to hug you, in the morning
Before it's breakfast time
I believe my arms were made for hugging you
And yours were meant for mine
I want to hug you, in the afternoon
A sunny evening delight
I want to snuggle really close when stars are out
And hug you under moonlight
by Douglas Ace |
devotion, faith, inspirationalme, may, me, strength,
Help me to use wisely
O Lord Father I pray
the strength that you give
to me from day to day.
Trusting in You daily
in all I do and say,
Your strength is sufficient
for me in every way.
Lord help me to love
and always honor you
being ever the witness
to gladly glorify You.
For my life is an epistle,
seen and read of all men.
They may never see the Word
that is written for them in pen.
Lord, impart your strength now
for the work which yet remains,
that I may ever help others
to seek eternal gains.
by Victor Buhagiar |
Just a whiff of your musky perfume
would suffice to fill my home.
Just a husky laugh of yours
is sufficient to make my day.
Just a show of your faithful love
is enough to send me into paradise.
Just a look from your dark brown eyes
is just right to make me quiver with love.
Just a passionate kiss from your lips
is adequate to satiate my life.
Placed 3
3 April 2021
by Diaa Adel |
beautiful, blessing, butterfly, fantasy, imagination, romantic love,
An energy field,
Once you get in it, you will be stuck in there forever,
She will captivate your mind and spirit.
Your body might be able to escape her spells,
but your thoughts, emotions, and senses will worship her...
Don't beg for your freedom,
I have seen her pulling the likes of you and me,
Like a Leopard pulling her victim with a sufficient amount of certainty.
Even if,
She sets you free, it's one of her charming tricks,
Without her blessings, you will be lost male energy in
an endless universe owned by her.
by Terry Shuff |
dedication, love, poetry,
Some say 'I can't find the words'
the challenge is to great.
For expressing their hearts cravings
or horrendous fears at gate.
Surely words exist,sufficient for the role
insufficientes for poets,on us they have no hold.
Compelling quest of passion,for jewels that speak so pure
yes dignified and lofty, nobility of words.
To satisfy our hearts demands
our quest reaps joy and pain.
We know our love of poetry
will never in vain.
by Norman Purvis |
religionson, god, earth, god, son,
The Son of God.
Are you the Son of God?
Do you wish to be?
To make heaven on earth.
For all to see.
Were you born to be.
The Son of God for eternity?
Do you live a sinless life?
Free from ties and strife.
Do you love all men?
Free from hate or greed.
Self sufficient and alone.
God is looking for the perfect one.
To be his Son.
When found with a mighty roar.
Great changes will occur.
Time and space will end.
Man will be as one.
For ever more.
A human link to God there will be.
Related, loved and close to He.
Rejoicing will fill the earth and sky.
Heaven on earth for you and I.
by Warren Dickman |
food, funny, humor, humorous, light,
Just another Warrenpiece
by Ochiabuto Kalu Okorie |
faith, life,
However great your trials
However great your troubles
However great the stress of life
However great the storms of life
Even though life seems hopeless
Or perhaps worthless
You might have looked left
You might have looked right
You might have looked
In every direction
Yet life seems so bleak
You have concluded
Beyond the horizon
Rays of hope appear
To bring the sunshine of glory
Beyond your imagination of gloom
The Savior’s grace is sufficient
In your state of gloom
The Savior is near
Nearer than you can think or imagine
In fulfillment of His promise
That He will neither leave you
Nor forsake you
Even in the worst situation
For His love is eternal
And His grace boundless.
by Lori Lucas Mcclure |
faith, hope, inspirational,
Behold, the dawn comes with thy mercies ever renewed!
Bathed in the light of hope thy love O Lord shineth through!
Thy faithfulness endureth without end; on thee alone shall I depend.
Tho' I have dwelt in the house of mourning and sorrow hath
walked with me thou hast never forsaken me.
My confidence O Lord is in thee; thy grace sufficient for me!
by Jesudason Atputharajah |
blessing, care, caregiving, christian, giving, humanity, jesus,
It's the spirit of giving,
It does not depend,
On the quantity,
It proliferates,
With the love for altruism,
Five loaves of bread,
And two fish
Were found to ,
More than sufficient for ,
Five thousand,
God's grace is amazing,
The example propelled,
Electrifying humanism,
And the world gives !!!.
by Michael White |
introspection, lost love, song-
first of all respect yourself baby
act like a lady
what happened in your past ain't sufficient cause to hate me
get your self together you can shine like a pearl
but first distinguish the difference between women and girls
at first glance you was amazing had me in awe
but with simple conversation i revealed the flaw
you hid a lot of attitude under a body and a pretty face
but pouring syrup on shhhh don't make pancakes
I didn't sweat you or ride you
that probably surprised you
you'll find out the truth don't hurt but all the lies do
by Beata Agustin |
blessing, christian, faith, god, jesus, spiritual, true love,
God with His omnipotent love* prevails
dispels angst of fear engulfing grieved heart
sufficient midst mercy when own strength fails
timely to shield soul from bitterness’ dart
yeah, indeed vanquishing woe that assails
hoists faith along caring and sharing rampart.
*Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us…
April 18, 2020
2nd place, "Each Letter Threads The Verse" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Joseph May; judged on 4/29/2020.
by Danielle Brown |
encouraging, faith, god, love, trust, words,
Always remember
God’s love is enough
He is always with us
No matter how the road may get tough
His grace is sufficient
His presence is evident
He wraps us in his arms
He keeps us from evil
And even though he hates sin
God still love his people
But that’s just how he is
He loves us and forgives
He also know our thoughts
And the desire of our hearts
He wants us to trust him
So he can pour out his blessings
So turn from your wicked ways
Trust God and do what he says.
by L Milton Hankins |
perspective, philosophy, self, true love,
To be self-sufficient is an admirable trait
Not needing to depend on anyone is great
Being able to set one’s own course each day
Free to express opinions, to have one’s say
In my way of thinking opens heaven’s gate.
Written November 29, 2022
submitted to "Bitesize No 56" Poetry Contest
sponsored by Line Gauthier
by Erin Soares-Anselmi |
christian, hope, life,
When the world I live in is spinning out of control
I seek you Lord I grab on and take hold
I close my eyes and picture a place
Of your words of truth and sufficient grace
I run to you like child with arms open wide
To take refuge in your light darkness cannot hide
You swoop me up like Father protecting his own
Whispering softly you are my child and never alone
My face stained with tears of agony and disgrace
Are gone in an instant removed and replaced
Peace beyond measure and love surely abounds
My spirit wells up in me my feet on solid ground
I open my eyes now with new faith and hope
Knowing your love will carry me even when I can't cope.
by Geoffery Mchugh |
Look at the Icicle.
It forms-
An ugly mass drooping from a cragged rock, the water
hardening before it has sufficient time to
I've heard them called things of beauty by others, and
indeed I once thought of them as such.
But after today...
My father called me to tell
me that my Nine Year old bother has lukemia.
I cried for hours.
Today I found out that he is going to be alright, though he
will participate in outpatient treatment for three years.
I cried again.
And as I drove home from Dornbecher's childrens hospital this afternoon, I
saw the Icicles hanging from the rocks hidden in the shade.
I cried some more.
I love my brother Sean.
by Asif Andalib |
life, love, passion, romance, sad
Lonely winter nights –
Quilt is not sufficient!
Time hardly passes!
by Paul Schneiter |
12th grade, angel, bible, christmas, love,
The manger was empty and bare.
But that didn’t matter,
because Love would come there.
Joseph and Mary found it sufficient,
she being full with God’s own son.
Thus in that night came Love omniscient.
An angel told shepherds of the birth.
They journeyed in joy to the place
and saw that Love had come to earth.
Wise men came led by a star’s holy light.
They brought gifts, worshipped the babe,
and knew that Love was in their sight.
Thus the prophecies of centuries long past
were fulfilled in some stranger’s manger,
and Love. . .Love came to earth at last.
by Akilah Babb |
appreciation, blessing, christian, faith, gender, gospel, joy,
LORD,I'm awe of your love
You keep me safe in your
Arms and bless me with
The presence of your
Righteous arms
LORD,I'm in awe of your love
The wings of a dove
It extends further than
Your love,more than hate,
Is always enough
LORD,I'm in awe of your love
Your discipline never is viewed as tough
It is soft than a shower puffer (lol/smile )
Like your grace
I'm in awe of your love
For it is forever sufficient
by Bozhidar Pangelov |
lost love,
I do not expect you.
Sunken hours.
And the streets are rocking like slow guards.
I do not expect you.
The thought is sufficient. And long one …
For a Sunday.
A dream
are dreaming
the birch’s
by Karena Brown |
lost love, love, passion, sad,
A section of me...
not sufficient!
I expect to be loved wholly!
I lie beside you
skin to ceiling
all you think to do touch is my...elbow?!!
Wow...really intimate!!!
I am exposed
you chose to have me close
from afar
I am whole...with the imperfections that made me
a masterpiece...can't you see?
Curves and crevices that form a sculpture made of flesh
and pure love...
why do you not love me?
by Brian Strand |
faith, life, people
Y es you are
E verywhere
S heperding
H ealing
U niquely
A ll sufficient
by Malvika Shanker |
inspirational, life,
Human nature is such
All you need is much
Whatever you have is less
You always stay in a mess.
Content are few
Not in search of something new
Values are not valuable enough
To assess the available stuff
Love is inadequate
So are the feelings.
Words are inadequate,
So is the meaning.
Inadequate is normal now
Sufficient will lead to a 'wow'
Its wise to find sufficiency
In all sorts of inadequacy.
Contentment cannot be bought
It comes from within the heart.
It is a form of acceptance,
Without any reluctance.
It is a sign of maturity,
That overlooks all scarcity.
It's not the end of life ,
It's the glimpse of a new light.