by Debjani Mitra |
He couldn't take his eyes off her
as pink blushed in his deep alluring stare.
Sentiments suffused in delicate dance,
vibrations pulsed relentless in veins.
Calm muted moon, in cloudless sky,
ebullient dewdrops in hypnotic trance
Begins an envoy, infinite, endless...
as white noise around, bring grace solace.
A name of love, whimpers in silence.
A kiss said it all,.... what was left unsaid.
23rd April, 2019
Line Gauthier's "What was left unsaid "Contest
by Unseeking Seeker |
deep, dream, spiritual,
Dreamer and the dreamed,
wish to be redeemed,
distilling each thought,
that’s ego begot.
Our subconscious mind
grips us in it’s bind,
displayed as instinct,
that’s not quite love inked.
We, as the object,
dreamed by the subject,
live out our own dream,
in thought forms we stream.
Emptying our cup
is how we wake up,
melding head with heart,
adding love to cart.
Ceasing to react,
we then know as fact
we’re soul, not this form,
caught in a thought storm.
Upon knowing this,
we’re suffused with bliss,
being our essence ~
soul’s luminescence.
by Unseeking Seeker |
i am, self, spiritual,
We all are one, simply know this
Let’s see ourselves for who we are
In God’s image, love, light and bliss
No need then to struggle and spar
Voids within fill, if we be still
Let’s see ourselves for who we are
On choosing to relinquish will
Bliss magnetism pervades our form
Voids within fill, if we be still
Suffused with divine currents warm
With Holy Spirit, we connect
Bliss magnetism pervades our form
We’re both the object and subject
The truth is, we’re He, who we seek
With Holy Spirit, we connect
Simple is wisdom, yet quite deep
We all are one, simply know this
The truth is, we’re He, who we seek
In God’s image, love, light and bliss
by Ngoc Nguyen |
color, future, humanity, people, race, racism, society,
The absence of [man's] color will win: white,
black, yellow, or red make no difference
in the life-and-death crush of existence
that rocks and shocks with might but is not right!
Clear and sheer-like, with stealth it comes like night
in strength and power, like a deliverance
about to split apart Intolerance,
the racist's slight, and the mean bigot's bite.
It is right; and has the appearance of
soft, subtle Light that reforms the old view,
and shines a vision of a world suffused with love,
grace, spirit, and clear sight in hearts anew:
our tribes can live in peace and soar above
as One, when our disputes become one hue.
by Benjamin David |
flower, immigration, love, nature,
Ensue the view of morning dew
In beauties beau that cries for you
The sprinkled sprew cries in two
As the morning dew lies for you
Blossoms blow in nightly kiss,
loving's glow when hearts we miss,
For art thou love and art thou thine?
She is but love and therein mine
Caressing cue in sky-lit blue
In eternal dreams I long for you
Dancing dew's red poured petal
Glancing pew as pollens soared settle
We kiss and caress in a suffused glow
Our love will fluoresce with the infused blow
Beauty weeps but it shall grow;
Ask the heart for thou shalt know
by Benjamin David |
beautiful, beauty, flower, hope, love, nature, romance,
Kneeling upon a smile to touch the vine
Scentful seeping in blissful sensation
Leering beauty and plucking temptation
Just one piece of nature's heaven divine
Arose to steal a kiss from sunlight's ray
Like morning's dew upon a suffused glow
Facing the zephyr where the blossoms blow
Where pollens aflutter towards the bay
by Anselmo Boles |
allegory, inspirational, love, magic,
Essence of love suffused in dreams...throughout countless mystical realms.
Penned: 12/1/2022
Lake Worth, Florida
by Unseeking Seeker |
freedom, spiritual,
Here we are, bound by space and time.
Earth life’s harsh and steep is the climb.
The waking state allows free will
to shape our lives, voids within fill.
Choosing to align head with heart,
we soon see our ego depart,
for we feed it not by desire,
seeking instead, pastures higher,
closer to the love vibration,
bliss suffused by resonation,
thereby transcending lower mind,
which had anchored us in its bind.
Living thus, moment to moment,
divine entwined, in contentment,
become one with the universe,
dancing without need to rehearse.
by Iris E. Sankey- Lewis |
adventure, appreciation, beauty, growth,
Today's mid-morning news lit chambers of my heart
This March of time seemed so slow, yet
Delighted as I, the husband knew ecstacy
The song of "Going home" suffused the air.
Home -
Piano tunes float within and out
My cat tootee engages me
Help me to serenity.
Home -
All is well with this will to live to
Pay attention to love, and
Everyone there is to love, I'll give.
Home -
I ache for visions of rain and melanin days, that
Brings me darker chocolate, and zinc music.
Home -
The mighty sea with horizon touching sky,
Tropical delight; starry, starry nights,
You have made a lover of me, in love.
by Unseeking Seeker |
heaven, journey,
"In tranquil silence, let's journey within ~
Following the scent of love, just begin"
~ quote by poet
Having an innate urge to feel contrast,
and noticing heart from head stood apart,
we journeyed thereto, without being asked,
whereupon when we added love to cart,
fears receded and thus whence die was cast,
suffused with bliss mists, soul's God search did start.
This journey without movement beauteous,
took us to heaven's very nucleus.
Writing Challenge - ''J'' Words - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Constance La France
HMS, Rhymezone, PS Grammar
by Anthony Passmore |
break up, deep, heartbreak, lost, love, sad love,
Tormented by the flashback of regret
Holding onto indelible memories
Vivid events of how we first met
Daydreaming about all the possibilities
My love for you is undeniably deep
Wishing, I had the power to wait
A beautiful woman, I can't keep
Dancing circles with my hate
Should of ended from the start
So much I didn't know
Now, I'm left here with a broken heart
Your love is evaporating like the snow
Us together was suffused with lies
Falling in love with you was my demise
by Ngoc Nguyen |
color, prejudice, race, racism, rights, society, youth,
The strength of [our] color will prevail: white,
black, yellow, or red make no difference
in the racist threat against existence
that oppresses by might but is not right!
In numbers, unity explodes like night
afire with flames, like a deliverance
about to split apart Intolerance,
the racist's bark, and the vile bigot's bite.
It is right; and takes the appearance of
strong, marching Youth that reform the old view,
and shine a vision of a world suffused with love,
grace, justice, and rightness in hearts anew:
our tribes can live in peace and soar above
as One, when our colors become one hue.
by Mark Escobar |
faith, inspirational, places, christmas, christmas,
So colorful and festive
that Christmas brings to us;
preparations abound elsewhere –
with gifts, kind thoughts and generosity.
Young and old alike share
what Christmas means to them.
A celebration of faith, an act of life
shown with love and loyalty to God.
Mammoth crowds emerge on the horizons
shoppers found in malls, post offices
and other retail stores.
Like a magic, they meet in different places.
It’s a season suffused with life
pregnant with meaning
and significance.
Like a magic that draws us to reflect
Christmas means for all ages.
by Unseeking Seeker |
life, spiritual,
Earth life teaches us to create
Manifesting our heart’s desire
Ego spawned urges agitate
Plunging soul in consequence dire
Let’s act not at ego’s behest
Earth life teaches us to create
We may choose either trough or crest
Best to side-step lower mind’s bait
Flow dear soul, at an easy gait
We each must walk the path alone
Earth life teaches us to create
Receiving grace, as of seeds sown
Detached heart purrs in contentment
Bliss suffused in stillness sedate
Our soul glows in God’s love current
Earth life teaches us to create
by Unseeking Seeker |
life, love,
Life is a splash in the ocean,
suffused by love’s magic potion,
wherein, fully immersed in trance,
joy and pain in rotation dance,
an enactment for heart’s delight,
until bestowed spherical sight,
whereupon we dwell in the void,
no longer by lower mind toyed,
recognising we’re boundless soul,
merely playing our earth life role,
being by God, so gently breathed,
here now reborn, ego deceased,
feeling with joy, heart lotus bloom,
no sooner we give love some room.
Life is poetry contest
Sponsor: Nayda Ivette Negron Flores
by Unseeking Seeker |
change, divorce, freedom, goodbye,
Dweller of the void
How should we react,
when love itself’s hacked?
Why’d we trauma bond,
with frog in a pond?
Love that was is gone,
so smile and move on,
for although we care,
it takes two to pair.
Our preferred journey
is sedentary,
free from narrow strife,
joy suffused, bliss rife.
Free from egoic muck,
we wish all good luck,
imbibing God’s grace,
at an easy pace.
by Unseeking Seeker |
conflict, fate, love,
All conflicts must be healed by love alone,
was the message of the wisdom download
and so taking these as words etched in stone,
our bliss suffused heart sang to God an ode.
Leading by example, masters have shown
that all being one, love alone’s real
and in time will blossom seeds we have sown,
pervading space with its boundless appeal.
How then should we deal with unconscious minds,
when it’s not possible to walk away
and a call to arms as of karma binds
estranged hearts who their assigned roles so play?
One actor will live, the other will die.
We are simply left with the question: why?
by Unseeking Seeker |
muse, spiritual,
The rot has sunk in deep ~
tragic is our stupor,
trauma bonding with pain,
enslaved by dark desires,
cleansing not, our soul’s stain.
The rot has sunk in deep ~
we know not who we are,
yet seek not truth of life,
adrift thus rudderless,
engaged in needless strife.
The rot has sunk in deep ~
we’re in inner conflict,
head and heart misaligned,
deaf to voice of conscience,
soul’s to darkness consigned.
The rot has sunk in deep ~
scarred is heart’s innocence,
love suffused as a child,
now soiled by our ego,
plunged into tempests wild.
by Unseeking Seeker |
joy, silence, spiritual,
Stillness unbroken, love suffused
Vibrant bliss in fullness
No longer by ego bemused
We’re one with That oneness
Aversion and desire
Burnt in funeral pyre
Bliss aglow, heart afire
Clear truth bespoken
Stillness unbroken
''U'' Contest, New Poems Only Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Constance La France
by Unseeking Seeker |
fear, spiritual,
Extinguish fear and heart’s desire
Dwell in the vibrant void
God-connect is what we aspire
Bliss suffused, overjoyed
Awareness thought rested
Each pulse love attested
The way ego’s bested
Hold steady dear
Extinguish fear
by Unseeking Seeker |
We each walk alone
till fears are begone,
whence becoming still,
voids within then fill.
There’s nothing outside,
love and light’s inside,
forever aglow,
in staid heart mellow.
Resting lower mind,
we escape fear’s bind
and then bliss suffused,
desires are defused.
Soul transcendental
is nonjudgmental,
shining in God’s light,
by day and by night.
Divine entwined soul
playing its life role,
thus becomes the flame,
that’s assigned no name.
by Jay Herman |
The Queen
The hushed funereal tones
of a kingdom without heir
belies its peace and prosperity
a dull gnawing ache in the
belly of a nation who hungers
for the soothe of succession
while their queen yearns for
a hero like the one that
yet lives on in her lonely grief
til a blind oracle’s counsel
to seek a frog whom to love
pierces her piteous daze
and as she recalls that the true
valor of he who was her king
was the good he sought in all
she is warmly suffused
with rediscovered hope
and her people rejoice.
by Unseeking Seeker |
god, love,
Here now alive, with love we jive
Bubbling, joyous heart expansive
Our soul thrives within God’s bliss hive
The more love grows, the more we give
In time mists clear, veils drop away
Our form’s suffused by a bliss squall
To rhythm divine, gently sway
Recognising God in-dwells all
by Gary Smith |
dream, heartbreak, loss, love,
We walked through fields of lavender
Hand in hand we went,
How golden was the sunlight
The air, suffused with scent.
We talked, we laughed, we cried
I felt your tender kiss,
Elation coursed through my veins
I lost myself to bliss.
I took you in my arms
Such loving words we spoke,
I cursed the fragility of dreams
I wished I'd never woke.
Entry for
In the fragility of dreams Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Silent One.
by Unseeking Seeker |
“Is each breath devoid of ego residuum?
Does love colour our aliveness continuum?”
is poignant,
in pregnant pause,
seeking our embrace,
suffused in tenderness,
infused with childlike wonder,
to fill the void with love and light.
Oh hermit! Let our glance be gentle,
that the recipient bursts forth in dance!
Moment to moment, all moments entwined,
are marked by intent of consciousness.
Thus mindful of each vibe we feel,
outpouring, one and all heals,
with love and compassion.
Oh hermit! Live thus,
free and unbound
at all times,