by Poet Destroyer A |
beach, passion, romance,
Spicy experiment!
Victoria secret bra
Love, toy with hidden pleasure
sweet surrender to my taste
grenade ecstasy.
Spicy taboo!
Sticky forbidden kisses
buffalo breath down my neck
leak like a water faucet
time to get a fix.
by Andrea Dietrich |
food, love,
Bowled over, kneading you, feeling sub-lime
from my head tomatoes. Hear my heart beet!
Eggcited, wonton you olive the thyme.
Donut you carrot all for me at yeast?
You’re one in a melon, sweet sugar pie,
forbidden fruit I find so appeeling.
Cherry on the cake, apple of my eye.
Has there bean love? Don’t berry the feeling.
It’s a big dill and takes two to mango.
I’d sacri-rice all because you compleat me.
You oat to love me. Peas, love miso!
Just food for thought. Chew that fat with your tea.
I have so mushroom in my heart for you.
A pizza your heart? Say yes, honey - DEW!
Dec. 28, 2017 for Viv Wigley's Food Fight Poetry Contest
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
children, summer, , cute,
The meadow is full of Strawberries
Large juicy delicious strawberries
Take a straw and thread them on
They smell like warm summer
Pick as many as you want
Cute lipstick of strawberries
I love your beautiful smile
When you get back home
Sprinkle a little sugar on
A-L Andresen :) *- A picture of a sweet girl enjoying summer strawberry :)
by Emile Pinet |
emotions, feelings, happiness, love,
With the chivalry of youth,
your love shields my heart from harm.
And restores my faith in truth
with its innocence and charm.
You excite my heart in ways
that inspire passion to start.
And flames flare into a blaze;
as caresses touch my heart.
Your sweet honey-dipped kisses
taste like sugar on my lips.
And a rainbow of wishes
harbors fantasy dream ships.
Happiness, guided by love,
found its way into my heart.
And lifted me high above;
the doubts tearing it apart.
Knowing you'll always be there;
comforts both body and soul.
And the closeness our hearts share
allows two halves to feel whole.
by Stanley Harris |
blessing, food, funny love, memory, peace, war,
>I do love food.
When I was young, food was rationed.
So much of this, or that, you were allowed.
Each person had a ration book for adults and a child.
So much butter so much sugar, a few ounces of meat.
If you grew your own produce, fresh veg was a treat.
And what was put on the table, you did love to eat.
Many years have passed, and food is not rationed anymore.
The choice on the supermarket shelf, tells there is no sign of war.
Now we are leaving the EU, what will the supermarkets do?
Will the shelves be empty and bare?
Or will more British produce be for sale there.
I do love food, so hope it’s there.
British, nice with a price that’s fair.<
by Paula Goldsmith |
cool, fun, love, summer, sweet, uplifting, words,
Dish held my sugar cone
Ice cream of plump strawberries they were not alone
Sunny afternoon this was sweet when I was young
Hushed my talking tongue.
Date Written: 6/19/2022
1 Place
Note: Acrostic Rhyme
Ice Cream Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Julia Ward
by Andrea Dietrich |
christmas, romance,
has eyes
as warm as
by a
cozy fire.
A candy cane
smile draws me
to him.
is a
treat to taste
lips so
Written Dec. 19, 2015 for Kim Merryman's A Christmas Waltz Wave Poetry Contest
by Matthew Horstkotter |
salt says hi to the sugar
Who’s in love with the pepper
Who’s the one who left the mustard
Who misses the ketchup
Whose kicks come from the hot sauce
Who truly loves the salt
by Shaz Cheesman |
A soul mate is not perfection of shallow attractions
But a love that many read about so unique and rare
Realness that is deep and sincere - a lasting bond
One not sugar coated or glowing with bright light
What a priviledge to know - it would be so profound
To share harmony, such balance - ying and yang
Fitting like a glove with fingers out stretched
Neither held back together encouraged to grow
It's like pen and paper and mind connecting words
Creating a union of mind, body and soul
by Madison Caldwell |
adventure, angel, art, beautiful, beauty, childhood, christian, christmas, dream, fantasy, freedom, happiness, happy, imagination, life, love, miracle, snow, winter,
Snow sprinkles the ground
as delicate as sugar
crystallizing the exterior with a romantic heritage
only found in the heart of a child's imagination.
Like happiness it can melt in your hands,
and like happiness it can grow bitter like the ice you slip on
Forming miraculously to the curves of the earth
hugging till the land soaks in it's providence
white like the pages I battle with
Falling so passionately you'd think it was falling in love with the ground
And when it lands,
A blanket of perfection
glistening the season to a crisp
gently the sun arises
"there's no where to go today,
I'm just going to sit and enjoy the magic."
by Joseph May |
dream, spring, star,
She was the star in his velvet night
The steady beat of love's drums
How distant is that gleaming light
Too far for love, tomorrow never comes
She was the bloom that welcomed spring
When the winter cold succumbs
A fragrant rose with love to bring
Would it be there when summer comes
He found her there within his dreams
With kisses sweet as sugar plums
Lost again in an elusive scheme
Would she be there when dawn comes
Too far a dream for him to reach
Too sad the song of dawn becomes
Melodies with lessons to teach
But the lyrics say, tomorrow never comes.
Tomorrow - Contest
Sponsor: Edward Ibeh
by Amanda Mawu |
break up, love,
We said our goodbyes steps away from the Mississippi River
a relationship reminding me something like the water, deep, not very clean but beautiful nether the less
The sun was setting and the guitarist nearby seronaded the vodka tequila whisky concoction in his flask.
I grasped my mans hand as if I was falling from a cliff. Because I was...
He said the things that would break the heart of any other girl who was dangerously in love.
But the air that night was so sweet that his words tasted like it.
The sugar coated break up dialogue disguised our departure as just another warm, luscious night by the Mississippi River.
by Constance La France |
muse, nature,
I went to my dreamy dream to find my poetic muse,
and he appeared in the form of a glittering hummingbird;
with brilliant iridescent metallic green plumage and,
he sang me a love song warbling with sugar nectar dripping;
and he beat his tiny wings and hovering kissed my lips.
April 19, 2019
Poetry/Verse/Hummingbird Muse
Copyright Protected, ID 19-1135-984-02
All Rights Reserved. Written under Pseudonym.
Submitted to the April 2019, Premiere 7, Contest
sponsor, Brian Strand
First Place
by Carma Sanderson |
adventure, passion, romance,
You pour sugar,
I'll mix the spice;
So hot n' snazzy!
You bump and
I'll grind undercover,
So deep n' wild cherry
Not even whips; nor
Chains can break the
Faster; faster don't
Loose the tricks baby,
Drive it in high voltage
For you are my conductor
Of this sugar n' spice love,
Train chew choo!!!
Keep it comin, the heat
Rises as you pull out:
Cause we're the team that
knocks it out of the ball
Park together like: SUGAR N'
SPICE!!!! Tap... Tap...
by Tom Zart |
Where would we be without sex
Like coffee minus the sugar and cream.
As Adam was before he knew Eve,
With no purpose to dream and scheme.
No reason for fathers and mothers,
No reason to buy flowers and candy.
No reason for diamonds and jewels;
Viagra, wine, liquor or brandy.
No reason to purchase a sports car,
A fine house, muscle shirts or a new dress.
Basically, a cake without icing,
So thank God and pray for more not less.
by Troy Gamble |
Love is a sugar cookie,
Sweet and delightful
Love is a pillow,
Soft and fuzzy
Love is the internet,
It never ends
Love is a tree,
It keeps growing
Love is a knife,
It can tear you apart
Love is a drug,
It can be addictive
Love is…… Life
by Ralph Sergi |
The flower’s crimson cerise hue
creates the petal’s grand debut
of love and memories to recall
my florid sanquine gift of all
Alzea breath with foxglove tones
embellish with an azure clone
herbaceous with a petal white
where insects set and birds alight
Bright butterflies on zephr breeze
sip nectar from Sakura trees
I watch them dance from break of dawn
on flowers where their wings adorn
You sent me a bouquet of love
drifting down from heaven above
candy kisses sweet as fructose
on bended knee you now propose
* A collaborative poem with Jan Allison
by Jay Del Fierro |
girlfriend-boyfriend, imagination, love, roses are red,
If roses are red,if violets are blue
then why can't I touch the colors of you
If sugar is sweet,as your love is true
then why can't I taste your nectar of dew
If time means patience,good things who wait
then why do I feel as an anxious state
If the moon is silver,if the sun is gold
then somewhere inbetween,you I should hold
If the sky is blue,as the sea is too
then also as I,feelin' blue without you......
by Line Gauthier |
appreciation, candy, green, love, sweet,
one two three
my all time favorite
fancy and bright
pretty to look at
delish on my tongue
sprinklings of sugar
squishy between my teeth
yummy on my lips
spearmint delights
refreshing jujubes
perfect molded leaves
three two one
~ sweet nostalgia
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Posted on November 3, 2018
by Elaine Perrin |
abuse, love,
Douse me in sugar coated lies
Bind me with possessive ties
caress me with that bitter torment
I know your heart is sitting dormant
Kiss me with those poisonous lips
Embrace me with your lethal grip
Compel my mind to now concave
As you Love me deeply to the grave
by Emily Kroeger |
lost love, love
Boy...... Don't come beggin for me!
You were sweeter than any sugar.
But you turnd bittter
And I'm throwing the old sugar out.
I hate to, but the good stuff went bad.
I still love sugar, just not the moldy kind.
I hope you fill the next bowl, with all the sugar that you have!
by Michael J. Falotico |
love, passion,
Kisses like candy
One leads to anoher one
A sweet sugar rush
Tasting with my hands
Breathing in all swallowed
An appetite I touched
by Paige Hind |
blue, childhood, innocence, love, memory, nature, rain,
Sky walks on childhood white cloud dreams—
Wind's gist, my puffy pillows, undo; stunned
With tastes of sugar rain in coffee mug—
Dropped out of the air, I break in streams
That trickle down her nose; withdrawn in
A memory walking home from play,
The sunset a strange blue fade that day,
Songbirds fleeing norther; she's hushed them
With the sky's rivers of crime,
A girlhood doll robbed by rainfall's stealth—
The eternal crack in me herself—
To weather out, when by time.
by Jolanta Gradowicz |
I brewed a cup of strong tea,
Using hot, crystal clear water.
I hope I made it very tasty,
And you’ll appreciate its power.
I put it on a little table
Covered with a lacy napkin.
I like this aromatic and herbal
Odor penetrating your skin.
We sit opposite one another,
I look into your eyes furtively,
Watching you add a bit of sugar.
You say something to me, I agree…
Your lips touch the brim of the cup gently,
I wish they wanted to warm mine up,
And I desire wholeheartedly
That you soon ask for another cup…
by Brian Strand |
childhood, nostalgia,
Nose pressed flat upto the glass,
Pockets tinkling full of brass;
Oblong jars,row on row
Candy -filled,to over flow.
Mintoes,chews and Pontefract cakes,
Limes and milk chocolate flakes;
Jelly beans and sweet love-hearts,
A few of each ,just to start.
Toffee whirls and butterscotch,
Long liquorice laces,all top-notch;
Aniseed balls,French bonbons,
Available now without coupons.
Sugared almonds and white mice,
Vanilla fudge,a penny a slice!
Just for starters a chocolate ice,
As it's going at half-price.
Barley sugar and a sherbert straw,
The shop bell tinkles as I close the door;
Is that the time! I'll have to skate,
Back into school,I can't be late.