by David Smalling |
Central Village, ah bitter-sweet your love
The golden sunset above
The black smoke of sugarcane burning
And the boy on Twickenham's mead yearning
Sometimes again like flocks of birds in flight
Across the evening sky
Memory comes winging at the edge of night
And old men only sigh
For all life treasures seem in the past, gone
And every new dawn
Is empty, but of the world's weariness. My pearl,
My diamond in the rough was she
The troubled, bright eye, beautiful girl
I did not know joy she brought to me
Despite your violent lanes, broken fences
You showed me life without gilt and pretenses
by L'Nass Shango |
Jew, jew, can you hear the rain
The swallows have come home
There is a flood in the sugarcane
And he wonders where you roam
Jew, jew can you hear the rain
The mangoes fall from every tree
Children are dancing in the lane
And he keeps vigil and memory
Jew, jew can you hear the rain
The sun is gone, now gone for good
He smiles a lot, but laugh is vain
Hate is sweet, but love is good, is good.
by Vasudevan Desikachari |
valentines day,
Rose and jasmine may loose their
charm and enchanting fragrance
Honey may taste sour and bitter
Even season's sugarcane may
go dry and juiceless
But oh, my sweetheart
I know you 'll remain
my love of charm and virtues
And of unfathomable affection
A true gift to me for life
From St.Valentine!
by Ugwu Cornelius Chidera |
lost love
I have walked
through this road.
Yes, it was very
I walked with my
I both angry sun and
cat-rat rain.
That same road
without any pain.
On the road she
hugged and kissed.
She protected me
from hissed.
I steadily received
no unhappiness.
Arm to arm to
people's hardness.
That same road was
filled with likeness.
But on a certain
day,I earned love
The wearing and
weeping on this road
I picked.
My companion
announced our
not of wish but to
friend's appreciation.
That same road I
wept for our
by Anoucheka Gangabissoon |
love, sweet, sweet,
As I sit and watch the rain
Through the clear window pane
I can feel the music
Of the water running down the drain
Ecstatic I become down memory lane
You, so charming, so rustic
So funny and so smart
Strangers we are, strangely
Still, you inspire me
My whole being tingles and giggles
What are those feelings for?
Shall I go to the secret fountain
And let the hearty fairy
Know of my sweet pain
Which is just like a sweet tooth
Aching for a bite of sugarcane?
Where are thou?
For whom does thou heart beat?
My verses are here,
Eternal, in this temporal world.
by Pummy Sharma |
lost love, love, universe,
They say,
If character is lost
Everything is lost,
But what happens;
When somebody’s love is lost.
No one dares to comment,
No one will ever forecast,
Because definition of love is very vast,
Love is beyond caste,
Love is beyond state,
Love is beyond time,
Love is beyond country,
Love is beyond alpha century,
Love is like dust,
Circulating in the universe.
Love is in lover’s eyes,
Love is in lover’s sight,
Love is lover’s presence,
Love is in lover’s fragrance.
Love doesn’t mean always to get,
Sometimes it also means to lose.
Love doesn’t stop with separation;
It becomes more and more established,
Like sugarcane turns sweet;
With the running wheel of time.