Love Poems About Suggested or Suggested Love Poems
by Geoffrey Brewer |
Categories: life, nature,

Sonnet For Winds of Change


Cross cirrus sky swift brush strokes paint mares' tails
Tree tops are in restless susurration,
While cumbrous clouds traverse in vapour trails
Mead grass is fanned in wild undulation

Lake face whipped to agitated motion
Plumes roughed, wildfowl voyage with discretion
Gulls in-land tell of wild storms on ocean
All braced to face nature's bare aggression

When young I chose such rugged  medium
Deplored the concept then of perfect peace
Such state suggested endless tedium
Hazard  preferred to slow drawn out release 

While I now sometimes seek respite from strife
I yet love winds that change, give breath to life

by Michael Jordan |
Categories: life, wifewords, heart, heart, me,

Crystal Dove

I rode upon a crystal dove
Straight into the arms of love
Offered up my heart and soul
Every man should have a goal

I have found honor in my life
I respect and adore my wife
For her these words are true
I am the thing’s I say and do

To open the lock turn the key
Take a look up inside of me
For I have nothing left to hide
Love has helped me find pride

As for my life these words are true
I’m proud my heart belongs to you

Brian suggested I should try a
Free Form Sonnet - Written for
my wife Antoinette - Her love
transformed me into the man
I am today - I'm very proud
and very lucky to hold her heart

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: humorous, image,

Leo the Lion

I'm Leo the Lion, I am, I am From the mystical world of the Astrology I'm generous, strong and warmhearted That's if you believe in symbology Not making this up, check it out Masculine, positive and extroverted If I listen too carefully, my head will swell Which should definitely be averted My wife suggested widening the doorways Or I might severely injure my brain Methinks my honey's being a bit facetious But I love her a bunch just the same I'm Leo the Lion, I am, I am Just a fun loving guy who enjoys life They also say I'm very broad-minded Love broads but don't tell my wife! © Jack Ellison 2014

by Cindi Rockwell |
Categories: crazy, funny, humorous,

To a Voice In My Head

I don't know who you really are, but I love the things you mutter!
Like, "Eat more chocolate! Fat is in! That biscuit needs more butter!"

You said the limit is "Suggested speed. Just hit the pedal harder."
You tell me to just let one rip then accuse another farter!

I almost passed on expensive shoes that looked and fit just great,
Because my account was overdrawn! Thank God you set me straight!

And as I sit here penning this, I love you more than ever.
You were right, I feel so good, having killed my boyfriend Trevor!

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: appreciation, love,

Under the Parasol

Summer blazed high as the sun reached its peak.
Her rosy red cheeks were truly unique.

I fell in step as we reached the beach
She changed in a bikini, I was bereft of speech.

I suggested a powerful sun lotion to screen the rays.
She could be sore for days and days.

How enchanting to see her frolic among the waves!
Or swim powerfully towards the dark caves.

We kissed ardently, no one could see.
How elated I felt and how free.

Back at the beach we dressed and walked in the shade
Under the parasol for all to see, our promises were made.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: funny,

Leo the Lion

I'm Leo the Lion, I am, I am From the mystical world of the Astrology I'm generous, strong and warmhearted That's if you believe in symbology Not making this up, check it out Masculine, positive and extroverted If I listen too carefully, my head will swell Which should definitely be averted My wife suggested widening the doorways Or I might severely injure my brain Methinks my honey's being a bit facetious But I love her a bunch just the same I'm Leo the Lion, I am, I am Just a fun loving guy who enjoys life They also say I'm very broad-minded Love broads but don't tell my wife!

by Marty Owens |
Categories: food, nature

Pallet Delight Packed In Vinegar

Wrote this because my wife and I both love dill pickles and eat one before bedtime most 
every night.


Cucumber on vine,
Pack them, process them, spice them
Birth of a pickle.

Here's another version that I like also.  Second line was suggested to me by Tim Ryerson so 
thank you Tim:

Cucumber on vine,
Plucked and peeled, sliced up and dilled...
Birth of a pickle.

Free Verse: 

Cucumber patiently growing on vine
Plucked, processed with Mother Nature's abundant spices.
Viola, birth of a dill pickle, Heaven!

by Courtney Hubbert |
Categories: baby, birth, body, life, miracle, truth, women,

Principium Vitae

A labor of love Frequent contractions Bloody show appears Belly and back pain Her water breaks now The baby drops Loosened-up joints Cervix dilates Cramps are intense Nauseous mom Start the drugs Feeling great Bear down Push out Birth May 18, 2022 **Side note: John Gondolf read my first Diminished Hexaverse poem about the end of life (Finis Vitae) and suggested that I write one about the beginning of life. Thank you for the wonderful tip John. I'm always up for an intriguing challenge.

by Wilma Neels |
Categories: hope, lost love,

'i Found a Smile'

I didn't think of you today, I must be getting better I didn't listen to "our song" today I found one with a better meaning I am not forgetting you just finding a place where I can breathe just like you suggested remember you said, smile for me forget the tears it will make you feel less guilty? that is exactly what I did I found a smile if only for a while I guess it’s better than nothing

by Robert Pettit |
Categories: anniversary, love,


We have had both gladness and tears along the way. I was so happy that you decided to stay. I want this to be the best night for you and me. This was a great idea for our anniversary. You are the epitome of beauty, style and grace. I’m so glad that you suggested this place. I’m in the mood for dancing. Do you want to give it a go? I want the band to play something nice and mellow. How about a sweet melody both you and I know. I will ask the boys if they can play “Moonglow”.

by Sneha Agarwal |
Categories: dedication, motherhalloween, halloween,

Halloween of Ideal Beauty!

It’s a new modern technical generation
Still Mother love doesn’t need a reason

I desire to give a dedication as present
Celebrate with Halloween as an accent 

Went with this thought to buy an outfit
Fairies and Queens shown as best pick

Suggested by friends to have eminent
But feeling of soul is not just an element

Struck with an idea to proceed ahead
Prepare a Halloween of natural thread

Traditional crimson red draped – Saree
Ornament of natural flowers lined by Zari 

Ardor day for the selfless care of Mother
Shelter to millions the whole world rather

Perfect Halloween of no tales or fantasies
Natural decor of unmentioned classics!

by Thomas Harrison |
Categories: baby,

It Is Like a Christmas Present For the Whole Family

‘It’s like a Christmas present for the whole family!’

My nephew is ecstatic about the impending birth of his new brother or sister. The baby is due in the middle of December and he, being only five and still full of wide eyed wonder at the world, sees this new member of our family as something beyond just exciting and special, but heavenly and scared, almost Godly given their arrival being near the birth of Christ. Through a knowing grin, he asked if the baby will be born in a manager. With a winning giggle, he suggested he get a cow for Christmas rather than the gerbil he wrote to Santa for.

Swaddled, warm new life,
Cradled in a mother’s arm,
A gift wrapped in love.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: fun,

Leo the Lion

I'm Leo the Lion, I am, I am From the mystical world of the Astrology I'm generous, strong and warmhearted That's if you believe in symbology Not making this up, check it out Masculine, positive and extroverted If I listen too carefully, my head will swell Which should definitely be averted My wife suggested widening the doorways Or I might severely injure my brain Methinks my honey's being a bit facetious But I love her a bunch just the same I'm Leo the Lion, I am, I am Just a fun-loving guy who enjoys my life They also say I'm very broad-minded Love broads but don't tell my wife!

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, friendship, imagery, metaphor,


heat in the heart
against adversity
in life...
Friendship, a full trip
of happiness...
a composed song
of flawless notes and chords,
a melody of love... !
friends are stars
out of heaven they are
always looking out for us...!

  Os suggested song
amitie les enfoires

by Warren Doll |
Categories: cat, feelings, friendship, i love you,


Ever since you appeared on my front porch, you became my feline friend.
We have taken care of each other for the past seventeen years.

You have become ill.
Your regular vet says there is nothing more she can do for you.
She suggested a specialist for an ultrasound and possible surgery.
There is no guarantee of a cure.
At your age, I don’t think it’s fair to put you through this.

As you currently have no pain and are acting like yourself.
I will keep watching for any sign of distress.

I love you but, I think in a while, I will have to let you peacefully pass.
Buster, I will miss you always.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, travel,

Lets Go See Corny Boy

Let’s go to Mitchell she suggested to me.
I rolled my eyes; we had just had tea.
I know what you’re after, you’re not fooling me.
She is in love with Happy Corn, I could plainly see.

He is adorable! She told me. And always full of joy.
He is a great dancer, an all-American boy!
I could see through her plan; I knew her ploy.
She wanted to go see her crush, her corny boy toy.

We went to Mitchell and he was there of course.
Next to him was a farmer, a cart, two pails and a horse.
Why don’t you come home with me? My friend suggested.
I rolled my eyes. He is inanimate I told her again, my patience tested.

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, metaphor, rain, romantic love, sad love,

Raining In My Heart

It rains a lot, a lot outside
                  in my soul it rains inside
                  and my poor heart does not fly
                  in the face of  such torment, sighs....

PS suggested song

   RAINING in my HEART   
 Buddy holy

by Joe Flach |
Categories: life, political,

Digesting Hypocrisy

His flock was really but a few
When incarnated as a man like me and you
But he had faith in his Father up above
As he taught us to defeat our enemies with love

He suggested we turn the other cheek
And reap the reward from the strength of being meek
There are many who say they’ve heard his word
Yet clamor to arm themselves with weapons – how absurd

Seems they relish amendments written by mortal men
More than the commandments he died trying to defend
So please, stop trying to convince me
I have trouble digesting hypocrisy

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: daughter, grandchild, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother,

Remind You of Anybody

Stella Lou was outside a long time
What is she doing out there? Her grandpa asked. 
Why don’t you peek out? Suggested grandma.
Stella Lou was in a long conversation with their pony.
Charleston, their pony, looked enthralled.
He was in love with her like he had been with her mother.
Remind you of anybody? Grandma asked him.
He nodded, too overcome to speak.
Their daughter had been missing for a year now.

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, lost love, metaphor, sad love,

We Do Not Belong To Each Other Anymore

the final certificate
that I don't love you anymore,
was decreed in court...
The confirmation that
we don't belong anymore
each other is on paper
of the justice of the peace...
Did you realize you were
vital to me and why?
because you were the light
that made my heart
shine... !         



by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: humorous,

She Is a Martha Stewart

Our hostess had creamed cheese in pea pods.
I loved it!
And jalapeno jelly in wonton wraps.
I love jalapeno. 
I made a pig of myself.
Snorting and chomping.
Squealing with hog gusto.
She brought out strawberry turkey salads.
She’s like Martha Stewart, my friend suggested.
Except she has probably never been in jail, I replied.
Jealous of both of them.

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, imagery, love, memory, metaphor,

Souvenir of An Immense Love

For an immense
            lived love,
            there is no distance
            to erase the
             That sleeps in
              every smell,
              in every color,
              in every random song...
               is the memory of
               longing... !

     Suggested song LOCOS DE AMOR
     sung BY JUAN EDUARDO IN spanish

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, analogy, appreciation, extended metaphor, love, pain,


My love for her never ceased ... so this suffering pain was never healed ...! 

 PS suggested song  Dayse BY Christophe

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: humorous,

No Cost To You

let’s try it this way, the wife suggested.
It was all wrong, though, and they both knew it
They had fallen in love with the art because the boy was upside down.

The man who framed it had not paid attention.
He had put the hanging wire on the bottom.
The only way to hang the art was upside down.

They ran it back and showed him his mistake.
With no apology, he said “no cost to you”
It was the last framing job they gave him.

by Earl Schumacker |
Categories: fantasy, political,

A Biden Trump Love Story

The man with launchpad hair glides by

Glowing orange in the mountain view

A red balloon bobbles by his side

The other man holds his diaper high

Blows bubbles and waves a magic wand

Hand in hand both men dance in circles

Skip right off the cliff together

Or is it to the left of heaven

As the media suggested

They kiss the world good-bye

Off to see the wizard and Jesus in the sky

And as many other constituents who can fly