by Quoth Theraven |
absence, goodbye, house, perspective, sad,
Get out you feral ghost, never come back..
quit haunting I pray, depart my poor mind.
Faultless in features, vain visage you lack,
eyes lost to yesterday, while mine so blind.
Wandering my dream's rooms, just as before,
not persuaded to move on to new light.
Sway like swishing brooms, peering out soul's door..
knowing faithless fears before yours took flight.
Unsettled love affairs widened the rift,
once welcome heart never cared to explain.
No longer vex or taunt my sullied gift,
neither guiltless nor condemned to remain.
Train your last tears toward a howling wind,
'way from tattletale heart longing an end.
by John Lawless |
lost love, sorrow,
Love’s Sullied Rose
He emptied the trash and his heart
the detritus of loving’s pain,
vain attempt to erase the start,
He emptied the trash and his heart
of sullied sweetness turned to tart
of loving's roses gone to stain.
He emptied the trash and his heart
the detritus of loving's pain.
for the Zeugma - Poetry Contest
by Shahidul Islam |
bangla, emotions, eve, faith, feelings, sin, truth,
Emotions did not give the reason ,
Unfortunately not.
There are no borders to seek ,
not given ever .
Who , when my ego ,
You 've melted .
What is there to express it?
Oh shame ..
We sullied body ,
Who does not mind .
do love, did love , will love,
However lovefull life ..
by Gerald Kithinji |
She hurried on slowly
Behind my footsteps
Now smiling
Now anxious
She hurried on
Into the dark tunnel
I sensed her presence
Her charm, pervading
I steeled myself, longing
Sensing her beauty
I trudged on
Defying the senses
My memory
Clogged thus with defiance
My weary feet
Tethered to my race
My thought- sullied
I tripped and fell
She, beside me, whispered
‘I’m sorry about that, pretty face!’
‘I love you,’ I blubbered.
‘Welcome to my lips.’
That innocence
That was my virtue
Now seemed incongruous
That flicker sent ripples
Of jollity, soothing:
The magic of chance kisses!
by Seren Roberts |
through vibrant trees bursting with rich pink blooms
gently falling on the burning aura of the young loves,
with sweating hands which gleam as they held hands......they
walked slowly back, with mindful steps indented in the go!den sand.
green stains off the grass sullied her dress,
not caring the girl smiled in bliss,
red swollen lips after their romantic interlude
where his fine hint of a beard had rubbed, whilst they kissed
his eyes twinkling blue with merriment which matched the sky,
the burning sun, with it's psychedelic hue looked on.
penned 8 June 2016
by Emile Pinet |
angst, betrayal, emotions, feelings, hurt, jealousy, love hurts,
Betrayal festers inside,
allowing fear to take wing.
And putting all else aside;
deceit is an ugly thing.
Showing his malicious side,
he gathered insults to sling.
And his lies intensified;
when his sullied words didn't cling.
Tending to his injured pride,
he looked for more dirt to fling.
And adrift without a guide;
your heart forgot how to sing.
Angry tears have slowly dried
since you gave him back his ring.
Devastated that he'd lied;
you disposed of everything.
by James Peranteau |
The sopranos each morning
wake the me
and at night they lull me into
mine slumber
In the days of spring though
they pilfer my seeds
and thank me with their sullied
All in all though
I have soap and bucket
and they have the prettiest
which I thank God to
set eyes on
I love those
soil loving
by John Michaels |
emotions, feelings, first love, lost love, love, love hurts,
love note
sullied mood;
roused feelings thought
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
(C) 3-Jun-17
by Evan Blache |
deep, emotions, mystery,
Grey skies
Dark tones
Enclosed by cold
Dark soil
Dulling peat
Around your feet.
Wand’ring eyes
Raised heads
Heavy hearts of lead.
Sullied Gold
Sullied Hearts
Seeking Sapphire Love
Sapphire, Love.
Downcast, love.
Surging into an array of emotions:
Violet feelings
White Emotions
Beige Thoughts
Hazel feelings
Resilient, yet filled with loneliness
Fading light
Diming Tones
Barren Void
by Teclar Litabula |
appreciation, betrayal, black love, heart, heartbroken, sad love,
My love was too pure to be sullied by your lips
My love was too raw to be tainted by your touch
My love was too sacred to be defiled by your hands
My love was too musical to be howled back in my face
My love was too fragrant to be ill-scented by your words
My love was too delicate to be blemished by your ego
My love was too free to be caged in by your insecurities
My love was too infinite to be fathomed by your mind
My love was too unselfishly unconditional
My love so profound you could never comprehend
Except now its too late, My love
My love is no more
by John Lawless |
love, spring,
How would I define this thing – this love
this aching for the warmth of summer’s sun
nameless buds wriggling in the softened earth
giggling at the thought of sunlight’s bees.
For what is sane but love’s insanity
it’s urge to find fulfillment in its need
satisfaction in the bees unloving love
satiation shadow dancing with the sun
Oh, Love, how could you be so pure – and yet
so sullied by the dust of shortened days
leave me but withered petal memory
hanging on the edges of your chill
Oh Love how could you fail my need for you
to satisfy my need for being me
Spring Is In The Air Poetry Contest
Emile Pinet - sponsor
by Chris Peers |
age, dark, desire, first love, innocence, symbolism,
Keep forever magenta memories,
chased in fields of old mud, barefooted,
allow disgrace and stigma to reveal,
fading amber secrets,
of indelicate curiosity,
scarlet laughter invited burgeoning confidence,
callow and covetous intrigue dissatisfied,
Mother Mary's flower bud sinned against,
when carnal instincts overwhelmed,
aching wounds of then still burnish,
but clemency is forever void of her embrace,
when the sullied clothed in midnight blue,
wept for fading Spanish guitars,
and thunder rumbled to the turquoise sea.
by Lizzy Kulcsar |
angst, child, conflict,
My pearl,
I loved so much.
A hole through the middle-
Stringed into a necklace-
Right on my chest.
Love was too small of a word to describe;
How I felt.
One day, it was stolen.
My pearl;
The one I held so dear,
Stolen by sullied hands.
Left alone, I felt it,
Part of me was missing;
Ruined by another.
My pearl was sullied.
Others laughed.
For it was just a pearl
But I knew it wasn't.