Love Poems About Sullivan or Sullivan Love Poems
by Jessica L. Sparks |
Categories: grief, i love you, missing you, mother daughter,

My Mom My Angel

I look up high and see a bright star,
That must be my angel  
Yes shes a star,
Mom I bet , its so beautiful living 
In a castle up in the sky,
My mommy is an angel ,
I wish I could see her fly,
when sum days are hard ,

And reality sets in ,
I breakdown and cry ,
then I see a sparkle and really 
my eye
Thats when it all made sense ,
I got comfort , from the bright star 
way up high
Thats my mommy , shes an angel , 
sitting on the sky
The brightest star,
I love u mom , and think of u no 
matter how far
U are ....
I can c u watching down on me , 
Where ever u are...

In loving memory of my mom 
Pamela Sullivan -Sheets

by Charles Hice |
Categories: history, imagination, life, love, mystery,

Helen Keller: the Miracle Continues

Helen Keller: The Miracle Continues was initially telecast as part of the 
syndicated Operation Prime Time package in 1984. ~ Hal Erickson As Annie 
Sullivan and Helen Keller, Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke could not have been 
better. The battle of wills and wits between the two is engrossing, becoming 
quite involved and very interesting. The lengthy dining room struggle alone would 
make any movie worth watching - it is worthwhile even beyond the interesting 
action itself, as it brings out aspects of human nature and human learning that 
go beyond even Helen's own trials.

by Amanda Sullivan |
Categories: fear, life,

Life's Challenges

I am Amanda sullivan

who needs peace and creativity,

who loves her son unconditionally,

who sees failure, but also positivity and gain,

who hates bullying, and deceitful relationships,

who fears a life alone, devoid of love and friendship,

who dreams of wealth, happiness, and a life by the sea.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: nostalgia,

When Did It All Start

Go go boots
Made for walking
Nancy Sinatra
60’s fodder
Rock’N Roll
The Blues
Diana Ross and the Supremes
Elvis and Ann Margaret
Ed Sullivan
The Beatles
Johnny Cash
The Grand Ole’ Opry
Polly Pure Bred
I Love Lucy
Leave it to Beaver
This may have been when all of this video stuff started.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: nostalgia,

My 1960's Acrostic

T	The Beatles and the Monkeys are here
H	Hippies are spreading free love and good cheer
E	Everyone recognizes the yellow happy face

S	Signing up for the draft is a must
I 	I am so relieved my man is not sent to Viet Nam
X	X-rated motorcycle movies are not rated yet
T	There is a long hair revolt for both sexes
I	It is anyone’s guess how corrupt this will make us
E	Everyone’s child seems to be pushing away
S	Serious TV watching is here to stay. Elvis, Bonanza, Ed Sullivan, UnderDog

by Myia Smith |
Categories: love,

Portrait of a Woman

Portrait of a Woman

She can love ya so deep

Give more of herself

Give you everything

Hold you down be

Be the back bone stone of soul

Portrait of a woman

Portrait of a woman

She a carrys herself with a pride

Love can love you but no itself

I cherish you

I love you

Portrait of woman

Inner beautiful like a rose

That grew from a concrete

Stands so strong

So I am looking for my woman

Woman I love you

Close to my heart than anything.

By Myia Sullivan


Join Excite! -
The most personalized portal on the Web!

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: nostalgia,

Rabbit Ears

Black and white television set
First one in the neighborhood

Rabbit ears adjusting the reception
Rotating dial to change channels

Kiddie cartoons and Roy Rogers
Weekly ritual of Saturday mornings

Much talked about Sunday nights
Ed Sullivan his prestigious guests

Staying up past our bedtime
Honeymooners and I Love Lucy

AP: 1st place 2022

Posted on March 9, 2020

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: change, community, growing up, technology, youth,

remembering in black and white

tv in the fifties altering weekend rituals
one set in the neighbourhood

streetboys sitting around the famous indian head
for their fill of saturday morning cartoons
sci-fi flash gordon and i love lucy
allowed to stay up on sunday nights
to watch the old ed sullivan show

always one appointed volunteer
to get up and change the channel or adjust the volume
another to finetune the rabbit ears
to fix reception and remedy the dreaded snow

AP: Honorable Mention 2024, Front Page Pick 2025

Posted on October 26, 2024

by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

In Person

James Horn

He will be here tomorrow at 1030 to check out my shower. 
4:03 PM (2 hours ago)

Patricia A Sullivan
6:10 PM (15 minutes ago)

to me 

He's a great guy tell him his Riversea Mom sends her love?   

Sent from my iPad

James Horn  
6:27 PM (0 minutes ago)

to Patricia 

Don't have his email address but will tell him in person.
I better start rehearsing.
