Love Poems About Summa or Summa Love Poems
by Steve Eng |
Categories: introspection, life, nostalgia, passion

Faithful In His Fashion (1867-1900)

Ernest Dowson was a singer of the saddest, tritest tune,
Of the fawning, futile love that poets blame upon the moon,
And his lyrics all were painted on the margin of the page,
So his water-colored lines were barely noticed by his Age.

Wine-and-roses, and Cynara, floating lonesome in the air
Of the foggy yellow Nineties, in a Soho restaurant where
An Italian fickle waitress cracked a poet’s dream, yet made
His exquisite, fragile verses, faintly flower, not to fade.

Non Sum Qualis eram Bonae Regno Cynarae & Vitae Summa Brevis

by Allan Terry |
Categories: dance, music,

Dat Aint Right: Gon Then

your song is a woman
and she
phat azz sh--!
foo reel
she sweet and tangy
witt sum love
to provide
hip as she wanna be!
grab my thang and steer yo
right in your face
and say
" I want summa dat!"
foo reel dough
dat's sum smooth sweet meat
got sum inches
to fill them spaces , captain
yo girl is
lower, neath dah menz!

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: happiness, imagery, memory, poetess,

The Poetess At Midnight


The enchantment of the jasmine’s flickering candle doth burn,
On the broad, antique desk, poems she created in quick turns.
While her mind with brightness, filled with equanimty did churn.

Recalling recognitions with joy over happy centuries she did learn.
Smiling over her ‘Summa Cum Laude’, so rightly, was her proud earn.  ‘
Her parents, schooling, churching with love, she had this night,discerned!

                                         ~POEM 1~