Love Poems About Superficial or Superficial Love Poems
by Warren Doll |
Categories: identity, meaningful, people, together,



Strip away the superficial.
Place political correctness aside.
Forgive hurts of the past.
Erase all tension and harsh feelings.
Seek thoughts of love and understanding.
This is what you’ll find.
I’m you. You’re me.
We are the same
In truth, there isn't a divide.

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: anger, break up, dark, hurt, lost love, psychological, sad,

Time Heals

When will that deafening silence stop
When will the gnawing craving disappear
And the pointless waiting stop

Is it a crime to have loved
Must I pay for having given freely
Must I be punished for having believed
Must I do time for having been so naïve

I was whole I felt great I thought I had it all
Then I met you
And that was the beginning of the end

Now I feel empty lost and in pain
If time heals it doesn’t heal fast enough
And all for a few precious superficial moments
For a short ride on the sea of illusion

AP: 1st place 2022

Submitted on April 30, 2018 for contest FREE VERSE ON LOVE (NEW POEM) sponsored by LAURA LOO  -  RANKED 3RD

by Jon B. Rangel |
Categories: lost love

The End

It was over ten years ago I fell in love,
doing so I cursed the deity up above.

Thinking I could control my universe and stay content,
not knowing that my relationship would descend.

What to do now that I am alone,
will I allow my heart to turn to stone?

From bliss to hell In a day,
would send my mind into dismay.

Ok so now I'm bipolar,
where to restart when there's lack of order.

This is the end and it's official,
I'll refuse to live my life superficial.

by Thabang Ngoma |
Categories: heart, love, romance,

Love's Dilemma

Can we love without touching,
Hugging or even kissing
Love without caressing,
Holding or even caring?

Can we love without the sexual,
The desires of the flesh, the corporeal
Love without physical attraction,
With no feeling or emotion?

For real love is spiritual,
Not of the material
Love would be true if we were too
Love without loving like this, is taboo

For love writes a letter,
To the heart high on a ladder
Just reading the words, it floats
To the clouds

Love is intercourse of the intellectual
Stimulating yet not superficial
Orgasmic and organic
Natural and authentic

by Ashley Chanel |
Categories: conflict, corruption, family, friendship, humanity, money, vanity,

Priority Disorder

Keeping up with the Joneses
Tit for tat
Caught up in competition
"You got this? I'll get that"

Let me 1up you
Everything an attack
"Whatever you do,
I have to fight back"

Destroying ourselves
Breaking up our homes
Pride over love
Ending up alone

The things that define us
Are the things that we own
The the things that we've done
And the things that we've shown

Driven by jealousy
Feeding our greed
Filled with envy
Eyes glow green

Superficial materialism
Behavior obscene
Prioritizing what we want
Above what we need

by Walayee Poet Lay Whitlock-Ishway |
Categories: life, lost love, day,


Like a Band-Aid on a gushing WOUND She will never be enough to hold it all together… Merely a temporary FIX that lead to a long term problem… She seeped skin at the seams and crusted over… You infused with her inevitable infection… RAW and bread unending pain unknowingly… Now both ends hold on for dear LIFE pulling at the weakened scab Smothering it with generic “HOME” remedies but nothing can prevent the impending deterioration… So, day by day the superficial grime GROWS and the unnatural wear shows… Your Internal defenses begin peeling away Her unyielding grip…While External elements re-actively reinforce this permanent SEPARATION. Lay

by D.W. Rodgers |
Categories: love,

The Long Way

Make love the long way
beyond superficial
almost forever

by Daniel Schack |
Categories: adventure, africa, anniversary, anti bullying,

Judgement Statement Or Statement About Judgement

These superficial notions of love,respect, and morality have a tendency to tell others how to think and feel about them. Anyone's way is no one else's business, anyway. To a large extent, at the very least.

by Osman Gani |
Categories: anniversary, childhood, time, day, heart, day, heart,

A Day To Remember

This is the day when I came to this Earth
After the persevering struggle of my birth.
The day and that hour returns every year
And certainly such a day is to remember.

The gyrating birthday has come yet again
And the dawn’s trumpet dissolves all pain
And renews the weary heart with a vision
Of hope and fills heart with great elation.

The day that makes you feel so, so special
And every pain of world seems superficial.
On such a day, you know how people love
You, tend you. You feel like a dreamy dove.

by Parker Daniells |

Legs Tied With Zip-Ties

As I stand
Contemplating the threshold
Hopeless nobles
Pouring superficial sorrows
Parked in seven black chairs
Legs Tied
With Zip-Ties

I observe
Dark shallow depths
A mountain of endless
Contaminated tissue
Extruding over the brim of trash
Conquering wounds

As I
Take my leap of faith
Stepping forward with
My nametag

Hello, my name is Love
I Am an addict

by Tony Bush |
Categories: love, passion, longing,

The Pedestal I Put You On

Within my heart of hearts there lies
  a place apart, enshrined for you,
secluded away from other eyes,
  a refuge out of view.
I visit each time I watch you pass,
  hide there so your gaze can't see
this admiration internalised
  within the very depths of me.
Herein a deeper sense of love,
  a structure sunk in flower petals,
encrusted with longing diamond smiles,
  constructed out of precious metals.
Its nature transcends the superficial
  skin of sex and cold desire,
beyond such mere transience
  there burns a different kind of fire.
Yet you may never know of this,
  and I must only dwell upon
the truth of whether you deserve
  the pedestal I put you on...

by Helen J Radford |
Categories: love

Harvest of Love

It is harvest time; 
I am reaping sheaves of love, 
and loving in abundance. 

The field has been fallow, 
shallow, superficial unyielding soil; 
I have recoiled and retreated 

but now I am needed. I am free. 
I am loved; released to be me. 
I am adored and adoring in abundance. 

It is good year.

by Jodie Williams |
Categories: love,

Atomic Number 79

I promised to make his dreams official
He feared his desires would appear superficial
Yet still he fought and pushed me away
And the love I require remains self contained

I offered him light and security
These words can't be heard on his sound frequency
He attempts to hide in a blanket of silence
Blissfully unaware he's purely transparent

It's not what he says, it's the undertones
That tells me there's gold in his veins and bones
Waiting to be discovered, to be unearthed
Evidence, proof of just how much he's worth.

by Sahitya Poonacha |
Categories: judgement, love, perspective,

Beyond Judgement I Find a Reality Called Acceptance

We see
We fall
We don’t think
We might
But we don’t decide
It’s hard for perspective
To conquer feelings
Something wrong or something right
His eyes or her eyes
Her eyes might be his eyes
And his hers
Does it matter?
Two people can
Be more than their anatomies
More than being what the world sees
Two people can be perfection
Can feel perfection, can make perfection
With just being
Because love in its truest form
Is more than a physical emotion
But never superficial
Between two who maybe identical
Or not, different or not
No matter where they are, who they are
Sometimes though unconventional
Who are we to judge
To ratify that it might be

by Lewis Nyaga |
Categories: hurt, love hurts, relationship,

When It Hurts

Her angry eyes drilled into His
How could she have missed it
Tom was no longer hers..

His love for her had dissipated
Leaving behind a hollow shell
Carefully disguised as care..

The gifts and superficial gestures
Had her fooled all along..

But now the pretense was over
He was moving in with his lover
She bit her lip tasting her hurt..

She was barely able to stay calm
She with effort pulled herself free
Don't ever come back Tom....

She said slamming the door.

First appeared at the Inkwell

by Peter Golden |
Categories: family


Stilted conversations 
over many years 
have left me 
bewildered, angry, 
even ashamed of who I am. 

Superficial intercourse 
always open for discussion 
as wry smiles and 
awkward silences 
fill the artificial existence 
we all pretend to enjoy. 

We gather round, 
an afternoon soiree, 
as families do of course... 

But our eyes never meet 
as those who love 
each other should, 
all blind to each 
other’s emotional needs. 

Dysfunctional neurosis, 
the glue 
that has kept us together. 
Ironically, reticence, 
the glue 
which continues 
to pull us apart.

by Andreas Akun |
Categories: love,

Love Loathes

Love loathes the poison in me when
I just let it grow in passion
Love takes the venom off my mind
Without  a justification.

In me loathe also loves the poison 
With all its true strength and deception
Loathe detests love in my foolish compassion
Along with my superficial rationalization.

Love loads me with peace, taking
Loathe forever 
Once love loves 
Those who loathe

by Mara Prose |
Categories: break up, conflict, crush, feelings, first love, husband, lost love,

I Bid You Adieu - a Mara Prose Poem

You could never understand me. That's why you could never have me.  Your mind is on the superficial, my love's is on the official.  Flattery only gets you so far but at the end of the day, I don't have to sit around wishing on stars.  My life is like a fantasy, something you could never provide for me.  I sent you on your way long ago but for some reason you held out hope.  I'm here to tell you now that I plan to spend my life with the man that made me his wife.  Ce la vie!

~ Author Mara Prose

by Sabina Nicole |
Categories: life, people, wife,

Wait Contest

Society tells us there’s a time, 
When men and women must find,
A mate or something is terribly wrong,
Everywhere you look they play this contagious song,
Shopping for love on internet sites,
Reading the profile of Mr. and Misses right,
How much do they make and how hot are their pics,
How quickly we fall into these superficial tricks,
So many rush to meet the criteria,
Of a world that lives for the exterior,
So many seem to pay the price,
Since divorce is not even seen as a “let me think twice”
I rather WAIT and be happy alone,
Until heaven decides to send him along.

Contest: wait
By:Sabina Nicole

by Ron Porter |
Categories: funny

Usual Cliche

Usual cliche opening line 
A trite and superficial rhyme.. 
Now exposition maudlin- 
about pain or love or the weather. 
A clever offset bit of sing-song; 
Stuff like ding-dong or even King-Kong. 
And, as usual a line to make- 
this thing too long. Now finish strong- 
to alert the reader to the fact 
this poem has run out of time. 
In this space, of course, I'll tack 
A little "AbAb" end rhyme. 
And too be cute, say it turned out fine.

by Marie Viloria |
Categories: funny, holiday, love, hate, love,

Single Awareness Day

Let's just start
with five words:
I hate February the fourteenth.

I hate it
With a passion

Just a couple
reasons why

I have never gotten a valentine
I have never liked pink
or red
or hearts

But I don't care too much
because Valentine's day
is just superficial

A holiday that just makes people
feel bad about themselves
and buy lots of chocolates
and flowers

But honestly
it's just depressing
to see all of the people
who have flowers and love letters

Especially when
I have nothing

But maybe this Valentine's day
will be different
not that I care

But maybe just this once
I could have somebody love me
even if Valentine's day
is better known as
Single Awareness Day

by Dave Collins |
Categories: angst, appreciation, creation, happiness, life, love,

Last Tango

rattlesnake hearts bleed out from
superficial passive prison promises
negating antibodies of ever blending potentials
heartful beats skipping spikes of bypass benevolence,
ignoring loves ancient anchoring antibodies
withdraw, rest on moonbeam waters
that flow into your night of forgiveness shores
stray not from ultimate healing feelings,
revive your inner fathoms

by Great Jaja |
Categories: heartbreak,

Intro To Heart Broken

So sad, now he is feeling very bad,
He felt his relationship could make him glad
But to think of that is just so mad

He ventured into the love adventure because of the superficial picture
Not minding the deep texture of the structure
Forgetting that only God has the true picture of the future

Sadly, he never searched the scriptures
So as to see this picture

Now, here comes his dreams, career, education, future in a puncture
Like a dying bird that has just been captured
Only waiting for the rapture

by Tiffany Ragsdale |
Categories: angst, fantasy, lost love, love, mystery, passion, romance, visionary,

Afternoon Spell

Fleeting memories encounter vague enchanted pleasures at the bottom of the minds well. 

Their delicate everchanging existence intoxicates the huanted  headspace in which they dwell.

Images infiltrate an insatiable conscience where fools invent necessity and cry superficial tears.

Momentary merciless passion commands the heart to kiss fantastical desire with lips that never tell.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: funny love, humorous,

Single Still

Harold's hope at love was nill and none
A groomsman at fifteen weddings
No pretty gal caught his eye
They seemed superficial
He was a great catch
People liked him
Mom said so