Love Poems About Supplier or Supplier Love Poems
by Yzzy Leign |
Categories: care,

Kaleidoscopic Nurse

Preeminent nurse, pet topic in the land
Love supplier that unfolds every loops
In her wand melts ice cold heart at hand
Love will she turn every loathes in a troop

Moves and words confidently she unfolds
Not just the physical or emotions she restores
But the spirit as well carefully she succors
For she’s the nurse every client adores

The procedures she makes ethics she observes
In the OR, ER or CPR she meticulously performs 
All the times she share worth the times we lose
For hearten words she’ll nail in your norms

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: happiness, hope, husband, imagination, introspection, life, love, wife

Pane E Tulipani

Bread and Tulips

He was the provider
Supplier of the bread
She was lover of flowers
He was one that little said

She loved music
Dancing in the night
He wanted a maid
That ironed his shirts just right

One was a soul mate
The love of her life
The other just someone
Who wanted a maid to do things right

Who would she chose
To spent the rest of her life
The man who used her
Or the one who would treat her nice

(This is about a movie that I have seen. Not me personally.)

by Wanjiru Mbogo |
Categories: hope,

The Two Sides of the Well

Do tears come from a well?
We can never tell
But they never seem to dry
As much as I can try
They keep flowing down
Changing the smile to a frown
I hate tears of pain
Longer than the longest train

Does happiness come from a well?
Heaven even in hell
It never seems to end
Supplier keeps to send
Even the bitter as bile
Will change the frown to a smile
I love tears of joy
Longer than the longest pain

by Daydawn Daniel |
Categories: love, relationship,


Reaching out for you
But you are here
What else to do
You're everywhere

I dont want to live by my strength
Less I faint
Cause you're my supplier of energy
Who has opened my eyes to see

That you
Have always been here
Helping me to do 
Everything at every sphere


by Kaleena Persons |
Categories: betrayal, irony, love, marriage, true love, truth,

Truth Love

True love is no longer what she desires
Society's idea has long been retired
One person content with only one other 
Make most run away for fear they may smother
Dedication and devotion left to expire SelfGratification and greed transpire 
Honest compassion is simply a bother 
Loyalty is lacked while lust we honor
Craving respect but theres no supplier
Looking for fantasies never to acquire
A gentle hand to satisfy soothe and  calm her
Not just swiftly strike down sadly leaving her somber
Jaded by jealous jesters and hotheaded liars
Left to believe that white dress is simply funeral attire