Love Poems About Supplying or Supplying Love Poems
by Tyesha Ehigiator |
Categories: dedication, devotion, faith, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, peace, uplifting

~his Name Is Wonderful~

Earned his name~
Suffered all the pain~
Under the hands of men~
Settled with hate against him~

Compassionately he forgave them still~
He loved us then and he always will~
Rising he gave us the right to survive~
Intoxicating he is to all of our lives~
Supplying our each and every need~
Thank you father, For blessing me~

Our king above kings~
Understanding he brings~
Radiant he is indeed~

Living for Christ is the greatest thing~
Only in him may you rest in peace~
Remember each day to trust and forgive~ 
Divided from him is no way to live~

by Joan Y. Scott |
Categories: faith, inspirational, uplifting, i love you,

Thank You

For all Your Love, Mercy and Grace,
It was on Calvary You took my place,
Thank You.
For Peace, Joy and Gladness, sometimes pain,
Sadness and yet Happiness,
Thank You.
For supplying needs of the less fortunate,
And forgiving us daily, its so important,
Thank You.
If I had ten thousand tongues, I couldn't  
Say it enough, never give You up,
Thank You.
Your word will be my guide, You promise 
Never to leave me, be by my side,
Thank You.
One day we will meet and I will humbly bow
At Your feet, I LOVE YOU ! ! !
Thank You.

by Samuel Byrd |
Categories: beauty, bereavement, death, death of a friend, eulogy, sister, sympathy,

Angel Returned To Heaven

An angel returned to heaven today
deployed to erase gluttonous hate
from envy's grasp love is pulled away

To bring order to disarray
supplying hope while replacing sloth 
An angel returned to heaven today

Armed with beauty, charm and compassion
pride is now faced with a trained assassin
whether with song, a smile, a shoulder or ear
greed, anger and lust is sent running in fear

An angel returned to heaven today
after years of service in the field
from the mission never did she stray

In our hearts she will forever stay
so, let us remember, let us rejoice
cause our angel returned to heaven on this day

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, beautiful, emotions, feelings, how i feel, imagery, love,

You Complete Me

We are inseparable; our two hearts beating as one, are forever linked. And like precise pieces of a puzzle, we're a perfect fit. There is no you or me; only we. You know all my wants and needs, and cater to both. Searching shadows stored in memory for fractured pieces of my heart, you gathered them up; until, once again, I was whole. You found my ego badly bruised and nursed it back to health. And supplying the motivation for me to heal, you restored my desire to laugh. You make me feel wanted, cherished and loved. Allowing me to dream; you numb my pains and forgive past sins. And filling in all the missing or broken pieces; you complete me.

by Magnus Nwagu Amudi Esq |
Categories: love,



Like the rainy season watercourse
Flowing with full pressure 
Fresh and strong, like wine
Too strong to bridge

At august it rests
From pregnant clouds
And thus the weight less
Supplying a low mass

At December thou dries
Leaving relics of pressure
Denying the fishes the pleasure
Once thought prerequisite

I once thought it love
Only to find it desire

by Carol Eastman |
Categories: husband, imagination, love, romance, romantic, me, romantic,

Who's Romantic Now

Who's Romantic Now? My Hubby is so Romantic that he told me I had infinite beauty the other day. And he said he is going to prove it, by looking at me from infinity, far away. But that’s OK I have to say, for he looks a lot like me. And I send him daily off to infinity; as to work he has to be. Now what’s so romantic about that, you may rightly ask? You see… he was supplying my muse, so my poem won’t come in last. CSEastman: Written on: 4-10-2012 Contest: 1-6 lines of Romance & Love Free Poetry Contest

by Jack Kenny |
Categories: allegory, lost love


As intense pain races through the vains of my mind
and my soul's brown eyes splash their tears
I inhale the past supplying my life
with bygone thoughts through the years

As the extreme heat of suffering scorches love's skin
and you apply dry ice to my burns
I melt from the sting, later to blister
festering from your callous turns

As you gently place my head into your guillotine
and decapitate my ideas from your life
I am left with the whole world on my shoulders
As you storm away, and wipe-off my knife.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, best friend, break up, friend, how i feel, image,

Sympathetic Shoulder

Seeking safe waters to harbor my thoughts, I found a confidant that calms my soul. Despite the deafening sound of silence, I heard your voice above the rigmarole. Supplying comfort and companionship, you move me by the depth of your concern. And acting like my guardian angel, you salvage kindled dreams before they burn. Having felt the agony of love lost, you understand the feelings I'm feeling. And defusing frustration and anger, help guide me through the stages of healing. You offer my heart a glimmer of hope, assuring me my suffering will end. And you're always there when I need to cry on a sympathetic shoulder, my friend.

by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Small Spark Deep In Dark

Small Spark Deep In Dark

Remember when we saw small spark,
Of hope we  discovered deep in dark;
Death and dying,
Supplying crying;
Had heard songs of love  from a lark.

James Horn

Not sure if people like my humorous,
philosophical or my emotional poems
the best.

by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Find More Perfect Union and More

Find More Perfect Union

Where we always find a perfect union,
Is with God at our church communion,
With one we love,
Jesus above;
Of people had created a great infusion.

James Horn

Barbara Bush Has Been Buried

Barbara has been buried after dying;
In service angels tissue was supplying;
Environmental protection,
Was her selection;
So this whole story she is not buying.

Jim Horn

by Tamara Davis |
Categories: faith, inspirational, nature,

Creativity and Style

Just to be free
To soak up the peacefulness of the sea
Is truly a blessing to me
I am so grateful to God
For supplying the world
With so much love and beauty
For the eye to see
From ocean to land
Woman to man
Baby to child
And all of the animals and critters running wild
Boy does our God have creativity and style

by James Horn |
Categories: sad love,

You Have Finally Lost

You Have Finally Lost

Every time that I would loudly start crying
Were with tears from God He was supplying
Always for me to explain why I am so sad
Though spoiled many times and much have had.

Just who exactly, really am I looking for
That certain fine person I will faithfully adore
And whatever she does moves me completely
Each one of her kisses she does so sweetly.

For a long time have hesitated and waited
But her love like a lonely rainstorm dissipated
Why is there such a tremendous emotional cost?
When her love forever you have finally lost.

James Thomas Horn
Retired Veteran

by Country Girl48 |
Categories: prayer,

Lord's Prayer

Our Father,
Who art in heaven above
Thank you, for sending
Down your love
For supplying 
All our needs
We have been 
Blessed, indeed
Forgive us
For what we did wrong
Help us all 
To stay strong 
Live for you
Keep hearts pure, always
Give us the strength
To get through the day
Protect us through the night
While in bed we lay


by James Horn |
Categories: allegory, analogy,

Animal and Cannibal

Animal and Cannibal

Fine print read for me  was bad,
Which is why I am fighting mad;
Husband who is my favorite pet,
Could not in my room ever let.

Animal in me he did bring out,
Wondering what it was about;
Gifts for me started supplying,
So ate his love up like a lion.

If you could have been a cannibal,
Would eat both human and animal;
Meat of the moment he did meet;
Had eaten all except smelly feet.

Jim Horn

by Shahana Jackson |
Categories: life, love, me, me,


The sun rises 
   My eyes open
   I stretch 
   than I smile
  Cause my life 
   is always worth while
  When it involves you 
    Your my morning coffee
      Don't need anything else
        To make me happy
           You keep me alert
            Your voice 
              Calms me
              I can never get enough
               So keep on supplying me 
                 with that good loving