Love Poems About Support or Support Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: power,

Rule the World

Real women
Understand a very simple yet important concept.
Love begins at home.
Everything else just follows.

To eliminate
Hatred from the world
Entails raising children with love and guidance.

Women deserve the utmost respect and support from their partners in their
Obligations as mothers to instill morals in their offspring.
Rare is the child who goes bad when love rules his home.
Ladies, demand respect, and value your precious roles as mothers.
Don’t you realize that through your children, YOU rule the world!

Written March 8, 2017 on the International Women's Day!

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: destiny,

Just a Note To Say Thankyou and Farewell

Dear friends/family,

I want to thank each and everyone of you for all the support you'd given me through these past eight years on poetrysoup.Every beginning has an end ,and I guess my journey on this site ends here. I want to thankyou for helping me grow both as a poet and as a person.I will remember each and every one of you,and pray for your happiness.I thank the first friends who welcomed me on ps eight years ago.If it wasn't for you,I would have never been here all these years.You know who you are..And I thank all those friends I met along the way.I love you all. 

On the sand your lonely footprints

But somewhere in a distant land

I walk beside you.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: heart, love, trust,

Her Smile

Her smile thawed mistrust.

Her looks opened his heart wide--

Blooming are love's fields! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       02 June 2018

* This little poem was chosen as POTD. 
Thank all my friends for their gracious support and also
I thank the PS officials for the honor!

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: care, humanity, love,

Awake Compassion X

Awake compassion!
Your destiny's call, do not disregard,
Scorch the frantic passions,
Smash the rocks of excess,
And bar the streams of hate!

Awake compassion!
Your luminous face, do not turn
Open the gates of charity,
Trace the path of happiness,
And light mercy's holiest flame!

Awake compassion!
Your noblest hour has come,
Humanity's decree to proclaim!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       14 July 2022

* I am humbled by your comments and your support and for that reason 
I would like to share with you the POTD honor bestowed upon me. God bless
you all.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: heaven, light, truth,

The Kingdom Within Viii

You, my friend, 
are not a king or a prince 
neither are you a nobleman  
a higher or lower rank, 
you are just another poor man like me:
a citizen of perpetual want

you carry within your heart a kingdom, 
a kingdom, you very well could inherit 
with God's grace
only Lord's divine Word you choose to
listen to and follow virtue's path that  
He indicates!*

© Demetrios Trifiatis 
      29 APRIL 2020

* Was honored as POTD. 
Thank all my friends for their love and support.
Plus thank the site!

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: humanity, love, peace,

Fill Our Children's Heart With Love

If we infuse love into our children's heart 

And teach them respect for all nature and life

Soon many more things for peace we would achieve

That would end humanity's destructive strife!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
        10 July 2019

* I would like to thank my few good friends for their support for without them a POTD wouldn't  be possible as it wouldn't be possible without the right judgment of PS's officials.

by Silent One |
Categories: care, love,

I need your love

I need your love when life seems lame,
behind each sigh I call your name.
In silent slumber when in pain,
you shelter me in misty rain.
Emphasize that I'm not to blame.

When I'm weary and full of shame.
Cajole my heart, so it can tame.
Stop my mind from feeling insane.
I need your love.

I will sing a song to exclaim
and strum my guitar to proclaim
how your support keeps my thoughts sane.
Like lilacs your voice soothes the strain.
I'm etching your words to reclaim
I need your love

by Silent One |
Categories: addiction,

Inflictions of addiction

Two Sedoka's on addiction.
I think we all know someone who suffers from addiction, be it alcohol, drugs, pills or gambling..  Sadly too many judge from the action and do not see the reason behind many fall into it.

fighting addiction chains of control solder hold held captive to corrupt brain unhealed trauma screams judgement offers no respite soul hopes to escape prison
warfare addiction mind battles intense craving brain hellbent to find next fix without compassion do not judge - support through love save a soul that's still alive

by Tirzah Conway |
Categories: family, friendship, health, husband, native american, passion, peopleme, me,

My Blessings...

Steven, My Love, my best friend in life,

Parents that support me in whatever I do;

My two puppies Zeus & Eos (both mutts)

My heritage of Potawatomi, Huron and Sioux;

A family willing to lend me support,

A wonderful house to come home to;

A simple world I can call my own,

My siblings, out there to help pull me through;

My horses willing and full of heart,

And all of my friends - Old and New;

My semi-good health and happiness;

And the passion that writing allows me to peruse!

by Mark Turner |
Categories: abortion, baby, religious,

The Unborn Child

The Unborn Child

I wonder will they let me in? 
Will they furnish me with life support?
I want to be my Grandpa's friend,
his pride, his joy, and his hero in sports.

Really, it’s not his decision
for these nine months to go on through.
Mom and Dad, it’s up to your religion
to see that I’m worthwhile and needed, too.

Oh God, I’ll make them love me, 
please, God, tell them both to go on.
I won't act hardheaded, nor wicked nor will I be ,
apathetic and sad, nor gripe and moan.

I’ll lie restfully in my Mother's arms.
Please, God, tell them both to let me be 

by Michelle Mac Donald |
Categories: confusion, dedication, places,


No pagan crown of fossil lairs
Of him I write no verse nor song
T’is not a soup to stir nor share
When lending strength, to something wrong.

Seconds cloned from darkest matter
Mutated minutes dredged by fear
Mind confusion as reason shatters
Innocents lanced by emotion's spears.

Flowers edge the steps and fences
Prayers are uttered near a shrine
Notes of love, as grief commences 
A vigil wrought by hearts sublime.

Picking up the scattered pieces
Light must shine to crack the dawn
Support can smooth the furrowed creases
Only hope can make their spirits strong.

by Michael J. Falotico |
Categories: lossfamily, family,

No Cancer In Heaven

By Michael J. Falotico

                                   The disease covers and takes over the mind and body..
                  Friends and family members gather and support with love and compassion..
                   Now God has taken the soul to be by his side till our family is joined again..

RIP...~Dad and Dianna~

by Edwin Alluso |
Categories: child,

Our Little Boy

Our Little Boy

Our boy named Dione Henry
Comes from our fathers name
He’s so cheerful and friendly
But sometimes he’s naughty
He loves to play and full of energy
Even his stomach is empty 
At the end he is so hungry

He dream of becoming a pilot
Reading his books he always forgot
But playing games he did not
I’ve thought to tied him with a knot
So he could stay in my front
And guide him in his right plot
To show his wisdom that he got

I know that he is our little boy
Who loves to play with his toy
Sooner you’ll become a man
Enjoy your time and have fun
I will always there to guide you
To reach your dreams I'll support you
I’ll be there for you because I love you

by Randall Smith |
Categories: love



Never a father
But an Uncle
many times...

Plumbers Helper
Best friends
with you....

Always on an adventure....

Support Engineering
The big house
on an acre
of lawn.

All of it gone
Or given away
A lost five years

Then I re-found you
and became a
and Best friend.......Again.

by Robin Davis |
Categories: abuse, child, fear,

Alcohol Love---Family Fear

Push and shove
Punch and hit
Throwing a bad violent fit
Never knowing what you did
Because the liquor left it hid
Remembering is hard to do
When it takes control of you
You try and stop with group support
But one sip and you  abort
All the senses telling you
This is a bad thing to do
Having fun with all your friends
Swigging every drink they send
With each one you can’t hold back
You start to hit and start to smack
A child who don’t understand
Why other daddy’s use their hands
To hold and love their little ones
But she has to hide and run
So afraid and scared to death
With every hit she holds her breath
Praying for her life each  time
He does this violent act of crime

by Jesudason Atputharajah |
Categories: blessing, cheer up, devotion, faith, heaven, joy, love,

Love So Amazing,So Divine

The world  needs amazing love,
The world needs surpassing love,
The world needs redeeming love,
A love that can bring healing,
A love that can bring support,
A love  that can give solace,
The love that was shown by Christ,
A love that gives it's all,
To make a better place for all,
A love that can move mountains,
A love that works wonders,
A love that is infectious,
That brings innumerable followers,
To bring heavenly joy.

by Marty Windsor |
Categories: friendship, love,

Explaining Everything

I need counseling and you are a therapist.
I need support and you hold me up.
I need acceptance and you are non-judgmental.
I need love and you give more than I ask for.
I need to talk and you are a good listener.
I need to listen and you always know what to say.
I need to be quiet and you hold my hand.
I need you and you are there for me.

This is what I mean by everything.

by Meenakshi Raina |
Categories: friendship, life, love,

No Money Can Buy

Life is a pleasure with loyal friends Otherwise faith in them shortly ends Years of togetherness, trust and love Add to the friendship and keep the vow Lucky am I to have some friends for life To guide and support me when in strife Yes loyal friends can be husband and wife Loyalty- no money can buy It doesn't fall from the sky It doesn't grow in open fields Only from love loyalty yields April 22, 2016. Loyalty - Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Broken Wings

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: anxiety, break up, emotions, feelings, heartbreak, hurt, lost love,

Confusion Confounds

No one faces lost love rationally, forgoing all their romantic notions. For confusion confounds reality, when running a gauntlet of emotions. Doubt anonymously attacks with guile, its impact devastating to dreamers. And fears flourish on the remains of trust, disrupting slumber with nightmare screamers. You've been fed a concoction of lies, a highly emotional potent mix. And you're no longer able to forgive, shielding your heart behind a wall of bricks. Wallowing in your pain, you shun support, as fantasies conceived in love, abort. (Sonnet) 10/12/2017

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: appreciation, love, poetess, tribute,

Tribute To a Classy Lady

L   ooked to help this brand-new poet**
I    nterested in his every write
N   ever too busy to comment
E   ncouraged him by day and by night...

G   rew a veritable garden of friends
A   s she expanded her own horizons
U   plifting are the poems she's penned...
T   oday, this wonderful woman and wife's
H   usband is battling for his very life
I    t's incumbent upon us now to
E   ncourage, to support this classy lady:
R   each out with your love; it's the least we can do

** and so many others

by Raul Moreno |
Categories: dedicationlove,

Robin Gass

Born and raised in New Jersey,
  A true hearted Jersey girl.
With a natural gift of wordplay,
  Poems emerge as her pen swirls.

With a love for children, music,
  Animals, words, and people.
She lives by the golden rule,
  By making others feel equal.

Bearing a kind and caring heart,
  She makes friends forevermore.
And spreads her love at home,
  With her family and 3 Labradors.

She loves to joke around,
  And making others laugh.
Here’s a tribute to our friend,
  New Jersey’s own Robin Gass.

Dedicated to Robin Gass 
for her neverending support.

by Viv Wigley |
Categories: appreciation,

Bare Floor

You see no parcels 'neath my Christmas tree,
no shiny paper, bows on ribbons bright,
take not this sight to mean that there won't be
presents bestowed upon this Christmas night.
For God has left me gifts you cannot see,
compassion, mercy, kindness, friendship true,
a generous heart, support and sympathy
and guidance in whatever I may do.
What love is this that covers my bare floor,
is my unworthiness rewarded thus?
These gifts are all I need, and nothing more
freely available to all of us.
Each year, each day they come, and without end,
these gifts from God delivered by my friends.

by Mark Koplin |
Categories: inspirational,

Give It a Chance

We all possess dreams, that we aspire to achieve.
Treat all with respect, no matter what you believe.
Achievements can bring arrogance, and failures can humble.
Support your brothers and sisters, pick them up when they stumble.

Despite talent or beliefs, we all have the same goal.
Attain knowledge from life, engage and enroll.
We are all here together, embrace and show love.
We can all help each other, like Noah and his dove.

There has been some damage done, but together we can fix.
We can spread around some love, before we're under by six.
Our world is laden with partners, take some clock and unite in dance.
Promote and construct, go out and give it a chance.

by Jeremy Smith |
Categories: anger, conflict, faith, god, how i feel, pain, prayer,

Please God

God I pray that you may lift my anger For it is has begun to overpower me From words that have brought much pain As I sit here unable to see straight My hands tremble my heart racing I turn to you my Lord make this go away Unable to force these feelings back inside Already my rage has calmed thanks to you The power you have over me is so amazing And I love you for everything you do for me I'm grateful for the support you provide Allowing me to conquer these demons Until the next time we speak, I will keep my faith 7/2/2017

by Alice Uwihoreye |
Categories: absence,

My Other Me

I am a half now!
Why this?
My other me left me long ago
She couldn't support these feelings I feel
This sadness I carry
This anger that burns in me
This humiliation I get
This sorrow that turns me down
This war in me
This fighting I never end

But please my half
Come back to me
I finally found what we had lost at the beginning
Love, Understanding and Trust

You wanted the answer
Then here it is.