Love Poems About Supported or Supported Love Poems
by Stefani Nicole Jeppesen |
Categories: depression, grief, high school, loss, pain,

The Broken Ones

A light turned dark and gloom
Needing help but was invisible
Buried in the shadows 
Dark thoughts consuming
A mission brought upon them
Soon to be completed

Warning signs not to be seen
Being warned but not knowing
Unsuspecting they fell
Into the traps of the dark
Bringing panic upon them
Tried to flee but failing

Terrified but united they stand together
They helped and supported one another
United till the end, but not to forget
Love the broken ones

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: america, freedom,

Freedom's Call

Freedom's Call
Responsibility to protect
Every citizen's rights,
Even if you don't agree with them.
Democracy as a concept in practice, not just theory,
Only works if citizens are educated and involved.
Majorities rule, but must respect minorities.
Science and fashion must not replace morality.
Constitution must be supported and defended.
America is more than just a curious social experiment.
Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness;
Love and respect for God, families, and country.


by Jan Allison |
Categories: flower, garden,

Giant Golden Sunflower

I sprouted from a small seed planted firmly in the ground With refreshing drinks of water my size it can confound! My long legs must be supported, or I could stoop and bend I love being out of doors where the sun is my best friend! I’m a great sun worshipper and my face follows the sun I tower over small plants, being tall is so much fun I tan my face on sunny days; my seeds turn golden brown Small children just look up at me, and hope my seeds drop down! Personification of plant contest Sponsored by Kim Rodrigues 14 Syllables per line checked with how many syllalbes 09-18-17

by Anupama Kadwad |
Categories: valentines day,

My Life Partner

On a bright sunny day I became your wife,
I consider myself lucky for you came into my life.

Together many hurdles and bridges we crossed,
Faced whatever hardships life at us tossed.

Through thick and thin we stuck together,
In all difficulties helped one another.

You have been the pillar of my strength,
I treasure you more than any wealth.

You have encouraged me to learn new things,
You have supported me like a pair of wings.

With your supportive loving nature,
Many new places we could venture.

Due to your love for travelling and adventure,
I could visit many different places and new pastures.

by Herman Nel |
Categories: beauty, desire, muse, poetry, relationship,

Till We Meet

Your not here…. You’re there
I need to be touched… I need to be felt
I need to be missed… I need to longed after
I need to love…. I need to be loved

They’re here… They’re not there
I need to be supported now…. They support me now
I need people around me… They are around me now
I need to love… They do love me now

We’ll happen…. We won’t happen now
I’ll touch you…. You’ll feel me
I’ll miss you… You’ll long for me
I’ll love you… You’ll love me

Till then I’ll want you and miss you and think of you
I hope you’ll want me and miss me and think me too
Till then I’ll love you and dream of you
I hope you’ll love me and dream of me too
That is… Till we meet

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: inspirational, love, truth,

O Love Where Art Thou

O love where art thou?
bright eyes that gleam
searching infinity for you
astride silver moonbeam...

Orion faces Taurus
with pointed horns ahead
through quarks and photons
bright nebula I am led...

Upon tail of comet
light speed gazelle
drawn towards a voice
like a soft lute's swell...

O love where art thou?
come forward and bless
this lonely galactic hunter
drooping with weariness...

Warping to planes far away
towards measure of comfort
the spoils of the chase
at thy feet I lay...

Off to places yet unknown
led by stars flickering tone
love I grasp thy hand
and call you my own...
~ ~ ~

Not sure if this is my last post...If so I appreciate the few that supported my writes..

by Sotto Poet |
Categories: analogy, appreciation, sea,

Ingest the Strength

A deeper bond exists when fears are lifted. Inhale the chilly air from above; you're gifted. Trust faith to guide you and free your soul. God's love fills your senses; you can't control. The words flow like water over a dam. Once a class is taught, you won't fail an exam. Your literary capability remains unrivaled. Your strength to feed souls is never rivaled. A disturbed spirit can be soothed by love. Encourage an eternal vow from above. You may plunge deeper and surface easily. Knowing that love is stronger than the sea I've commuted plenty throughout my life. And supported a lot of hearts and strife.
Written: May 17, 2023

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: care, child abuse, children, emotions, friendship love, nostalgia, tribute,


Hello Sunshine, Good day World
May I but sip from the Chalice
Rain, a rose, Quiet repose
The Warm that is Linda Alice

written by Michael in 1975

(I found this handwritten poem in an old box of memorabilia. I submit it not as an ego post, but as a tribute to a mentor who is no longer with us. He encouraged and supported me in our work that was challenging and heartbreaking. It was offered me as a small respite from that work and to give me a smile. I did not change punctuation or capitalization. It had no title - I thought his name would be appropriate. I also thought it should be documented with smiles and fondest memories.)

by Natasha Morgan |
Categories: blessing,

Where God Is There Is No Hopeless Situation

Lord Jesus give me "Beauty for Ashes"
Oil of Joy instead of mourning
A Garment of praise instead of spirit of despair
Please rebuild my life and the lives of my love ones
Make us into a Royal Priesthood, a great nation, supported by the wealth of the surrounding nations
We will rejoice in our Lord, Our God and stand clothed in the garments of salvation and righteousness

by Vinayak Pratap |
Categories: absence, cute love, desire, inspiration, missing you,

My Love

I am not able to live without you anymore

There is no existence without you

If I am separated from you

Then I will be separated from my own self

Because it's only you, who has become my life
My peace, my pain, my love, you are everything

Our relationship is such that even one moment apart is troubling

I live everyday only for you; I have given all my time only to you

There is no moment which is without you,

Your name is present in all my breaths

Your love has supported me; it has removed all sadness from my heart

My fate has been joined with your's, 

I have not been incomplete once I met you

My peace, my pain, my love, you are my everything

by Fayaz Bhat |
Categories: love,

My Love Shant Bend

My Love Shan’t Bend!
Well! You marry an aged man,
Supported by specs or a stick,
Mentally sick, sexually sterile, and emotionally fed,
And or he calls you his second-wife!
Are in hot humid summers
The faint wafts of breeze, which in their way die…
Even rises if any storm
And blows the whirling wind,
My love—shan’t bend!

by Michael Burch |
Categories: analogy, growth, love, mental illness, psychological, satire, words,

Psycho Analysis

Psycho Analysis
by Michael R. Burch

This is not what I need...
as though I were a seed
to be planted,
with a stick and some string
until I emerge.
Your words
are not water. I need something
more nourishing,
like cherishing,
something essential, like love
so that when I climb
out of the lime
and the mulch. When I shove
myself up
from the muck...
we can f**k.

Originally published by Unlikely Stories. Keywords/Tags: analysis, paralysis, psychoanalysis, psychology, therapy, nourishing, cherishing, essential, muck, sex, sexuality, **** cancer, analogy, psychological, words, love, growth, satire, mental illness

by Asheka Collins |
Categories: love,


When I met you, 
I chose to get to know you.
The more I learn t about you,
The more I chose to love you.
To Marry you and
 share my life with you.
To share my hopes, dreams 
and destiny with you.

I choose you.

And when I went astray.
I chose to return to you.

Choice a decision,
 clear and strong.
Choice a mental thought 
supported by emotion.
Choice a powerful feeling
 of certainty.

I choose you.
I hope... 
I hope you choose me too.

by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: hope, life, peace, people, visionary, prejudice,


Can it survive without hope, honor, and compassion?
Intensifying anger, prejudice, and fright, in any fashion,
Validates the corruption, destruction of the human race,
Insecurities fear, and dishonor is what we must face.
Learning to collectively share, stop the bigotry now.
Individualism completely supported, with a solemn vow.
Zeal for togetherness, love, and consideration for all,
Acting civilized only is the key to humankinds fall.
Telling each other we are cultured will not make it so.
I am not sure that the human race can rise from its low.
Only living each day refining ourselves, will find the key.
Now and onward of tomorrow will the true enlightened see.

by Allan Terry |
Categories: cool, guitar, music,


Her individual affords attracted
several others to what she was
Her ability to collaborate with
with the interest of all involved
 gained her respect almost her peers
and those who supported her effort's.
"Kwatto Cumbia": often she shunded
those for fooling there fans with electrc
sounds made to sound orcheatrated.
Soca Dub said of her ":that which is best
is best, and often times her's is
 best of the best!"
She once received a note from one of her
female fans, she said at the bottom
of the letter she said, hymn love you, hymn do> Hymn wanna marry you 
in papal."
she said wow! this is what I'm attracting, I must do better!

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: nature,

Solid Gray Crocheted Shawl

Solid gray crocheted shawl veils sky.
Fringes reach down cover
distant hills, swift creek nearby.
Dampness reigns, just seems to hover.

Cool, but not cold wind softly blows.
Red Cardinal high up
supported only by tree bow.
Great trust has in ancient back up..

Eerie stillness erupts 'pon air
The silence before storm
Then the rain begins, unawares
of possible alarm.

Just comes down without any cares.
A plan, designed, a vow.
Of its potential danger unawares
Rain_ flooding storm allow?..

Rain without flooding the earth.
God's promise from above
Giving the first rainbow its birth
In the quiet, feel God's love....


by Aanika Aery |
Categories: absence, depression, emotions, farewell,

People Forget

People forget,forget that all
You may have supported them in misery
But now you will alone fall.

See you see a high dream of past,
and now our thoughts will only last.
You don't care for me now I know,
I hate you forever,the seed of curse has now been down.

What I had was a black past,
You know that in my life you don't cast.
You have forgotten me and my love for you
Your personality was vague and wasn't true.

You have forgotten me in your time,
If it isn't bad,still it is a crime.
My heart is planted in dark side,
You cheated on me for your pride.

People forget,forget that all,
You may have supported them in misery
But now u alone fall...

by Abdul Basit Ismail |
Categories: career, celebration, children, crazy, creation, crush, cute love,

Why This

When your eyes were flooded.
I wiped the sorrow and agony.
When you needed me.
I stood up for you.
When you were falling.
I supported you.
When you lost hope.
I injected you with inspirations.
You got better.
When you were angry.
You got better by my fancy jokes.
I was the bridge you walked on to cross the success road.
I lost everything in the cause of supporting you.
Mother's love, father's love and family's love as a whole.
What did i do to deserve this?
Why are you turning your back?
You injected me with a vaccine.
I cannot revive from.
Why are you telling this bitter bile?
Why this?

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, romantic,

Two Become One

Two souls 
touching pairs
united in the hearts
spirits through to eternity

Landed beautiful 
with me
a table for two
love stands supported
on legs 

Like a flower
needs a stem
crowning emotions
I have loved
beyond all known reason 
to share 

Once upon 
a fairytale 
dream love story 
still holding
that special part
in this auld heart
o mine

from the beginning
love I will
until the eyes
call you
to sleep my love

As one heartbeat 
when our spirits meet
lands beyond
all dreams
in eternity

by Jeremy Smith |
Categories: conflict, faith, god, how i feel, journey, trust, war,

The War Has Started

The war has started All the halfhearted have departed You wont be disregarded or outsmarted When you come full hearted
Refuse to be converted Even if you feel deserted With my vision distorted My thoughts aren't sordid
I will not be thwarted And no time to be torpid Through destruction so horrid My journey still so torrid
Keeping trust in God assures I will always be supported Then there will be no worry of being excluded My soul will be heavily guarded Even when my journey has concluded
Now my vision so lucid The Lords love will never be disputed His warm embrace never eluded With him my spirit unpolluted

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: spiritual,

Dance of Shiva

Supported by Brahma Holding erect energies Shakti engages in play In the stream of soma Igniting our central vein As a gift to our presence Receptive in surrender Aligned with love divine Centred in the vast void Encased by feeble form The dance of polarities When graced by Mother Enlivened by magnetism Manifests bliss frictional That pervades each node Gripping heart in rapture Yearning replaces desire As bliss currents caress Grazing touch seductive Vaporising our lower mind Wherein free will chooses To dissolve in the ocean Becoming the ocean itself Whist yet soul now whole 12-January-2022

by Sean Broadley |
Categories: emotions, for her, love, relationship, truth, woman,


Reminiscing over the years that have come and gone,,the ups & downs & the smiles filled by laughter, the eyes water filled by tears ,a love over drawn....People alongside each other not knowing or caring bout the strife one beholds to be fawn...

 conversations between those whom never understood the wickedness of years alone left to dwell ,,,,a heart turned cold an empty shell for a man remains lost without

Knowledge is determined by facts supported by a strength from all,,,
Never understanding these signs upon the lands I've roamed seeing the enemy fall....

by Jacqueline R. Mendoza |
Categories: christian, computer, god, internet, love, people, soulmate,

Soul Mate On Earth

God told me my soul mate in Paradise
Fr. Jesus (Jess) Labor
Filipino is he
Supported him when he’s here

Was crazy on internet
Fell for the military man, Austin
Childhood friends researched Gen. Austin S. Miller
Scammer he is

Asked God for a family
Skeptical because different
Met this great man
Said has a daughter

Thought to be impossible
Nothing is impossible to God

by Allan Terry |
Categories: absence, adventure, anxiety, friendship love, music, romantic love,

What's Your Game

He knew from his beganning
That those who within
Then rhelmn of his sound
Wouldn't understand what
He spoke as direction
To those that supported his
What made better and easier
Was their willingness to know
Those who were to gain
support would learn to
Support, so that the cycle
Of belonging would be
The greater understanding
Which supplist is demanded
That all in this concern
Are supportive of one another's
Interest and in these concerns
We are United.

by Kristie Raburn |
Categories: devotion, loneliness, lonely, love,


The pedestal you set me on
Is getting battered and grey
Even cracked in a few places
Supported by a wobbly leg

The consequence of this pedestal
Is the distance it creates
Leaving me standing here, watching you 
While my tattered heart waits

Waiting for the love we could have shared
Adventures of life we were meant to share
If merely the distance from this pedestal
Would simply only fade