Love Poems About Supporters or Supporters Love Poems
by Tim Smith |
Categories: nonsense,

My Fears

Claustrophobia no,not afraid of close quarters
Love sharks and crocks and all in the waters
There's one thing I fear
So listen up here
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia non-supporters

*****Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of big words****

by Michael Degenhardt |
Categories: familyaddiction,

I Love These Girls

My vice and addiction is not with bookies
But my money’s spent on Girl Scout cookies.
My daughter she sells them and gives me a wink
For she knows I will buy them before I could blink
The shortbreads, the caramels, the cinnamon swirls
The supporters of my addiction are these little girls

by Michael Degenhardt |
Categories: daughter, family, father, food, addiction,

I Love These Girls

My vice and addiction is not with bookies
                         But my money’s spent on Girl Scout cookies.
                      My daughter she sells them and gives me a wink
                      For she knows I will buy them before I could blink
                   The shortbreads, the caramels, the cinnamon swirls
                    The supporters of my addiction are these little girls

by Tom Zart |
Categories: adventure, faith, history, life, love, passion, philosophy, world,

Satan's Horde

Overrun with war and uncontrolled leaders,
Our world becomes more dangerous each day.
dishonest politicians, criminals and the media
Survive by their falsehoods at play.

 Bible believers preach, that the end is near
Our world as a whole is beyond reform.
God will eradicate all which is wicked
By his fire of eruption and storm.

To evil’s victory, I will never concede
May its supporters anguish in hell.
By the grace of God and the power of faith
 The goodness of man will prevail.

What we accomplish is heaven’s measure 
As patriots respond to the threats of man.
 Protect and defend what we love till death  
As the soldiers of Satan arise from the sand.

by Christopher Flaherty |
Categories: political,

Amazed and Confused

I love Politics
And have been watching in
Confusion and Amazement
At Donald Trumps election as President

The first address he gave
Was 1 with a rather conciliatory tone
Expressing a will to govern for all

But it seems to have brought Riot's
And lawless to the streets 
From opposition supporters
Who profess he is divisive

If Trump has lost the Election
Would his supporters have marched or rioted?
Or would they have just accepted the result
And moved on

The Man has yet to take office
But seemingly will never be given a chance
Remind you of man named Obama

Hard to succeed when no 1 wants
1 to succeed or puts aside personal preferences
For the greater good

by Kale Brereton |
Categories: lost love,

Supporters Abandonment

I told her to follow her dreams So she did and left me In the dust. July 16/18
Entered "abandon 2" poetry contest

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: abuse, america, bullying, freedom, political,

Hate and Trump

He reaps what he sows

He despises everyone equally though
his supporters are fools, his own words
he said I can shoot one
and they will still love me
I am laughing hysterically as its true

His proclivities or resume as follows
Anti democracy
Abuser of women
Abuser of all
Convicted felon

Now every nut has a bandage on their ear
blind mice who are proud of being deaf too

Fools drinking the Kool-Aid

He reaps what he sows
1939 all over again

by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: money,

Courting Courts

"Donald Trump does not pay his bills"
That's a fact that gives us the chills
Our Bankruptcy courts
Could nail up his shorts
But supporters love all the frills!

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade,

Saunderson and Sarenson

Saunderson and Sarenson
Friends in kindergarten. 

Saunderson and Sarenson
Supporters of each other through senior high

Saunderson and Sarenson
Vowing to be friends to the end

Saunderson and Sarenson
Twenty-two year olds who both fall in love with Piggly Pie

Saunderson and Sarenson
Angry ex-friends who become jealous and suspicious now

Saunderson and Sarenson
Enemies when Piggly Pie chooses neither due to their feuding ways

Saunderson and Sarenson
No longer friends, lifelong bachelors living next door to each other

Saunderson and Sarenson
Lifelong enemies, blaming each other, not speaking

Saunderson and Sarenson
Dying on the same day, alone and friendless.

by matthew adams |
Categories: dark, death, depression, fear, hurt,

Starting Line

Demons in my life... Afraid...
   Are there demons in my heart.
God's love in my eyes... Afraid...
   Tis too late, blown apart.

Running the race backwards
   I can't catch my breath.
To reach the starting line
   will begin my death.

I see my supporters
   smiles on their face.
No idea...
   I've already started the race.

It's too late,
   deals of past that were made.
Forsaken in present,
   deals... now... time to be paid.

Starting line,
   All I dreamt to be.
Starting line...
   No saving grace, the end of me.