Love Poems About Supporting or Supporting Love Poems
by Line Gauthier |
Categories: encouraging, future, growing up, life, love, mother, pride,

A Mother's Love

My child,
As you climb
Life’s journey
To the best of my ability
I will have your back
And steady your ladder
Always I will encourage you
So whenever you look back
You will see my smiling face
Supporting and proud
Cheering you on
Unwavering I will be
At the foot of your ladder

Published in my 24-page photo/anthology ~A CHILD'S WORLD~ 2020

AP: 1st place 2020

Submitted on April 23, 2019 for contest THE SMILE AT THE FOOT OF A LADDER sponsored by CRAIG CORNISH

by Jared Pickett |
Categories: motherlove, me,

The Christmas Card

Christmas day so full of joy,
putting a smile on my face.
Inspiring your eldest boy
with love. I say grace

I am fortunate to have
a mother like you.
No matter the distance between us,
Your love will shine through.

You've made me what I am today.
Molded me into Asavvy man.
Being there, supporting my dreams.
Doing everything you can.

I say thank you Mom,
for all that you have done.
My muse, my backbone, my mother, I love you.
Your eldest son......

Jared Pickett

by Nigel Fawcett |
Categories: devotion, friendship

A Candle On the Sea

For you I'll make an ocean
Where you'll never have to hide
I'll fill it with devotion
And pour love upon the tide

        For you these waters bide...

The waves they will embrace you
On that warm supporting sea
The current, it will guide you through
And bring your flame to me

        The things you always will see

by Lizzie Maestas |
Categories: beauty, cancer, childhood, city,

Where I'M From

I’m from dirt covered knees 
and sweaty faces
I’m from playing in the sun
from dawn ‘til dusk
I’m from “being one of the guys”
playing sports in the mud pits of our backyards
I’m from striving to fit in
I’m from making mistakes
and learning from the consequences
I’m from going to parties
and staying out late
I’m from a shaky past
with an unknown future 
I’m from turning the bad into good
I’m from being the best I can be
and working hard to succeed
I’m from a family of survivors
supporting them through their fight with cancer
I’m from never giving up
on something you love

by Amber Youngblood |
Categories: christian,

The Pastors Wife

The pastors Wife

The Pastors wife strong and true,
With so many hats yet knows what to do.

Knowing she loves him with all her heart,
Always supporting him right from the start.

Supporting the Church and congregation,
a Blessed Christian leader of our great nation.

Making a difference in all our lives,
in support of our Pastor in all his great strives.

So we honor her today in every way,
with loving support on this Special day.

We Love and thank you Pastor Jamie

by Reason A. Poteet |
Categories: allegory, friendship, rainbow, sunshine,


Some people put on a show; they out and out lie.  You know real friends will tell you the truth, nicely.  Like rainbows in the sky, friends are a welcome sight; like rainbows, friends mix sunshine with the rain.

rhinestones glossy, sparkly pretending, daring, charming sequins, showoffs; friends, jewels supporting, cautioning, inviting solid, honest diamonds
written as a diabun (as a haibun is to haiku, so a diabun is to diamante) March 13, 2017 Contest: Frank Herrera's - An Expression of Love

by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores |
Categories: evil, inspiration,

Good Versus Evil

                           Peace, love
               Inspiring, caring, supporting
        Compassion, empathy, selfishness, immoral
             Destructing, perverting, depraving 
                           Fear, hate

Nayda Ivette

by Carol Davis |
Categories: love, patriotic,

Under the Stars

Look close at Old Glory

Pick up one of the stars…

Names, faces engraved under each one

Of those who protected our stars and bars

Supporting our freedom-- never easily won. 


Ghostly faces of men

Fighting, suffering, dying for our land

Each hero holding onto the flag

Traumatized, wounded but making their stand

Look---special stars for those who lost their dog tags.


Americans supporting their causes

Promising our banner will never fall

Stand up citizens, cover hearts, pause

Proudly look at the flag, and then stand tall

Tattered maybe, but to us-- 


Old Glory's the same...not old at all.

by L.C. Jarrette |
Categories: best friend, daughter, for her, love, mom, mother, teacher,

41 Syllables Are Not Enough

                              Selfless, irreplaceable
                        Loving, correcting, sacrificing
                   Best friend, adviser, ally, confidante
                   Understanding, helping, supporting
                               Special, trustworthy

by Ashley Daly |
Categories: love

Am I Supposed To Love You From Isolation?

Am I supposed to love you from isolation?
From miles away?
Put your feelings away.
Your trying,
Your wanting,
Your supporting,
Your everything,
Oh, just stay.
We’ll figure it out.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: abortion, anti bullying, blessing, evil, hate, love, truth,

For Or Against There Is No Middle Ground

The silent acquiescence to evil becomes transparent 
it sits on the sideline afraid to choose a side 
letting sin trample all over good values into condemning them as false 
Where honesty lacks any sort of fire or deep conviction 
but yet those whom are filled with hate are driven by their passion 
let us pedal this for what it is 
How does one unlock the mindset caught in a trap 
snared they become supporting vices seeking children 
hell bent on destroying the normal family structure 
enough is enough when you see clearly 
The sacrifice is done in blood attacking the innocent 
guilt has only one face and hides behind a mask of deceit

by Stormy Smith |
Categories: beauty, desire, i love you, longing, love, passion, romance,

Honesty and Devotion

A gentle word like a spark of light,
 Illuminates my soul
 And as each sound goes deeper,
 It's YOU that makes me whole

 There is no corner, no dark place,
 YOUR LOVE cannot fill
 And if the world starts causing waves,
 It's your devotion that makes them still

 And yes you always speak to me,
 In sweet honesty and truth
 Your caring heart keeps out the rain,
 YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roof

 So thank you my Love for being there,
 For supporting me, my life
 I'll do the same for you, you know,
 My Beautiful, Darling Fiance.

To my loving Fiance, Michaela Dean

by Amanda Reslink |
Categories: best friend, brother, family, friend, love, relationship,

Counter Balance

Thelma to my Louise
Partner in crime;
Your smile...
Drags me from darkness to light.

Muse to my demons,
Always playing a perfect tune;
Laugh upon the wind, 
Inspiring me to new heights.

 Mechanic to my soul,
Break by break; beer by beer,
We patch, paint, and buff
The scars from our hearts.

Playing Jimminy Cricket
Angel and demon upon decisions;
 Anchor upon rough seas...
molding and supporting one another.

Transcending friend to family;
 Built in body guard, 
Protecting my virtue...
A sister you never knew you wanted.

Shelter from rain;
Shoulder to cry upon,
Best friend unto brother...
 I'd be lost without your beacon.

by Stephen Parker |
Categories: love

Fragile Love

shimmering surface
taut beams supporting body
spanning cavity
filled with insecurity
hollow bridge in current sways

by Daver Austin |
Categories: love

Take a Chance


And a chance to love
Every mountain    meadow
                               and field beckons
                      every earth-bound thing stirring
Well then?    LOVE!

The inconstant mind will disagree
       will crawl every corner of existence
Hah!    That slab of meat will - computer-like -
                                store every confuting demon
Confusing    in a whirl!
(oh, to just die)

But close your eyes
The Life-Giver!
Always present
Always with ‘that still    small voice’   will tell
“Here are no inconsistencies
Just love”

by John Lawless |
Categories: death, life, metaphor,



No one had stuck to the script.
Improvisation had become the necessity
of constantly changing sets.

The orchestra pit, gaping maw
of failure, waiting to devour
tongue tied practiced lines,

reverberating costumed fears
masquerading as “stage” presence,
applauded by long vacant stares.

Passion, lost amid lust,
love, tainted by doubt,
time’s creaky stage

counting cadence
of faltering steps

Echoed shadows
family, friends,
supporting cast

last act, last scene, last bow,
flowers wilting
final curtain call.


submitted to – Denouement – Poetry Contest
sponsor – Nayda Ivette Negron

by Priscilla Patterson |
Categories: addiction, age, emotions, boy, , cute,

My True Boyfriend

my true love name Im break down each letter with reason why
e ffortless supporting his family
d determined to never give up
d diversified for his age
I ntelligent in how he think about things
e execute his plan as he planned
k indhearted person who help when needed without being asked
I irrational sometime but he know what he doing
respectful to all 
superb cause he is 
e ducated to learn more
y you can only be you

this young man should me why you should never judge book by the cover by far the best person I ever met that treated my child and I like we were his all and provided or us with love and support

by Dalila Agtani |
Categories: nostalgia,

Repotting Me

Constantly is one Contacting you is keeping alive And loving you despite the distance Is a gentle rain Rapidly to dampen Loneliness that hamper and threatens Thus, energizing and maintaining Our LOVE And repotting, therefore is for existence And likens a life supporting device.

by Lu Loo |
Categories: poets, tree,

Laura Contest

Laura Contest

Latin for “Laurel” was a tall, strong tree,
Queens crowned with such honor and victory,
Poet Petrarch in love with the beauty,
Beloved Laura,  fourteenth  century.

So many years, nothing but love for her,
Laura was his soulmate, truth to be heard,
For he wrote her sonnets on notepaper, 
Longing to prove he was her heart keeper.

When someone asks what Laura really means,
Strong roots supporting my great Laurel tree,
Blossoming, blooming all colors of green,
Swaying in the breeze so sturdy and free.

Even though my middle name is Marie,
Queens crowned with my branches in victory.

Written By: Laura Urbaniak
Date: November 20, 2015

by Wilma Neels |
Categories: friendship, love,


laughter overrides melancholy when your smile brings about mine geared for the exigent days supporting each other through good and bad times love in action essential in our growth

by Ryan Wegenast |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, lost love, love, recovery from..., romanceromance, romance,

Radio Romance

Radio romance ridicules soul, 
soldiers beat is the only motion I know. 
The power of pride I will always show, 
never shall I hide the glorious glow. 

Radio romance advances swiftly, 
razor eyes rumble the ground before thee, 
trembling knees gain strength and rigidity, 
supporting the weight of all that is me.

Radio romance spits fulsome flattery, 
sadly believed are these words entrusted through doubt. 
Loves lies swipe neat, 
about face choked cries.
Radio romance takes a seat, beat

by Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris |
Categories: encouraging, motivation,

Wrong Operating Systems

when you look at the world 
operating systems and find out  
there were made for the interests of few folks 
in the world and you keep silent. 
Imagine the thoughts of the victims 
who standing pacifically and 
expressing some important issues 
to clean without violences in the world. 
Some meaningful daily songs 
are celestial warnings 
which can be ignored
and blaming the singers 
In the future. 

Scripture says " Love the neighbours 
as you love yourself"
supporting wrong world operating systems express
hating the victims of these world wrong operating systems.  
Love it is shown in actions. 

August 3/2023

by Wole Francis |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, romance, me, love, me,


When I look back
And think about our time together
All the beautiful memories we've made
It makes me feel so lucky
To be in love with you

All the good times we've had
All the obstacles and hurdles we've scaled
Our ability to handle all our issues on our own
It makes me feel so fortunate
To be in love with you

You've always been wonderful to me
Supporting me in every way
For all the love and affection you've showered on me
It makes me feel so blessed
To be in love with you.

by Joshua Butler |
Categories: black african american, love, people,


Fluently flowing from her beautiful head,
Are locks of perfection,
Stopping abruptly at her back.
Sloping steep with elegance,
Forms her neck,
Supporting her head like it holds the world.
Smooth silky plateaus are her shoulders,
The sturdy top table,
Balancing good and bad like a scale.
Her torso was that of sexy seduction,
Twisting and Turning, confusing my love,
Tight compactness driving me wild.
Hypnotic waves sent from her hips,
Curvacious winding roads of elusiveness,
Her worst is her best interchangeably,
Skin tone of ebony, caramel, and honey,
A GODDESS sitting on the pedestal of Heaven.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, angst, anxiety, imagination, peace,

Creatures With Souls

What if our world were free of greed and hate and equality and justice shared goals? Just think of what wonders we could create in a place befitting creatures with souls. Peace is proven an improbable dream, but can you imagine if it weren't so? What if we stop supporting the extreme; and instead, vote for a new tomorrow? Can you imagine a world without war, with no more bigotry, killings, or rapes? And a love this world's never seen before, finally distinguishing Man from apes. Fantasy or destiny, it's our choice, keep waging war, or join hands and rejoice.