Love Poems About Supportive or Supportive Love Poems
by Line Gauthier |
Categories: appreciation, confidence, encouraging, faith, friendship love, happiness, introspection,

The Whole Package

you are unique
with your bundle of talents
quirks and flaws
qualities and strengths

appreciate your self
as you would
the most precious friendship
on all levels
respect and gratitude

think of yourself
as your own best friend
forever loyal and supportive

Published in my 24-page photo/anthology book ~STAY TRUE~ 2023

AP: Honorable Mention 2020

Posted on April 7, 2018

by Don Johnson |
Categories: love,



Cheating  means you’re  telling lies,
Women, Lousy Jack, despises,                   
But hurtful to a lover, is,
Finding out, not hers, but his.

Cheating  means you’re  telling lies,
Much worse than eating flies, 
Be a man, she cries and cries, Be supportive too. 

Cheating  means you’re  telling lies,
Not hard to analyize, the creeper,
Sneaking love so hot it fries, Lover, not the leaper. 

Cheating  means you’re  telling lies,
Sometimes self, he does despise,
Feels so bad he inward cries, Sad girl is the weeper.

Sponsor	Susan Burch
Contest Name	Cheater Cheater

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: character,

A Bio Of Me

Baby A soul who is appreciative, creative, empathetic, spiritual Mother of Tommy, Jr., Phyllis Brooks, and Doris Culverhouse I love to read, write poetry, and observe nature I try to keep my heart open to joy, gratitude, and hope At times I fear death of my spouse, loneliness, and dementia I would love to experience healing of the earth, end of war, and see Jesus I am a resident of Thomaston, USA Morgan At times my children show their love It seems to arrive on time and fit like a glove My husband can be my supportive friend Whom I believe will love me until the end

by Janet Runyan |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, care, dad, i love you, mom,

My Parents

I love to hear my father's laugh
When he thinks something's funny
I really love to make him laugh
Because he's such a comedian

I love how hard my mother works 
When she has a goal,  she achieves it
I love how judgemental she is at the t.v. 
It just makes me laugh

I love that I'm the perfect mixture of them
My lower face is Mom 
My eyes and forehead are all Dad 
Only they left me out on being tall

I love that family is sacred to them 
That they'll always help us if they can
I love how supportive they are 
I wish they could know how grateful I am

by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: dedication, i love you, love,

Warm and True

Hold me now and feel
my trembling hands.
It never mattered that
you are an older man.

Pull me closer to your warm
and supportive shoulder
being near you makes my heart
beat wild and live bolder.

Kiss my lips and drink them in
no one but you knows where my
soul begins and ends.

Take this passion I only have for you
and know that I honestly love you, so
warm and true.

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: love, romance, love,

Spellbinding Love

Starry-eyed young lady with spellbinding
Voice skillfully drew him in
Spirited in nature with love abounding
He longed to touch her silken skin

Slowly the tangled love web she did spin
Sunny disposition as bright as sunny day
Shimmering in moonlight she danced to him
Smoldering emotions she held at bay

Smart is she, sophisticated, and a lady
Superb talents, calm, and steadfast
He found that she was supportive ready
Definitely one who is an enthusiast

Sweet and charming joyful to brim
Surprising that she won him with a hymn

Written by: Sara Kendrick
Choice of form: Sonnet
Contest: Romance
Sponsor: David Williams

by Megan Ryan |
Categories: family, friend, friendship, poems, poetry, thanksgiving,

I'M Thankful

Thanksgiving is a day
To be thankful for all
That we have in life
With those that we love.

I'm thankful for my family
For being there for me
Always there to help
Supportive and loving.

I'm thankful for my friends
Whom I'm happy to have met
That brought joy and light
To my life as I did for them.

I'm thankful for music
That cheers me up when blue
Inspires and moves me
To help my creativity flow.

I'm thankful for life
Although there are storm clouds
The sun shines through them
To bring light to the world.

Those are the things
I'm quite thankful for
On this glorious Thanksgiving
Especially the delicious turkey.

by Daljit Khankhana |
Categories: dedication, devotion, education, forgiveness,

An Excuseable Nive

You learn alphabetically 26 words the entire life.
although you hate others always write 'love' to your wife.
feel sorry when fall ill, say thanks to her supportive nature,
when she ignores you hurt your feelings you held a knife.
when you wrong promise to care in an excuse-able nive.

by Meridy Petricciolli |
Categories: love,

My Belief Is True Love Is Unconditional

My belief is true love is unconditional - 
totally accepting, 
encouraging and empathetic -
it is boundless, 
lacking ego and willingly self-sacrificing. 
it is an oasis in a desert of emotion, 
a haven of peace in a tempest of wrong decisions, 
an embrace of infusing strength at all times, 
arms always lifting you up,
prayers of protection every time you're out of sight, 
prayers of thanksgiving when you return.

by Alisa Balaieva |
Categories: appreciation, devotion, happiness, i love you, love, relationship, universe,

I'M In Awe


I have a dream in my eyes
I have love in my moves
I have the world in my arms
Look around, we improve
Everything around us
Kindness goes towards us


I’m in awe with this moment
It is my favourite time
Wanna live a bit slower
wanna feel this divine

I have a poem in my mouth
I have a song in my head
The Universe tells me I’m right
Doing all by my way

Everything around us
Kindness goes towards us


I’m in awe with this moment
It is my favourite time
Wanna live a bit slower
Wanna feel this divine

How beautiful how unique
It’s simple, but it’s mystique
Everything’s  going perfect
Everyone is supportive

by Thomas Brown |
Categories: depression, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, loss, lost love, sad,

Better Luck Next Time

My heart...can you find it?
I can't feel it in my chest
Ever since the emotional hit
Leaving me months of unrest

You'll be fine, better luck next time

Every woman looks like the same
Decent hair, poor skin and a sight of breast
Nothing but another bland dame
Why can't I simply just rest?

You'll be fine, better luck next time

Lying alone in bed waiting
my supportive roommates in love surround me
I can't bear the noise as I'm debating
What is next in life for me?

You'll be fine, better luck next time

....oh shut up

by Anupama Kadwad |
Categories: valentines day,

My Life Partner

On a bright sunny day I became your wife,
I consider myself lucky for you came into my life.

Together many hurdles and bridges we crossed,
Faced whatever hardships life at us tossed.

Through thick and thin we stuck together,
In all difficulties helped one another.

You have been the pillar of my strength,
I treasure you more than any wealth.

You have encouraged me to learn new things,
You have supported me like a pair of wings.

With your supportive loving nature,
Many new places we could venture.

Due to your love for travelling and adventure,
I could visit many different places and new pastures.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, age, imagery, poems, poetry,

Where Do Poets Go

When their pens run dry, where do poets go? With old verses scripted in rhythm and rhyme; Will their poetry relate past its prime? Bards present and past speak to tomorrow, inking words of love, passion, and sorrow shared by us all, and thus, immune to time. Poets pass, but their poetry lives on in postings tethered to the internet, securely stored for anyone to get. We word smiths forge words to ponder upon and those words still speak for us when we're gone; so when dusk comes, we won't fear the sunset. Poets find a home in supportive groups that lift a kindred spirit when it droops.

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: faith,

God Is Love

Giving, gentle, genuine creator
Open door to all who desire to be greater
Divine, devoted Father of all mankind

Inviting, incomparable love divine
Sympathetic, supportive, love effulgent

Loving, loyal luminous Father indulgent
Out of sight, outstanding heart alterer
Vital ingredient for agape love story 
Extraordinary, enchanting, effusive glory 

Agape_ah-gah pey or ah gah pey

Inspired by: Regina Riddle
Contest: God
Theme: God
Written: July 30, 2014

by Karen Deeks |
Categories: love, passion, me,


The waves were subtle
As you led me in
Half moon
Full moon
I can't quite remember
But your hand was strong
Supportive was your praise
Backstroke in November

My mind was muddled
But you let me be
All me
Just me
You were tender
Your tempting tongue
Was impeccable
All I could do
Was serenely surrender

by Shirley Madeleine |
Categories: family, life

We Were Once Unite

Division, dicussion, argument and fighting
Was the last thing we ever wanted to do
Separation was out of question
And today...
...all these seems to be disappear
Side by side
Supportive, shoulder to depend 
Was our target
Eventhough we were not rich
But as a whole family
Love was everlasting
But why is it today that each one of us
Is taking its own way
And forget if we were once unite

by Tone Jaxson |
Categories: death, depression, family, funeral, loss, me, sad, sorry,

Family Gathering

The crowded room filled with family &  friends has become overwhelmingly small

I’m surrounded by people who love me yet I feel like I wanna cry

Familiar hands rub my back and whispers tell me everything will be alright

In time of course? Of course 

I wanna say thank you for coming but I can’t

My thickened tongue and dry throat keeps my awkward but sincere words bottled up

So I don’t respond, I can’t respond

Happiness feels like grief and home just doesn't feel like HOME

Everyone’s being so supportive but I just wanna be left ALONE

Written & copyrighted by Tone Jaxson

by Nitin Aswani |
Categories: faith, future, life, trust, truth,

Life Belongs To You

i love the way you love me
the way you hugg me
the way you kiss me
no one could love me the way you do
and no one has loved me like the way you do
i hate myself for hurting you
and hate situations where i need to get tough
i wish all we could get was just good times
but life is not so kind and we face bad times
and you please be kind and please co-operate
at times where i make mistakes and fall
because if you be supportive i would never fall
and we both could be the couples you always dreamed off

by Nicole Wheatley |
Categories: family

My Best Friend

Thank - you,
For being my friend, 
My best friend,
For always knowing what to say, 
And when to say it,
For being my mentor,
For being my role model,
My  hero,
And my world,
For loveing me lots,
Hope you know this is special for you,
Pop - pop I love you,
Thank - you for always being so supportive of me,
No matter what I do,
Good or bad,
Evil or amazingly nice, 
You always have my back,
You're the best,
And my number one MAN!

by Anindya Mohan Tagore |
Categories: mother son,

Oh, Ma

Like a star you shine
With your smile divine
Oh Ma! You shower all your love

You take the pains for us
To beautify life's vase
Oh Ma! You are my suede glove

When all fall short, you stand
With your supportive hand
You push, from the depth of the dark

When all hopes find their ends
When life's path take sharp bends
You save my soul, like Noah's ark

Mother is a concept
Promises are to be kept
Oh Ma! You are my cosy cove

Even Man can be one
Like you, with endless fun
Oh Ma! You are my treasure trove


by Curtis Johnson |
Categories: mother, mothers day,

Good Morning Mom

It's been 21 years since you went away
And I have missed you dearly every day

Never one more gentler, kinder, sweeter
Most supportive and ever understanding

Your ears were constantly opened to others
Your big heart was filled with love so genuine                                              

I'm thinking about and missing you this Spring morning
You were always encouraging and believing in me

I always felt your love reaching out
And in your eyes, I saw no doubt


by Sarah Hall |
Categories: loveme, world, love, me,

A Love of Beautiful Colors

You are the reason I have made it this far
You give me the chance to be me
You taught me to see
I can go on and show you a world that is full of serendipity
A light out of the shadows
A display of affection that will bring you to the atmosphere that destiny has 
You bring me to a life full of adventure
I can live freely
I can be full of spirit and grace
I can love you fully
I am able to see clearly
I can be the supportive lover
I will be the one that will always hold you hand
I will show you the world that we exist in
I will give you my heart and we will live in this love we have created.

by Akanksha Somani |
Categories: people, sad love,

A Verdict On Love

A connoisseur of music 
Feign to enjoy solitude
Behind curtain of loneliness
lots of got memories accrued

Falling in love with nature
i was trying to get renewed
For not proving my love my 
own people made me accused

In the file of supportive evidences
"love of heart" i forgot to include
lost the case of feelings, when a 
lovey dovey person was declared as Rude.

This verdict didn't hurt as much 
as that petition against love did
Everyone ascended in form 
of money success but love alone slid.

by Melissa Miles |
Categories: hope, loveme, me,

Beautiful Blessing

You see what no one else does,
	The real me inside,
And I look in awe at the
	Beautiful soul put in my path,
To open my eyes,
	Expand my heart,
		Hold me close,
Even from faraway,
	You continue to positively and
Walk with me,
	Make me look at my
		World anew.
My Beautiful Blessing…
Without you,
	My life wouldn’t glow with love,
		My wall even higher,
			My load a little heavier.
But you walk by me,
	Quiet and supportive,
Loving me every step of the way,
	Bringing a smile to my face.
Beautiful Blessing.

by Duane Crichlow |
Categories: hope, inspiration, love, prayer, uplifting,

We'Re All In This Together

Hello, everyone.
Pay attention to these words
Of encouragement.

Just like you, I'm scared.
And we're facing the biggest
Fight of our lives.

But heed my warning:
You cannot be stubborn and
Act so immature.

Life is way too short
For fussing, name-calling, and
Hurting each other.

During these tough times,
We must all be prayerful
And supportive, too.

So let's all stand tall!
We will overcome the odds
And be vigilant.

What I'm saying is:
We're all in this together.
Are you guys with me?