Love Poems About Supposedly or Supposedly Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: crush, funny love, humorous, teacher,

Teacher's Pet

As I look back, it all seems funny now
Recalling all those awkward teen age years
I pushed the limits farther than allowed
Supposedly when young, we had no fears

Infatuation caught me with the blues
My heart was swollen by love's gentle sting
It was a crush that only left a bruise
Left by the diamond in her wedding ring

The first day I laid eyes on her, I fell
The lightning bolt she was, that shook my world
And to this day I swear I'd know her smell
Could she have read my mind, she'd likely hurled

I hated school but never missed her class
She said she loved me 'cause I made her laugh

  original poem by Daniel Turner

by Dominique Webb |
Categories: christmas, giving, gospel, imagery, jesus, memory, miracle,


Dazzled by the church this christmas time again, 
So many services on TV, reverends saying when,   
So many cards imaging the baby, angels, sheep, 
Who were supposedly under god’s control, creep.

Pastors reading the bible to me, the sacred nativity, 
Invites to carol services in the mail for connectivity,
Memories of protracted christmas eve meetings, 
Where the gospel was also preached for musings. 

But Father Christmas looms with love and cheer, 
For everyone, every race, any nation of any gear;
And your diversity, if you’re a child, is respected, 
By that adviser of gift choice, your one’s selected.

by Hansteven Selfa |
Categories: i love you, life, loss, love, love hurts, miss you, missing you,


We met in a much slow recognition
Not knowing that ours would be possible
Love 'came a typical disposition
Two diametric worlds in assemble.

Gradually, your hazel-brown eyes met mine
Moving from east to west like the stars
And everything was supposedly fine
We took easily on our every hour.

Slowly, can't believe this love is unkept
Can't get enough of love's falling debris
Then step after step, still cannot accept
That this is the end of our love story.

Our story, started and ended so slow
Even years after, still I can't let go.

January 09, 2016
For the contest, Any Poem, sponsor, Broken Wings

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love,

Four Little Letters

Love is indeed a very short word Four little letters spell it out But those letters can mean a lifetime Of joy, there's absolutely no doubt Sure you've heard this many times It makes the world go round The reason we create this aura about us In spite of the ups and downs The male is supposedly the dominant one But that's when we hunted for food Now the ladies seem to be running things Using sex to control our moods Works each time though we surely know Her tactics are to encourage fidelity We fall each time for that moment sublime When we lose all sense of reality © Jack Ellison 2013

by Rasheal Timm |
Categories: life, lost love,


I hear the world buzzing by,
In silence I rely,
Yet I cry,
For I see with my hearts eyes,

Cellophane should be my name,
Invisible I remain,
Screaming out in vain,

Even invisible he use to see,
Now he is blind to all thats me,
My curse is feeling,

Yet I'm all alone,
With cellophane I am home,
We are sharing,

Bearing the pain of loneliness,
Sharing the shame of knowing it,
We're invisible and incompetent,

And so he's blind you see,
But yet he supposedly loves me.

by Larissa Maria Martin |
Categories: angst, introspection


What is in beauty that can make you agony?
What is in love that seems to tear you apart?
Why would supposedly delightful things become painful?

We are born and we grow up selfish, that is why!

We wish naively to own beauty.
We wish arrogantly to control love.
We wish, after all, what is utterly impossible!

And the impossible hurts more than any other thing!

by Mel Marakalala |
Categories: confusion,

What Exactly Is Love

What exactly is love?
Because I feel so unloved...
Is it that my definition of love
Is far greater than how it's defined?
I can't feel any love,
I know how greatly I can love someone,
But I am never loved as much as I'd like.

What exactly is love?
Can you put it into words for me?
I need to feel the love
That this person supposedly feels for me.

What exactly is love?
What is it being loved?

by Josner Saintil |
Categories: america,

Letter To America

TO AMERICA (From J- Saintil/Anonymous-the fourteen year old.)
Dear Mr. President
I am not a resident
I am not a citizen,
But my love for America is evident.

Dear Congress women and men,
Please don't take offense,
If I happen to not be legal
Yet try to unite nations under my pen.

Dear Supreme Court,
Don't take it too hard,
If I try to be successful
Without supposedly respecting a law.

Dear Sweet America
My bright and morning stars,
If you ever fade away
I'll remind you that hope is not far.

Dear esteemed Democrats and Republicans alike,
Can we work together,
Compromise, and not fight?
For with unity, there is always might.

by Emma Buckeridge |
Categories: life, lost love

Such a Waste of Love

Foolish emotions buried within
Careless notions seep through the skin
Hide underground, a terrible thing
Such a waste of love
Foolish emotions, taste the bitter pill
Wash away heart ache, but sadder still
Hide underground, now where's the thrill?
Such a waste of love

A temporary feeling, feeling like this
Unforgiving hearts beat to the sound of a kiss
Shimmer away to a place I won't miss
Such a waste of love
Supposedly I knew just what to say
Frozen alone, we're cut from the same
A careless notion torn out of shame
Such a waste of love

by Holly Lake |
Categories: religionlove,

Why Bother Believing At All?

As I sink into the shabby old chair,
I reflect and think, "Well how is that fair?"
DoesGod not love us, is that not his will?
Or have we ignored his love for a thrill?

Created through greatness supposedly,
But half of what's here makes me want to flee.
What lays before us, before you and I,
POINTLESS! We know in the end we just die.

Yet still we will suffer these "acts of God",
But no one will say it, some may just nod
Our thoughts are silenced, and kept in our heads,
Me? I'd rather scream it out loud instead.

So hide your troubles and go with the flow!
Is he there? Is he with us? I say NO.

by April Ladawn Belin |
Categories: angel, character, forgiveness, heart, how i feel, i am, literature,

Note From Venus

Supposedly we are our own or to each is there own 

My angel from above had to be created by Venus 
The Love Goddess of all 

Made by God's for God's

Blessing of such beauty created for our soul's 
 inside and out 

I'm entranced beyond any universe created for us
 to love like no other 

Forgive like no other

My angel is created for me

As to possess such forgiveness and love 
 at the same time 

Amazingly I'm entranced and blessed to such

by Natalie Lekang |
Categories: life, love, people, philosophy, love,

My Foolish One

My foolish one,
where are you going
don't you see
you are going to fall
those plans of yours
are  going to break you
My foolish one,
come this way
my path is harder
at first glance
but it will make you
My foolish one,
I love you 
and want only
the best for you
yet you still insist on your own way
My foolish one,
why do you want me to weep
My foolish one,
can't you see I love you

by Melanie D |
Categories: friendship, loss, love, sadcry,

To My Lost Friend

It's not that I dont miss it all
Just that I wont give myself a chance to
I occupy myself with other things
So that my mind cant focus on you
It's not that I never loved you
Just that I dont think of it now
I block all those emotions
Any way I know how

And when I look at you in pictures
And read your letters you wrote to me
I'm saddened by our distance; I think
We were supposedly "meant to be"

I wonder what you're thinking now
If I'm still in your every prayer
If when I'm turned away, you'll look at me
Just because you care

Do you cry for me often?
Because I'll always cry for you
Just because you'll always be
The greatest guy I knew

by Khashayar Salehi |
Categories: anger,

Ever-Buck-Passing Websites

You press the keys time and again
And errors bog you with flat disdain 
In vain you try and rack your brain 
To figure what has derailed the train 

The website is but a tangled web
That sinks your spirits to a new ebb
Supposedly a tool to expedite work
Actually a means to shut your neb

On its homepage, the motto to dangle

by Ben Rosenbach |
Categories: depression, life, love,

Heartless With a Heart

She tells me she has no heart,
I say I dont believe her,
then I give proof that she can love,
and alas a fight ensues,
no true friends she says she has,
for they supposedly betrayed her,
but the truth lies within my mind,
it was only because I needed an answer,
to hear rumors and stories,
from all sides,
is almost like being killed,
now I have the answer sought,
though its not what I wanted,
yet i still know she has a heart,
for then she has her family,
I may have hurt and made her cry,
but forgiveness is what I seek,
from the heartless with a heart.

by Marissa Faries |
Categories: lost love,

Just Think You Should Know

Just think you should know after all of these years I'm still into you.
I still know, I'll never get in... Fortunately for you, 
Not interested in what girls are supposedly meant to do.