Love Poems About Suzette Prime or Suzette Prime Love Poems
by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, anger, angst, anxiety, discrimination, imagery, immigration,

Go Away

wars drugs poverty famine fear rape death and degradation that's the impoverished world desperate immigrants flee and yet we won't let them in go die on the other side of our new wall stay away from what’s ours we should be ashamed to call ourselves Christians there's no kindness in our hearts or tolerance for others even though God's commandment says to love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Suzette Prime) 8/11/2018

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: lost love,

Sweet Taste of Love

   "Sweet Taste of Love"

sweet taste
of true love
is divine essence
sprinkled from heavenly skyline by Angels.

thin line
severs love
hate resonates heart 
dagger thrusts ---

love conquers life if hearts remain faithfully
as the golden arch shatters dreams caged in death.

*For 12 lines or under Contest. 

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: inspirational, love, peace, philosophy, uplifting,

Open Hearts

love fest
welcome here
our community
open hearts and open palms
expressing and receiving other’s feelings

Universality will be possible only when we focus
on human qualities that unite us. Respect, politeness,
cooperation, friendship, inclusion, teamwork. This stems
from the ability to listen to, and most importantly hear
other’s ideas, that are not necessarily our own, and allow
them to flourish also.

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: love hurts,


' When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives'- Lauren Eden

the hopeless frenzy of this wicked hour stares
from broken mirrors
this fractured visage shaken
this worn love, a hardened scab
tempting to be plucked
and promising not to bleed
this time
love is such an impatient

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: birth, blessing, humanity, love, peace,

Magis of the Orient

Sent from East
With presents on hand
Wishing, walking with glued hand
By land traveled from Orient far
Praying, bowing before the mightiest Star
Never before in a lifetime
  the World changed half-time
Like magic under spell
  World rejoiced where true believers dwell

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, emotions, feelings, god, judgement,

A Moral Compass

the Lord will not judge you on how often you pray or how earnestly you pray prayers are no more than words they hold no meaning for God He has no desire to be praised or worshiped that was never your purpose that's why He gave you free will you're born with a soul a moral compass that forever points you in the direction of love and you will be judged not on your interpretation of God's love but on how you shared that love with your fellow man

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, beautiful, faith, god, love,

One and the Same

love's much more than an incredible feeling a chemical reaction an imaginary wish or a synonym for lust it is also a gentle, intimate touch a shared memory a hope a spiritual bonding of hearts and souls and a gift from God it's like a silent promise that goes unspoken and yet gets heard nonetheless a dream dreamt within a dream love affects the human heart mind and soul God is love love is God they are interchangeable and indistinguishable from one another for they are one and the same (Suzette Prime) 2/1/2021 What is love Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Unseeking Seeker

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: faith, god, hope, love, prayer, religious, spiritual,

Say It's So

I may show kindness in myriad ways, love in many more but how do I show hope and faith to those whose lonely lives are tattered and torn as I sit sated in mind and body safe within my home, my family, my church? invite them inside for a meal and a warm fire or if in line at the store, pay for their meager purchase your giving spirit is your crown wear it with humility and true selflessness and praise God for your blessings that duplicate with each one you give away amen

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: character, identity,

but the shadows turned it gray

"I was born with the meaning of home running through my veins." Lauren Eden

home's life
expressed through
a mom's magic love
the tone be it gay or sad
slips from the mother's heartstrings engulfing each
if the shadows be gray, muted or sunny yellow

each child
will carry 
for their whole life love
or hate whichever she gives
unless somewhere someone or event gives change
then another home somewhere receives light from above    

by Charmaine Matson |
Categories: love,

Your Love

Sometimes its hard for me to put it into words, sometimes its hard for me to even think, I don't want to go another day, not knowing if you love me.
It's hard for me to spend another night with out you..I need your arms wrapped around me...I need to feel your kiss upon my cheek..I need to be able to look upon your face as the sun begins to rise in the early are the breath that I breathe...

by Chetta Achara |
Categories: love,

Always On My Mind

the knowledge of your absence
is a whisper in the wind
a melody echoing
a haunting presence
in the chambers of my heart
a portent made of desire

we dance in moonlight
beneath stars
beneath time
in the wild places
I create for us 
in the fantasy of dreams

your essence lingers
a timeless rhythm
where you dwell 
always on my mind
in the hush of night 
and in the dawn's soft light.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: muse, poetry, silence, spiritual,

Piercing the veil

as silence layers silence
in time dissolved staid stillness
we sense ripples in the void
wherein our soul is centred
simply present in agendaless vibrance
attentive and receptive
not only to the words but meanings assigned
by murmurs of heart translated by the mind
a symbolic representation of light
as it is imbibed and assimilated
osmotically by our formless presence
as a soundless reverberation sublime
whose refrains echo in the cave of our heart
wherefrom gushing forth
the bardo that may not be named is then pierced
gently and mindfully imprinting our love
on the heart of God
thus invoking grace
by blurring all boundaries 
and ending separation

by Subimal Sinha-Roy |
Categories: analogy, feelings, love,

Perception In Contrast

green forest slant sunrays pierce foliage you sparkle whisper in the air of joy make rippling melody on strings of my heart you turn into my music i love dark forest cloud drips through the leaves melts you flows in tears within my eyes wind whistles morose music the tune creates you i yearn
January 13, 2021 For Brian Strand's Contest All Yours (Jun 25)

by Janis Medders Tobechi |
Categories: character, happiness,

When Baby Dances

when baby dances the whole world shows its sunshine and the smile on my face is from down inside my love stirs something like a quickening pulsating rhythm from feet to my brain in syncopation to the heart and back again when they saw baby dance they threw dimes, nickels and pennies brother picked them up as baby danced and danced now, baby dances, twists and gyrates his nakedness only for my lusting eyes happiness is worth nothing until it's shared 1/25/2021

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: introspection, muse, senses, spiritual,

The Tides of Change

the very moment we feel a ripple know duality is at play aliveness on earth plane in this mind body felt as vibration within if we be free of blockage that that arises soon fades else it spirals inside form bringing about change thus it may be best to remain empty inviting divine love within 16-January-2021

by Paul Callus |
Categories: addiction,


on the wings
of euphoria
seduced by transient desire
love-struck Icarus falls to abysmal depths

by Linda Alice Fowler |
Categories: emotions, feelings, heart, life, purple,


“When you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives.”
 – Lauren Edens

born to the purple
no one to guide or support
love sought cold comfort
in all that surrounds
pushed aside by family
a need for parental touch
assuaged by those captive outsiders paid to placate
thin pitiful whines
yes, born well to the purple
all desired shackled within tacky satin
ribbons and gilded exchequers with coveted
stoical emotional purse strings
serrated hearts, cutting tongues

by Slight Buckling |
Categories: 3rd grade, children, homework, math,



dear son
please hear us
please take the handle
of the tool hewn from our lives
you need but pick it up to reap what we’ve sewn
to understand - to see the value in the flat page
and yet you stand with fist clenched in anger
unwilling or unable

how do we reach him
find patience
find love
the fragile mystery of a child’s mind 
is a precious and dangerous thing to hold

February 3, 2021 

Inspired by the poetry contest “Suzette Prime” sponsored by Emile Pinet.

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: blessing, god, love,


His love lights the soul with silent echoes, whispers of assurance His love sings to hearts with melodic waves of joy bright hues caressing darkest nights hello love never leave me please alone, I don’t know the way of faith, hope, great truth inspiration that prays for laughter and peace hymns to break free from heartache His love guides me through storms that rage, miscalculate the breath of rain, faith grace blessed with praise Suzette Prime Poetry Contest Sponsored by Emile Pinet Jan. 4, 2021

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: art, emotions, feelings, poems, poetry, poets, writing,

arrows in a poet's quiver

goes beyond
a mere rhythmic flow of words
like a poultice, it draws out feelings and emotions
hidden between the lines, on a personal level
poetry is to be felt more so than read
when the reader identifies with the poet's words

poetry is a way of
sharing an experience
by linking the words with the reader's feelings

joy, sadness, love, fear, anger, and hope are all
arrows in a poet's quiver
aimed to strike the reader's heart

a poem is not meant to be read like a novel
it's to be savored
and enjoyed like a fine wine
is the catalyst
that evokes self-reflection
and elicits further thoughts

by Isaac Rios |
Categories: cheer up, hope, light, love, philosophy, stars, uplifting,

The Light That Love Holds

Kindness begets more kindness It is a free gift to you Pass it on Let the next person appreciate the love So they may reciprocate More love A small light Shines brightest in the darkness Illuminating everything around it Like the stars in the night sky Be a light that never dies Someone will appreciate your luminescence shining through the night With awe And aspiration to be A light that does not wither For they now know the power That love holds

by Krish Radhakrishna |
Categories: crush, cute love, devotion, inspirational love, love, marriage, smile,

When heart finds love

her love
lights her face
eyes speak poetry
knows what she is looking at
her genetic code has found the perfect match

by L Milton Hankins |
Categories: life, success, wisdom,

Advice For My Child

come reason with me 
if you will 
practice living honorable principles 
seek the noble paths 
of virtue 
fair play 

my child 
my forever dearest one  
love your God
love others more than yourself
you will then delight in your life successes 
my delight will be in you  

Written on January 3, 2021
For Suzette Prime Contest 
Sponsored by Emile Pinet

by Jack Horne |
Categories: love hurts,


our love died
my hopes will linger 
stubborn and destined to fail
until the sands of time blast her from my mind

by David Drowley |
Categories: creation, health, joy, love, men, universe,


Master spoke before creation began Crafting seeds to birth each plan, Including the universe and little Man. Walnut seeds sprout trees and embryos sprout you and me In our Master’s grand design, He seeded us free will to love or not. Crafted by the Masters’ Man are ideas which will bless well or serve us ill. Plant your ideas by the Living Waters and let them grow and thrive Bless your neighbors as yourself in good soil what you plant Avoiding seeds of tares and forbidden fruit That health and joy shall flourish Body and soul fed The Master Well-served.