by Sandip Goswami |
life, love, philosophy,
I asked to my father
Baba, What is life?
He politely said to me, "Life is Duty ."
I asked to my mother
Maa, What is life?
She said to me with smile, "Life is Responsibility ."
I asked to my teacher
Sir, What is life?
He said to me with love, "Life is Education ."
I asked to my spiritual master
Gurujee, What is life?
He said to me with confidence, "Life is Devotion ."
Today my son who reads in class nine
Asked me
Babai, What is life?
I have said to him, "Dear, You are my life ."
(Father means BABA, BABAI and Mother means MAA in Bengali language. Gurujjee means spiritual master in Indian society)
by Quoth Theraven |
allusion, journey, love, magic, romantic love, teacher,
Oh for pity's sake put some clothes on,
the bracing air will steal your breath..
and I need you to stand and stay strong.
Cold comfort thrills from your chill touch
help me recall why I adore you so...
A chin of the ages rests on my shoulder in sweet affection,
two arms encircle my world in every direction.
Redtail hawk riding a thermal looks down..
what caught its gaze I wonder..
Will the day lend a hand through a pestering cloud,
or roll its eyes in thunder?
Such a fine firebrand you've stoked,
as I shave my face and call your bluff.,
Wishing the once would last forever..
though once was more than enough.
by Daniel Turner |
crush, funny love, humorous, teacher,
As I look back, it all seems funny now
Recalling all those awkward teen age years
I pushed the limits farther than allowed
Supposedly when young, we had no fears
Infatuation caught me with the blues
My heart was swollen by love's gentle sting
It was a crush that only left a bruise
Left by the diamond in her wedding ring
The first day I laid eyes on her, I fell
The lightning bolt she was, that shook my world
And to this day I swear I'd know her smell
Could she have read my mind, she'd likely hurled
I hated school but never missed her class
She said she loved me 'cause I made her laugh
original poem by Daniel Turner
by Justin Bordner |
destiny, devotion, i love you, soulmate,
When you laid your hands upon my naked heart
feeling the flex of it's fire, accessing the innocent desire,
holding the form of a new need, I swear, that's when love did start,
your touch became my tradition, the wine of your wisdom my lovely teacher,
From the fine feathers of your soft steel wings
I write poetry of storms in paradise and of love in your eyes,
sympathizing with my sage solitude, yet subduing the sadness it brings
you offer me everything an angel owns, halo and bloodroots, and together we rise -
by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
faithlove, , cute,
The Deposition
The love God gives remains unbound.
Jesus of Nazareth came down.
Everlasting, His love abounds.
Deliverer and Redeemer: crucified, He died.
Eternal sacrifice, His perfect life tried.
Painfully executed, giving no retort to their lies.
Omnipotent creator, teacher, and revelator
Righteous, He lived, and died; over sin the victor.
Incomprehensible pain He, for us bore.
Two women, Mary, His mother, and Mary Magdalene
Inconceivable how perfect love and wisdom fomented.
Overcome with grief, Nicodemus and more lamented.
Never ending love, on the third day Jesus the Christ, alive presented.
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
December 5, 2009
by Tim Ryerson |
for her, friendship,
she’s a faithful friend
a mentor, a confidant
a trusted teacher
of poetry forms
loyal, loving me for me
with no conditions...
on one occasion
she set aside precious time
to study ALL of my work
yes, from first to last
offering kind opinions
on what she thought were my best...
she loathes the lazy
practice of copy/pasting
bland, boring comments
or: ‘Nice work! Love it! Congrats!’
(short but not so very sweet)
enough already!
she’s funny and fun
honorable and honest
sometimes brutally...
(she knows I need it)
confidence sans cockiness
now THAT’S a lady...
by John Hardison |
allegory, silly,
by Vee Bdosa |
beauty, hope, identity, love,
I am as Alpha, but don't ask me why,
the wanderer through life, who comes and goes;
the tail of comets not observed am I,
Omega's dying breath nobody knows.
I am the candle flame where-in you shine,
and dance the dance so long as you will burn,
until the end of time, and time is mine,
I am the teacher from which you will learn.
And yes from your first breath, you learn it all,
only from me, the knowledge that you seek,
because of me you rise, and then you fall,
I am each thought you ever think or speak.
You call me love, but only once you'll see
just what I am, and what I'm meant to be.
© ron wilson arbuthnot
aka Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet
by Barbara Gorelick |
childhood, education
Wood stove
One big room
Teacher, six grades, love
Chaos, respect, learning, fun
Dodge Ball, lunch box, blue crayons, Huckleberry Finn
For Nigel's contest, sigh...way back when...
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
art, feelings, heart, inspiration, love, pain, poetry,
Not chained is the heart would draw near
Feel the breeze of Heaven while heaving
The hand of Faith shall free souls and steer
A divine fountain of Love receiving
Cascaded words flowing over any weir
A grace gifted by inspiring teacher
The poet in you shall have no compeer
Nourish the soul from every single creature
Love lulls human heart to see its sea
And to eternal Love bears a vower
Lead your dives and surface.. beam to be
Sea limits can’t reach just drink its power
by Laura Breidenthal |
life, social, visionary,
Solicitous, complicated, sad, happy
Sister of Sharon, Charles, Robert and David
Lover of uniqueness, creativity, and rain
Who feels darkness, hope, and intensity
Who fears the unknown, the love of my life, and my chemistry teacher
Who would like to see England, Ireland and Candyland
Resident of San Gabriel, California
by Carolyn Devonshire |
husband, lost love, sea,
Such tender whispers waft on salty air
On foggy mornings waves are brushed in gray
I hear you then as winds caress my hair
Your murmur’s soft, but I know what you say
The day will soon come when we live as one
You know I miss the sea scent in your clothes
Our earthly union – life had just begun
You asked for “waders;” I said, “What are those?”
On morns like this I put your waders on
Reach out and search in misty sea for you
The realms that separate us will be gone
To vows we made so long ago, I'm true
My lover, teacher, mentor and best friend
The bond between our souls will never end
*Entry for Brian's contest, December 2018
by Natasha Turner |
From a child to a mother
Now a mother to a child.
From a student to a teacher
Now a teacher in every fight.
From a warrior to a sinner
Now a sinner with an open mind.
From a follower to a master
Light awakens the ambiguous blind.
From a victim to a warrior
With cuts leaving visible scars.
From a heart with love embracing
I will deliver until life parts.
Faith, serenity, hope and death
All lead to what’s next!
Brian Strand Poetry Contest
by Andrea Dietrich |
When Helen Keller was a child,
both deaf and blind, she acted wild
until her heart was helped to melt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.
Sweet sights and sounds she knew not of.
She barely comprehended love.
In youth, a bad hand she’d been dealt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.
A favored doll, dear Helen clutched,
yet things were nameless that she touched.
Words on her hand a teacher spelt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.
One day the young girl’s whole world turned.
Her heart perceived the words she’d learned.
With joy thereafter Helen dwelt.
Seen or not, beauty must be felt.
June 19, 2023
by Janet Bingham |
appreciation, blessing, christian, courage, devotion, jesus, leadership,
Jesus is so good to me.
Jesus is like a brother.
Jesus is in everything I see.
There is no other.
When I travel far,
Jesus travels further.
Jesus is my guiding star.
I need Him forever.
I love Jesus more each day.
Jesus is my preacher.
Jesus hears me when I pray.
Jesus is my teacher.
Janet Marie Bingham
by Gershon Wolf |
baby, marriage, proposal,
We crawl before we walk
Make sounds before we talk
Put training wheels on our first bike
Warm up a bit before a long hike
Mom reads to you before the teacher do
You practive writing your name at home, too
Do you really learn how to count at school --
I counted to a zillion at four; now that was cool
Yet when it comes to lasting love and marriage
It seems that early preparation is disparaged
And how about some classes on diaper-changing
So baby' needs are met sans irritation and raging
by Christy Hardy |
family, hope, life, love, visionary, happy, happy,
If you see a heartless man,
feel sorry for him.
With that cold heart,
comes lonely.
If you see a man without love,
pray for him,
with that empty home,
comes sadness.
If you see a happy man,
be happy with him,
for a happy man,
can spread joy.
If you see a man with religion,
follow his lead.
for a man of God,
is the best teacher we have.
by Joe Dimino |
growth, inspirational, love, meaningful, poetry, wisdom, writing,
There was a time I couldn't see God at all –
my good muse came to me in many blossoms,
the elevating scent and beauty of such creation
was my lift to higher realms
There was a time, I did not believe there was a God –
Muse came to me in the form of a grade-school teacher
who told me, I was worth any suffering
There was a time when God was simply a myth,
till a loving wife and birth of a child taught the meaning
of presence
Whatever the good muse, where you and the muse have gathered
in good faith,
there also is God.....
by Kim Rodrigues |
Witches pitched against witches…
Itch of teacher to tell
them the truth.
There are no brooms
in the closet,
only dupes
and solid students,
with their thoughts flying
opening their eyes for the first time,
as if reborn into a life of love and light.
by Rasitha Ranasinghe |
got no,
such smart boards,
nor internet,
but love spills on teacher's eyes when teaching;
while sun and wind heal our souls like white sheets,
her sweet kind voice,
turns, to ink –
fills our,
Picture 1
Syllable Count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 - 10, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Double Tetractys 6 Poetry Contest
Contest Sponsor: Eve Roper
Date: 2nd December 2020
by Caren Krutsinger |
anger, sad love, school,
He was an angry wasp, zooming around the kindergarten classroom.
Stinging other children with hits, smacks, pops and bites.
They were terrified of him within the first hour or so.
The teacher was losing her cool, her anger was showing on her face now.
Even the kindergarteners who had not been stung did not care for him.
They did not like watching him hurt others, and they saw the teacher’s face.
She hated him, so they would hate him too.
It was what he wanted. He liked the validation.
It proved that his parents were right.
He was unlovable.
by Daniel Sweatt |
beautiful, butterfly, color, cute love, flying, happiness, wife,
My oh my what a delicate butterfly. See how she springs up with beautiful colors in the sky. So fragile so soft, you would think that she was made of fine cloth. This butterfly is a marvelous teacher. So loving and so beautiful if only you can reach her. Singing a tune in a melody room. We all can hear her and watch her on the app called zoom. Take a deep breath and sigh because their is no catching this delicate butterfly.
by Christine Appe |
Love is endless, colorless and blind
...butt where can I find toilet paper
to wipe my behind!?
Love is everywhere
onejust has to see
for the heart is my inner teacher
my inner tree
I reach for a branch
extend it thus so
and the roots within me tell me to grow
Reach out and be the branch
not the roots down below
by Joe Dimino |
christian, devotion, emotions, friendship love, heart, love, wisdom,
The greatest emotion shared
is that of Love, immeasurable
The child would say, “a whole bunch!”
The spouse would say, “till the end of time!”
God would say, “no matter what….”
(I come to you
with hands open, extended
palms upward
that we may freely
take and receive
of one another
bearing gifts
for the heart is
both lover and teacher
we awaken a new dawn
while moon and stars
are yet a horizon reflection
let not light obliterate entirely
fond mystery between us,
Freedom something only
evil need fear
I come to you
having always taken
the first steps,
those of grace
and wonder eternal)
by Daniel Turner |
feelings, heartbreak, love hurts, math,
One plus one plus one does not equal two
For me it adds up to heartache and tears
What's going to happen to me and you
If the third one should suddenly appear
I was not very good in math at school
I'm certain the math teacher would agree
The numbers don't add up, but I'm a fool
For thinking the answer is two not three
Tell me what I'm supposed to tell my heart
When it finds out and one heart becomes two
The heartache will surely break it apart
Then the tears will come from me and not you
Sometimes equations look easy at first
And if you add too quickly you'll get hurt
an original poem by the Poemdog Daniel Turner