by Kiran Bantawa |
autumn, beauty, desire, earth, fantasy, first love, for her, girl, girlfriend, i love you, image, lust, nature, november, october, passion, relationship, romance, teen, teenage,
The sweet songs of birds,
We hand in hand across the
Pansies white yellow and violet
Tossing their heads in the
Somewhere the sound of falling
The sound of squirrel cracking
the walnut.
Calm weather warm sun,
White fluffy clouds forming
different shapes,
A passenger flight in the blue
Sun born in the horizon and
about to fade in the horizon,
Both our heartbeats echo
inside of chest,
Shutting and opening of our
Your unkempt hair flying
Yellowish west sky.
Heart shaped fig leaf's shadow.
If I could stop this world from
I would do so,
Just to be with you
In this autumn evening.
by Dana Smith |
adventure, angst, introspection, social, social,
She'll be loved, a modest, pure and golden
Love, but hers is lust . .
A teenage dream of youth today
Refraining from true trust;
Explosive social tendencies to
Decide her right from wrong,
Human instincts not so human
But a technologic song-
It shall hum to her desire,
In another whom she'll cross;
Mechanic works inside her brain,
Must force her soul a loss.
Such a choice yet to be made,
Though no pain inside shall pass.
Due to social tendencies,
Yes, due to social tendencies . .
His heartache be her last
by Christopher Grieves |
anti bullying, dedication, for teens, friend, friendship, friendship love, high school, missing you, teenage,
Take us just as we are;
The rough and the smooth.
Accepted and loved.
With nothing to prove.
Need us too;
Or that's what we hope.
Ask yourself this:
Are you sick, phat or dope?
Gather together in twos, threes or fours.
Uplifting each other.
House and hearts;
Open doors.
Share the mountainous journey,
the struggles, the views.
Friends are honest and patient.
All colours.
All hues.
Whoever they are, whatever they're like;
Be they short, wide or lanky,
called Steph, Steve or Mike..
We should give as we take
and be present, for sure.. our friends are forever.
And maybe.. some more.
by Peter Walsh |
anti bullying, friend, hurt, love, sad love,
Sticks and stones, never hurt them bones
Names, cut him to the kwik
They hurt so deep, for to make him weep
More than any club, or stick
See the sun won't shine and it won't be fine
And it won't all fade away
And it don't seem right, that he has to fight
A world that calls him gay
So he'll hang his head and he'll live his life
While his soul is torn in two
Spend his teenage years, with his straight-laced peers
And a heart, so black and blue
The taunting in the classroom
The whispers 'round the bend
The vision of a cold tomb
Oh! will it ever end
My love it's not so different
My dreams are pure and true
Why do you stand in judgement
Of a heart, so black and blue
by Christopher Lampton |
angel, beauty, character, crush, dream, feelings, inspiration,
I love the way she walks
I love the way she talks
I love the way she laughs
I love the way she acts
I get this feeling all over
All the way to my toes
I have a crush
A little teenage crush
I don't know what to do
About this lovely little crush
If she only knew
About the way I feel
Maybe she would blush
Maybe she would run away
Maybe she would hug me
Maybe she feels the same
That's wishful thinking
No need to rush
I love the way she smiles
The way she wears her hair
If she only knew
Would she run to me
Don't know what to do
About this lovely little crush
by Rico Leffanta |
god, lust, marriage, religion, teen love, truth, wedding,
One cannot chide
A teenage bride
Who wants it all done proper
To God Above
She swears its love
But God knows that's a whopper!
by Shreyashi Singh |
11th grade, bullying,
When you see the scars,
Would you believe?
Would you trust my words?
Would you have faith in me?
When I say I fought hard.
I tried to get up when I fall,
I tried to be the kid you deserve
Would you still love me?
If I am not the same kid anymore,
The urges of mine,
Those constant whine,
All those times when I said I was fine,
I wasn't, I was falling apart,
Maybe you sensed it,
And cuddled me to sleep.
Maybe you thought it as another teenage fit,
Because that was a secret I had to keep.
by Neha Coco |
12th grade, change, farewell, leaving, people, solitude, teenage,
People come and people go,
They always leave, leaving you all alone,
That's life they say ,
I don't wanna let go, I wanna hold on tight,
Even if it leaves me crumbled at nights,
Cause I love you , more than you'll ever know,
If you wanna go then can you take me with you?
by Paul Willason |
childhood, love, self, teenage,
Emerging from my teens
I had a head full
of ghosts to escape from -
inhabitants of an inner world
I kept to myself. Future life
was over there,
at the end of a train line,
a long road, the last port
of call on a ship's long voyage.
I could never get far enough
away - they always
found me hiding in some
masquerade, a clever cover
concocted to conceal -
at times I even fooled myself.
Mirrors were a bane,
they told the truth
and so I learned to look away.
A lifetime on
they are still with me but now
I know each by name.
There are days
when they draw close
and become weepy
as if seeking love,
though still afraid to leave
the refuge of my shadow.
by Sydney Bates |
dream, first love, children, kids, soccer, sports, teenage,
From the moment your foot first touched the ball
The look on your face said it all.
This is what you were born to do.
Growing up, you would continue to play, you just knew
Soccer wouldn't be ready for you.
Year passed, and so did you, as you became a star.
The training you've had would take you far.
How far you asked? Championship Game, here you came.
With a minute left, you shot the ball hard and upset.
But luckily, Whoosh! The ball exploded into the net.
by Zamreen Zarook |
age, angel, beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, celebration, celebrity, change, character, creation, desire, emotions, children, friendship, girl, girlfriend, hero, humorous, i love you, image, life, memorial day, memory, middle school, relationship, romantic, school, society, student, teen, teenage, truth, wisdom, woman, women, words, world, youth,
Fake Words – Zamreen Zarook
God have given us mouth,
Not to speak to north and south,
Tongue is given under an oath,
So it’s our duty to protect them both.
Girls chat fake with boys,
Having a notion that the boys are toys,
They often make varied noise,
Thinking to keep a trap on handsome guys.
Boys are also human being,
So it’s not possible being clean,
Things varies in the way they are seen,
So positive thinking will make you keen.
Boys’ minds are pure,
As it is pure bio,
So don’t try to pour vino,
Which will take decades to get cure.
by Al Parry |
anniversary, baby, baptism, beauty, bereavement, best friend, birthday, boyfriend, bridal shower, brother, caregiving, celebration, child, childhood, farewell, feelings, first love, children, for him, kids, freedom, friendship, funeral, girlfriend, giving, goodbye, graduation, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, happiness, happy, health, heartbroken, hope, identity, inspiration, jesus,
Teenage Girls clad in the latest fashions,
Do it whenever they meet,
Grown men aren't afraid to show some passion,
When their team's comeback is complete,
They can say hello, they can say goodbye,
And anything inbetween,
If you open your arms and crack a smile,
There is nothing that a hug cannot mean.
by Perry Campanella |
children, community, culture, dad, daughter, devotion, education, family, father daughter, feelings, friendship, grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, husband, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, international, joy, marriage, men, mentor, mother daughter, niece, parents, poems, relationship, spiritual, teacher, teen, teenage, thank you, today, truth, voice, wisdom, world, youth,
We have been together
treasured joy now for many years
we trust each other with our
emotions, with affection, tears,
Any day when you are sick or hurting
I feel your pain - significant other,
when either-one needs attention
we help one another...
These mutual friendly feelings
for assistance, approval, support
form our tight bonds,
usually never broken
Sharing visions, time together
we respect each other,
regardless of shortcomings
I know you, "I love you anyway"
by Lisha Porwal |
confusion, fun, mental illness, school, teen, teenage, youth,
Hindi, English, maths are mine
Science so boring from my sight
I wanna fight with social science
Maths: my passion,
English: love
Hindi, you an Indian law
All you Britishers meet me once
I will show you in just a punch
Not only me, but generations hate you
So it's not a punch, some punches
You were one,
The event was one,
You died only once,
But appears in million
And costs OUR marks
Now you!,
You are so deep
And sweet
Yet a freak
Please be peasy
Make me easy
Coz, I like you
When I get you
Be a good sub
Be a good sub grow up!
On your own, all your problems solve up,
And if not,
I am to solve.
by Tasha Taylor |
cute love, feelings, giggle, smile, student, teenage,
I see you walking down the hall.
Your gorgeous blonde hair,
Thoughtful blue eyes, and
Perfect smile make me flustered.
I try to disappear into myself
When I will pass you.
A God like you doesn't notice
People who are like me.
Somehow, you catch my eye
And you wink at me as we pass.
When you can't see me anymore,
A smile lights up my face.
The impossible actually happened!
I am left grinning like a giggly idiot,
Getting concerned glances by others.
Yet, I don't care because you smiled at me:
You with your sunshine hair,
Deep, blue ocean eyes, and
your contagious smile.
My smile glows because of your smile.
by Timothy Hicks |
anxiety, emotions, fear, feelings, first love, teenage,
I've walked barefoot through boiling sand, you don't even know.
Tried many times to grasp your hand, you don't even know.
To letters written then burnt; signals typed then canceled -
I rode this crazy train unmanned, you don't even know.
Sent roses signed anonymous to inspire a smile;
I sat and watched but didn't stand, you don't even know.
A picnic atop the roof, watching stars reflect off
of blue eyes . . . all this I had planned, you don't even know.
Timothy stutters at the words so instead he writes;
he's tried his best to tell you and you don't even know.
by Ngoc Nguyen |
beauty, character, child, depression, emotions, faith, feelings, friend, friendship, girl, god, grief, growing up, growth, happiness, heart, hope, identity, inspiration, introspection, jesus, life, loneliness, lonely, longing, love, mentor, metaphor, pain, people, philosophy, psychological, relationship, sad, sorrow, spiritual, strength, student, sympathy, teen, teenage, truth, uplifting, wisdom, women, youth,
Food, ale, smoke, sleep, and solitude—
these are the things which I live for;
provide for me lamb barbecued,
and I'll demand of you no more!
O lovely lass, whatsoever's the matter—
why so downtrodden and alone?
Be not vexed, if you feel so much fatter
than most, dear, for we love our own.
Sweet lass, let me tell you a secret:
if I were a young lad again,
I'd chase you for your gorgeous assets;
but as I am three-score and ten
years old with wife not dead, then never
could I be your white knight with steed.
So have hope, lass! For time, however,
in its fullness will meet your need.
by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Altered, boisterous, confounded, disruptive, energetic, fine-tune, growing.
Hyper, inquisitive, jokesters kindling love, mystified.
Nervously obsessive, pubescences question radical substance, surprising.
Teasing, uncontrollably visiting wild, xanadu youthful zest.
Copyright October 15, 2014
by Suyash Saxena |
depression, desire, feelings, first love, freedom, how i feel, image, imagination, immigration, innocence, mystery, sweet, symbolism, teenage, thanksgiving, together, trust,
Allow me another moment,
A moment in your nostalgia,
The moment that stretches to eternity.
Allow me another mile,
A mile by your side,
The mile that transcends the dead-end.
by Robert Candler |
boyfriend, care, cute love, dance, emotions, feelings, first love, girlfriend, growing up, kiss, love, memory, nostalgia, remember, romance, romantic, sweet, teen, teenage, valentines day, youth,
Was it really as you remember?
Was it as sweet as you recall?
What was the other’s name?
Do you remember them at all?
Do you remember where you were,
The season or the time of day?
Do you remember how it made you feel
And what next you had to say?
Had you practiced on your hand?
Did you do it right or almost miss?
How often do you think of it…
Your very first Hollywood kiss?
by Jan Allison |
humorous, school, teenage, work,
Sometimes my work is the pits -
Teenagers popping their zits
With consummate art
They burp and they fart …
I still love my job to bits!
17th November 2015
by Mohamed Adel |
leaving, lost love, love, love hurts,
Why should we be in love though it’ll end?
And we both know so, so why should we start?
Knowing that our feelings and time in vain spent
And we gain nothing but the aching of the heart
It is a matter of time till our parting
I think we should not better commence
A journey that has a joyful starting
But shortly in sadness and tears ends
Stop using your heart and use your mind
For the heart sometimes be so reckless
Think of our alleged love and you shall find
That our exertions will be worthless
Teenage love shall give us nothing but pain
And we may love each other, but in vain
by Ridge Mayberry |
life, teen
Listen to me
As I tell you what you don’t see,
The teenage struggles of today.
I tell you what I say
Is true.
Teenagers do struggle through
Life as we know it.
So why don’t you sit
And listen to the truth of
How teens struggle in love
Looking for the one to call my dove.
How they struggle through school
Just trying to be cool,
To make the grade,
So the knowledge won’t fade.
We struggle with the bully
And popularity.
We struggle to find who we are,
Searching low and far.
I hope this helps you to see
What it’s like to be
A teen whose troubles are unseen.
by Grace Faolian |
abuse, age, angel, anger, angst, betrayal, childhood, dad, daughter, depression, father daughter, grief, hate, loneliness, lonely, murder, poverty, teen, teenage, women,
I live where angels fear to walk
Don’t ask questions, no one’s gonna talk
Another kid’s innocence is being take
Their thirst for blood will never slacken
Love is something only found in a fairytale
But those don’t comfort, when home is spelled H E L L
Left alone for days on end
Nothing else to do but play pretend
Trying to get lost in a dream
But when that doesn’t help, all you can do is scream
I’ve called the devil by his first name
His eyes are cold, mine are the same
I live where angels fear to tread
By the time you find me, I’ll probably be dead
by Eboni Croney |
boyfriend, break up, conflict, cry, first love, goodbye, teenage,
Met a guy who seemed perfect to me
For a period in time my heart could not see
He talked although his true feelings were not told
Every word of his turned into one that was cold
My heart could not take it so I set him free