Love Poems About Terza Rima or Terza Rima Love Poems
by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, creation, destiny, faith, god, love,

Pearl of a Great Price

Dancing with the sunbeams deep sea reflections 
so beautiful adoring on cloud nine sitting pretty 
upon golden sands shifting salt of the ocean turns 

Each wave a blessing in disguise 
standing regal one moment in time 
looking back captivating starlight was born 

Mirrors mist over arched jewels colour radiance 
fixing thoughts on an image beholding your word 
no diamond ever cut comes close to you

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: emotions, feelings, light, moon, sun,

I Feel Love

Hotly breathing upon the heartbeats murmur  
where a thousand doves warmly flutters inwardly 
taking one's breath away beyond breathless chants 

Golden miracle of the sun born deeply soft crowning jewels 
dewdrops within the night's reflection sparkle glisten 
where a moon leaves the loving imprint behind timeless

Wings marveling land adoring the haloed vision framed beholding  
oceans whisper softly across the tides moving sands 
each little step up brings us slightly closer to heaven

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, emotions, faith, love, magic, music, ocean,

Misted Moonlight

Into the twilight of night falling bewildered reflections 
blowing within clouds form a grey question turning tides 
passing winds whisper voices of one's soul form mirrored images 

Whispering currents speak through the oceans wave bellow 
faraway destiny cries with the seagulls echo through time 
The caves unwrap lustre held between shells singing melodies 

Footprints will remain always salted love verses hate struggles 
each takes a step forward silently the bells chime midnight 
under a chandelier of roses forever dances within misted moonlight

by John Gondolf |
Categories: i miss you, lost love,

I Wonder

I wonder why on winter night so cold as darkness looms and daylight takes her bow that I am feeling loneliness take hold. I wonder what it is she’s doing now; perhaps she’s letting poetry console emotions that her life does not allow. I wonder why I feel I’ve lost control and wishing that forever I could flee these torrid storms that start to fill my soul. I wonder if she ever thinks of me and wishes we could make a brand new start; or if, from love, she’s happy to be free. My storms are raging since we’ve been apart; I wonder if it’s raining in her heart.
January 12, 2020

by Donna Loughman |
Categories: blessing, christian, devotion, emotions,

Blood Stone Jewel

An iridescent sapphire cuts into the night’s sky clearly 
a gift unasked for and predestined appears solidity
love is the luster smelted inside the eastern chambers afar
Hooked upon the waxing moon’s burgeoning smile that shines
mesmerizing silver shadows dance under your bloodstained beams
beckoning freedom in an heavenly escape reflects back unconditionally 
A tantalising call nurtured on the precarious wind surrounds the soul
shaded Sacred Heart images dance beckoning inside chorographic unison
never imagined acceptance of grace awaits in your tender loving embrace

A co-written piece by Liam Mcdaid & Donna Loughman 

unrhymed tercets

by Romeo Naces |
Categories: introspection, people, social,

Punching Preachers

two bible-blabbering, prattling pastors

   from two denominational sectors

      ended up in stitches and bloody plasters;

those around said it actually began

   when one yelled, "faith alone can save a man!",

      the other screamed, "only charitable acts can!";

swinging bulky bibles, shouting curses,

   they whacked each other's eardrums and noses,

      bludgeoned and bloodied their righteous faces;

so ironic, how they maimed each other

   for faith, for charity and didn't bother

      to heed the Lord's words: "Love one another."

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: god, jesus, joy,

Lord Jesus Christ, My Joy

Christ, the Lord of all tomorrows Lived a holy life of true worth Died for me, the Man of sorrows Angels proclaimed His virgin birth The wise men came in faith to see Messiah, king of all the earth His love was shown on Calvary When He paid the penance for sin He cried and died for you and me This woebegone world we live in We need His all-sufficient grace The wiles of the devil to win The hope of His return we face Giving us joy none can replace. 06.08.2021
For Regina McIntosh's "Jesus" contest

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, emotions, feelings, love, moon, sun,

My Love

Circle of trust wealth held in its reign
is the moon shining with you
as it silver sparkles tonight inside thoughts 

I will blow a kiss golden melting 
over oceans wide washed into her pearly white beam 
in the hope it kisses the dream  

In the morning with golden sun rays 
a shining treasure forever glistens 
each one warmed by your beauty 

Dewdrops are the stars clustered
weeping silver precious dawning daylight 
the sunbeams forever smiling on you

Unrhymed Tercet

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, emotions, feelings, heart, love,

Smiling Love

In sweet tenderness sweeping inside echoes moans turn tides
the sun warmly whispers joy your a  pleasant delight 
touching softly amber with your finger rays runs deep

Wind caressing the brow speaks within gentle love chains pearl drops fall
looking into distant clouds heart murmurs beat faster skipping
silver to white puffy grey smoking sighs surrender sweetly 

Magic smiling gently in the blue Heaven's a golden signal beams
larks singing merrily an enchanting tune holds captivating the air
in a circle of light honey, it's softly held on the warm glow upon your face 

 (Unrhymed Tercet)

by Heather Ober |
Categories: memory,

Ardour's Cloth

When love becomes a masochistic moth
That yearns to feel the heat of passion's flame,
It chews a hole through sheets of ardour's cloth.

Its wings ignite, too close to blazing shame;
They glow at first with fervour as they feign
A beauty that becomes a painful game.

The tears can't quell the heat or halt the pain.
They fall to feed the weeds of sprouting dread
And drench the heart with beads of acid rain.

But rest assured that time will smooth and spread
The memories into the shrouded past
And stitch the lesions with a healing thread.

The day will come when joy will blink awake
To leach the sorrow from that phantom ache.

For Craig's "Terza Rima Sonnet" contest

by Barbara Gorelick |
Categories: seasons,

Through the Year

The garden bursting with the green of spring
Each bud and  leaf have promises to keep
New life this emerging season brings

In summer the warmth soaks elbow deep
The fish jump high and living is sweet
 Full of summer love we drift  to sleep

Now fall colors go dancing round our feet
Days of harvest before we watch geese fly
With some regret the waning days we greet

Winter arrives, with frosty breath it sighs
Thoughts turn inward, days pass one by one
WE hear music of the north wind's lonesome cry

Then at last another year is closed and done
and we greet the rise of a springtime sun

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, light, love, moon, ocean, peace, stars,

Silken Laced Moonbeams

Glistening diamonds sparkle 
within a thousand star lights 
wrapped into one holding the highest space 

Oceans of the night you flicker bewitching charms 
upon the crest of each wave under the moonlight 
your royal gaze mesmerizes

Reflections carried under intoxicating incandescent lights
transfixed adoration crystallized inside your heavenly embrace
where a spell unlocks feelings in a million thoughts

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beauty, flower, heart, love, star, sun, valentines day,

As Love Goes You Envelop Heartbeats

It brings warmly new energy crowning 
as the sunshine smiles from out of these eyes 
enlightened transforming everything inside out 

Wings flutter in a vision possession held candlelight 
Beholding grace of a thousand swans in flight 
Pure is the starlight that radiates sweet flower 

Angel rays sparkling magic dust twinkling diamond crystals 
Held captive one kiss silver lining clouds breathless storm 
beautiful breathes out whispers carried on the wind blown away

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, feelings, kiss, love, sun, valentines day,

Valentine Queen

Sweetly sailing through deep seas 
building a castle from out of the sands 
mirror reflections fluttering diamonds speak 

From one little spark igniting light 
becoming a fiery particle 
burning from the glint within 

Through the passage of time 
flashing visions of a dream 
when a moon kissed the sun crowns

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, love, moon, mystery, star,

Ghost of Your Presence Enters

Each night when looking into the night sky 
there faraway it remains always that star sparkling 
Breathless echoes enchanting whispers escape

Back over moonbeams floating within the cradle held 
Inside the mirrored reflections dancing upon waves 
starry eyed pearls colour from the rainbow out love

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: angel, humanity, universe,

Strength In Unity

We thought we were strong
Something happened to change that.
We simply were wrong.

Angel with magical cat
Sent us unexpected love
We were truly glad of that

Sensing they came from above
The love they brought was honest and true,
Unconditional joy, practically unheard of.

They returned to heaven, when they were due.
Inspired unity first, brought us together as one.
They had converted us, stronger and true.

Thanks to a lot of teamwork and a bit of fun,
All of us together, much stronger as one.

by Donna Loughman |
Categories: celebration, christmas, god, jesus, love,

Holy Art Thou

Son of God
You are:

Oracle of peace
wise counselor
source within the living waters

That breathes life
into insightful predictions
of our future holdings

Son of Mary
With grace and mercy
one regal descendent of David

A sacrificial birth born
under the shadow of the cross
the Son of the most high

An eternal ruling Monarch
whose loving touch precludes no man
behold our King has come

Immortal spirit of divinity’s
Fulfilling the prophesies
divinely anointing our Prince of Peace

Truth held under Christian virtues
through the portal our great Father
forever speaks within, Amen

unrhymed tercets

A co-written piece by Liam Mcdaid & Donna Loughman

by John Gondolf |
Categories: desire, kiss, love, nostalgia,

One More Time

To taste your kiss just one more time,
and feel the fire of long ago
that fueled the rhythm and the rhyme 

of poetry in love’s sweet glow
beneath the moon on summer nights,
that only love struck lovers know…
And in the shadows, dim of lights,
to once again feel your embrace 
that lifts me up to higher heights 

and takes me to another place
with fantasies becoming real
beneath the veil of midnight’s lace…

These tender thoughts which I reveal 
are showing passion’s paradigm.
Your tenderness I long to feel,

recalling days when in our prime,
and taste your kiss just one more time.

July 20, 2023

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: baptism, christian, devotion, god, light, love, spiritual,

Blood Stone Jewel

An iridescent sapphire cuts into the night’s sky clearly 
a gift unasked for and predestined appears solidity
love is the luster smelted inside the eastern chambers afar
Hooked upon the waxing moon’s burgeoning smile that shines
mesmerizing silver shadows dance under your bloodstained beams
beckoning freedom in an heavenly escape reflects back unconditionally 
A tantalising call nurtured on the precarious wind surrounds the soul
shaded Sacred Heart images dance beckoning inside chorographic unison
never imagined acceptance of grace awaits in your tender loving embrace

A co-written piece by Liam Mcdaid & Donna Loughman unrhymed tercets

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, heart, kiss, love, star, stars,

Held Adoring Beautiful

Under a blanket of stars surreal 
sparkling diamond crystal cupid strikes home 
golden arrow over oceans wavering crumbling seas kneel 
Light crested dove presence of an angel 
floating love upon your halo crowns Grace 
wings dance opening with a fluttering pulse skipping beats 

Where the spirit tango's into a pearl's sparkle 
unfurling wild steeds crashing salted baited breaths escape  
kissing the echoes of one's soul completely captivating eclipses

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, blessing, emotions, happiness, love,

When Eyes Awaken

Unto the dawning light opening curtains 
one thousand dreams answered 
within your beam angel rays touch deeply 

Under the folds of love apple of the eyes 
as our lips join golden delicious bites 
a silent whisper sighs softly an air 

Escaping gently in song breathtaking beauty 
saying I love you until the breath dies 
my mornings bliss your sunlight will forever shine

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, dream, heart, love, princess,

Within the Temple of One Skull

Our voyage begins holding each other 
slowly captivating space filled magic begins 
warmly with glory be sings under spells

Grace is blessed always 
with deep warm joy kissing beats 
the true love inside fails to die

A hunter's moon smiles in the Heaven's 
under the cradle of thoughts over and back gently whispers 
your starlight gives birth to beauty gentle dove

Entering the soul kingdom opening chambers 
adorned tourmaline inside this rainbow key of divine colours 
a treasure uniquely true rare shines through pure 

unrhymed tercets

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, heart, heaven, love, moon, rose, sun,

Holding Precious a Treasured Dream

As the morning sun 
smiles warmly with colour 
upon you my love

It's all around embraced within a circle 
kissing each and every single breath 
inside jumping heartbeats pop 

A moonbeam enters softly embraced 
your the light of destiny kissed 
beautiful rose shining gold gift wrapped

Amazing with the dewdrops 
your sparkle dwells in the heart 
guiding this soul lovingly home

I can see heaven in your eyes 
where chocolate melts like carmel 
into heartbeats golden honeycombed

unrhymed tercets

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, blessing, love, moon, paradise, star,

Angel Starstruck Lucky Gem

Many moons ago 
your starlit beautiful 
the day of birth dreams began

Circling true warm dust 
was cast into the wake 
of wishes floating sparks hot

Burning arrow head 
fires destinies spark 
igniting winks hope is born 

You came in a dark 
nightlight crystal clear cut 
dressed satin white holding flames 

Finding a peace of heaven 
inside a breathless whisper 
sighs love unconditional

by Vladislav Raven |
Categories: desire, dream, love, night, passion, stars,

In My Heart Your Song Is Ever Singing - Valentine's Collection

(Valentine's Collection)


Within my heart, you lie in sweet repose,
your gentle breathing tells me that you dream,
my Valentine, in dream you are my rose.

In blissful dreams, you are ever the theme,
that lights my heart with hopeful happiness,
as we do walk within the stars that gleam.

In peaceful thoughts together we progress,
our passion burns as fire across the sky,
love's desire we shall now come to express.

Now luna's comfort we share as we fly,
through God's timeless sea we both are winging
deep in our exultation, we do cry.

To love's temple all our love we're bringing,
in my heart, your love is ever singing.
