Love Poems About Tetractys or Tetractys Love Poems
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: analogy, appreciation, fish, i love you,

My Hearts Liken a Goldfish Bowl Housing Blue Neon Tetra-Cd

My heart sore liken a goldfish bowl an aquarium filled with neon tetra fishes so you are skimming, swimming, through my heart in due process yet ever so smart my love for you is blue your favorite color is to royalty astounded your heart found it I cherish your colors hue you my heart beats Forever Blue
5/31/22 Written by James Edward Lee Sr.2022©

by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: love,

Wild But Vital

Love is flower of wild poppy,
Vivid as colorful butterfly,
Upbraiding love signify,
Animosity, animosity.

Love is fragrance of roses,
Throbs in the sigh as bruises,
music full of melodies,
Vital for all, vital for us.

Mono tetra -8/8/8/4
Two stanzas