by Andrea Dietrich |
What Matters Most
What matters most is obvious to me.
It’s hearth and home, kin and family.
Life is an hourglass and the sands
of your time keep drifting down -
drifting, drifting, drifting
downward as you race
to get in all
the things you
want to
take time
to breathe in
the things you love:
fresh baked bread, roses,
the petrichor of spring!
Simple are life’s joys. Give all
you love to all those you love, for
that will be your legacy when your
sands run out and the hourglass turns over.
April 1, 2020
for Chantelle Anne Cooke's "What Matters the Most to You" Poetry contest
by Mike Gentile |
appreciation, blessing, life, self, thanks, time,
I’m grateful for the sun
which shone on younger days
The days of scurried heartbeats
and butterflies of love
And for the carefree hearts
on beaches of my youth
The nights of clothes and cars
and bars of clubbing beats
I’m grateful for the sun
which lights the memories
of newlyweds with king sized beds
and never-ending dreams
And for all the glory days
I’ve lived and loved, gone by
Yet, as I know sun still
I’m grateful for the glory days of now
by Richard Palmer |
faith, religion, uplifting, prayer, love, prayer,
One more morning,after one more night,
One more thanks for keeping things right,
One prayer to bed,one as you rise,
Good morning God,thanks for another sun rise,
Prayer is the fuel that keep us going,
Through troubled times,pray for strength keep rowing,
And without fear step out,face the unknowing,
Although all around negativity blowing,
Every day,even one positive seed,try sowing,
Within my veins,God love is flowing,
God is my friend,the devil,not interested to know him,
Here comes the garbage truck,over there throw him,
Don't just say you love God,pray show Him,
Remember prayer keeps us,spiritual growing...
by Black Eyed Susan |
funny, humorous, journey, poems,
I thought I could wow them with poems from earth
Poems of joy and humor, poems extolling it’s worth
So I laid out poems from Michael, Gail, and me
From Andrea, David, Gwen, and Ilene
From PD, Harry, Mandy, and Chris
From Jack, Craig, Cyndi, and Liz…
For I was sure once they read our beautiful works
They would embrace us and love our humanly quirks!
So last night I taped them all over my skin
Knowing they’d find them if they took me again…
When I woke up, they were gone and I had a reply:
“We enjoyed reading those poems last night,
And thanks for the names of the earthlings too -
We have many more experiments to do!”
For Michael's boomerang...send your poem for a ride contest
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
love, new year, prayer, thanks, new years day,
Love more, when it is hardest to love.
Show compassion, always.
Be kind when deserved or not.
Be patient, when you are at the end of your rope.
Smile, when you are saddest.
Pray when you are at your lowest.
Thank God when you are at your highest.
Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
by Connie Marcum Wong |
love, magic, moon, romantic, winter,
First Snow
Winter snow glistens painting our landscape white.
Luna peers down from her lofty height
bestowing her lovely glow
as winter winds blow
cold outside
warm inside
with hearth's fire aglow
in loving arms of my beau.
We both give thanks for this special night.
Winter snow glistens painting our landscape white.
July 13, 2020
~2nd Place~
Andaree - 11 Lines Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Joseph May
November 20, 2018
~3rd Place Premiere Contest~
Sponsor Emile Pinet
November 2018
First Snow ~1st place~
CONTEST NO 520,ANY FORM,ANY THEME,UPTO A MAX OF 20 lines Sponsor Brian Strand
by Carolyn Devonshire |
mother daughter, thanks,
The rain that seemed to wash my hopes away
Left an amazing gift for me to find
Beyond the puddles that remained behind
New signs of life revived one summer day
I had not planted anything at all
'Twas Mom who wanted me to find this prize
Her efforts surely took me by surprise
Three decades passed; her smile I can’t recall
But in the yard where she drew her last breath
A bed of Four O’Clocks awoke one day
It was as if my Mom were there to say
“My love for you survived beyond my death”
*Written November 7, 2018
“Thankful Poetry Contest” hosted by Tania Kitchin
by Gordon Mcconnell |
anniversary, love, wedding,
It's happy anniversary again
thirty one years seems not long
but so thankful for all your love
every echo within makes a great song
Thirty one and going strong
looking forward to many more
together as one sweet union
We shall see what's on store
This past years been hard
but soon be on better plain
as we look on to our Lord
His plans are never in vain
Thanks for our yesterday's
our tomorrow's are in His love
together many more to celebrate
my love constantly on your nameplate
( Today is Christine and my 31st wedding anniversary so this is written to celebrate that fact in dedicating this piece to my lovely wife for all her love and care. )
by CayCay Jennings |
appreciation, blessing, faith, god, heart, spiritual, thanks,
Heartfelt are my thanks for all the blessings
ever flowing in, out and through my life.
I feel fortunate for each go-round with strife
that arrived to design my soul’s truth dressings.
My humbled breath streams awe when I feel His touch
upon my grateful soul, heart, thoughts and actions.
With love, He guides my steps to divine traction
and lifts fear-based, stinking thinking from my clutch.
I am delighted when harmony fills my home
where family memories grow, glow and unfold.
My simple life prospers me more than bars of gold.
My soul greets days with heart-praise wherever I roam.
November 10, 2018
by Sally Eslinger |
desire, imagery, light, love, moon, music,
Spring Enchantment (a love poem)
As wisps of clouds creeped
overhead before a storm moving quickly east,
the moon lay down his vanilla beams
to dispel the darkness hiding our bared feet —
set side by side — romantically
touching for warmth, for love, for eternity,
hopefully, to envelop us, like the coming rain
in our lives’ thundering, combined heartbeats
…joined into those duets passion will release
all about from the great springs of yearning.
(c) s.y. Eslinger 3/2024
Thanks be to God——
by Andrea Dietrich |
Grief I have known little of.
It’s not as if I ever lost
my one true love.
One brother taken in his prime
saddened us, and yet I know
we’ll see him in good time
My father - two years ago -
passed away, but a stranger was he to me.
Grief too difficult I’ve yet to know.
Yes, great grief I think has yet to be my bane.
I’m compensated physically instead
with chronic pain!
April 23, 2021
(thanks for the reflection you had us do on grief)
For Line Gauthier's Grief In 12 Lines Or Less Poetry Contest
by Rob Carmack |
animal, best friend, dog, humorous, love, pets, thanks,
Your dad, a Dachshund once stuck in Chihuahua.
The best of both in you, with that expectant
Confusing carpets for the lawn enigma.
I know….the raining….getting wet….you can’t.
As coldness chills the room, a sheet for you.
The perfect tucking of in, but you moved!
I ponder, just how crazy is my Boo?
The sheet’s thread count too low to be approved?
Your dance in circles, spinning on the floor.
Rewards and treasures known upon the racks.
Induced by meals and that one pantry door.
In such a fury, choking on the snacks.
I know what God’s book says, I’ve searched it whole.
But still, I hope you have a little soul.
by Victor Chavez |
art, beautiful, love, mother, sun, thanks, tribute, world, youth,
Hera precious, gorgeous queen of splendor,
of mighty Ares,and Enyo,the mother,
to thee I write my gratitude and thanks
for all thy blessings showered upon my head.
Thine is the pomegranate and the diadem,
with which you rule all worlds and human lands,
with magnanimous mercy and charity.
of rainbow colors dressed divine thou art,
the sunny smiling matron of the arts,
Thou,queen, who favorest the pure of heart.
by Sandra Haight |
love, thanks, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,
Today, dear Lord, we gather here
In fellowship and love,
Mindful of the wondrous gifts
That come from thee, above.
For this feast, we thank thee, Lord
For health, that here abounds;
The love, that fills and warms our hearts-
For children’s happy sounds.
For shelter in our cozy homes
For freedom of this land;
The right to live the life we choose-
For nature’s bounty, grand.
These blessings you bestow on us
Outshine all want and strife.
We thank thee, Lord for this day,
We thank thee, Lord, for life.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
goodbye, history,
An ocean of papers
A collection of a lifetime
It's not about love letter
Documents and receipts
Paper that has been yellowed
from ancient times
Dust dancing in the sunlight
Everything has to be markuleres
How many kilos
Nobody knows
A new generation
Paperless society
Computer world ~ thanks
- A whole week with smiles, memories and tears -
18.08.2015 A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Marycile Beer |
devotion, thank you
The Clouds
The Dells
The Fields
The Streams
The Valleys
The Wildflowers
The Seas
The Dreams
The Meadows
And the Sun rise too
Our Families
Our Friends
Are all Gifts
From You
But the Gift of Love
You sent to Us
Upon that Christmas Morn
Was the Greatest of Gifts
We could Recieve
Once more I Thank You God
Cile Beer
by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
christmas, joy, love, thanks,
To find the greatest joy,
give selflessly.
Share your gifts, your time, your love -
be the smile others long to see!
To find your heart’s content,
show gratitude.
Open your eyes and give thanks for life -
walk with a hopeful attitude!
To find desired love,
Love others with God’s eyes.
Search beyond the surface seen –
you may be quite surprised!
To find your Christmas spirit,
return to innocence.
Slow down, have fun, believe again –
remember the Lord’s presence!
for Regina Riddle's Didactic poem contest, 12/7/14
by Aleera De La Keur |
brother, devotion, education, faith, inspirational, native american, peace, uplifting
Earth is what we become and makes us whole.
Air is the first and last thing we breathe in.
Fire is what consumes us and eats our sin.
Water cleanses us, mind, body and soul.
Spirit is in us all and makes us who we are.
Without these we would fall oh so far.
Invite them into our sacred circle and pay tribute.
As we are condemned, we are resolute.
We love fiercely and fight for our freedom.
Ignorance breeds fear and unwisdom.
Thank them for gracing us with their presence.
While we give our thanks and recompense.
Exhilarated and feeling like a newborn child,
Wow this circle's "magic" is wild.
by Seren Roberts |
Desire of the flesh
The need of closeness
Sensing the goodness
Of engulfing hope
That emulates there
Hope an ideal
Of mind and soul
Needing you near
The touch says
Here is love
Love brings hope
Give thanks
Kneel, pray
by Phyllis Babcock |
lost love, relationship,
He speaks of sunken treasure
Draws maps to fortunes you may find
He writes it boldly as to where it may lie
Taking pleasures in his masculine pride
A gentleman cultivated in artistry
Loving lavishly he knowingly struts
Boosting his flirtatious ego
His moves, planned, calculated
To arise primal pumping blood
Eyes that manipulate and conspire
Until your dreams become endless desire
He breathes a burning fire
Embers embedded within
Unsuspected your caught within his grasp
Words uttered to ensnare
He persuades you in a game of trust
Leads you into passion and lust
Making you believe in sunken treasures
thanks to PD for the inspiration to write this poem.
by Jan Allison |
i miss you, pain, sad,
My heart is broken
Shattered like smashed glass
Shards pierce my tortured soul
All I can do is ask …… why?
Why … why did you desert me when I needed you so …
You smiled that smile for the last time
The smile that attracted me to you in the first place
Your mouth curling up at the corners revealing those dimples…
Oh I could never resist dimples …
You were surrounded by machines … they were keeping you alive
Then suddenly the machine stopped beeping …
There was nothing else that could be done
Goodbye my love …….. gone forever
My thanks to Arthur Vaso for bringing this form called Infinite Dot Thirteen Verse to my attention
4th April 2015
by Andrea Dietrich |
holiday, me,
G od’s love and all the things He’s given me:
I ntelligence, abilities, free will,
V im for living life, the poetry
I nside me, for the muse is with me still!
N ew life that I’ve been lucky to see grow
G randchildren who keep me on the go!
T he list of what I’m thankful for goes on:
H ealthy fun activities I do,
A nimals I’ve kept as pets - now gone,
N ature, movies, food, the friendships true,
K indnesses shown to me, and the last:
S ouls I’ve loved both now and in the past.
Written 11/20/12
but it applies to every year that I am alive.
by Mac Mcgovern |
adventure, dedication, devotion, faith, friendship, happiness, husband, inspirational, life, love, passion, peace, people, romance, uplifting, wifeday, day,
If I had only one day left with you,
I would ask that day be in God's own time,
one day, a lifetime, every moment
an expression of love,
every hour a new adventure.
twenty four hours to slowly pass
with you at my side,
a never-ending dream,
always giving thanks,
one day left with you,
would be eternity.
by Caren Krutsinger |
angel, humanity, universe,
We thought we were strong
Something happened to change that.
We simply were wrong.
Angel with magical cat
Sent us unexpected love
We were truly glad of that
Sensing they came from above
The love they brought was honest and true,
Unconditional joy, practically unheard of.
They returned to heaven, when they were due.
Inspired unity first, brought us together as one.
They had converted us, stronger and true.
Thanks to a lot of teamwork and a bit of fun,
All of us together, much stronger as one.
by Mary Rotman |
betrayal, lost love, memory, passion, sad love,
Lessons Well Learned
(from The John Poems)
You taught me what love is
then took it away.
You became my sunlight
then banished the day.
You awakened my body
to love of a man
Then condemned me to live
without the touch of your hand.
You brought life to my heart
and opened my soul;
You nourished my mind
and made me feel whole.
But now thanks to you,
I've also learned pain.
I know now that loneliness
Can drive you insane.
I've learned of betrayal,
loneliness, mistrust---
And I know understand
the myth that was us.