by Berteena Harmony Of The Soul |
bereavement, cancer, grief, loss, lost love, native american, tribute,
knew a Tiger
who swam with dolphins
along the razor’s edge
meditated with a yellow bird
under his honey’s tree
in a west coast garden.
rare breed
from an indigenous
poetic wisdom
written with
sung his songs
in syllables:
5-7-5 and 5-7-5-7-7.
beloved’s last kiss
left him fragrant roses
when she crossed over.
did our
beads, sky lanterns,
and a beautiful
he crying with Coyotes
to the moon or on
heaven’s Windswept Shore?
knew a Tiger
who walked
with the wind.
by Berteena
Harmony of the Soul
PoetrySoup Poem of the Day - January 29, 2019
by Joanna Daniel |
Life is in pieces of black and white
Like a chessboard
The moonlight shines through darkness of night
Like a barcode
Noah chose a raven, then dove
Bad luck or peace?
A bride in white dressed in pure love
Black mourn decease
The penguin and the zebra
The snow leopard
White tiger and the panda
Monochrome weird
Milk boils when it is heated
Tar melts when hot
Cotton flies, wool is seated
Coal heats the pot
I print all of these lines
In jet black ink
On a white sheet designed
To make you think
by Ranjit Iyer |
love, lust,
Sleep, my love, near placid waters
Under a pale moon that lights the way,
Mosquitos resound their ranks to attack
A humble cottage where you and I stay.
I forage through your hair like the tiger
Whilst you rest your head on saffron pillows,
I press my lips hard against thy milky breasts,
Watching your eyes lift to gaggling swallows.
Your resisting thighs give way to my stern will
You make love as burning hearts confess,
Never shall we come again to this sweet valley
Where the fermented nectar of rapture is pressed.
Have I found you forever, O flower of this land?
Hand in hand together, as we jaunt though the sand.
by Barbara Gorelick |
allegory, confusion
The tiger always comes at night,
With slashing claws and deadly bite.
His eyes, they gleam with bitter hate,
His scream the answer to my fate.....
My dreams no longer speak my name,
I know tomorrow brings the same.
And yet with hope your love I seek,
The tiger's breath upon my cheek......
by Andres Luis Bigote |
dedication, for her, i love you, inspiration, mentor, tiger, tribute,
You continue to impress me
With everything you do
And you can do most anything
That you put your mind to
You truly are amazing
A tiger through and through
And to top it off you're gorgeous
There's no one else like you
by Joyce Johnson |
cat, love,
He waits for chance to settle on my jeans,
This gentle relative of wild felines.
He starts to purr as he lands in my lap.
It is his preferred place to take a nap.
He paws my hand to get himself a pat,
Aware he is my beloved, pampered cat.
I know the routine, it's been well rehearsed
And wonder which of us will nod off first.
He looks at me with loving eyes of green,
A brilliant color not on humans seen.
We nestle down in comfort of my chair.
No place on earth a more contented pair.
Although my work awaits, I do not move,
For I too need a time of purrfect love.
By: Joyce Johnson
Written and submitted 9/21/14
by Kya Dreemurr |
dream, fantasy, love, romantic,
In forests full of winding trees
With a gusty flower-scented breeze
And tiger-cats forever running free
This is where you'll find me
I live in oceans, blue and vast
I stand on a great ship's mast
Pirates come, we share some tea
That is where you'll find me
Underground, where monsters roam
Waging war over a lost home
Low deep growls the humans flee
This is where you'll find me.
Flying high with butterflies
Holding children when they cry
Thinking about when you kissed me
That is where you'll find me
All alone in an empty place
Coming, going without a trace.
An undying romance, love that whirls
You will find me in your DreamWorld
by Daphne Moran |
Can we play vets?
Yes Abbie
My Tiger is ill
Yes Abbie
He swallowed some stones
Yes Abbie
Will you take them out?
Yes Abbie
17 stones
There were 20 Nanny
Love you Abbie
Love you Nanny
by Ivor Davies |
analogy, animal, caregiving, family, strength,
Tigers laze in midday sun
their very essence shared,
for when they’re caring for their kind
their fangs are seldom bared,
but should a danger threaten those
that tigers hold their own
they’ll give their life to then protect
all those who share their home.
This beast of beauty, strength and power
with independent streak
is emblem of a lifetime’s love
where power is also meek.
A tiger’s heart both fierce and kind
depending on the need
lifts them above all earthly beasts,
brings honour to their breed
Courageous, fearsome, gentle beasts
no other can surpass,
but just remember, it’s their world,
………..and Tigers Don’t Eat Grass!
Ivor G Davies
by Abdullah Alhemaidy |
love, love hurts, romance,
lovely tiger's spring
my beloved hurts and bites
handmade so sweeter
by Mitch White |
africa, love,
We are intertwined and insane and I don't even mind
Running you down is bliss, then we pause with a hiss
You excite me as I gain on you, we are two of a kind
Fire in your eyes makes me roar as I close, then miss
You run around me as I give chase without a corner
We turn to scratch and claw in an everlasting roll
I pin you down as your fangs tease at my jugular
Growling as you escape me, your tail fluffed and full
Something in our souls ravishes our instinctive goals
Deep in the den is where we both want this to end
Free of the hunger dulls, we embrace our inner roles
Tangled tails and broken nails, we lay down to mend
for you: 8\22\13
by Taylor Cathey |
birth, character,
"The Flaming Cocoon "
Dark covers unfold
The oppressor grip fastens on her wings
Butterfly's colors change
Her skin grows spiked
The glow is luminescent
Eyes round
Back bent
Hair ravaged
Teeth sharp
A rare beauty
Who carried gold and silk upon her back and shoulders
Wears the scars of matted fur and tattoos of rag
As he holds her treasures
He whispers the melody of their love
The entanglement of his deceit
Wrapped in fantasy and soul
Has won her heart
And soul
One betrayal for another
Marks the territory of her despair
Only growing the mark of the beginning
The mark of the tiger.
by Scott Young |
analogy, deep, heartbroken, love hurts, pain, sad, tiger,
We keep our hearts locked away in cages
deep down, away from the light
We keep them caged like wild animals,
not to be trusted in the presence of others
But like wild animals
we cannot keep our hearts subdued,
they cannot be tamed.
It takes only one person
to open the gates.
In one simple moment, we drop our guard
and our hearts break free.
Truly terrifying is the fact,
That people don’t understand wild animals
and fear what they don’t understand.
by Jesse Jones |
imagination, introspection, life, lost love, love, mystery,
Dream of Swan Tiger.
Dream of savages.
Dream of heaven.
by Randy Johnson |
animal, horror, love, tiger,
Last year I was attacked by a fierce animal.
I shot it but the bullet only grazed its skull.
I began to pray because I knew I'd be harmed.
That creature severed one of my legs and my arms.
The creature that attacked me was a ferocious tiger.
A woman drove up and luckily I was saved by her.
The lady's car scared the tiger and it ran from fright.
If she hadn't drove up, I would've died that night.
The tiger that maimed me had escaped from the zoo.
I fell in love with that woman and she loves me too.
When I was escorted to the emergency room, I had to be carried.
Even though I'm deformed, she loves me and we're getting married.
(This is a fictional poem)
by Tera Brown |
animal, pets,
These cuddly creatures,
Maybe be soft and sweet,
But they do have a temper,
That ones believe is not true,
The sharp evasive claws,
Jagged pointy teeth,
Make up for the fur,
That others believe is nice and neat,
The beautiful colors,
Sometimes with spots,
Don't make them mad,
You might see a different side,
Thats just not so glad,
You wonder what this creature is,
I wonder if I should say,
I wonder if you can handle it,
Just from day to day,
It's new very own creature,
I call him,
My tigers eye,
He's very beautiful,
I found him in a shop,
I have lost one of my body parts,
I picked him up,
Gave him love,
Let him stay,
Took him home,
My tiger,
His prey.....
by Ryan Emerald |
[90766 Log 003]
7/18 20:12
Nate-- Touchdown! The crowd goes wild!
Agent-- So your going back to the outpost now?
Nate-- Yeah, Forest is my home. The outpost there is too.
Agent-- O.K. I'll stop by and see you soon.
Nate-- I'll be there. I'll play your song on the way home.
It's still "Say Anything" by Cartel right?
Agent-- You got it. I love that song.
Nate-- Memory like an elephant...
Agent-- Body of a Tiger?
Nate-- yup.
Agent-- Stay safe out there.
Nate-- you too...
by Mercury Anderson |
blue, green, pride, rainbow, self, truth, yellow,
Red hearts of love,
Orange tiger lilies,
Yellow sun above,
Green outer cities,
Blue sky with clouds,
Purple fruit abounds.
These rainbow bands,
Bring color to my land.
What can I say?
I guess that I'm gay...
by Kurt Philip Behm |
For those who love the concept of power,
but hate its execution
A raging tiger has just left its cage,
—to feed on your confusion
(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2017)
by Yolanda Scott |
beautiful, betrayal, desire, fantasy, heart, poetry,
My eyes have the vision to see inside your soul
my eye of the needle the threads you wove
behold the eye that seek to befool
beware of the eyes that once you consoled
take sight of the past
but focus an eye on tomorrow
don't let the eyes that judges
be the eye of your sorrow
don't let the eyes that betray you
lead your eye astray
don't let the eye of the tiger
get in your way
the beauty in my eyes
mirrors from my heart
the love in my eyes
will never keep us apart
if my eyes exhibit expressions
that touches your soul
when your eyes see the light
it should simply unfold
My Eyes.
by Alice Woede |
depression, fear, love, tiger,
I lie here waiting for the endless stream,
Hoping no black tiger dreams
Night came and went, comes and goes
No human comfort makes its show.
Black tiger scratches in my mind,
Hoping one day love he’ll find
But my supple mind has no love left to share;
Black tiger’s sharp claws meet air.
by Iggy Frost |
devotion, dream, lost love,
You are the tiger lily,
of my idle mind.
I dream of your unhappiness,
so that one day
you'd be mine.
by Anna Sander |
animal, betrayal, earth, feelings, love, moon, tiger,
Oh, Tiger Moon!
Burning wildly in the night,
Can you feel the jungle air,
Beating rhythmically tonight?
Scars lashed upon your brow,
And beaten upon your chest,
Shine bright over the darkness,
And put your soul at rest.
Release your gentle glow,
Let it caress the earth with love,
Soft whispers I will feel,
Lost in endless wonder from above.
by Joshua Lacey |
introspection, life
I am tiger
Blend in, disappear
Tracking like ghost
Never giving into fear
I am tiger
Hunt what's worth
Meaning of existance
Meaning of birth
I am tiger
To be respected
Love and awe
Who should be neglected?
by Jack Ellison |
Hello sweetie, I brought you some flowers
I'm the clown you lovingly call hubby
I know how it makes you all gushy and stuff
When we cuddle up all lovey dovey
It usually leads to some playful smooching
When we caress and I nibble your toes
Have I ever told you how much that excites me
Feelings of passion start to flow
Hope my panting and fussing isn't heard
By the old couple living next door
If they get too excited, they'll probably need
A defibrillator, their heart to restore
But let's get back to me and my sweetie
Smooching and hoochy cooing
It sure turns my crank, puts a tiger in my tank
Absolutely love all this hoopty dooing!
© Jack Ellison 2013