by Daniel Turner |
love, mother,
Around my mom, I always felt my guilt
My conscience seem to always take her side
Some years ago, I gave her a new quilt
I still recall the tears of joy she cried
My gift of love to warm her nights with pride
It's hand sewn patches in a ring design
It showed up at my door after she died
Inside a plain brown box tied with used twine
And though there was no note, I read her mind
She knew the message sent would be received
A gift of love, to warm, when life's unkind
She once made quilts to give to those in need
Her gift of love with message plain to see
She knew the one in need, this time... was me.
by Daniel Turner
by Christina Bowring |
faith, love, time,
Crystal winged hourglass flows muted gold sand
as time turns red dawn to pink dusk once more;
life’s tapestry fades as years so expand
but love in the heart gives youth to restore
when embraced with so much left to explore.
Crystal winged hourglass portrays such fleeting
finite life as time slips by depleting;
with love reborn, awoken from sleeping
so shall heavenly days be accreting -
when sand flows no more - just joy, no weeping.
by Robert Lindley |
art, friendship, meaningful, nature, symbolism, tree, writing,
Two old oak trees weathered by winds and rain
with fallen leaves, branches and toughened bark
to shield a core of grandeur, and sustain
the wisdom borne to see the light from dark.
Two noble men aware of twilight time
both face evil world with courage and grace
Love and Nature gifts each, a life sublime
all standing with courage none can erase.
Each rooted within mother earth's great fold
weathering this world's darkest raging storms
images show lives lived regally and bold
tho' existing in weakened earthen forms.
With words of wisdom written in our seeds
we seek retreat to heed our honest deeds.
22nd June, 2018
T.J Grén & Robert Lindley
by Connie Marcum Wong |
dream, friendship love, longing, love,
Your sensuous eyes render me a fool.
How clumsy I become within your mien.
I stutter, stumble trying to keep cool
While all the time envisioning a scene
Of you and I together palm in palm
As sun departs behind the hillside's face,
And in the blush of twilight I feel calm
Enough to kiss your lips with lover's grace.
My heart would swell if only this were so,
If even in my dreams it would come true,
That you might sense within my smile aglow
The awesome humble love I have for you.
One tiny glance of regard you impart
Would be enough to satisfy my heart.
by Andrea Dietrich |
Line of inquiry:
“looking back, I’m ashamed of what I was
I’m different now, though not without flaws
Each crest becomes a trough, as we move on
God slowly steers soul towards a new dawn” - Unseeking Seeker
My future self is a river running.
Time with no end is the course I run.
Things I learned from youth have either
been tossed ashore or absorbed
within my deep waters.
Storms I have endured.
Somewhere in the
middle of
my long
to transform.
I grew deeper
and deeper from all
my experiences.
I am flowing closer now
to the ocean of my rebirth
where I will merge with all God’s rivers
in the bright dawn of his abiding love.
by Michael Tor |
dad, daughter, fate, longing, love,
A homeless man played his guitar,
for coin rewards put in a jar.
A lonely life he always led,
but in his heart a love he had.
This love he thought of all the time,
during the cold days brought sunshine.
His songs were of a girl he loved,
he sang to her, with stars above.
So many years had gone on by,
but in his heart, and reasons why.
There was this hope that would not die,
the thought of her just made him cry.
Dedicated to my
daughter Ashley...
Michael Tor
by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
children, world, time,
The innocence lost so long ago
The undying faith we used to know
The gentle rain of a summer's skies
You can find it all in your child's eyes.
The world was right one time it seems
And we could reach beyond our dreams
To meet a challenge of any size
That fire still burns in your child's eyes.
In a world of anger and miscontent
And the frustrations of a life misspent
And you wait in fear as the storms arise
You can still find peace in your child's eyes.
Take the time for all those things
Hear his words: feel the joy he brings
There is no hate; there are no lies
There is only love in your child's eyes.
by Liam Mcdaid |
angel, baptism, beautiful, blessing, heaven, light, love,
Under your heavenly gaze magic appears perfect
a thousand whispers sail through the oceans current
each wave warmly echoes of a sun filled promise
Our time is held when precious jewels they glimmer
every breath gasps breathless holding dearest soul
where the silken ribbons circle around a gift tied
wrapped within angel rays floating inside heartbeats
by Silent One |
When the last rain drop has fallen
and final word has been spoken.
When mercy is no longer our saviour,
remember, each time your heart beats,
with every sigh on the tip of your tongue,
my only wish was to forever love you,
stronger than the light that shone at sunrise,
warmer than the rays from that golden orb,
more powerful than the radiance of the moon
and with greater devotion than the stars.
Silent One
Simple Musing
17 February 2018
by Daniel Turner |
funny, love, sad,
I've never kissed a pig with my eyes closed
Nor have I ever held a hand of time
However, there was once when I proposed
But that was back when I was in my prime
I still recall how much she loved to dance
She'd laugh at me and make my face turn red
She taught me all the secrets of romance
That love was what one did, not what one said
I search the shadows for her purple hue
I take her mem'ry everywhere I go
Its smile has it's own special shade of blue
Its taste so sweet no one could ever know
They tell me only time mends broken hearts
I wonder just how long before it starts.
by Daniel Turner
by Andrea Dietrich |
autumn, lost love,
Like violets were her eyes when first I spied
the lady with a sweet child’s face who peeked
at me from bushes that she stood beside,
alluring Lilah, beaming, apple-cheeked!
And so it was that more and more I found
myself among the lilacs in that place
where first we’d met, that I might hear the sound
of Lilah’s laugh and glimpse her angel’s face.
On fragrant garden paths we knew the thrill
of blossoming affection. Poetry
was time we spent! But when my love fell ill,
the autumn of our bliss was not to be. . .
I visit Lilah now where she’s at rest
nearby the lilac blooms she liked the best.
by Jesse Rowe |
love, true love,
How does one measure love in scope or scale?
For if such ledger ever was designed
Then logic would over the heart prevail.
So in this way must love be ever blind.
If love be love it cannot count the cost
Or repossess what it in ransom pays.
Expecting such is love already lost
When worth decides whether or not it stays.
But if I must assign it some amount
Let time together be the cost we share
And by that measure, as for love's account,
Let us not leave a coin of it to spare.
I'll precious count each moment yet in store.
My love, I offer all to you and more.
by John Gondolf |
Relentless in it’s movement
like the ticking of a clock
as time keeps marching forward
for our future to unlock.
The past is but a memory
the present but a blur;
this moment gone in just a blink
as “now” becomes the times that were.
This ticking seems so infinite
eternal in its life;
forever forging on ahead,
its endless moments rife.
But as for us a different tune,
we know our time will end;
for us the ticking soon will cease;
prepare yourself my friend.
Love your neighbor and your God
and nature here on earth;
give service to your fellow man,
the measure of your worth.
July 4, 2020
Poem of the Day - July 6, 2020
by Karen Jones |
dream, feelings, green, how i feel, lost love,
I write so many poems that you don’t see
They end up in purple poem cemetery
Mangled in the **** of my maroon mind
Tangerine tangles of wasted time
Violet vines of not good enough
Tall teal trees of unreturned love
Winged words white like albino leaves
Falling to their death from teal tree
Falling for you’re deaf to my poet tree
Bass treble cleft left in green cerebral dream
Unsung songs unmade love
Sing a longs gone wrong
Made in maroon lust
But somehow I manage to hold on to it
Maybe it will be reborn as a chocolate kiss
of rainbow reflection of historical views
Of future endeavors red spice unused.
by Paul Callus |
love hurts,
My whispered words trail to a halt
Her sobbing muffled by the wind
Beneath our faithful trusted tree
Concealed from Luna’s prying eyes
We share the pain of anguished hearts
As time draws near for us to part
And take divergent paths of life
To quell the urge of bridled love.
When dawn approaches we shall leave
With nothing else but memories
Unloosing hands from this embrace
Our shattered dreams can’t be replaced.
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Hugs Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Craig Cornish
Placed 3rd
Chosen p.o.t.d. on 8th June 2020
© 7th June, 2020
by Charmaine Chircop |
no age
or beauty
no rich
or poor
no religion
or race
no straight
or gay
no boundary
or reason
no distance
or time
knows only
the rapid beating
of a giving heart sublime
by Charlie Smith |
birth, childhood, prayer, religious,
It's hard to describe
that true sense of pride
that comes with the worth
of your babies birth
A child takes your heart
right from the start
and wills you to sow
a love destined to grow
From dress ups to cupcakes
from boo-boos to heartbreaks
it's all worth the pain
from the treasure we gain
Time spent together
can only be measured
in memories we hold
as part of our soul
God keep this life
from turmoil and strife
give it love and care
and blessings to share
For all that we ask
is that we're up to the task
and do all that we must
to honor your trust.
by Tom Quigley |
age, life, time,
A t f i r s t, a l a z i l y f l o w i n g r i v e r
Timeless warm glow of a summer’s day
In love with the world’s vibrancy
Inaudible, clock ticking
Safe in seeming endlessness
Each day a lifetime
Some wished away
Years accrue
Time’s grains
Sweet life full
Moments precious
A n t i c i p a t e d
milestones fly past, too fast
Children’s years wax eternal
While ours accelerate quickly
Scenery outside the train’s window
Ever more beautiful, yet blurring, faster
© Thomas W. Quigley
by Andrea Dietrich |
What Matters Most
What matters most is obvious to me.
It’s hearth and home, kin and family.
Life is an hourglass and the sands
of your time keep drifting down -
drifting, drifting, drifting
downward as you race
to get in all
the things you
want to
take time
to breathe in
the things you love:
fresh baked bread, roses,
the petrichor of spring!
Simple are life’s joys. Give all
you love to all those you love, for
that will be your legacy when your
sands run out and the hourglass turns over.
April 1, 2020
for Chantelle Anne Cooke's "What Matters the Most to You" Poetry contest
by White Wolf |
analogy, joy, love,
Such lovely lilac and crimson tones,
As a rainbow of colours fill the sky,
Radiant and beautiful soothes my bones,
Takes me above the clouds so far and high.
Captured in a moment of total bliss,
Wondering all the time what is life for?
Suspended in awe like a lover’s kiss,
Never felt like this to my very core.
Love all around and it's time I was found,
Beauty everywhere can't you see her smile,
Smiling at you and smiling all around,
It's time you gave love a chance for awhile.
But leave me above the clouds, here I'll stay,
I have found love in a different way.
(Ten syllables per line)
by Andrea Dietrich |
love, rose,
If love could have a color, I suppose
it wouldn’t be just any common shade.
I’d name it for the colors of the rose.
In heaven’s hues this flower is arrayed!
From chaste love’s hush of pink to heady rush
that’s shown by cardinal or crimson red,
the rose reveals the grades of ardor’s blush
unto the time it’s thought that passion’s fled.
But in the tint of amaranth, the fire
endures; in purple deep it can transcend,
while yellow blooms in bliss that does not tire,
and white’s fidelity will have no end.
Though black the bud, a red will grow thereof.
By any other name, the rose is love.
by Tim Smith |
friend, love,
Here I lie in the solace of my bed
Wrapped up in these sheets of grey
Looking out past the frosted glass
Out into the pitch dark of night
Oh the white puffs falling down
Little cotton balls so fluffy
So pure
Blanketing the barren ground
Brightening up the darkened night
Remembering our time together
those little snow ball fights
you putting snow down my back
you're first snow angel
How I want those days back
Here I lie in the solace of my bed
could you?
would you?
Still be mine
I know it feels right
Only time will tell
if you'll be my snow angel
by Swetha Vangaveti |
She: I have no one to shower love upon me.
He: "I" love you
She: You are a busy man. You don't have time for anything. You neither wish me on my birthday nor text me ever. You never speak sugary sweet words to me.
He: I "LOVE" you
She: I have neither family nor friends, I possess neither wealth nor any riches, I have no education nor do I have any knowledge of the world.
He: I love "YOU"
Her eyes melted and his heart filled with joy.
by Tim Smith |
"Before the winds were born and there were signs of life,
your beauty was already stirring inside my soul."
Star light shine down for me this night
for I may see just one more time
through hungry eyes
a solemn soul still
in contemplation
Strokes gentle in a sea of silk
reflected in a perfect way
showing beauty
unknown still
seeing faults
Night carry your breeze to her side
blow away any guilt
leaving just
visions still
and a peaceful smile
by Paul Callus |
change, sad,
We planted roses in the spring
when love was floating in the air.
A diamond glittered on your ring
reflected in your hazel eyes
the rainbow hues of paradise.
We had so much to give and share.
The months went by, the roses bloomed,
but when one day an ill wind blew –
no mercy shown – our dreams were doomed
to wither slowly and decay.
That fateful night you passed away
all the white roses died with you.
[Pub. PS: It’s Poetry: An anthology of contemporary poetry from around the world 2020]
Rhyme scheme: A-B-A-C-C-B D-E-D-F-F-E
Contest: Rhyme Time 7 ~ Deep and Dark
Sponsored by Lu Loo
Placed 1st
© 27th December 2018