Love Poems About Trust or Trust Love Poems
by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: confusion, emo, emotions, fear, feelings, pain, sad,

Am I

AM  I ?

Am I Just Standing Here, or Am I Just Dead?
Am I So Full Of Fear, I Lost Myself Instead?

Am I A Nobody, that you can't defend me?
Am I Just Invisible, and you really don't pretend.

Am I Blind, Or I Just Don't Wish To See?
The Love I Cannot Find Is Right In Front Of Me!

Am I Hearing the Truth,
Or Have I Just Been Deceived?
Who Can I Trust?
Who Can I Believe?

Am I So Mad I Just Can't Understand,
Or Am I So Sad I Need A Shoulder And A friend?

Is It Just Me, 
Or Am I All Alone?


I wrote this poem 22 years ago
I was pregnant, scared and alone:-(

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: spiritual,

Earth Life Purpose

It’s my belief we all are here because
God wishes us to know both joy and pain
to learn of life, and also we have flaws
so we’re on earth to reach a higher plane.

Our life experiences help us to find
those attributes we’re in possession of
that we can use to benefit mankind.
God wants for us to bless the world with love.

By knowing sorrow, we will also grow
to more appreciate the good in life.
Of insecurities we must let go
and trust in God to see us through our strife.

Our purpose then most simply put is this:
to grow in grace so we might taste of bliss.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: writing,

Writing a Love Sonnet POTD

If only I could write you a sonnet,
Iambic pentameter and what not,
Let my muse mull profoundly upon it.
I must write it quickly lest I forgot.

It will have to stress real passion, love,
Mention a rose if I really must
But for heaven's sake leave out the white dove,
Still do mention the red moon that I trust.

Compare her eyes to some fragrant flower,
And wish to taste her full strawberry lips,
Scheme to meet her in a quiet bower,
Clouds enfold us in mythical eclipse.

Will she come, will she go, my marigold?
Ah, my poor love sonnet has now gone cold.

POTD 14 September 2020

by Andrew Fairchild |
Categories: for her, innocence, integrity, love, rose, snow, trust,

Sonnet 28 'I Think I Know the Name of Purity'

I think I know the Name of Purity,
It is Your Name -- it holds clear water well!
A Chalice carved almost to shattering,
A white rose, that alone, grows in the dell
With drops of ice adorning its still face
The warmth of heart that comes with falling snow
The few flakes that adorn your lashes, by grace
Delightful cold that creeps up from below
Loquacity that speaks only the Truth,
Amazed by every small, delightful thing
Ubiquitous praise and unbroken Youth
Right Trust, that gave your finger to the Ring
Inevitable Joy, and whispered Love
E'er faithful, that this all is from Above.


Submitted for:  Standard Poetry Contest 175

Sponsored by:  Brian Strand

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: birth, childhood, prayer, religious,

The Treasure of Birth

It's hard to describe
that true sense of pride

that comes with the worth
of your babies birth

A child takes your heart
right from the start

and wills you to sow
a love destined to grow

From dress ups to cupcakes
from boo-boos to heartbreaks

it's all worth the pain
from the treasure we gain

Time spent together
can only be measured

in memories we hold 
as part of our soul

God keep this life
from turmoil and strife

give it love and care
and blessings to share

For all that we ask
is that we're up to the task

and do all that we must
to honor your trust.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beach, beautiful, imagery, imagination, innocence, love, romantic,

Agony And Ecstasy

Cascading waves wash ashore, tickling toes, they ebb and flow; as moonbeams set a thousand jewels sparkling upon the shoal. Smiles summon sweet emotions as we stroll upon the beach, hand in hand under a starry sky; pausing to build castles in the sand. And in this state of blissfulness, two lonely souls unite for all eternity. Our hopes and tears willingly shared; trust defines the essence of caring. And yet, love offers us much more; facilitating fantasies, while fulfilling dreams. Agony and ecstasy meld with each passionate kiss. And my heart's consumed by fire; having never felt a love as intense as this.

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: emotions, heart,

Hearts At Odds

Hearts made of wax, sent through the mail Should help relax, instead I wail, They will soon melt in time's hot hands, Loneliness is felt midst life's strands; Hearts made of glass shatter and fail When griefs harass, they don't prevail, What use are these hearts so feeble, Poor pleas of perishing people? Hearts made of stone are cold and fake, Even Love will own - "Hard to break", Will they be healed? How can I trust? Feelings concealed, what if they bust? Hearts made of flesh and blood, I seek, They won't crush my sentiments meek, Understanding hearts of love - Now, fear departs, before them I bow. ----------17.12.16----------

by Annabelle Jane |
Categories: happiness, hope, love, trust,

The Birds Begin

Despite the black, the birds begin
To call the light unto the day,
Persistent songs remind the Sun
To send the stars upon their way.

There's hope in this which I admire:
The birds trust what they're yet to see,
I know I trust you just the same,
And always will, unfailingly.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

The Other Half

I search the skies for a signal, a sign, of hope, of trust, of promise amongst the celestial beauty. Is it in the setting sun that warms like the giving of your heart? Is it in the glistening stars that sparkle like the twinkle in your eyes ? Is it in the comets that streak across the sky like that smile streaking across your face? Oh it must be the half-moon such beauty and grace glowing for all to see. For you are the other half The one that completes me.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: care, devotion, happiness, love, soulmate, trust,

What Is Love

What is Love

Trust - unconditionally in that someone special.
Faith - and devotion through divine destiny.
Contentment - in knowing love is equally reciprocated.
Soul connection - that tethers a couple together forever.


A four line poem on what is love Poetry Contest~Second place~
Sponsored by: Faraz Ajmal

by Jack Eldridge |
Categories: friendship,


You lined the clouds with silver, 
You pushed away the rain.

You lifted some of my burdens 
and shared with me my pain .

You gave me your most precious treasures,
A value no man can adjust.

Freely given without measure,
your loyalty ,patience ,and trust. 

You eased my fears with confidence 
and held sacred all my flaws,

Diminishing their apparent affect 
through eyes of a higher cause.

You taught me how to appreciate 
all that one can be,

Encouraged me through the eyes of love 
to invest in a possibility.

Now I can line the clouds with silver and push away the rain again,

For through  you I have seen that the greatest gift
 is the gift of being a friend.

by Claudia Polydoro |
Categories: word play,

Your Better End

YOUR BETTER END To be To stare To contemplate To risk To dare Once and again To trust To leap A Jump of faith To fall To land No one can say To forgive To forget Or try again To breathe To love Feel whole and place The fears The doubts To rest and then To grow To become Your better end *** January 20, 2017

by Lynn Marie |
Categories: emotions, feelings, heart, lost love, love, nostalgia, passion,

One Brief Moment

In one brief moment
you saw me as I am
without a word spoken
palm open for my hand.

Nary a harp string plucked
silence graced the air
silhouettes became one
my heart I laid bare.

Candle wicks were unlit
full moon a distant past
my emerald eyes glowed
your love echoing back.

Fire  our skin to skin heat
scent unique unto us
not a flower in bloom
our souls we gave in trust.

In one brief moment
you saw me as I am
the memory of each breath
my bliss I'll always have.


by Winged Warrior |
Categories: longing, love, romantic,

'trust Me Baby This Is Love'

Breathe my love, for I breathe for you
Thru cyan skies and oceans bathing blue
Speak my love, for I lonely listen for you
Vivacious vivid voices of a sensuous spew

Dream my love, for I only dream of you
Lavish green meadows in the morning dew
Sing my love, for I symphonically sing for you
With Angelic ambiance within heavens view

Cry my love, for I calamitously cry for you
Lachrymal layers of our binding brew
Dance my love, so I may dance with you
In melodic moonlight that I may woo

Love, my love, so I may love with you
Through echoing eternity just the two.

Trust Me Baby This Is Love - Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose

by Lin Lane |
Categories: lost love,

On Restless Wings

I wrote verse on the wings of a lark
romantic phrases in perfect rhyme
but the lark flew away in the dark
I wrote no further for the longest time

A lone blue jay landed upon my lawn
I wrote sweet prose on his sapphire wings
He spent the night with me, but at dawn
the jay flew away and no longer sings

I answered the call of a beautiful raven
I wrote love sonnets on his ebony wings
He stayed for years in my safe haven
I was one of the raven's castoff things

I no longer trust those who take flight
I lost them all and my torn heart bled
On restless wings I'll never again write
of love that leaves me alone in my bed

by Mary Nagy |
Categories: angst, daughter, family, funny, happiness, life, love, car,

Princess Needs a New Car

Princess just wants a new car.
I have told her that hers will go far.
'Oh, it's really not cool
driving this crap to school.'
'Do I need that emotional scar? '

'The kids will all laugh at the rust.
When we race, I'll be left in the dust! 
I will save up some cash
then we'll make a mad dash
to the car dealer surely you trust'.

'He will make us a wonderful deal
and I'm sure you will know how I feel.
I will love you so much, 
My siblings... I won't touch.
Just get me behind a new wheel'! 

Now she'll be cruisin in style.
She'll be happy for only awhile.
There will always be better
and we'll try hard to get her
a car that will make princess smile.

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: food, funny, humorous, nonsense, romance, sexy, silly,

A Fine Flavor Between Lines

Is it Love
a simple bowl of ice cream
sweating from the heat
cherries on the top
huddled 'round and looking sweet
two little wooden paddles
pretend that they are spoons
as we sit beneath the stars
in the savor of the moon
your lips are all I see
as they caress them with a passion 
the cherries on your tongue
in a delightful playful fashion 
with our eyes intent and focused
in a stare of solemn trust
Is this ice cream truly love
or is it merely cherry lust

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, nature, summer,

Summer Lover

Oh, summer sun, all winter I have missed
your stale hot breath upon my upturned face;
your tongue that seers my flesh as I unlace
the strings on my bikini. I am kissed
by sultry lips that burn. I can’t resist!
I bask in light of day, and I embrace
Your penetrating rays that find each space
of skin exposed. I wait and plan my tryst.
And when you come, I’ll reverence you once more,
supine, as you would have me, to receive
your torrid touch as token of your lust.
In June we’ll meet as always by the lake shore.
I should not go.  So well you can deceive.
Some lovers you have killed! Yet still I trust. . .

for Brian Strand's Your Choice,Any Form,Any Theme Poetry Contest

by Doug Vinson |
Categories: love,

Love Is Blind

Our fellow travelers,
What measure of trust for them?
The moment's imperfections are easily, even instinctively overlooked -
We risk for their benefit, sacrifice for their good.

Minutes stretched, the holy person spoke to all comers
As I heard love's woman,
Hanging on the pierced and tattooed man.
What did she see, he was fractional to me;
Her freely-given look demanded no return,
Love's area of the mind spreading over others.
Was it that he'd only hit her once?

The sightless mother's fingers over the face of her child
Tenderly traced that juncture of skin and hour,
Acquiring an instant in time.

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: addiction, betrayal, hope, trust,

Hoping For Love and Trust

Over his lies
Trust not 

Never again
Now wise

Comes with life
I learned

To share my heart

on longest days
yields peace

Flowing waters
Bring hope

Fretting no more
Heart's strong

Strength builds
Tower of faith

Brightens dark days
Light shines

My stride returns
With love

Not enabling
Trust earned

For Richard's Mussetle Train Contest, 12/1/14

by Brian Strand |
Categories: childhood, life, love, passion, places, time

Rites of Passage

Remember the day
Apron strings loosed,untied
as maternal voices faltered and cried
Remember the day
When a soprano voice lost its elan
and a boy became a man
Remember the day
Peer pressure would not hide
and diffidence was replaced with pride
Remember the day
Desire,with warm whispers heard
questions,answered with just three words
Remember the day
Filled with joy and love
a union blessed from above
Remember the day
Holding a first-born,so wee
as two self-absorbed,became three
Remember the day
Trust was born-a-new
a changed life came into view
Remember the day
Genesis as a work of art
with gifts to share and impart
Remember the day

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: inspirational, smile, trust, wisdom,

Don'T Worry About a Thing

Smile today ~ everything's gonna be OK
Whether it's Sunshine or Skies of gray
Things will get better ~ 'cause Nothing really lasts forever 
So Smile today ~ free your heart to play

What's yours no one can take ~ things must get brighter
Surely love will find a way  ~ Smile today

by Laura Mckenzie |
Categories: devotion, love

The Music of Our Love

When we meet our hearts connect
as though we were cords on a violin 
A shapely instrument of beauty and grace 
When aged the sounds are clearer and more of value 
Equally refined and spiritually aligned

We sing of life and commitment 
And a trust that bonds 
We stretch as the strings and bend to fit each other’s needs 
We are linked in body and soul 
We are music, we are whole

by White Wolf |
Categories: art, flower, love, romantic,

Just Look Into My Eyes

For these moments in time that I'm with you At a loss for words to try and explain I know in my heart that you feel it too For you make my whole world appear so sane We give to each other a warmth so true You are my flower and I am your dawn For I am the grass and you are the dew Whenever I'm with you I feel reborn How do I express what you mean to me Shall I start with a song with melody Shall I paint a picture with imagery Please tell me dear for I need you to see There is no way to make you realize Just trust me, dear, just look into my eyes

by Cupids Arrow |
Categories: love, trust,

As We Dance

In the sky less stars tonight But who needs shards of light when the sparkle in your heart ignites fire in the alley of my mind. I close my eyes, just to feel me swinging in your arms I trust to fall knowing you will hug me tightly as we dance Under a sky void of light, my sweet Psyche, my soul I keep your world upright. The darkness now bright, truth streaming from deep behind those wonton eyes. My heart has been ignited by the comfort of your mind as we dance