Love Poems About Truth or Truth Love Poems
by Joe Dimino |
Categories: change, christian, confidence, god, love, truth, wisdom,

Baby Steps

I took a walk with God today,
His pace far more casual than
mine. His voice a bit softer,
calmer. His visions, far more
loftier, but not views to impress
me...more like, to bless me. Not
stepping to me out-stride – more like,
to lovingly guide. His tone to instill in me
self confidence, and not His awesome
dominance. I took a walk with
God today...met Christ along
the way – and together we made a turn 
toward Home....

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: confusion, emo, emotions, fear, feelings, pain, sad,

Am I

AM  I ?

Am I Just Standing Here, or Am I Just Dead?
Am I So Full Of Fear, I Lost Myself Instead?

Am I A Nobody, that you can't defend me?
Am I Just Invisible, and you really don't pretend.

Am I Blind, Or I Just Don't Wish To See?
The Love I Cannot Find Is Right In Front Of Me!

Am I Hearing the Truth,
Or Have I Just Been Deceived?
Who Can I Trust?
Who Can I Believe?

Am I So Mad I Just Can't Understand,
Or Am I So Sad I Need A Shoulder And A friend?

Is It Just Me, 
Or Am I All Alone?


I wrote this poem 22 years ago
I was pregnant, scared and alone:-(

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: angel,

Angel In Your Eyes

To you who knew me in my youth, Who spread sweet joy and spoke with truth; Before you passed to heaven’s skies, I saw an angel in your eyes. To you, the stranger that I met, Who spoke no word of English, yet Gave aid to me, you are God’s prize. There was an angel in your eyes. To those of you within this place Whose gifts of words show love and grace, Though I’ve not faced you, I surmise. . . There is an angel in your eyes!

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, heart, lost love, love, muse, philosophy,

Desire Love Romance

All lovely words
when understood

All so misconstrued
silence envelopes our delusions

Desire, we lust the attention
at the forfeit of philosophy

Love, we crave at Kings expense
	at times
		Sacrificing those whom love us true
			spilling blood at humanities alter

Romance, we desire for loves embrace
knowing serpents sell snake oil remedies

Beware the soft spoken 
cringe when you hear words only a token

Seeking the truth, not platitude
discover love, in those that.........

Breathe actions, not poetic verse

by Honestly J.T. |
Categories: america, for her, for him, friend, friendship, growth, how i feel, international, journey, love, racism, school, social, together, truth, uplifting,

One World

Love is not a color,
No hue, neither a race.
All of our blood is the same, 
That runs deep within our veins.

If we could lift up each other,
And know that we all care.
If we help our sisters and brothers,
There's a bond that we'll share.

©2013 Honestly JT

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: love, mystery, spiritual,

Beautiful Mysteries

Divinity lives beyond description Alone, a weary heart cries from its pain Desire eager for its conscription Might truth and love turn this way again? Sweet mysteries, this life, in dreams of thee Yield fantasy's passion I dare to share Walk from this muse, I pray to live in me Conceding this, my love, unto your care On lifeless shadows, cast your glowing light Bring a blessed presence to this peace I seek Rest too this solemn shade, this endless night With angelic verse, but you could only speak For seeking dreams to dream from up above I cast my will and fate to seek your love

by Andrew Fairchild |
Categories: for her, innocence, integrity, love, rose, snow, trust,

Sonnet 28 'I Think I Know the Name of Purity'

I think I know the Name of Purity,
It is Your Name -- it holds clear water well!
A Chalice carved almost to shattering,
A white rose, that alone, grows in the dell
With drops of ice adorning its still face
The warmth of heart that comes with falling snow
The few flakes that adorn your lashes, by grace
Delightful cold that creeps up from below
Loquacity that speaks only the Truth,
Amazed by every small, delightful thing
Ubiquitous praise and unbroken Youth
Right Trust, that gave your finger to the Ring
Inevitable Joy, and whispered Love
E'er faithful, that this all is from Above.


Submitted for:  Standard Poetry Contest 175

Sponsored by:  Brian Strand

by Bill Baker |
Categories: emotions, life, pain, river, truth, water, wisdom,

Life On the River

A balance in life can solve the riddle. 
To find the balance, start in the middle.
Distractions from the banks may lead us wrong.
Go with the flow where the current is strong.

The banks are sirens calling to our ears,
offering us pleasures relieving fears.
The emotion of love, the fear of pain,
tossing and turning, driving us insane.

Too much pleasure can lead to addiction,
pain and sickness can lead to restriction.
Reject their temptations, stay in the flow,
the river is wise and knows where to go.

Avoid extremes, be content with enough.
Life on the river, no need for the fluff.

by Heather Ober |
Categories: loss, love,


They flutter and hover
And float on the breeze.
They shiver and shimmer
And weaken the knees.
Fickle and fragile,
They tickle and tease.
Fleeting and flimsy,
Deceptively free.  

These frivolous creatures, 
These knots of desire.
Once spindles of yearning, 
Now spools of barbed wire.
Once pulling like petals, 
Now pricking like briar.
Once soothing like honey,
Now burning like fire.

Violently thrashing,
It struggles to rise.
The truth comes up gasping
From whirlpools of lies.
Shed this charade 
And discard your disguise.
I know you enjoy
Drowning blind butterflies.

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: body, devotion, truth,

The Wait

No end where love's found
no beginning, though there must've been
I can't recall, seems it was always there
going on and on..

No life better known, restless like the forest
hearts awaken at new sight and sound
teasing I see, so pleasing..
two corners lifting at your mouth.

You can go on now, find me..
the place you always knew
waiting, silent as a stone
body and soul lost to you.

A place with no beginning
no tomorrows, nor sorrows
we'll leave them at the gate.
Oh my love, I can't breathe,
can hardly bear the wait.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: sad,

A Life Not Lived

I am not remembered in any form or way
Undeserving of their love and respect.
I understand, and yet I grieve.
For myself.

For what I lost
Ignoring the ones who could have
Showered me with love
But did not 
Because they knew me not.

I reserve my place in the cosmos
Of ignorance 
Recognizing truth and love
once again upon the throne of death
as I enter a kingdom I do not deserve

The angels grabbed me and gave me
what I had sought on earth in the form
of lust,  not even my biggest mistake.
My soul cries now
At a life not lived.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: emotions, feelings, hope, hurt, imagery, love hurts,

Everything's Okay

Love feels like an illusion; a mix of lies and the truth. For it's non-responsive to the expectations of youth. Facing doubt and frustration; bravado falters, then slips. And yet, in your fantasies, passion congers eager lips. Hope courts imagination; summoning a dreamy smile. And you find your private place, where you haven't been for a while. You're searching for a soulmate who’ll embrace your existence. So, you continue to look; with undying persistence. You fall in and out of love with the ghosts of yesterday. And yet, feigning happiness; say everything's okay.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: break up, emotions, feelings, imagery, love hurts,

Hope Outweighs Sorrow

Love feels like it’s magical; your heart burns like it's on fire. And your ears only hear hope; not whispers of a liar. When trust's shield starts to weaken, he shores it up with more lies. And an outpouring of pain replaces truth as it dies. Fear fortifies nagging doubts as they morph into goodbyes. And failed dreams discreetly drown; in tears spilled from crying eyes. Yet, time carries you away; to where hope outweighs sorrow. For, like a river, it flows toward a new tomorrow.

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: encouraging, family, humanity, life, love, truth, wisdom,

Bit of Truth and Wisdom, Found In Old Age

Bit Of Truth And Wisdom, Found In Old Age

At that age wisdom says life is a joke
consider blindness of other poor folk.
Stop to ponder why on earth we exist
you may just find giving on that big list.

To live well, love hard and thus procreate
easy to see easier to relate.
Living life together with your soulmate
should be a part of everybody's Fate!

Finding life is not about what you got
should be holding solid, number one spot
Tis more about life lived well and deeper
with one you found, knew to be a keeper

If long life, happiness is your great aim
if reaching not for it, you are to blame!

Robert J. Lindley, 1-16-2017

by Tracy Decker |
Categories: confusion, introspection, love,

Desperate (Tritina)

I wish I knew how, had ability to turn
away from you and not look back to see if it
affected you, my turning away, walking off.

I want you to miss this, and I fail to pass off
the distance as a gravely unfortunate turn
of events, see truth within desperation, it

blinds, consumes, and (I hate to, but) I admit it
impossible to justify the breaking off
of any contact to once again inward turn.

I want to reach within, find this, and turn it off.

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: change, corruption, freedom, inspirational love, love, peace, prejudice,

This All Could Be

Transitions towards a worldwide truce
Highlight our hearts, hopes, hymns and 
Inspire us to embrace peace as a truth
Spread globally strong from love’s roots.

All prayers seek universal peace,
Love-filled hearts breathing ease and
Living life as freedom guarantees.

Corrupt power holders need be
Outnumbered by justice seekers,
United in faith to crumble cruel
Leaders and their false rule, to then
Determine all lives harmony soothed.
Blessings of equality could be as they should be, 
Enjoyed by all brothers and sisters of humanity.

... CayCay
September 2, 2019

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: truth,


Some fun with Shakespearean Sonnet

The sword locked tight and firm within the stone
awaits a heart with strong undaunted faith,
oft tempered hard by fire the dragon's blown;
not cowered down before a ghastly wraith.
Too often those without intrepid souls,
though with the strength of lions at their hest,
believe it only takes one mighty pull
to loose the brand now locked within this breast.
But power isn't born from strength without,
it is the light of truth within the pure
that need not raise a fist nor feign a shout
to earn a faith and love that shall endure.
With gentle silent solemn hand he grasps
and slowly frees Excalibur at last.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: devotion, life, metaphor, spiritual, sun,

Naked Souls

Naked souls...
Find in each other a kindred spirit
That speaks divinely, without words.
Auras coalesce in euphoric passions
Warming hearts and bodies
That rise to ethereal heights.
Sentient beings aware of the gift
Love employs to infinite degrees,
Valuing the depths of harmonic harmony.
Let sunrise penetrate its heavenly hues
In veneration of nature connecting
With the psyche, intuitive of karmic
Laws in recompense of past regrets.
Unveil the opaque shrouds that keep
Truth occult by delivering the naked soul.


by Robert Johnson |
Categories: growing up,

Before the End

Sunflowers and dandelions. 
Sometimes in life it's a fine line.
We go outside to breathe the air.
Look around, try not to stare.

The little children play and run.
The girls are screaming, having fun.
Little boys follow along.
Learning the words to write the song.

A bouquet of summer's sweet refrain.
A timeless imprint on your brain.
To carry us into the night.
Beyond what sunshine brings to light.

After all the dreams come true.
But get lost in the dawning dew.
Only glimpses of love survive.
As you awake having to strive.

Finally finding out the truth.
About our fantasy's in youth.
All we wanted was a friend.
And a little love before the end.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Hideaway Nights

A drop of lonely  floats 
into a never ending kiss 
lost folded notes   play 
out in a rewind of time 

Shifting spells the chorus 
foreign answers ring 
-- an empty chair 
rocking through my mind 

Lay down your symphony 
where harmony rests a head 
pull back the covers slowly 
let me listen to what is said 

Colour wraps in soulful pace 
mellow light   dances free 
belief  waits for the butterfly 
as with truth   sunsets will be

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: lost love,

The Truth of Love - POTD

The truth is cruel,
a blurred reality.
The truth is in my heart
carefully hidden from prying eyes.
Don't sigh my friend,
you cannot read it in my face,
'tis well concealed, rest assured
as a secret newly found,
hid from curious eyes.
So, I hide my truth,
I do it on purpose,
keep it veiled for it is mine.
Don't ask: a futile plea.
I once told the truth
that led to a beleaguered life.
Ah, I had high hopes then.
Now I've had enough.  
I keep my secret.
A pack of ravening wolves
gnawing at my insides
will never pry away
that which I carefully hide.
Which really is a pity,
for 'tis agony for me
not to reveal openly
the love I harbor for ye.

by Lin Lane |
Categories: friend,

The Value of Friends

There is much to be said about the value of friends Those who lift us up when we try to make amends A crutch to help us stand when we stumble and fall Hit us with the power of truth, thrown like a fast ball They offer welcoming shoulders to receive our tears, Teach us the importance of choosing to change gears To stand with us against the barbs of disgruntled foes Refrain from judging when we've caused other's woes Those who are patient listeners, offering us their ears They dry our weepy eyes, smile at us and say, "Cheers." We love their tender mercies in forgiving us our faults Honoring them humbles us, and their character it exalts.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: innocence, introspection, love, pain,

the human condition

in bondage to social etiquette, our heart paused
spontaneity was stifled, innocence was lost
we wandered earth like a soulless ghost
love betrayal came at a heavy cost

glorifying body cage we live in
truth of our Self remaining unknown
accustomed to trauma bonding with pain
we denied God’s light even after we were shown

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: abuse, anger, betrayal, emotions, psychological, spoken word, truth,

The Pain Game

Why do people, want to cause
Other people pain
Where is the Love 
That will break the chain

Someone says something
Then it's tit-for-tat
I've played this before
We all know the score
Now who's up at bat

I think it's time, for us to play
The self healing game
Before there's no one, left
Around to blame

One that's more thoughtful
And much less insane
Let's reach for the Sun
And help everyone
Come out of the rain

All we have, is this fleeting chance
To get this right
No time for jealousies 
No time to fight

Don't say, that you're sorry
Don't seek to forgive
Just start here today
And throw it away
And learn how to live

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: faith, paradise, prayer, religious,

- Heavenly Hugs -

Unique is the discipline of love 
Understanding God's law
Faith holds supreme commander

Sometimes we have to fight 
our way through a concrete jungle
stone cold dreams nightmare evaluates 

Rocking the cradle unworthy desires 
no peace or rest for the wicked deeds
in order to find the answers to hopes prayer
Truth pointing us directions 
within our code of moral conduct 
which supports us in our voyage
In the walk of life chaos grips hearts consumed with hate 
Without faith our souls identity will become dust 
Needing hugs from heaven to survive 

A Collaborated Poem 19.11.2015
Anne-Lise Andresen, and Liam Mc Daid
(tercets unrymed)