Love Poems About Musaddas or Musaddas Love Poems
by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: appreciation, community, love, perspective, poetry,

Potd Good Night,Poets of Gold Pens

     ~Poetesses and Poets, Divine~

All over this great planet we live,
Penning our thoughts, and love to give!

With our hearts, as lanterns so bright, 
Writing with hearts into this summer night.

Pen thee, then, of nature’s fine beauty.
Quietly, we are world Muses on duty.
Creations we form of happiness and sorrow.
Moonlight and dreams, on which to borrow!

A hug from me, now..close your eyes.
Tomorrow is both a gift and a surprise!

Panagiota Romios


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: peace,

My Country 'Tis of Thee

When children are taught never to forget
conflicts’ lessons, to love all humans,
to honor those through history
who, selfless, wrought liberty. . .
Then will spangled dreams for
our peace be fulfilled
as God imparts 
grace on

For Brahm Bailey's (Your) Country 'Tis Of Thee Poetry Contest
Note: The Etheree form was created by Etheree Taylor Armstrong (Feb. 12, 1918-March 14, 1994). She was born in Arkansas, USA and is known for using this form a lot.

by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: thank you,

Freedom's Voice (For Our Troops)

We hear your voice across this nation
We send our love and admiration
Now standing in awe of what you do
We dedicate this day to you.

On nine eleven our world was torn
Only to rise, our strength reborn
An end to terror our only choice
And you became freedom's voice

Our country will not be intimidated
Terrorists will be eradicated
We stand behind you until the day
When you come home to the USA.

They destroyed two buildings side by side
They will never destroy American Pride
We the people, with our hearts we say
To our troops, Happy Valentine's Day.

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: fantasy, food, friendship, happiness, imagination, life, love, peace,

Ripe Mango

your presence is:
sweeter than a ripe mango
filling to the soul

© Joseph S. Spence, Sr., (Epulaeryu Master) 6/12/08
All Rights Reserved, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Senior Advisor, to Founder of Motivational Strips
Ambassador De Literature
Noble Star of Literature 2018
Living Legend of the 21st Century
Pentasiv B World Friendship Poetry Featured Poet 2019

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, love,


I have traveled 
my whole life 
to be this far from you
have passed by 
like the miles 
that lie between us
The wind 
has carried you 
my nameless name

 © Christine A Kysely All Rights Reserved
 (November 4, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

by Joseph Spence Sr |
Categories: friendship, love, passion,

Her Smile

her head rests softly
on my chest with such grace
with warmth from her smile

© Joseph S. Spence, Sr., (Epulaeryu Master) 8/27/08
All Rights Reserved, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Senior Advisor, to Founder of Motivational Strips
Ambassador De Literature
Noble Star of Literature 2018
Living Legend of the 21st Century
Pentasiv B World Friendship Poetry Featured Poet 2019

by Rico Leffanta |
Categories: humor, love,

Usa Million Aire

The cooings of a snow-white dove
Beseech the wind to bring us love
But pandemics apart
Don't you dare touch my heart
Unless you wear a rubber glove!

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: angel, family, life, love, mothers day, uplifting, world,

Mamma - Silent One -POTD

Mamma you work very hard for our family
Always giving and never taking
Mother's Day is on March 10 in the UK
Mother's Day is on May 12 in the USA
An angel that is disguised as a mamma

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: character,

A Bio Of Me

Baby A soul who is appreciative, creative, empathetic, spiritual Mother of Tommy, Jr., Phyllis Brooks, and Doris Culverhouse I love to read, write poetry, and observe nature I try to keep my heart open to joy, gratitude, and hope At times I fear death of my spouse, loneliness, and dementia I would love to experience healing of the earth, end of war, and see Jesus I am a resident of Thomaston, USA Morgan At times my children show their love It seems to arrive on time and fit like a glove My husband can be my supportive friend Whom I believe will love me until the end

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: america, conflict, history, violence,


Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat
  sounds of war, tattered fife, ragged drum

In feathered cap, Yankee Doodle went to town
  where he met a clever man named Madison

Wrote up a constitution, though not for everyone
  rights for whites -- but not for blacks or browns...

Now it's 2 1/2 strife-torn centuries later
  some love the USA; others hate her

Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat, Rat-a-tat-tat
  so many promises ~ fallen flat

Machine-gun fire nightly in 'most every city
  'Twas it all for naught ~ 'twould be a pity

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: image, love, usa,

Betsy Ross

Betsy Ross of Colonial days
Could never imagine the ways
Our United States flag would be blessed
To fly on the Moon and Mount Everest.

May 28, 2015

The Clerihew poem came about in the 1920s and is named after Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875–1956), the English writer who invented it.  The rhyming structure of the Clerihew poem is AABB 

by Mohamed Adel |
Categories: love, peace, racism, usa,

Together We Can

Can the Ameri-can
Love the Afri-can
Can the Afri-can
Love the Ameri-can
Can we all live together as one?
Yes! Together we can

by Debbie Duncan |
Categories: irony,


Love to the USA
Sweatshops in Haiti
Twenty machines in row
Sewing T- shirts that say

12:23 noon   7/ 6/ 2013
granddaughter brings home from 4th July parade bobbles, candy & t-shirt made in Haiti saying
 I love USA. That was the Olympics as well as a lot of things .

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, life, love, nostalgia, seasons,

Autumn Blows a Kiss

Autumn blows a kiss
 mists dance amongst painted leaves
 Winter soon arrives

(c) Copyright by Christine A Kysely
(November 9, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

by Anselmo Boles |
Categories: celebration, life,

Time Unperturbed

Time Unperturbed

                                As the sun rises and the moon hides

                                another day thrive

                                Fields burst with grain hungry little bird

                                eager to imbibe

                                Chanting hymns celebrating life

                                voices heard full of vibe
                                 Time spinning wheels unperturbed

                                 for love shall survive

4:46 p.m.
Riviera Beach 
Florida  USA

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, life, love, passion

Wind Massages Mountains

wind massages mountains

sends shock waves to inner core

valley grows wider

June 3rd, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved,

by Verlena S. Walker |
Categories: celebration, freedom, july, political, pride, tribute, usa,

Freedom S Call


For every woman, man, and child have the 
Right to
Equality and
Equity in this
Democracy stated.
Our lives, as liberated, co-depends on these truths.
Mighty we are as a country.
Strong in protecting our home front.
Crisis we have overcome.
Allegiance to our native people we must continue to know.
Love for the United States of America has been shown.
Longevity forever endured.

****Have a safe and enriched 4th of July!****
Written June 29, 2015!

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, life, love, nature, passion,

Soft Feathered Lips

soft feathered lips
wind wishes to gently kiss
never to fly not

(June 2nd, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and 
to share with friends - with credit --which is held to be a good idea and thus encouraged.

by Fabiyas M V |
Categories: love,

Just One Touch

Just one touch
unknowingly - 
the imprints of silent love -
the fragrance of fingers-
myriads of self kisses
on the same spot
in secrecy
of the bedroom later.
As a pebble dropped in a rill,
a thousand romantic ripples....

(Published in 'Romantic Morsels' anthology by Zimbell House Publishing, LLC, USA)

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, life, love, nature, passion

Curved Ruffled Beauty

curved ruffled beauty

softness pale in morning's light

pink flushed with dew

(June 2nd, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, life, love, nature, nostalgia

Lilac's Heavy Scent

lilacs heavy scent

hangs about every breath

may coupled with june

(June 2nd, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward 
and to share with friends - with credit --which is held to be a good idea and thus 

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: love, seasons,

Winter Lies Quietly

winter lies quietly
waiting anxiously for spring
autumn leaves her mind

© Christine A Kysely All Rights Reserved
 (December 16th, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, life, love, nature

Moonlight Tries To Hide

moonlight tries to hide
outstretched hands reach for her
groping in the night

June 3rd, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)
(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved,

by Christine A Kysely |
Categories: introspection, life, love, nature

Wide Deep Valley Waits

wide deep valley waits

hidden in wild tangled hair

never explored

(June 3rd, 2011 Wausau, Wisconsin USA)

(c) Copyright 2011 by Christine A Kysely, All Rights Reserved,

by Blake Holland |
Categories: addiction, allusion, angel, anger, art, celebration, confusion, crazy, depression, desire, earth, emotions, fantasy, fear, feelings, freedom, god, grief, health, humanity, humorous, image, imagination, life, loneliness, love, magic, music, nonsense, peace, planet, political, poverty, power, pride, psychological, sound, space, spiritual, stars, stress, suicide, sympathy, teen, usa, wisdom, world,

An Aquarian Exposition

Take the pill
on the hill
and don't be shrill
when you see the rainbow
when you are low.
Just go with the flow
and eat the purple snow.
Chase the rabbits 
through the green field
but use my shield 
to end all of your habits.