Love Poems About Adventure or Adventure Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: autumn, love, nature,

Fall In Love

F eeling enraptured, Autumn dances in the wind, then undresses.
A s bright robes fall to the ground, her passion paints the twilight skies.
L ike a nymph, she beckons, tossing her fiery auburn tresses.
L ongingly she sighs - September’s bliss lingering in her eyes.

I ndian summer days come; then they go.
N ights though chill, embrace her in indigo.

L ater, in November, her sweetness wanes.
O ctober cannot stay forever loving her.
V acantly she gazes through freezing rains.
E ndearments whispered - cease - when Fall loses ardor.

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: god, love, world,

Divine Song V

Idle my tongue remained, my Lord,

till the moment it learned how to pronounce Your name

But from

that moment onward, it never ceased singing your song

which has set my soul aflame! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
      11 June 2022
* I am happy to share with my dearest friends the honor of POTD. I thank those who visit and comment plus the officials of PoetrySoup who bestowed that honor. Be blessed!

by Tom Quigley |
Categories: age, life, time,

Sands of Time

A t f i r s t, a l a z i l y f l o w i n g r i v e r Timeless warm glow of a summer’s day In love with the world’s vibrancy Inaudible, clock ticking Safe in seeming endlessness Each day a lifetime Some wished away Years accrue Time’s grains Fall Flow Faster Sweet life full Moments precious A n t i c i p a t e d milestones fly past, too fast Children’s years wax eternal While ours accelerate quickly Scenery outside the train’s window Ever more beautiful, yet blurring, faster 7/13/16 © Thomas W. Quigley

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Tongues Tied

     O                        D
      N                      E
        G                 I
           U      N   T  W
               E    S           I
            R                      N
           E                        E
          V                        D

Stars shine so bright this moonlit night and in my arms you lie within this kiss I leave my love for ever by

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: peace



 By James Marshall Goff


                    our planet

                                        framed in

                                                    L                  L
                                                    O      our      O 
                                                    V    planet     V
                                                    E                  E

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

My Dear Valentine

In the depths of the night I swear I saw your halo
Drifting above, when my thoughts were calm
Ornate but simple like the humble daisy
Lovely and stunning from flower to bulb
Oh how I dreamt that you could be mine
Vision of beauty as the belle of the ball
Enchanting the evening as we waltz to and fro
You had my heart and I knew it was luv
O my beloved, my truth, my valentine
Until death do we part, my love to you I bid

by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: fun, humorous, love,

Love Me

Leave me alone you beautified 6itch ;
Oh ghastly and ghoulish playpen of a witch.
Vases of roses are covering your deeds;
Eloquent verses describe your sick needs. 

Many come calling but none ever leave; 
Even my dumb heart now wants a reprieve.

written 04.02.2016

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: inspirational, life, love,

The Secret Ingredient

L ~ is for the life we share on planet earth

                           O ~ is for the natural wonders of our universe

                           V ~ is for the voyage taken beyond the stars 

                       E ~ is for the eternal fire within our hearts

by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: appreciation, love, wisdom,

What Love Is

L ove is the one force transcending all others,

O pens those hearts that adversity smothers,

V irtuous, to vanquish all hate, fear and doubt, 

E nduring, immortal, and ALL ... life's ... about.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "A Four Line Poem On What Is Love" Poetry Contest, Faraz Ajmal, Judge & Sponsor.

(Eleven syllables per line, as per

by Marty Owens |
Categories: inspirationaleaster, earth, love,

Love Thy Brother

L-ove for one another is what we all need.
O-n earth especially with all of the greed.
V=anity of vanities can plant it's own seed.
E-ach one should love as in the Bible we read.

T-he Ten Comandmants tell us to love.
H-ave mercy on us we pray to the Lord above.
Y-et we still don't love, we wear a face glove.

B-ring all your burdens to the cross, we say.
R-easoning that Jesus shed His blood there one day.
O-nly He had the greatest love for mankind, and for their sins did pay.
T-hen after three days in the ground where he lay,
H-e arose from the dead, on earth could not stay.
E-very Easter we celebrate this wondrous Love.
R-emembering Christ and His Love from above.

by John Aaron Green |
Categories: faith, inspirational, love, love, me,

Never Undone

On this Sunday I serve my Lord His ways are true His love is reward I knew as a boy he saved my soul gave me life made me whole His love is everything my heart has changed In him is forgiveness my future arranged God's plan was perfect His Word was sent to redeem our souls our death to prevent our way to heaven is through his Son, His blood covers all and is N-E-V-E-R U-N-D-O-N-E. Written by John Aaron Green 1-8-12

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love,


I want
You are truly a blessing.
     Make         the
  World             go
Round              and
Round.             Let's
     Join             As
      One          In
You                      are
 My                      Peace
  You                  are
    My                 Heart
     You             are
       My           Strength
        That's    Why
           I Love You.   

Let me be the one that will
And take care of you.
I simply
US to make OUR dreams come true.

Pace, G


by Elizabeth Kinch |
Categories: angel, baby, bereavement, heaven, loss, love, mother daughter,


O-n this Easter day God took you up to heaven.
L-ong days and nights followed, especially for your mummy who misses you with an
I-tensity that only a mother can. A
V-acant hole in her heart, forever longing for you.
I-nvisible threads of love will always bind you together, you are mummy's
A-ngel, who is always with her.

Remembering my niece Olivia who left this world twenty two years ago, aged three months.

by Edward Ibeh |
Categories: drug, humor, love, romantic,

That Four Letter Word, Love

Look in your eyes unveils a smoldering ember that could make Gibraltar crumble.
One in a million heart that magically kindles fire without matches. Nothing...
Ventured, nothing gained in this rewarding game of love; a four letter word that
Emanates such sweet ecstasy. And no, I don't mean the drug.

Universal Acrostic Collaboration Poetry Contest/Winner(1st Place)
Sponsored by: Steven Henderson
Date written: and posted 04/01/2016

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: holiday, me,

Giving Thanks For 2015 and Every Year

G od’s love and all the things He’s given me:
I ntelligence, abilities, free will,
V im for living life, the poetry
I nside me, for the muse is with me still!
N ew life that I’ve been lucky to see grow
G randchildren who keep me on the go!

T he list of what I’m thankful for goes on:
H ealthy fun activities I do,
A nimals I’ve kept as pets - now gone,
N ature, movies, food, the friendships true,
K indnesses shown to me, and the last:
S ouls I’ve loved both now and in the past.

Written 11/20/12
but it applies to every year that I am alive.

by Victoria Anderson-Throop |
Categories: allegory, love, passion,

Veritable Love

Their passion  so unchecked--
                               He dried her tears
                               Before the sorrows struck

V. Anderson-Throop 2015

by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: heartbroken, lost love, moving on, sad love,

Just Forget Me

Just forget me,
and walk away,
It wasn't meant to be,
So why try to stay.

Don't look at me,
When you walk by,
You don't want to see,
If I start to cry.

If you like her,
Then leave me alone,
Yet, here you were,
Talking on my phone.

What is it you miss,
Do you remember when,
I can't take this,
Never see me again.

When you do go,
Just take my heart,
Do I need it, no,
You tore it apart.

You go your way,
And I'll go mine,
Don't worry today,
Because I'll be fine.

Written by: Kelly Deschler

For Giorgio V.'s contest - Relate Your Poem To One Of These Quotes

The quote I chose was - 
6) "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." 
- Oscar Wilde

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love, tribute,

This Masqurade - a Leon Russell Tribute

Ivory pieces transcending space and time
where the words just got in the way
lost inside the smoke of just another day

A song for you deep from a sensitive mind
reaching for a reaction for actions done wrong
forgiveness sung for a special friend of mine

When the dew drops no longer shine for me
and a hard rain begins to fall
they'll be no visitors after midnight
but I'll still be calling your name 

We were all alone and I was 
singing this song only for you!!

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: hate, love,

A Choice

* * ha te * * bi t t e r, h e a r t l e ss * * sp i t t i n g, a s s a u l t i n g, s p u r n i ng * * ph a n t o m, v i l l a i n, m o t h e r, G od * * fo r g i v i n g, n u r t u r i n g, g i v i ng * * af f e c t i o n a t e, t e n d er * * lo ve * * 8/12/2017

by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
Categories: family, friendship, loveinspirational,

L O V E - 2

Could YOUR Heart, hold all the TEARS; that Life has shed in LOVE
Would YOU Gallantly suffer, Sorrow, for the Memory of Eternal LOVE
Should YOU empty an Ocean of Tears to revive YOUR Everlasting LOVE
Does YOUR mind Reminisce, about the First Kiss, igniting the Flame of LOVE

                                                   To Be Cont.
           With LOVE ALWAYS and FOREVER, YOUR Liege…HG
             Dedicated to all the Inspirational POETESS’ and POETS
                               My POETRYSOUP FAMILY 
       Special Thanks to Shannon Deane for Her Gracious Comments

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

My Valentine

In the depths of the night I swear I saw your halo
Drifting above,  when my thoughts were calm
Ornate but simple  like the humble daisy
Lovely and stunning from flower to bulb
Oh how I dreamt that you could be mine
Vision of beauty as the belle of the ball
Enchanting the evening as we waltz to and fro
You had my heart and I knew it was luv
O my beloved, my truth,  my valentine
Until death do we part, to you, my love, I bid

by Fm Rt |
Categories: love,

Sonnet V: Love Through a Distance

I gaze at your lovely face day by day.
When in disgrace, you are my salvation.
The love my soul has will not fade away,
And for you, I'd conquer all creation.
You send me thoughts endearing and loving:
Thoughts that lift my spirits in misery.
I feel that I live in eternal spring,
And my life is a happy love story.
Your love gleams in my path when I am lost;
You, to my heart, are more precious that wine;
Your love of gold is what I treasure most;
Forever proud I'll be, to call your heart mine.

Yet I yearn for your presence to be clear,
I wish to hold you - beside me, right here.

by Karen Edwards-Gregory |
Categories: love, love hurts,

Elusive Love

Why can't it be found 
Love! Stop eluding me.

Love is giving, caring, kind, patient, selfless...but why is it so elusive? 
Am I  not giving enough? Caring enough?
Am I not kind enough? Patient enough? 
Do I not live a selfless life?

How much should one compromise?
How much does one sacrifice 
How much more pain should one endure 
Before it is said that love is found?

Where does one look for love? 
And in whom will love be found?
How does one determine when love is truly found?

How worthy am I,
How worthy are you, to be loved?
Can this thing called L O V E be found?

by Jan Allison |
Categories: candy, humorous,

I Love Candy Mia

I crave sticky butter mint balls

Liquorice allsorts from the candy stalls
Orange smarties,  my  favourite treat
Violet crumbles I just love to eat
English toffees for me to masticate

Chocolate drops make me salivate
Aniseed balls would paint my tongue red
Nougat or should I choose fruit gums instead
Dime bars and snickers too much temptation
Yikes! my waistline spread’s caused aggravation!

Message In An Acrostic 2 Poetry Contest

Sponsored by Kim Rodrigues


by Audrey Haick |
Categories: hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love


L	iving, giving, sharing your all with no expectation of returns
O	ffering gifts of kindness in words and deeds
V	isions of a world in which peace prevails
E	xtolling one basic truth that Love is all