by Skat A |
beauty, dream, muse, romantic, sea, together, vanity,
~twice the beauty~
in the sea of love
reflection of the night
a wave moves
by Skat A |
adventure, art, beauty, encouraging, first love, inspirational, journey, me, vanity, visionary,
I've found the fountain of youth
When I stumbled across the forbidden garden
Right in the middle of everything
Was what I imagined being a wishing well
I at once tossed a quarter into the sea
Facing down, puzzled as can be
I peeked in to ensure where it fell
I tipped over and that's when I saw my vanity
It was sitting there waiting for me
The reflection was before this day and age
I thought, what could this be?
With one drop on my taste buds
I knew I found the one true key
The most beautiful thing that can set one free
I reached in to touch the poetry inside me
by Richard Palmer |
life, uplifting, life,
Our world,our country,our community,our home,
Where we live,learn,grow and play,
Where after life journey,no matter how short,
Our temple called flesh will lay,
So lets move with no delay,
To improve on our living each day,
Look around,see what needs to be done,
Lets approach it as if it's all about having fun,
Let not vanity lead you astray,
Or with you the devil will play,
Embrace God,have faith,please pray,
Live life, be considerate,give love,
And lets make our life a happy spiritual adventure....
by Robert Lindley |
blessing, deep, desire, hope, imagination, inspirational, vanity,
The Deadest Hope In The World
The deadest hope in the world to hold
To be truly youthful when one is old
To race about with eager quickened pace
Innocent smile upon a softened face,
Willing hands to love yet again,
The envy of many fellow jealous men
A finer vessel sleek, pure and true
Lady of charm dancing along with you!
Adorned with steadfast heroic words,
Flying free of earth like the birds,
Wandering into majesty of the clouds
Far away from teeming earthbound crowds
A God sailing alone in the night sky,
Enjoying a blessing, not asking why!
Robert J. Lindley, 05-30-2015
A sonnet, simply because I have not written one in a while..
by Arijit Bhattacharya |
abuse, betrayal, conflict, depression, evil, pain,
~~~ Naked Truth ~~~
We often feel
The society is filled with
Love, affection, adoration and romance.
But, the flabbergasting naked truth is something
It is not the apparent.
The world is full of turmoils,
Even a son parents spoil.
Conceit and complacency are everywhere.
Faith and trust are nowhere.
People treat their child as a 'wishing well',
In spite of intimate blood relations,
They are not wishing well!
Everybody is masked,
Full of false vanity and hypocrisy,
The world is the devil's place
Full of brutality,
At stake is the friendship,
In danger is the love,
In danger is the humanity!!
All rights reserved
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
courage, emotions, endurance, heart, love, soulmate,
A generous heart
unveils a reverent care
freed from vanity.
Uniquely the valiant knights
with persistence attain Love.
August 5th, 2018
by David Smalling |
death, love, heart, heart,
Death is not death but a mask of great love
That protects us from pain in archived dust
Where vanity veils and desire dreams lust,
And the spirit's retreat is safe above.
Behind the mask like wings of woodland dove
A heart still beats, and footsteps break the crust
Of memory with shadows of her bust
Along the staircase of time and true love.
For love is eternal and cannot die,
Though a heart may pine itself bare to bones;
The soul that loves forever in the eye
Of God, a kindred spirit life enthrones.
The mask that fools the jaded mortal eye
Is but fickle flesh cradled on our bones.
ITALIAN (Sicillian) SONNET: abba abba cdc dcd
by Pariah Love |
beauty, body, confidence, courage, growth, poetry, pride,
Your precious youthful portrait you polish,
Till thy cheeks dye rose and yellow seems gold.
Seeking praise her truth she shall embellish,
Concealing blemish under manifold
Brushes in prayer for brief perfection:
“Make lush my lashes, allow my eyes allure,
Veil in vanity this unloved complexion,
Feature me anew to comely contour.”
Who fed her the lie that her flaws were foes?
Who whispered she’d die unless she attain
A visage pure as those in heaven’s host,
Wherefore she sees her face and can’t complain.
Pretty pictures indeed a frame deserves;
Artless love, she ought learn, no mask can earn.
by Anonomus Scorpio |
beauty, earth, love, seasons, sexy, spring,
Your beautiful vanity will resurrect the weak
Growing emeralds changing landscapes by the week
The pitiful old man couldn't see past obsessive bleak
His white canvas now serves to feed that which you seek
The maple fire in your eyes now flows with every creak
Oh, beautiful mother, that ice will become your creek
So long this is goodbye, this springtime will be unique
by Serge Lyrewing |
emotions, feelings, hope, how i feel, longing, love,
Love defeats I’m not brave
I can’t wait anymore
And I wish to be slave
And I gift you my core.
In my longing, I’m blind
And I’m losing control
I will ask you to find
My desirable soul.
In your vanity wave
Will you hear my last cry?
And I stand near grave
But I don’t want to die.
Give me your endless rain
Give me eternal sun
I’m escaping from pain
I’m so jaded of run.
Never lose what I gave
I forgot that I’m proud
Love defeats I’m not brave
But I want to be loved.
by Mike Gentile |
beautiful, beauty, nature, world,
No need, the vanity of life
No need the silly, foolish quest
’Tis not a contest or a feat
To contemplate which one is best
For beauty lives within the mind
And so its shape or hue may change
It’s value is no more, no less
For one it’s real, for one it’s strange
The color of the world we know
The gentle grace of its delight
That beckons us to touch the love
Grows lovelier with every sight
To celebrate with nature’s gift
With every gaze that I suppose
Would never choose between the two
Between the Cardinal and the Rose
by Janis Medders Tobechi |
character, christian,
A.K.A. Love
faith, hope, charity
which one of these
seeks not vanity
does not behave irrationally
will not intentionally hurt another
endures pain
gives, gives and gives because of its kindness
a bottomless well of patience
acceptance and courage
will die for another?
a.k.a. love
1st Corinthians 13:13
STRAND SPECIAL 2 any form,any theme Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Brian Strand
by Robert Lindley |
art, surreal, vanity, visionary, word play, words, writing,
Blinded By Life And Praying To Truly See
Hold that thought,
the world desperately needs you
not just your skin
your deeper schemes
nor love that hath
quietly fled your stealthy
This loss, this aching
scrapes the brittle bones
tears apart your soul
seeps into your midnight bed
breaks your feet
swallows your vanity
and then vomits bricks
of aspirations
to be not a fool
but race horses
and fly kites
remember nobody
forgives you
for your running away
to the circus
and watching all the clowns
eye to eye
able to see
true life
once more.
Robert J. Lindley, free verse
by Karen Jones |
Downloading in my coffee machine
Is sacred sanity peppered peace
Relaxing all the violet vanity
With a powerful cocoa bean
I like the taste and the smell
It really is my aphrodisiac
I will celebrate will not yell
If you offer it even just black
Beam me up a cup of love
Of coffee never get enough
“God within me is the enjoyer of the aroma
As also this dopamine boosting flavour I taste
I surrender all pleasures to the dweller of my heart
Breath by breath thus that my soul presence be chaste”
by Gershon Wolf |
faith, life,
We are but flesh and blood
spawned from a putrid drop
our end to lie in the ground
with the worm and maggot
Babes, dependent on mothers
for nourishment and love
at the close of our days
as helpless as newborns again
In the prime of our lives
we satisfy our desires as we can
for the fulness of the bloom
soon fades, the years swiftly pass
and age takes its toll in full measure
We rage at perceived injustice
call for an end to iniquity
knowing too well the futility of reform
the bloody terror of revolution...
The earth's generations come and go
One truth they do know ~
When passion subsides, quiet faith emerges
All else vanity and funeral dirges
by Joe Dimino |
friendship love, humanity, inspirational love, missing you, myth, vanity, wisdom,
Let those failed lights
keep their starry darks,
no hidden treasures have
they –
gems who hoard
their sparks, as bushel
a-cap heaven’s dearest
blessed with angel appearance
and nature
now in free mirror fall
kingdom sovereign pool of self
worships self-love, that’s all --
by Misheel Chuluun |
family, growing up, husband, life, romance, tribute,
I'm watching you age
into wiser smiles, measured steps.
(Your lines look beautiful)
Gravity of life reshaped
our foolish expenses of energy
(Oh, the hurrying we did together)
wasted vanity of emotions.
I love our becoming...
more vast of vivid moments
(Our expanding normal bits)
gnarled with experiences.
by Nahna James |
age, america, appreciation, vanity, wisdom, words,
After All Is Said And Done, I'm a Rainbow;
A Persistent Rainbow That Is Visible In All Lighting Conditions;
Unique In Both Body & Soul From Everyone Else;
I Have a Soul Made Of Gold & a Soul Made Of Rainbow.
I've Always Felt Like An Alien With No Identity;
No Desire For Glory, & Only Wisdom Gained Through Suffering.
When I Think Back On Those Memories;
I Feel As Though My Emotions Have Been Repeatedly Used As Props In a Cruel & Twisted Game;
Almost Driving Me To The Brink Of Insanity.
I Feel As If There Is No Point In Love Anymore;
Because I Am Being Pursued By Myself;
Am Alone In a Dark & Lonely Hallway.
I Must Continue To Act As Though My Life Is Anything But Gray.
by David Meade |
anger, conflict, hope, violence,
blood pouring forth . . . red
yelling . . . hate r a d i a t i n g
shooting, dying . . . why
“A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentations . . . “ Jeremiah
“. . . so much weeping! Such a burden of lamentation! I will not gloss over the terrible pain and sorrow that comes from vanity and anger, but neither will I forget the final word of resurrection. “ Eugene Petersen
David Meade
Live Generously
by Tom Bell |
angst, depression, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, introspection, life, love, sad,
Wining and dining,
Dancing and prancing
Hoping I'll score,
My money I'm chancing...
Desperate for love,
A body warm
All my sensualities
Begin to swarm
Peck on the cheek,
My $100 prize
I stood there still,
With glazed eyes
Inside she rushed,
With ne're a word,
I stood still on the stoop,
Like a highschool nerd
Was it my hair?
My breath?
My looks?
Does she see
My hands as hooks?
Home I went,
Head hung low,
Well, at least,
Now I know...
No vanity
Do I see...
Worthy of...
Overcoming me.
by Raymond Johns |
absence, anniversary, appreciation, birth, black african american, blessing, celebration, character, destiny, farewell, fate, forgiveness, funeral, gospel, happy birthday, heaven, i am, i miss you, remembrance day, tribute,
When two people fall in love, ain't no need in waiting for the future, time goes on even when a child is born. death nor deception has rule over time, but, even it is welcome. faith, hope, and charity have known Him. vanity, beauty, and greed fell to the wayside as time was the factor. from morning unto night, time controls every minute, it starts on the move. the wind, rain, and stars, all know the matter and movement of it. we've all heard of time, but, we never get to know it, because time moves on time and time again, never ending. hey, time. I've heard about you, read about you, and have even lived with you. but, I've never gotten to really know you, but its about time.
by Ashley Chanel |
conflict, corruption, family, friendship, humanity, money, vanity,
Keeping up with the Joneses
Tit for tat
Caught up in competition
"You got this? I'll get that"
Let me 1up you
Everything an attack
"Whatever you do,
I have to fight back"
Destroying ourselves
Breaking up our homes
Pride over love
Ending up alone
The things that define us
Are the things that we own
The the things that we've done
And the things that we've shown
Driven by jealousy
Feeding our greed
Filled with envy
Eyes glow green
Superficial materialism
Behavior obscene
Prioritizing what we want
Above what we need
by Rosemarie Rowley |
addiction, gothic, moon, mystery, sad love, vanity,
If I had faced then the lonely hall,
The black entrance into my own absence
If I had not lifted the phone to call
Each acquaintance, would I be so tense
But my urge to love and live is so immense
These cradling arms of plastic only stale
And I am ridiculous and intense
And all rejection like a ragman’s bale
With waves of pain beating on the wall
Crying to someone, somewhere, to speak sense -
My questionable right to love you all
Somehow in absence, seems that more intense,
Yet can be measured in this dying squall,
As I am waiting for your questioning call.
by Steven Federle |
introspection, love, morning, self,
“In an age where there is much talk about ‘being yourself,’ I reserve to myself the right to forget about being myself.” Thomas Merton
When I look into the mirror
I see the perfect mime,
moving left or right, mimicing
my vanity as I comb thinning hair,
check wrinkled skin for new blemish,
try figure out who I am;
but when I look into your eyes
I see long drives, mountain roads
rising to clouds, ocean mist
washing clean the highest pines
as the eastern sky
grows bright with
Your eyes
enfold me.
Like the rising sun,
your love renews
my aging day.
by Sherry Beck |
appreciation, beauty, motivation, power,
My presence is invincible
I am dominant and powerful
Overcoming life’s tragedies is emotional
Vanity is self love; you can say I’m boastful
It’s the beautification to my struggles
Self-worth is my devotional
I swagger
I sway and I strut
I go out into the world
And I kick butt
I grasp reality
Reach out toward authenticity
I am undisputed
Heavy weight in credibility
My imagination is whimsical
My love of life is musical
Since of humor is critical
For when life turns cynical
Life’s catastrophes tickle
When friends turn foe
Frenemies are fickle
They don’t stop my show
I vogue with my fashion
Saunter with style
I’m Hollywood happening