by Ilan Benjamin |
allegory, america, change, creation, emotions, school, symbolism, tree, veterans day, youth,
You will not
seperate us.
For it is hate
and love that made us.
It is the great and the small
that reverberate within our bones.
It is every syn and antonym,
every opposite every known,
the many, the alone.
We are a poem.
You will never
isolate us
for it is truth
and art that made us.
We are a poem.
by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
appreciation, military, remember, veterans day,
Think of him who in slumber is restless
with images too horrific to claim -
a soldier with courageous smile whose love
is guarded. He'll never be quite the same.
Impenetrable, he never speaks of
comrades whose souls remain on foreign fields.
He knows not, in wake of day, where he fits.
His wounds from battle have not healed.
Think of this soldier who again and again
reenlists, selflessly for his country.
He is a proud husband, father, and friend.
I ask that we remember him, and then,
I ask for the Lord to ease his burden.
by Chelcie Darling |
blessing, dream, freedom, independence day, veterans day, world war i, world war ii,
Liberties subtle whisper, kicked up dust, his boots it lingers.
Glistening brow, hope pours by sweat drips, reflecting restless weathered fingers.
Foreshadowed looks a worried face, brave hearts strength, unnerved by grace,
Freedoms song his heart starts pounding, inspired backbones, by foot they race.
Our family’s values together they’ve protected, Integrities goodness they protect our land,
She too marched forward, a mothers love, by flags freedom, united we stand.
A Veteran’s life, we stand hearts open, respects gratitude to embrace we go,
A life we’ve dreamed by generations thriving, our gift wrapped freedom, in a big red bow.
by John Paluszek |
death, family, goodbye, grief, loss, love, memorial day, memory, miss you, nostalgia, pain, soldier, sorrow, veterans day, war, child,
Running, after more than you, can hold.
Taking, someone else’s love, and leaving.
Children are fearful of what they’re told.
Can’t you see I’m the one who’s freezing?
I was just a child with a trinket
Never knowing that it’d be, more to me
When you were gone to, too far, from me.
Steady with your hands close to my heart
Never letting our world’s tear us apart
I know, your icicles
I miss the beaches that we played on
You missed the child in your own eyes
Now you’re gone,
But I’m still not here.
Why can’t you wake up
I’m not ready
Please, just take your time, don’t leave now
I can’t fight this world alone.
by Jessie Conner |
absence, adventure, appreciation, beautiful, veterans day,
See the flag
with two stars
in the white
surrounded by heart
honor pride
courage and love
the whole package from above
god is here
in us all
in the soldiers
who rise and fall
give your love
and warm hearts
to the men away
doing their part
See the flag
with two stars
in the white
surrounded by heart
by Muhereza Rodgers Roger |
veterans day, war,
Who can curse the panga?
With it we defend our territory
Who can bless the panga?
By it we lost our kinsmen
Who can love or hate the panga
Who doesnt one a panga?
The pangas we keep for our privilege
The monsters that tear our tatters
As we cut our adversary our brothers perish
by Dewayne Coleman |
america, dark, death, dedication, military, political, veterans day,
This is my declaration,
This is where I take my stand,
A Citizen, a Veteran ,A Grown *** Man
The things I see daily
Came as a total surprise,
A President with no Integrity,
Everyday spouting new LIES,
A Congress that should balance,
Everyday closes its eyes,
A Congress that should check ,
Everyday tells me pigs fly,
If I cant trust those that lead,
Then what options are left,
MAY My Strength be My WEALTH.
May the training I was provided,
See me through the coming storm,
May the blood of my former leaders
by Christy Stover |
america, hero, veterans day,
we all love our freedom
yet we despise
the wars that have been fought
we say we love our Veterans,
but do we truly honor them?
is the concept of freedom
possible without the concept of war?
I honestly think not
contemplate that now and then
we all wish it could be so
but too naturally comes opposition
too many points of view
opposing ideals continuing to flow
one thing we must remember
our Veterans served our country
they did not start the wars
they answered the call of duty
so, if you love America
you must love our Veterans
for without them
we would have no freedom
God bless America!
And God bless our Veterans!
by Dominic Wiebersch |
death, earth, flying, grief, soldier, veterans day, violence,
A Cognitive Dissonance
We love the blossoms beauty
We ask only for the beauty to grow.
Yet we war and destroy the blossoms
More surely than the snow.
We war and claim to love the earth
We war and poison the dirt
That produces the withered blossom
That produces the wilted blossom
We listen to the music to lighten our hearts
Then we go to war and destroy our ears
So we can n o longer hear the music start
Wee war forever and ever for years
Dominic James Wiebersch.
by Nilima Deb |
veterans day,
Emotional lift waves the hand of my rhyme
Its flourishing the vanity of time
With a tight hug of warm feeling
just loving such whispering of sweet jiggling
I feel its a treat from passionate spring
I treasure the memories you always bring
All my words mean nothing
if I don't feel you in my each and every breathing.
sunny and buoyant spirit of thy
Touch me always and fly me high
Often you are on my mind
to cherish the benevolent smile of the wind.
I love you right from the very start
Now its a open note of my heart
Hear the music of the ever green spring
you will find the smell of valentine ring.
by Gene Mariani |
veterans day, world war ii,
Crosses stand in silent rows
Stretching across sun-drenched fields.
White faces reflecting sun’s morning bright
And shadow moon’s quiet light.
Thousands rest in peace
Their lives given for peace.
No more guns
No more whistling shells
No more shouts of fear
No more thundering sounds
No more flying bullets
No more cries of pain
Only peace
Is here now
And the silent shout to
War no more
Love . . .
That is the answer
Only love
by Clive Blake |
love, passion, relationship, romance, romantic, romantic love, veterans day,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I do,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
I love you,
And won’t stop,
Not ever …
by Shirley Hudson |
america, beautiful, death, dedication, love,
On this day we remember,
Those who have fallen.
The men and women who left,
Home to fight the fight, walk the walk
And signed the blank check.
We dedicate ourself and our life to,
This country that we call home.
If we do fall just know that we,
Did it for Duty, Honor, Country.
We stand for the flag and,
Kneel for the fallen.
Memorial Day is for the fallen.
Veterans Day is for those who serve,
Or have served.
Don't thank us on Memorial Day.
We didn't sign the check.
We didn't give our life so others may live
We kneel for the fallen.
We mourn for the fallen.
We still fight for the fallen.
by Anthony Beck |
veterans day,
The lady is my number-one homie.
Our hearts beat as one all metronomey.
Falling in love was not a decision;
Our souls were destined for this collision.
by Caren Krutsinger |
veterans day, war,
fireworks or gun fire?
If you suffer from PTSD does it matter?
Hurting their heart, and their dogs’ ears.
And yet, we love them in America.
Where vets are suffering every time, they hear them.
by Marley Marlibu Muringa |
africa, appreciation, blessing, hero, veterans day,
Nelson Mandela was his name , he was a hero. Captain Africa carrying the cross like Jesus.
A fight to the finish.... patience was my super power.
Twenty seven years of meditation....the Victory.
Your heart is made of gold.
A nation divided by hate!
Ignorance! The disgusting violence between seasons together they howl the winds of life, different shades one soul.
I wanna be like you , talk like you! Do a Madiba dance like you.
Love like you did! Forgive! Forget ....lived! A hero , an African Hero.
by Juliet Ligon |
america, blue, freedom, god, hope, red, veterans day,
Briskly she beats against a stormy breeze
with innocent, valiant, vigilant stains
of liberty warriors overseas
carried over mountains, lakes, seas, and plains.
Surviving, she stands, united and strong
belonging to all cultures and races,
hoisted on faith, held high with honor's song
and the love America embraces.
Gently she waves in freedom's stadium
throughout hearts with hands resting upon them,
with a rhythmic pulse pounding like a drum,
and grateful eyes glisten just like a gem.
Our Banner is billowed; We all applaud
for one nation united under God.
by Chris Tober |
god, history, holiday, military, november, poems, poetry, veterans day,
As we remember those who served our country this day, Let God hear our prayers and everything we say.
Watch over these men and women who serve with your Mighty light, when they defend our Country while in a fight.
Lord today we also honor those brave heroes who fought for this country and lost their life. Let's pray for peace in the world of no more conflict and Strife.
So let's send loving prayers for those soldiers who are far away, that they come home safely to those who love them and stay.
by Edward Ibeh |
appreciation, community, food, military, night, people, veterans day,
A once-in-a-year special night
To remember. It isn't just about
The free "thank you" meal,
It's about reconnecting
With a large community of veterans.
How often does that happen?
It's an absolute delight
Being in the company of
Truly extraordinary
Men and women worthy of respect.
I love making the rounds
Saying hello to some people
I haven't seen in a year;
Exchanging fond memories
And lots of laughs.
Date written: 11/11/2021
by Robin Davis |
appreciation, soldier, veterans day, war,
Veterans deserve respect
Not ignorance and neglect
Every day I can not wait
To see a military car plate
I will salute every one
Thanking them for all they've done
Buying them a drink or meal
Will give them a happy feel
Any uniform I see
On someone in front of me
Will always hear thanks and hello
For the gratitude I show
It really doesn't take much
To add a special daily touch
And make a soldiers day more grand
They are protecting the land
We all live in without fear
Please show them how much we care