by Michael Higginbotham |
allegory, heart, red, heart, love, red,
It must have felt like love at first,
The clinging of the ivy vines,
Until his rich red heart had burst.
Her tendrils slaked an ancient thirst,
The tender touch for which he pined.
It must have felt like love at first.
Too guileless to suspect the worst,
She speared him with her soft green tines.
Until his rich red heart had burst.
Her coils so patiently she pursed,
He never guessed at her design.
It must have felt like love at first.
Crazed with cracks, its strength dispersed,
From end to end the wall declines
Until his rich red heart had burst.
So new to love, so poorly versed
In joy, so baffled by her signs,
It must have felt like love at first.
Until his rich red heart had burst.
by Sara Kendrick |
dedication, devotion, happiness, holiday, inspirational, life, love, on work and working, passion
On mission trip overseas
At least one week will do
Hold babies gently squeeze
Whether in cold where freeze
In rain forest where view
On mission trip overseas
My hearts desire will please
Feed hungry babies stew
Hold babies gently squeeze
Give up my life of ease
Place on feet needed shoes
On mission trip overseas
Help babies who cough wheeze
For mothers good tea brew
Hold babies gently squeeze
Perfect week just do these
Open heart my love grew
On mission trip overseas
Hold babies gently squeeze
by Nicholas Westerhausen |
faith, happiness, hope, inspirational, love, peacelife,
God loves us without end;
His grace continues forever.
Eternally He will be our friend.
Not only to befriend,
To protect us is His endeavor.
God loves us without end.
No matter where me He sends,
My attachment to Him will not sever.
Eternally He will be our friend.
Our greatest evils off he will fend.
Whether we are foolish or clever,
God loves us without end.
Our life is his to lend,
His way offers life without end.
Eternally He will be our friend.
All of us he will mend.
We will be His forever.
God loves us without end.
Eternally He will be our friend.
by Joseph May |
I imagined her as a poem
Perhaps as graceful as an elm
I'd love if she were a sonnet
All aglow in a pink bonnet
Like a red rose upon the stem
I imagined her as a poem
Just swaying in the falling rain
with the rhythm of a dizain
Perhaps she was a villanelle
With the charm of a terzanelle
I imagined her as a poem
She could be either one of them
Her words upon the page would chime
Flowing with beauty, like a rhyme
With lustre of a precious gem....
I imagined her as a poem
by Bette Bavington |
betrayal, conflict, confusion, evil, farewell, heartbroken, meaningful,
The house across the street
This evening has no light.
It lost its last heart beat
From within when they took sweet
Ninety five year old grandma to a nursing home over
on Wright.
The house across the street
That was made with love from concrete
Has said good night.
It lost its last heart beat
Through some ones awful deceit.
Boy, does that bite.
The house across the street
Has no one to greet.
This all happened to night.
It lost its last heart beat
I can't help it that thought I repeat.
To me it's an eerie sight.
The house across the street
It lost its last heart beat.
by Michael Dom |
love, relationship, me, love, me,
If I give my love to you
And this is no fantasy
Promise me you will be true
Darling why are you so blue
Don’t deny your ecstasy
When I give my love to you
After all that we’ve been thru
Don’t give up so easily
Promise me you will be true
Our love we can renew
Cast away your misery
When I give my love to you
Sometimes we may go askew
But our ship will sail this sea
If we both will remain true
Friends and lovers are too few
But this is no fantasy
If I give my love to you
Promise me you will be true
Someone tell me
If it’s easy being
A lover and a friend?
This is a villanelle with a questionku.
by Emile Pinet |
angst, betrayal, hurt, love hurts, pain,
Words can't convey what I'm feeling,
color has shed all shades but blue;
betrayal has left me reeling.
It seems my heart's not worth stealing,
holding little value for you;
words can't convey what I'm feeling.
I wait at the altar, kneeling,
with my broken heart ripped in two;
betrayal has left me reeling.
My hurting heart's beyond healing,
deceived by all I thought was true;
words can't convey what I'm feeling.
Blankly staring at the ceiling,
I do not know what I should do;
betrayal has left me reeling.
My life's falling apart dealing
with all the shame you put me through.
Words can't convey what I'm feeling;
betrayal has left me reeling.
by Roy Jerden |
love, magic, valentines day,
Three fennel seeds upon the snow
she sows upon St. Valentine's,
the virgin witch of Moulineaux.
A magic spell that love shall grow
in blood fresh pricked from rose's spines,
three fennel seeds upon the snow.
A kiss beneath the mistletoe,
on Yuletide eve his arm entwines
the virgin witch of Moulineaux.
But now where is her wayward beau?
Her hope lies there before the pines:
three fennel seeds upon the snow.
With lifted arms to call the Crow
she kneels to pray and make the signs,
the virgin witch of Moulineaux.
To win his love or it forego,
the stars shall judge how she aligns
three fennel seeds upon the snow,
the virgin witch of Moulineaux.
by Shadow Hamilton |
love, men, spring, women,
In Spring young thoughts turn to fancy
life around us is renewed
ladies wearing gowns all chintzy
Do entice men with a curtsey
careful least it's a wedding bed
in Spring young thoughts turn to fancy
Now the ladies, a few doxy's
love to spin, their skirts all spread
Ladies wearing gowns all chintzy
Love comes courting in ecstasy
the fashion this year is redheads
in Spring young thoughts turn to fancy
The ladies are so full of moxie
lead men on but no maidenhead
ladies wearing gowns all chintzy
Fluttering eyelids so saucy
men their passions this time unfed
in Spring young thoughts turn to fancy
ladies wearing gowns all chintzy
by Emile Pinet |
cute love, emotions, february, feelings, imagery, valentines day,
Valentine's day instills romance
amenable to the heart's call
enticing love to take a chance.
February finds time to dance
as winter temperatures fall
Valentine's day instills romance.
Happy hearts slip into a trance
that encompasses one and all
enticing love to take a chance.
Dances get prepared in advance
for when winter slows to a crawl
Valentine's day instills romance.
Sharing a reassuring glance,
she wears innocence like a shawl
enticing love to take a chance.
When hearts link up by circumstance,
they don't defer to protocol.
Valentine's day instills romance,
enticing love to take a chance.
(Villanelle Poem)
by Courtney Vinch |
age, angel, beautiful,
Why do I wait?
I’m so breakable, and fragile
But it’s ok to cry
I wish they would stay
They let me go
Why do I wait?
I’m not pretty, I say
Maybe that’s why they go away
But it’s ok to cry
What can I do, what can I say?
I want to be held
Why do I wait?
When I think they love me, they break me
Alone everyday
But it’s ok to cry
Maybe I should run away
Always alone
Why do I wait?
But it’s ok to cry
by Shadow Hamilton |
They came together in passion
their love was without ration
it was so full of loving tension
Their love was one in a million
they shared only one vision
they came together in passion
They walked together in union
as if they had taken a potion
it was so full of loving tension
Dreams shared without ration
together they shared a cushion
they came together in passion
No bars here, just love's prison
their love they did not question
it was so full of loving tension
They shared just one notion
to always love with no ration
they came together in passion
it was so full of loving tension
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
written 05/19/2013
by Shadow Hamilton |
love, valentines day,
He gave her a bunch of roses
deep red and highly scented
sweetly he romanticizes
With loving heart, her, he teases
with his love before her casted
he gave her a bunch of roses
Some may think he needs new lenses
for with comeliness not gifted
sweetly he romanticizes
With all her sweetness she cleanses
a pure soul she had been granted
he gave her a bunch of roses
Her sense of fun amuses
with her he is so enchanted
sweetly he romanticizes
Over which ring he agonizes
choosing one that could be flaunted
he gave her a bunch of roses
sweetly he romanticizes
I wrote this for a reading I am doing on Valentine's Day yet it is also for all lovers everywhere
by Clifford Villalon |
for her,
Your heart is my soul in me
Your face I can't forget
Your love that dwells in me
I always call your name in me
A gem I keep in my closet
Your heart is my soul in me
Your scent that blows in me
Fragrance of an undying scarlet
Your love that dwells in me
Your face that flashes the World in me
Beauty beyond senses in a locket
Your heart is my soul in me
Your voice that speaks in me
Symphony in my joyful pocket
Your love that dwells in me
Your breath that breathes for me
A safe deposit earning more than a bucket
Your heart is my soul in me
Your love that dwells in me
by Jessie Melanson |
angel, light, longing, love,
Shine bright, for you
Are meant to light up
Someone’s life, simply
With your presence.
Smile for someone
Could be falling for
Your happiness.
Laugh for someone
Could fall in love
With your humour.
Make eye contact
For someone could
Fall for your gaze.
Cry, for someone
May fall for your
Be yourself for
Someone may
Fall for you.
by Tony Devers |
humorous, love, trust,
My love is constant as the clouds
That flit across the sky.
In sleep I call her name aloud
Though when awake I am too proud
To let her hear me cry.
My love is constant as the clouds
Her fertile valleys I have ploughed
And over them I fly.
In sleep I call her name aloud
Does her affection wear a shroud?
If so she won’t say why.
My love is constant as the clouds
She picked me from the madding crowd,
It’s her rules that apply.
In sleep I call her name aloud
With such sincerity avowed
Am I to be denied?
My love is constant as the clouds
In sleep I call her name aloud
by Robyn Campbell |
The year fifteen has gone away
It’s memories scattered still
The year sixteen has come to stay
I must remember each new day
And each life and new thrill
The year fifteen has gone away
A life is worth all they say
friendship blends love and skill
The year sixteen has come to stay
I’ll work some and then I’ll play
life of love; mine to fill
The year fifteen has gone away
I want to live for each new day
spread my love and goodwill
The year sixteen has come to stay
I cheer a brand new year today
hopeful heart you will fulfill
The year fifteen has gone away
The year sixteen has come to stay
by Jerry T Curtis |
cute love, funny love, humorous, love, romance, romantic, word play,
Just A Couplet od Lovers by JTCurtis Oct 8, 2014
As I hop upon my Metaphor
I hope I still have Rhyme
I need to make the last Quatrain
Which leaves at ten 'til nine
My Haiku's waiting for me
I Lyric her so much
That I, bought a mixed bouquet for her
Of Triolets and such
A gift wrapped Box of Canzone
I know she'll like to eat
Those Blitz', Choka, Clerihew's
Are Villanelle sweet
One day I hope to buy her
A huge Diamante ring
And List forever, in a world
That's Free Verse-ever-ing
by Jessie Melanson |
anxiety, beautiful, lost love, love, paradise, passion, wisdom,
You told me you loved me.
I foolishly believed you.
I fell for you, like never before
I believed you loved me.
I shouldn’t have, because you
Left me forever, all alone.
You left me,
Broken without you.
Feeing like I was not enough, for anyone.
You wanted more,
Than I could give you.
My affection was all I could give.
I wouldn’t give it to someone
Who wouldn’t care, like you.
Love is all I can give.
One day, I will believe in love.
It won’t be someone like you.
I will wait for the man who will love
Me no matter what I chose to give.
by Thomas Martin |
beauty, for her, girlfriend,
For Joyce
My hands remember your brightness
Your face graces the morning
Lights up the winter darkness
You light up the winter darkness
Common serpents curse winter suns
my hands remember your brightness.
My hands remember your brightness,
the windy blood in song, on a clay harp sung,
You Light up the winter darkness.
Your warmth lights the frosty air
And you, my love basking in pale light
Thinking of you wrapped in sunlight,
My hands remember your brightness,
You light up the winter's bleakness.
by Keith Logan |
heart, love, romance,
My heart I found belonged to you;
ached to be by your side again!
And wondered did you love me too?
Or had you missed a vital clue,
and suffered I alone in vain?
My heart I found belonged to you.
While this discovery yet was new,
I wept to feel my heart might drain,
and wondered did you love me too?
The depth of feeling inward grew,
I fought composure to maintain!
My heart I found belonged to you.
I thought about what might ensue,
if I should make my feelings plain!
And wondered did you love me too?
I fret now over time we knew,
innocent past would fain sustain!
My heart I found belongs to you,
and wonders do you love me too?
by M Asim Nehal |
life, love,
Like the hidden pearl or like the fervor of a lamp
In the dark night like the stars appeared
And she came into my life …..
Like the fresh breeze from ocean
Or like the fragrance from the flower
And she came into my life…..
Wearing the wings of angels or
Like vastness of sleepy blue sky
And she came into my life….
Like gushing water from mountains or
Like a rainbow in making from the waterfall
And she came into my life…..
Never thought about her in my dreams nor
Drew any picture in imagination
And she came into my life…..
With the chattering of birds
My heart opened its doors
Like the tangerine morning
She came into my life…..
by Hija De La Luna |
beautiful, beauty, blessing, courage, life, love, mother,
What a beauty you are!
In this very life, my life!
Oh vulnerable woman!
In your fertile womb,
Precious little life,
What a beauty you are!
Lovely soul takes life bids,
Without hesitation,
Oh vulnerable woman!
Without your weakness,
You would not offer love,
What a beauty you are!
Selfless is your existence;
Yielding self to a small one,
Oh vulnerable woman!
Your delicate body gifted life,
And life gives peace as price,
What a beauty you are!
Oh vulnerable woman!
** This is dedicated to my wonderful mother who took the risk of giving us all
her children - LIFE. My salute to all mothers whose vulnerability is a true
by Deborah Foster |
depression, heartbreak, hurt, sad love,
The blue green waves crash
Into my mind with vicious hate.
My being rips with a slash.
The eternal ocean does smash
Against the waves of eternal fate
The blue green waves crash.
My memories become a brown ash
Whilst it's me you berate
My being rips with a slash.
Melodramatic thoughts I try to stash
Away from your most obvious trait.
The blue green waves crash.
Your idiosyncrasies cover me in a rash.
Beat me into submission-clean my slate.
My being rips with a slash.
As the dead flowers grow in my soul's ash
You call upon me this my final debate,
The blue green waves crash
My being rips with a slash.
by Nicoleta-Ruxandra Bohat |
confusion, philosophy, sad, satire, old, old,
Complex of ideas
My hands smell like wood and, as I shout for a beginning, I pull myself out of me.
The laughter is shaking inside, it slips from head to foot and climbs…
I’m a young old man, for I have fed myself with old age…
That is why I have muscles so loquacious, so wise, so mild…
I always knew that love means whisper, smile, black and white…
So what that I wear with me this complex of ideas like marsupials wear their