Love Poems About Volcano or Volcano Love Poems
by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: love, ocean,

The Dream

From the mouth of the ocean and the eye of the wave
You erupt in my being and leap from my grave;
A lover so gloomy, yet dreadfully bright
You're clothed with darkness but crowned with light.
You come in the spark, you soar with the fire
The mist is your pillow, the tornado your choir;
I will kiss you to sleep on the wild ocean crest
A sleeping volcano, an earthquake at rest.
When you feel the earth move under your feet
The sun will bathe you with her sultry heat;
Let not the stars dim the light in your eyes
Let not my passion find you unwise,
For all that you are is to be all that you can
For you are the dream, you are my man.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: giggle, holiday, love,

- Rio De Janeiro and Carl -

Carl is still in Rio
He is hooked on the casino
Sweet love in moonlight
Cherry musk all night
His libido is like a volcano

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
6-8-5 -5 -10 syllables

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: happiness, love, passion, romance,

The Sweetest Sensation

Passion,staring into lust,
Noses,sharing oxygen.
Our lips connect,
Lips start to stray,
Nibbling ears,kissing necks,
Closely drawn together,
Nipples piercing hairy chest,
Nails sink into back,
Head-board knocking the wall,

Knock knock,knock knock,

Deep moans,skin locked,
We counter attack,

Knock knock,knock knock,

Screams of pleasure,
Waking the whole block,

Knock knock,knock knock,

Nuclear explosion,
Volcano eruption,
AHHHH so hot,so hot,
The sweetest sensation,
 I ever got......

by Wayne Sapp |
Categories: love


D~ormant this volcano was; a rock face,
E~ver cynical and mute, gaunt and cold
S~now covers the peak and the hollow place
I~nside a burning heart is kept on hold.
R~esistance fails; love like lava's trace
E~ruptions of emotion, rare as gold.

by Tina Hunter |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, body, boyfriend, desire, devotion, fantasy,

Creatures of the Fire

I'm peaceful and complete for the heat, the sweet explosions of desire burning the love with your sizzling kisses we're creatures of the fire I splash into the pleasure, all consuming we swan-dive into the volcano, burning i'm joyfully and madly in love with you mingled male and female, yearning and yet there is more when our love is bliss this closeness that i've never felt before my body starts to sizzle when i feel your gentle kiss my passion for you deep, and fully blooming being together is very neat long after, sweet warm flickers still remain we creatures of the tender fire and heat

by Lavanya Ramamurthi |
Categories: care, life, love, love hurts,

Feeling Sad

i'll feel often.
not that you hurts me.
its because i hurted you.
when my emotion volcano bursts,
i lose my control.
and thoughts in my heart flows out as lava.
it may be imaginary or real.
but., after that i feel relax,
not for the flow of lava. but for,
you will understand, my feelings.
its all because of love, affection, caring and possessiveness,
which i had and still have on you.
because, my every heart beat is for you.
every time when it beats not lup tup but.,
by your sweet name.
that is love which i have on you.
how much this world believes.
that much i believe,

by Julie Heckman |
Categories: love,


The volcano sets the fire calmly
forsaken in the loneliness of time.
Seething, the hot flames lie quiet
swirling until the day it ruptures 
and explodes, the fire spreading 
to cover the mountain. 

This day is not as a day of anger 
but of the divine unleashed carrying 
us forward as the flames define our
path. I am not lost only feeling the
heat from this unspoken fire. 
For I am fragile and the volcano's 
power is all consuming.

by Tom Arnone |
Categories: insect, lost love, love, marriage, planet, science fiction, space,

Call To Mars

Saving credits for a trip to the stars,
A cave at Alba Mons volcano:
Ancient secrets, flowing bars;
Greenish women, so Bueno;
Artifacts, old, Martian,
Calling me to hug.
Beetle auction.
Red dust bug.
Big brained,
Belonging to
Polka-dot fellows
Sexy ladybugs knew.
A rust-colored threesome
In waters that ran chilled and new;
But, air-thinned with delirium,
And a dusty marriage Mars did eschew.

by Al Amin Abdul Moin |
Categories: anger, angst, dad, family, father son, fear,

Villainous Volcano

To be related to a volcano,
Groomed to stifle oceanic ember,
Doomed to love less, so fearful to love her,
The dragon is feared even in slumber,
It's beautiful but do not approach, No!

I am a mountain, just another mountain,
I will not spit those flames like a fountain,
I swallow them, unable to grow tall,
A majestic evil or  just a small
hill! It's common in these parts, after all.

by Rachel St.Cross |
Categories: love,

More Than a Princess

Dreaming late last evening..
Caressing, fondling while kissing
Her delicate ivory breast
Beautiful and she erupting
A volcano having lain dorment
Through ages of ancient old
Twas heavenly, as her lava flowed...
She moaning in notes their sweet, rapture.

by Francesca Almonds |
Categories: community, corruption,

My Country

I am impressed by your blessings
The whole you
And the shores of your Lakes
Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyassa
The tiny but beautiful white sands of your Indian Ocean
And your unforgettable and wonderful coastal scents of Zanzibar
Tourists from all over the world
Love your magnificent animal homes,
Serengeti, Ngorongoro and Mikumi
The largest volcano that you possess, The Kilimanjaro
People never forget your historical Amboni caves,
Your Southern and Northern thick forests and running waters
And your very fertile land larger than all your neighbors
But why have you left your rural world behind?

by Juan Ramirez |
Categories: care, friendship, funny love, i love you,

My Best Friend

the most unstable best friends/
together till life's end/
You are the tornado/
And I am the volcano/
we clash and it's epic
We hurt, need a medic
It's a beautiful disaster, I love the way it hurts/
I'm a bad person I guess, the pain is just desserts/
But I love it when we laugh, the connection is so real/
Our friendship is everlasting, my heart enjoys the feel/
learned that not to screw with Alexis/
She's tougher to mess with than Texas/

by Rahima Espat |
Categories: faith, fate, love, stars, universe,

The Wishing Star

Cold dark night, 
I look up with fright. 

I see you flash,
Tearing the sky with a gash. 

Faster than lighting, 
Your transformation was striking. 

Something I had never done,
Wishing for you to come.

I made nothing out of it,
A lost wish on a universal pit.

The moment I had you before me, 
It was then I knew you had to be. 

You are everything I asked for, 
I would say even a bit more. 

When you wish upon a star,
The universe knows who you are. 

-Inactive Volcano

by Rahima Espat |
Categories: devotion, flower, love,

Your Tulip

Like a tulip in spring, 
I open my petals to embrace you in. 
With every strike of the wind, 
Vigorous color flushed through my skin. 
Splendorous blooming fields,
All laying to form a bed.
Awaiting your sway, 
All to emit their lovely scent. 
-Inactive Volcano

by Abdel Latif Moubarak |
Categories: africa, arabic, bird, dark, war, universe,


Tomorrow ... will be changed all cases
More listening to birds
What say?
Perhaps to grouse 
Or was thrown insults to us
What saying?
Whenever views our blood at the Earth pigment.
With war stats


Poverty will a pause
And poor eats
They Tears volcano fullness
And others... not conceive
What Suffering
Poor’s … chosen by God


Love will prevails universe
From lowest to farthest
Love is the lowest ways of existence
Feelings created
 With human

by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores |
Categories: love,


In a night elope
Preserving the forbidden love 
Denounced aloud by the society where they lived
Pursuancing to legalize by church and laws, the love that sparked as an volcano

For Form F Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Broken Wings
January 25, 2017
Fifth Place

by April Mitchell |
Categories: love, romance,

To Love Is To Really Live

I ask him often
What Do you think
What do you feel
When our bodies sync
What feelings do you get 
When i stare in your eyes
When we are laying close
Do i make your heart rise
When i massage your neck
What do you feel
When i kiss your ear
Is your excitement hard to conceal
When i press against your chest
Do i ignite a volcano in you
When we make love
Does your love start anew
I ask this and wonder
Because this is how i feel
Every time your near me
My passion i can't conceal
It's like you bring out things
I never knew were there
And you've helped me 
To realize that what we have is rare

by April Mitchell |
Categories: love, romance, love,

My Love Is Like

My love is like....
An endless river that flows
My love is like...
An oak tree that forever grows
My love is like....
The depths of the deep
My love is like....
A free fall mountain leap
My love is like....
An erupting volcano
My love is like....
Many colors like the rainbow
My love is...

by Keith O.J. Hunt |
Categories: longing,

Her Hair Blonde

When I gazed into those chocolate-brown eyes

   and saw something newly wonderful

   in her energy;

(such roar!) in her voluptuous volcano
   a brewing tenderness ----

   her Man would be ravished in her love,

   faint to find anything else;

But pearl-doves and soft things 

   in the hardest of him,

   faint to back away, empty

   but to hold her!

Drifting, in chocolate-brown eyes....

by Susan Mayes |
Categories: lovelove,

The Fire and Ice

Always on the outside looking in
Alone and lonely though surrounded by
Never really letting anyone in
No man could ever warm her heart

That is till he walked in
Blue eyes of ice
met brown eyes of fire
She saw a tornado there

With arms of the wind to quiet the fire
The volcano became aware
True love is more than rare
Two old souls had met on a dare

Explosions have erupted
And crushing winds have blown through
But her love has only grew
Something she never knew

Once a free spirit
Now bound by the wind
She waits for her man 
To blow in again

by Nicholas Rush |
Categories: longing, love, love hurts,

Just Another One For Her

Arid dreams!
Found in absence
My heart covets 
Humid tears unfulfilling 
Strolling with holes amid 
My smiles cloaked languish 
Clasping airs clarity 
Nothing yielded, nothing whole 
Without you!
Was it repose under your wing?
Or your silky, seashell eyes?  
A rose with only thorns
My hallmark lies severed 
Still I grow on 
Till our waves crash again
For roots of you tangle in me 
Beneath my volcano soul 
Our dormant love churns 
Asleep in the valley of Hamlet
My Ophelia caught between
The loam, and window of the sea

by Natasha Prins |
Categories: emo,

Forsaken Love

A dormant volcano, it appears to sleep,
Stirring within, waiting to be freed.
It burns with such fire, so fierce & so deep,
Abundantly flowing, yet hopelessly seeps.

A love so intense, it's yet to be seen,
Her passion's explosive, overwhelmingly keen.
It runs through her veins, slowly going to waste,
Disappointment and heartache was all that she faced.

Buried so deep, a long lost treasure,
Hidden beneath her, this forsaken pleasure.
A love so suppressed, just seeking it's place, 
It patiently waits, to erupt in all it's grace.

by April Mitchell |
Categories: happiness, imagination, journey, love, passion, relationship, romance, romantic,

Never Land of Indulgence

Oh if i had wings of an eagle 
i would fly to pick you up
And take you to a place 
I cal never land
Where passion is the drink mix
That perched lips drink
Where loves runs as hot as a volcano
Never are you quenched of your desires
They continually fed
Upon ecstasy's bed
Relax and be free
Let go of all your burdens
Let me my love free your mind and soul
As i take you on a sublime craving
That will tantalize the very depths of your soul
And cause your hunger to become unbearable 
Never say never in never land
Because here i can never displease

by Anil Deo |
Categories: abuse, international, love hurts, lust, pride, senses, sexy,

Torn Hearts - Not Really Limerick Magic

Two hearts follow the eyes
Two persons, personalities collide
Too much joy in bedroom
If marriage can't come soon
Casual love, short-term, volcano pride

by Rahima Espat |
Categories: absence, future, together, true love,

Time Through a Lovers Eyes

Looking out the window,
I see a million stars.
Some clustered together
Transforming into shapes,
while others are widely apart.

We stand like a cluster.
A thousand light years apart,
Yet so close and united as one.
Distance is just a number
when the heart is in control.

Days become years of agony,
the minutes torture my soul.
But with strength and will,
any obstacle can be overcome;
keeping in mind my long yearned goal. 

-Inactive Volcano