Love Poems About War or War Love Poems
by Sandra Haight |
Categories: forgiveness,


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: love, war,

Why He Fought

Soldier stashed a silver locket
Safe inside his jacket pocket
When the war would numb his senses
He’d break down and drop pretenses
Open up the only token
That recalled those thoughts unspoken
Images of infant, young wife
For their freedom, he’d give his life

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: soldier, war,

A Soldiers Song

I taste an emptiness of love and weep from pain, in loss befall. Hope flees in fields of light above when time casts me its eternal pall. As darkness dims the flame of life with words of love left never said, Could one escape this misty strife? Does peace live only with the dead? I marched to anthems meant for kings and bled for cause, as told I must. What voices now with courage ring, as I lie face down in the dust? While glory waits as cities burn, who'll chant for me if I return? 12/31/2018

by Tom Woody |
Categories: angst, peace,


Because peace is more important than winning...

Like arrows shot right through a weary heart
these words in anger pierce the tender flesh. 
This gift of verse, each eager to impart
feels wasted as our egos wax afresh. 

Why can't we just agree to disagree 
and check our pride outside the cyber door? 
Perhaps agape love still holds the key 
to ending this vain philosophic war. 

There was a time we shared each other's muse 
and wrote a song for all the world to hear. 
Such loving lyrics penned in rainbow hues 
gave both of us a vision that seemed clear. 

To ponder losing this I cannot bear 
these humble words reveal that I still care.

by Aysha Nuwas |
Categories: betrayal, conflict, hope, sad,

Blue Skies Over Sunflowers

In eastern lands, where once did roam
The winds of peace, and fields of home
Now echoes sound of bombs and gun
As war in Ukraine, is far from done

The sky once blue, now turned to gray
With smoke and dust, that won't away
And children's laughter, now replaced
By cries of pain, in this historic place

With each new day, new battles fought
As brothers clash, with brothers sought
And homes once filled, with love and grace
Now lie in ruins, in this darkened space

Oh, how we long, for peace to reign
And end this war, this endless pain
Let hearts unite, in hope and prayer
For Ukraine, for peace, and love to share.

by Bill Baker |
Categories: beauty, change, love, marriage, nature, peace, war,

Peace Comes To the Valley

The sun a golden glow
The wind began to blow
Rain a blessing for all
Summer changed into fall

Seeing the moon was blue
The change would come we knew
Trees will gently mellow
Their leaves turning yellow

Enemies will unite
No longer will they fight
Tom will marry Sally
Peace comes to the valley

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, blessing, cheer up, stars,

- Secret -

With sparkling stars of gold
Make a wish, maybe it will change your destiny
The universe is enormously, find your own shiny amulet
Take a deep breath,
and never forget how blessed you are
Everything has a meaning
The stars shine for the whole world
You and me ~ rich and poor
In war and peace ~ with love and grace
Did you know ~ ... an adorable little secret;
The moon kiss each star goodnight

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: betrayal, desire, earth, emotions, hate, love, lust,


Revenge sweet turning with hate
a brother rises striking blows 
landing hits brother in wicked deeds 
evilness within mans own soul

Cruelty crawling inside desires 
suffering greed of nations they plea 
Rise up against nations man at war 
tearing asunder God's creation 
People slowly murdering loveless

Pride a sinful act of violence 
laced with pain destroying pure love 
everything that once stood out housed peace
so fine cut beautiful, good sharing 
caring  free, in this one, big show rolls 

Keeps turning, the wheel of hope 
whom will speak, as we all become part 
of his heavenly dust in the end 
or  burning remains of hell's fire

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: absence, art, beauty, birthday, blue, love, wisdom,

The Little One Is Three

I see his smiles
His sisters laughter in the breeze
I confess a cold heart, warmed

When though will I be free?
From the pain of long ago years
From tears that soaked my humanity away
	I love you all
if only I could stay
   	Life seems so trivial

so when I float away
	who will

Blow out the candles
	as cake and happiness are eaten away

We never met
You and I

	An war or crime or crippled thoughts
	Shall never stop
	The celebration of birthday dreams
	Friendships never lost

The wishing well is full
Illuminated by an intrinsic brightness

by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: death, horse, love, soldier, war,

Death of a Lancer

My one true love with eyes of sparkling blue
Our hearts as one it was our destiny
Heaven sent you for me and me for you
It would not last but end in tragedy.

War intervened I’d have to go away
To the Crimea with the light brigade
My true love I thought of every day
Our lives on hold along with plans we’d made.

The Captain said “suppress your greatest fears
Ride close ranks and do not come asunder”
The noise of hooves were ringing in my ears
Sounds they made were like a raging thunder.

A lance pierced me and off my horse I fell
Then death came down, my life I bid farewell.

Written on 7th February 2019.

by Geoffrey Brewer |
Categories: lost love, war,

June 1944

JUNE 1944

they kissed with dreams of peace in clover - for him fulfilled in Norman field

Monoku - Cliche: All’s fair in love and war

by Bruce Adams |
Categories: love,

Distant Love

Oh, love from a distance
     Such passion is mine
     I never thought possible
     An ocean's deep mystery line
     Soulmate's hearts beat as one
     From only the written word
     Openness, honesty, is all it takes
     World history, such passion unheard
     Her beauty astounding,  angel in disguise 
     Jealous Kings of Europe would have fought war
     Her kindness and humor melt coldest hearts
     Brilliant and creative too, she makes my heart soar

     My distant soulmate, who I may never meet
     Shared love from a distance, a powerful, magical feat

by Keith O.J. Hunt |
Categories: hero, hope, peace, war,

On Rode the Valiant

Through the gates of Absalom,
steed and gate did ride,
charging fast and furious
o'er centuries gone by;
peace did shout in vain,
the Lidless Prophets...
must come again,
nigh is the evening sky
but full of hope

The ramparts held fast, ballast and beam,
cannon-fire bombasting flesh and bone,
groans of death ---
such dreary breath!
of decay centuries old

The Rose of all that is Earth,
her petals unsheathed,
torn for time ---
tear and antiquity ---
her red sheen lilts in the new day sun,
begging for Love, she asks:

Shall they come?

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 12th grade, allusion, death, emotions, feelings, imagery, love,

In the Moonlight

The lament of a Summer breeze is heard to make the gilded leaves of Autumn sigh. And after months, without a single word; hope lost its wings and could no longer fly. Shadows form silhouettes in the moonlight; tethering wishes and prayers to a dream. And grieving her lover, she cries at night; as loneliness fuels a silent scream. She remembers the sweet taste of his kiss; and the way he left her feeling fulfilled. He swore he'd write daily without remiss; when those letters stopped, she knew he was killed. She never questioned why he'd gone to war; for he felt freedom was worth dying for.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: inspiration, journey, prayer, spiritual, war,

A Soldiers Prayer

Wearily I walk this rutted road Knowing this life led yet is mine Due is all ransoms for my soul To every witness I leave behind Lift my heart to spare no love To be a light for shadows cast I draw my strength from God above With hope that seeks the will to last

by Njeri Hunjeri |
Categories: poetry, poets, write, writing,

The Unbearable Call

She calls and calls to me she cries
I hear her I hear her and for that am daring
For a friend and an enemy she has become
That soft kiss on my forehead
The phantom curse of our passion

How is it I and her have these conversations 
The late night chats of our sorrows
The innocent depths of our dawn 
By midday we play tug of war
I trying to chase her away
And she holding tight to me

We love and we cry
Sobbing on each other's shoulders
The ink undying 
Fresh with each stroke
The poetry in me 
The poem and the poet

by DM Babbit |
Categories: allusion,

Tender Me a Kiss

Tender me a kiss
 a brush of lips upon my cheek
 gentle, loving, fragile wish, sheik
 to set my soul afire, soft and weak.
Whisper love and comfort, joy and peace
 to right this world so that war and hate will cease.

Tender me a kiss, some long goodbye
 when all I sense and feel would make me cry
 but hidden safe within the confines,
 hope continues to abide.
In your hurry dispel all fears and worries compromising
 tender me a kiss, anticipation waits on the horizon.

by Hilda Greenhough |
Categories: love, war,


Yield? Not to you, I certainly won't. 
I'll parry on hot coals, I'll lunge to your affront.
Succumb? I'll not breathe your air of lies,
Since no honeyed sweetness makes me compromise.
Supplicate? Then throw down your armor at will.
Once freed from this battle, you will be my love still.

by Charles Messina |
Categories: love, war,

If The Dolphins Swim Alone

If I'm not home for Christmas 
And I've lost my heart at war 
Just know that I'll be there with you, my love 
From heaven...for evermore 
By chance I cross the oceans 
And see dolphins swim with glee 
I'll find the brightest star at night 
And bring it home for you and me 
We'll sit upon its fingers 
And watch the mornings light 
And when the evenings sun sets down 
We'll go back there again at night 
Just know that I'll be there with you, my love 
And I'll be with you...for evermore 
By chance the dolphins swim alone 
And I lose my heart at war 

*Dedicated to all the soldiers and heroes at war who have sweethearts and wives at home.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: hate, how i feel, humanity, love, meaningful, peace, people, sad, war,

To Stone The Sparrow

Why stone the sparrow as she sings
                 To silence her with broken wings
The gentle creature knows no hate
               So cast no stones, it’s not too late

Though feathered of a different score
                       Her song desires just to soar
To live and let love bears no cost
                          And nothing to avail is lost

Why stone the sparrow as she flies
                 So sad whenever something dies 
Created by a love divine
              As life is meant to thrive and shine

There must a place be, to remain
              Where all can sing in sweet refrain
So sing, oh sparrow, never cease
              To sing your hopeful song of peace

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: nature, peace, sound, war,

The Sound of Peace

Simple sounds
The birds of love 
    Nature’s call, so wild and free
               Echoed in the skies above
                       Symphonies made just for me

Simple sounds
The cricket’s dance
         Senses frolic to and fro
               Entertaining nature’s trance
                               Contemplating all I know

Simple sounds
A heart that beats 
   Searching for a love to share
          Life that flows when hope retreats
                                 Listen for it everywhere

Simple sounds
The guns of war
     But for hate meant to release
                    Rat-a-tat, he is no more
                        Silence is the sound of peace

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: love, peace, war,

Love and Peace

Seas are filled with tears

Shed by the weeping angels
For men lost in war,

Let us fill our hearts with love
And make war capitulate!

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       29 May 2021

* Tanka: 5-7-5-7-7

by Verlena S. Walker |
Categories: angst, celebrity, encouraging, freedom, irony, metaphor, simile,

Of Love of War

of love of war
the staff of a prophet, seen fairness not imagine, sings shouting out, obscenity recognized, yet in search of fame, seeking stance the moment arises, seek of voice of power, godsend renown supremacy, yet prophet not acknowledged, kept desire of a great life, sought skill of voice, articulate hardly ever, cheek no longer free, famous self seldom bite snarls dogma, link of country of faith, kinship all that’s true, fair play desired fame acknowledged, pent the home front, covetousness war or peace love or hate, just yelp puppy love, nice _________________________| Penned on September 28, 2014!

by Matthew Anish |
Categories: holocaust, hope, humanity,

Hope For Humanity

Just read a tale of 
   a horrendous murder in California
Makes one lose faith in humanity
My uncle saw the 
   death camps in 
Europe during World War ll
  Also shakes one's faith in humanity 
Yet, I believe 
  that out out of the 
a phoenix will appear 
    and fly upward 
and as it soars 
   it will sprinkle 
love dust 
   on those on the 
     and leave kindness 
and laughter 
   in its wake

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: world war ii,

D Day

A place where peace should reign, yet terror grows.
A paradise where blood and children lie.
A beach where young boys played and now men die,
with liquid crimson waves that evil sows.
The cliffs now bow and weep and look below,
where from their shoulders cast a deadly tide.
A peaceful nighttime vista now belied
by daylight's bloody battle of the foes.
As dreams replace the din that's all around
and life drips slowly there into the sand,
it's faith and God and love that now surrounds
these ever grateful souls that have been found.
Brave comrades in this fate so proudly stand
to be delivered now where they are bound.