Love Poems About Water or Water Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: analogy, life,

When We Were Young

When we were young we loved our fairy tales
A frog could  be a prince with just one kiss
Each cloud, a boat where dreamers could set sail
Imagination was the great abyss

Too soon we grew and lost our innocence
Found out that swords are never pulled from stones
That dreams come true but only with expense 
And happy ever after's come and gone

Yet some of us still wish upon a star
Believe that rainbows come with pots of gold
Reality is life for most comes hard
And love like water runs both hot and cold

Like you I wish that fairy tales came true
But grown ups know they very seldom do

   by Daniel Turner

by Andrea Dietrich |

This Night

I’m driftwood, and I’m floating out to sea as sun descends upon my home - the grove of trees whose fragrance still remains with me. And likewise, heaven’s work of art, a mauve surrounding me, now permeates my soul. Warm water, in the twilight growing cold, is rocking me. Beneath dark blue, a shoal moves swiftly; overhead there will unfold the myriad of stars in semblance of a giant carousel in dimming sky. Those stars that glitter for the grove I love will glitter too for me, where here I lie alone, enraptured. . . and I think I might drift evermore, enveloped by this night.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: forgiveness,

Forgive and Forget

I asked you what I have done wrong But there is no response - just a stony silence No words can convey my guilt, my inner sadness This will be my last goodbye My final letter to you my love Tears flow down my ashen face Tears of sadness, tears of regret Drip Drip Drip Drip Tears fall on the paper as I write They mingle with the damp blue ink The inky water leaches into the paper Its colour starts to bleed and spread Until it fades into nothingness I am empty, devoid of emotion I can say no more Forgive me for being me Forgive me for caring Forgive me for loving you Goodbye forever 02~15~15

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: emotions, heartbreak, loneliness, lost love, sorrow,

In Woes and Throes of Sorrow

I rise and fall like melancholy tides
in ebb and flow of wistful disrepair,
our separate in consciousness divides,
the whiff of grief fills broken-hearted air.

Neglected now, heartstrings' rawhide, I mourn
with briny beads that water my dismay,
eyes teary drizzled mist, inside forlorn,
my psyche pierced by thorns in love's bouquet.

Whatever will I do, this emptiness..?
A gnawing hollow where my heart should be.
My lonely preys me like a lioness,
a simba stalks this lost love refugee.

Soft morning sun does gaze into my eyes
enlightening the depths of agonize.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romance, water,


cascading sheets of silver water spill incessantly into the lake thundering beauty before our eyes beckons us to bathe in radiance lost in froth we find ourselves engulfed by nature’s pulse, shimmering delight lost in love my heart is pounding too falling with the water - into you Written Oct. 30, 2014 for the SOME FORM OF CRYSTALLINE Contest of nette onclaud Now for A Strand (1063) Poetry Contest

by Andrew Fairchild |
Categories: for her, innocence, integrity, love, rose, snow, trust,

Sonnet 28 'I Think I Know the Name of Purity'

I think I know the Name of Purity,
It is Your Name -- it holds clear water well!
A Chalice carved almost to shattering,
A white rose, that alone, grows in the dell
With drops of ice adorning its still face
The warmth of heart that comes with falling snow
The few flakes that adorn your lashes, by grace
Delightful cold that creeps up from below
Loquacity that speaks only the Truth,
Amazed by every small, delightful thing
Ubiquitous praise and unbroken Youth
Right Trust, that gave your finger to the Ring
Inevitable Joy, and whispered Love
E'er faithful, that this all is from Above.


Submitted for:  Standard Poetry Contest 175

Sponsored by:  Brian Strand

by Bill Baker |
Categories: emotions, life, pain, river, truth, water, wisdom,

Life On the River

A balance in life can solve the riddle. 
To find the balance, start in the middle.
Distractions from the banks may lead us wrong.
Go with the flow where the current is strong.

The banks are sirens calling to our ears,
offering us pleasures relieving fears.
The emotion of love, the fear of pain,
tossing and turning, driving us insane.

Too much pleasure can lead to addiction,
pain and sickness can lead to restriction.
Reject their temptations, stay in the flow,
the river is wise and knows where to go.

Avoid extremes, be content with enough.
Life on the river, no need for the fluff.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: care, garden, growth, heart, love, metaphor,

Flowers of the Heart

The garden of love bids tending
                 so often it pains us to render its due
when drought offers threat
and water is scarce
        and lovers forget what it means to be true

Yet love, like a garden, rewards us
    the flowers of the heart are worth all the pain
how else can we reap
that beautiful yield
        with little to lose and with so much to gain

When I think of where we first started
          with just the horizon to capture our view
my eyes now behold
what a garden can be
              with effort and love to carry it through

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: love, peace, water, youth,

Sounds of Eternity

Sunshine glitters across the water
in a tireless playful motion, and
a dreamy hypnotic music of eternity
ripples on through my nights.

I close my eyes, transported to a dock
of my youth where soothing waves 
greet me, enticing me, inviting me, rocking me.
And I abandon myself to the lullaby
that could just as easily be the arms of a lover.

AP: Honorable Mention 2023

Submitted on May 20, 2023 for contest A BRIAN STRAND PREMIERE no 1218 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND

POTD May 22, 2023

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love, nature,

Signature of Life

Over the still pond
a leaning branch of Iris
Messenger of Love

sudden gentle breeze
flower kisses the water
whispering love talk

ripples in water
sending another message
signature of life


Iris:Name of a flower meaning"Messenger of Love"


by Debjani Mitra |
Categories: cute love, love, passion,

In Your Lockup

sweet and citron voice, fondled a whisper
did you say, "O my Love,  pulling me close 
refreshing spring water,  cooler and crisper 
restless eyes now crave, to forever repose

a vista of orchids, into my soul you dive
where a frantic heart, beats in your fervour
No more secrets, so effortlessly you arrive
in every corner, dreams in vain endeavour

in swarm of thousand kisses, I slowly melt
impetuous arms hug, a wild maddened sea
faintly glowing cinder, every cell now felt
an embrace, in your lockup, you set me free

Dated 7th June  2020

Featured third in  best new poem list
Sponsor	craig cornish
Contest Name	Hugs |

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: death, lost love,

Lost In the Desert

Sand dunes, nothing but sand dunes,
Some large, some small.
And the sun burning over the terrain.
No oasis, not even a mirage of one.
The last drop would not quench the thirst
He felt it in his soul.  For now 
She was dead and buried
And his soul was barren like the desert.
He would die, lost among the dunes
With no water for survival.
Fool.  He could make it.
He was like an eagle.
Searching to drink water.
Yet he was no eagle and soon fell
Sand clinging to his face covered with sweat.
Opening his eyes he saw the viper.
All would be lost now.
A swish as a hawk picked the viper away.
He fainted and opened his eyes in a tent.
He was safe except for his silent sad soul.

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beautiful, dream, fantasy, love, mirror, sea,

Drunken Moon

~ Injustice Moon Among Us ~

deeper than twilight
the moon to moon afterglow
a wave crush the mood
Stereotype motion
Two face under water 
Human injury 

(Senryu of Being Misjudged)

by Skat A |
Categories: fantasy, funny,

Sexy Who'

"Sexy Who" *Summer* sand, oozing through toes water down my swimsuit piece how I love the sun *Summer* new sun-rays run my soul wind swims around my pale skin sunburn, ouch! *Dizzy* strong & Long Lasting The Viagra moment fades power by the sun *Jerk Around* secret moment Vixen photos of my youth rock hard & bigger ~SKAT~

by A.O. Taner |
Categories: august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,


Don't rush to wash off the sea salt 
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: love, relationship, romance,

Love Train Haiku


                    Eyes glued to body,
                    Roaming from head to toe,
                    Drooling mouth water...

                    A sudden attack,
                    Swept off your feet,
                    Above cloud nine...

IN LOVE,,,,,,,,,,,

                    Communication amazing,
                    Thoughts wave connect,
                     Heart beating as one...

               My first HAIKU

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beach, passion, romance,

Sugar and Spice

Spicy experiment! 

Victoria secret bra
Love, toy with hidden pleasure 
sweet surrender to my taste 
grenade ecstasy. 


Spicy taboo!

Sticky forbidden kisses
buffalo breath down my neck 
leak like a water faucet
time to get a fix.


by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: baptism, blessing, love, water,

A Divine Cascade

Glist'ing drops
Splashing into fine mist—
I become one with the waterfall.

Feeling joy
As droplets kiss my face
And enter my soul’s most sacred place.

Anointing me with love,
Sustaining all life forms on the Earth.

For each divine droplet;
A cascading veil of purity.

© Connie Marcum Wong

Contest: Some Form of Crystalline sponsored by Nette Onclaud
November 3, 2014

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: love,

Reaching Deepest Oceans ,Revised

My cherished one How far will I love you
As far as where moons dissolve in deep seas
Beyond the edge of a tide's crimson hue
where your breath quickens sails with fevered  breeze
Alone I 'll embark to our promised land
across long borders of unending pain
under still stars and above drifting sand
through anchored shadows of persistent rain.
Oh those foreign eyes yet not so distant
Your arms safe harbor of a warm embrace
Two hearts entwine against odds resistant
'Neath plum fog sky my lips outline your face
Water rises 'tween silent hope and time
But water falls and I will make you mine

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, death, gothic, introspection, lost love, love hurts, romance,


Under stone
The road ends here
Grave of bones

I reached out to caress
The past, and her sweet heart so blessed
Tears water down flowers, that one day shall wilt
For even they, gave up on loves bloom

I have been devoid of heart long ago
Dead to the living
Living for the dead
Love does that, so do not dread

She, who stole the essence of me,
Where ever she shall be buried
My bones may lie over yonder
My heart lies heavy, with the phantom of she

The past burying all, to the one and last
Says I
Alone under grey washed gravestone
At long last

Père Lachaise

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love, rain, water,


I am not a rain dog
With my tail between my legs
Dying to run home in haste
Away from showers that gradually increase 
And then come pounding heavily down 
Like sheets of splintered pearly glass 

I am not a loner
Who leads a wasted life
On doorsteps sharing aching pain
With others who live rough
Deprived of warmth and comfort

I am a lover
I inhale the smell
Enjoy the caressing feel
Of seductive teasing raindrops 

They fall around
With sweetest sound
Passionate the call

It echoes
I hear


16th October, 2014
Contest: "I do not know"
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich
Placed: 4th

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, summer, sun,

Children of the Sun

Tomorrow's dawn will start the longest day
When summer takes the torch and starts to run
He'll summon all the children of the sun
His followers that love his warming way

They'll laugh and celebrate in outdoor play
It is the greatest time for water fun
Each claiming to be summer's fav'rite son
Absorbing every ultraviolet ray

And when the sun lies down to take his rest
Their celebrations go in to the night
Cavorting with the moon, who's unimpressed
He knows they only like him 'cause he's bright
They'll fall asleep their backs toward the west
As children of the sun await first light

   by Daniel Turner
  Miltonic sonnet #2

by Francis J Grasso |
Categories: love, passion, sea, sky,

The Lovers

How gently darkness lays itself upon the restless sea
While breezes scented  cool and clean, are blowing wild and free
When moonlight's blush fades gradually and hides its ash white face
A thousand candles dimly lit, now frame the soft embrace

All through the night, with spirits bright as shameless dreams unfold
'till sunlight makes the darkness break to show the story told
Tempest waters calm and smooth, stillness now the sea
Sky and water, bound in love... as lovers, you and me

Written April 10, 2016

by Marty Owens |
Categories: passionred, love, red,

Crayon of Bright Red

Red is the crayon that I love to use.
So vivid and bright without any abuse.
I color so lively and make each stroke count.
Even making the water red in the fount.

In my pictures the hair on everyone's head.
Yes you guessed it, they're all a bright colored red!

The seasons of summer and winter and fall.
I color them all red without any appall.

So if you're an artist you plainly can see.
Everything will be red if you depend on me.

If you've heard like me, as it's often been said,
That "Passionate people always love red!"

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: river, romantic, water,

Romantic Waters

Romantic Waters

Romance dwells in moving waters
Cerulean lake lapping the shore...
Moonlight cast across the waves
As the sea sings of passion's amour.

Kayaking on the Russian river
In twilight's softest silhouette...
Feeling the droplets from Niagara
Lovers kiss near romantic falls.

Skinny dipping in an aqua lagoon
To cool before a night of passion.
Lazing next in hot spring waters
Encompassed in aurora's lights.

Lotus blossoms bask in waters
Of loving mem'ries so sublime.
Romance dwells in moving waters
In love straight from Nature's heart.
