Love Poems About Welsh or Welsh Love Poems
by Randall Smith |
Categories: love,

Your Blue Eyes

Where does this come from....
Were we educated at some time
And forgotten...
No.. we weren't....

We were royalty of a kind....
Welsh and proud... 
Roman blood we had in us...
From time long past...

Pagan...Yes we were
And proud of the past
But we lost our future 
to churches Lust.

But I have to say
to this very day....
That my mothers song
Fills my every day...

To be happy...and smile and sing
Is my legacy...from times
When we danced at the
Full moon...

Never to think of the past
But feel what is before us....
And sing....As there is
Nothing more important
Than the sunrise....
In a meadow...
On a hill.....

by Constance La France |
Categories: crush,

A Crush, a Love

I met him when so young, a crush, a love on silky words I hung they just slid smooth off his tongue now, a memory among ___________________________ February 17, 2020 Poetry/Englyn Quatrain/A Crush, A Love Copyright Protected, ID 20-1226-288-03 All Rights Reserved, 2020, Constance La France ENGLYN is a quatrain from Welsh poetry of 30 syllables in four lines 10,6,7,7. The sixth syllable of line one annouces the rhyme, the last syllable of succeeding three lines rhyme with it.(The final syllable of line one is without rhyme). The content often has an enigmatic quality. Written for F F I Blog Series 75- Englyn Brian Strand Honorable Mention

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: happy, love, birth, me, cousin,

Ted My Hospital Visitor

Lying in hospital was visiting time
My cousin walked in with a box so fine
Handed it over said it was for me
To open it when I needed company

The box said Teddy Bears Factory
Inside was Ted’s whole story
His birth certificate is complete
Many things including birth date

Was dressed with hat and scarf
Looked so funny, made me laugh
Specs sat on end of his nose
Looking ready to compose

But he was so good to cwtch *
Instantly loved him so much
Such thoughtfulness I wont forget
My Ted is my best mate

Helped me to recover quickly
My magic pill when I’m sickly
Took 29 years for a Ted so special
Came with love of highest level

*Cwtch  is welsh for cuddle

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: hope, love, love,

Please Text Me

Valentines are for lovers
Or for ones that want to be
Too shy to ask themselves
Leaving it to poetry

So darling man i beg you
Have you any love for me
If you say you have
Please send a text for free 

The old days would have asked you
A ribbon round that tree
Sounds a bit nerdy now
So cariad * please text me

My love isn't less sincere 
In this modern age
From you I would  love to hear
Then I can close this page

* cariad. Welsh for darling.

by Seeyam Brjmohun |
Categories: people, satiremen,

All English Men By God Are Straight and Right

We English men are disciplined from birth
Our poker face with upper lips are stiff
We need not hug nor kiss to know our worth
God save the queen will often give us lift

Curries with chips, that is our national dish
We don’t eat rice and but love our family nan
In Birmingham we made the Balti fish
Vindaloo and larger maketh this man

For their green fields the Welsh we did attack
The Irish Sea it also lent a hand
Hadrian helped us keep the Scottish back
A United Kingdom on face we stand

Though beer with football sometimes make us fight
All English men by God are straight and right

by Brian Strand |
Categories: lost love, love,

Englyn the Form

re-post inspired by Constance latest form contest

Her love was like a rose,with no perfume.
Dressed in very fine clothes
passion she could not propose,
brought the romance to a close.

Note on form:ENGLYN a quatrain from Welsh poetry of 30 syllables in four lines 10,6,7,7.
The sixth syllable of line one annouces the rhyme,the last syllable of succeeding three lines rhyme with it 
(The final syllable of  line one is without rhyme).The content often has an 
enigmatic quality.

by Brian Strand |
Categories: faith, love


Listen to My voice
Listen to the word,
      love's a choice
and by grace,is heard

After the fquatrain form 5/5/3/5 abab by George Herbert the Anglo Welsh poet

by Brian Strand |
Categories: lost love,

A Very Old Rhyme Form

Her love was like a rose,with no perfume.
Dressed in very fine clothes
passion she could not propose,
brought the romance to a close.

Note on form:ENGLYN a quatrain from Welsh poetry of 30 syllables in four lines 10,6,7,7.The sixth syllable of line one annouces the rhyme,the last syllable of succeeding three lines rhyme with it.(The final syllable of  line one is without rhyme).The content often has an enigmatic quality.

by Brian Strand |
Categories: lost love,

A Englyn-Half Hearted

Her love was like a rose,with no perfume.
Dressed in very fine clothes
passion she could not propose,
brought the romance to a close.

Note on form:ENGLYN a quatrain from Welsh poetry of 30 syllables in four lines 10,6,7,7.The 
sixth syllable of line one annouces the rhyme,the last syllable of succeeding three lines 
rhyme with it.(The final syllable of  line one is without rhyme).The content often has an 
enigmatic quality.

by Nick Armbrister Jimmy Boom Semtex |
Categories: fun, memory, teenage, youth,


It was so long ago but to me it seems like yesterday, 
times were great and music was something to die for. 
I lived in a secure world of good friend and parties 
and days out in the sun. My music was the Bangles and T’Pau 
all singing about love and freedom. I was in love 
through the summer, my emotions setting the world on fire. 
I’d get my YTS money and I’d go to Wales and live my life 
in an intense three months of love with a Welsh gal. 
My friends were the best and the future looked bright. 
Yes I did discover you can live your dreams and dream your life.

by Brian Strand |
Categories: poetry,

An Englyn Rhyme

Her love was like a rose,with no perfume.
Dressed in very fine clothes
passion she could not propose,
brought the romance to a close.

Note on form:ENGLYN a quatrain from Welsh poetry of 30 syllables in four lines 10,6,7,7.The 
sixth syllable of line one annouces the rhyme,the last syllable of succeeding three linesrhyme with it.(The final syllable of  line one is without rhyme).The content often has an enigmatic quality.

by Michael Degenhardt |
Categories: life, love, love,

Loves Brightness (Clorgymach)

Entertain thoughts of just us two
Enjoying love from me to you
New sunshine filled days
With the suns bright rays
Lovely ways
With love true


by Marty King |
Categories: animal, love,

Stop Look and Wonder:Wonder Look and Stop

yellow canary speaks
her's is the only clear truth
we humans can learn

welsh corgi plays
his is the main contentment
we humans can learn

two elks warm
their's are the source of survival
we humans can learn

black cat cuts back flips
there lies the truest humor
we humans can learn

twins open their eyes
God's Rays of Inspiration
we humans must learn

by Michael Degenhardt |
Categories: happiness, love,

I Need You (Clorgymach)

Give yourself to love, undying
                                       Allow yourself, ever trying
                                          Let your heart run free
                                              Open eyes to see
                                                    Only .... me


by Brian Strand |
Categories: poetry,

Englyn the Welsh Quatrain Form

Her love was like a rose,with no perfume.
Dressed in very fine clothes
passion she could not propose,
brought the romance to a close.

Note on form:ENGLYN a quatrain from Welsh poetry of 30 syllables in four lines 10,6,7,7.The 
sixth syllable of line one annouces the rhyme,the last syllable of succeeding three lines 
rhyme with it.(The final syllable of  line one is without rhyme).The content often has an 
enigmatic quality.