by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
husband, love, wife
Two peas in a pod
One still on Earth, One with God
Together Always
Inspired By Nathan Leccese"s Contest "Two Peas In A Pod"
3rd Place
by Tom Cunningham |
funny, humor,
There was a lumberjack from Borehamwood
A chainsaw mishap took off his manhood
His Love life now a mess
And it caused him great stress
So he made himself one out of some wood .
He went to bed one night full of desire
Sue his wife put on her sexy attire
Things got steamy and hot
He gave it all he got
But with passion and friction it caught fire .
Written 5th March 2019.
For make me actually LOL 2 poetry contest
Sponsored by Nina Parmenter.
by Carolyn Devonshire |
love, war,
Soldier stashed a silver locket
Safe inside his jacket pocket
When the war would numb his senses
He’d break down and drop pretenses
Open up the only token
That recalled those thoughts unspoken
Images of infant, young wife
For their freedom, he’d give his life
by James Fraser |
daughter, death, depression, father, girlfriend-boyfriend, hope, husband, life, loss, lost love, mother, sad, wife
What makes the decision
To flick the switch
To end ones life
For the sake of it
Troubled, debts
Bullied at school
Fork in the road
To let death rule
Mums, dads
Daughters and sons
What ever affects them
They just can't outrun
Sadness and tears
By all left behind
Will they ever understand
Suicide Mind
by Kirstie Fontes |
devotion, husband, life, love, wife,
We walk in the ocean against the tide.
We hold on tightly to survive the ride.
This life is not easy
This love not in vain
We try to walk closer
We try to sustain
There are times when our hold breaks
And one of us will fall.
But the other stands near wanting and waiting to answer their lovers call.
The sun comes out briefly through the dark gloomy skies.
We know it won't last but our hope never dies.
This is a rough road that we lead in life.
But there'll never be a day
I regret being your Wife!
by Richard Lamoureux |
heart, love, wife,
My love for you is magnified
By the curvature of my tears
I'm lost within the corridors
Of my loving you all these years
My tears are not filled with sadness
They are permeated with joy
You have helped me become a man
Who's connected to inner boy
Within the chambers of my heart
My true self has now been revealed
When you live beside an angel
There is nothing that can't be healed
I dance within our memories
Anticipate the ones to come
You're the source of my happy tears
I don't regret a single one
For Flo's "Sing to My Heart Contest"
by Jess Opperman |
death, dedication, grief, loss, love, miss you, sorrow, wife,
If I could will my heart to stop
and breathe a final breath
I'd sit beneath an old oak tree
and trade my life for death
The pain in life of losing you
is more than I can bear
how can a man be happy when
his better half's not there
Life's meaning's gone when I lost you
no purpose can I find
for you were but the reason i
loved life and cherished time
I cannot will my heart to stop
I'm waiting for the sign
from God to show His mercy to
unite us one more time
by Charmaine Chircop |
For the rose without season is you
Light between stars shines through your soul
Ocean of kindness whispers your name
Joy resides in those beautiful eyes
Treasure trove,a friend to keep
Humbleness and Honesty,your virtues.
Open-hearted to all,expecting nothing in return.
Mother and wife who lives life for your beloveds
Admirable for verse,and much more for deed.
Special is the best word that sincierely describes you.
Dedicated to my dear friend Flo with love and gratitude-Thankyou.
(Please spare one minute to read my blog: FJ.Thomas if you can.
by Bill Baker |
happiness, introspection, life, love, marriage, relationship, soulmate,
Like clouds drifting through a sun-brightened sky,
My thoughts start to ask, where, what, when and why.
Why am I here with you, what must I do?
How do I determine what’s really true?
Love offers something we can hold on to,
You pledge to me, as I pledge love to you.
We’ll give as freely as we will receive,
Accept the oneness in which we believe.
Peace is embellished by those who are quiet,
Living in the present, no end in sight.
Forget your past, all happiness and strife,
Easing tension like slicing with a knife.
This is the way to live a mindful life.
Two living as one as husband and wife.
by Bill Baker |
angel, god, heaven, life, love, spiritual, wife,
Oh, glimpse of heaven’s beauty sent,
To share my love before it’s spent.
To save me from a loveless life,
You’ve sent an angel for my wife.
To join with me down life’s long road,
To share and lighten lifetime’s load.
For joys and problems life doth hold.
We’ll build our love to make us bold.
We’ll do our best in this man’s land,
To serve our God and with Him Stand.
by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
allegory, fantasy, father, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, hope, husband, imagination, life, love, passion, people, places, romance, social, wife,
There once was a man from Niagara
whose wiener's so long it would stab ya'
but when it got little
his pills became skittles
until he O.D.'d on Viagra
© ~JSLambert 2011*****A classic "stiff" competitor, standing "firm" amongst other "members" in the "thick" of the competition:) hope everyone gets "a rise" out of it!
by Edward Ebbs |
absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,
When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around
Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand
I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock
The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream
I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much
I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song
When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here
Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14
Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart
by Tim Smith |
I can't take it no more
this is too much
Your words are just words
you use as a crutch
My mind is a mess
these pills just dont work
Why don't you care
I'm going beserk
One minute I'm up
the next one I'm down
This life is strangling me
I might as well drown
I sit in the dark
never seeing the light
You're all out to get me
I'm living in fright
I polish my guns
They are a true friend
Since you don't love me
Today will be our end
***based on a true story of a co-worker. Last weekend he attempted to shoot his wife over cold dinner****
Hope he can get the help he truely needs
by Tom Valles |
appreciation, bereavement, blessing, death, eulogy, loss, wife,
Life is but a fleeting mist.
What is now, will soon be missed.
Seize the moment, say in words:
God’s greatest to you, was her.
Days of ordinary passing,
Too soon leave for nothing’s lasting.
Take the time to cherish her,
All widowers surely concur.
For when death’s door is finally closed,
No words or sonnets you’ve composed
Can reach the ears that once desired,
Your Love and words to lift; inspire.
Nothing in this world can bring
What you alone have offering.
Make the call, write the letter
Let her know you won’t forget her.
Death’s toll rings and she is gone
A vacuum fills and a fullness drawn.
While you can, express your heart
Before too soon, she will depart.
by Jan Allison |
love, romantic,
Right from the second we met I knew
One day you would become my wife.
Married to the girl of my dreams, you are
All I ever wanted in my life
Now you cradle our newborn son so
Tenderly in your loving arms.
I love you more with every day that passes and
Cherish the day you came into my life
Romantic acrostic Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton
by Keith Bickerstaffe |
He hurries home late from the office
and hesitates out on the lawn,
the mists are swirling like her dress,
the moon is frowning down.
The music in her soft blue eyes,
that hungry look upon her face
makes him tremble like a teenager
fumbling his first date.
Hoping she's gotten home safely,
beguiled by her lingering perfume,
his wife and kids are sound asleep,
he tiptoes through the family room.
Bedeviled by such fervent yearnings
full-compounded day to day,
a strangled heart, a tortured soul,
old love, new love - there is no easy way.
by Daniel Turner |
mother son,
Dear Mother,
Conceived in love, your passion gave me life
The very blood this heart pumps through these veins
A dream fulfilled as mother and as wife
I wonder now, if I was worth your pain
I did not walk the path you set me on
The gifts you gave to me are still like new
My body, I abused, A wasted pawn
I sang my song, performed my own soft shoe
But each thing I have done, I gave my all
Regardless of the deed, I did my best
I never asked you once to break my fall
Nor steal the grass or twigs that line your nest
At times in life, I know I've made you cry
Your passion, is my only alibi
Daniel Turner
by Mark Woods |
heartbreak, hope, love,
She sits alone with her distant stare
He visits daily but she is unaware.
No future hopes to speak thereof
Yet still husband, wife, and deep true love.
Love Without Hope Contest
Sponsor Sara Kendrick
by Richard Lamoureux |
loss, love, me,
Tell me I'm the one, the love of your life.
It's not my fault you won't become my wife
I'll look in your eyes as I dream my dreams.
We can both pretend, it's not what it seems.
I know there's another who holds your heart.
I can't stand that it's ripping mine apart.
So I will take this, just one more night.
Hold me and rock me, till the morning light.
My pain is to great, please whisper sweet lies.
My brain knows what my Heart can't realize.
I'll give you freedom, please let me pretend.
I am not ready, for this love to end.
Tomorrow walk away, that is your chance
I will survive, if you give me one glance
Sonnet on an intimate relationship.
by Amanda Smith |
What can be said
about this man
One that is not easy to be read.
His words come to life
Pen to paper
With poetry to his wife
A loving father indeed
Nothing else like it
Teaching and giving all they need.
Mysterious is he
What's in his head
Is he thinking about me
He's not perfect
Mistakes have been made
Things I know he'll correct
He's my best friend
the one I married
A love that will never end
He has been mine
For quite some time
I find he is still so divine.
by Rico Leffanta |
betrayal, culture, love, lust, romance, sensual, sexy,
Queen Guinevere was quite a sight
When Arthur returned from a fight
He looked up and down
Then said with a frown,
"You look like you've had a rough knight!"
Arthur opened the bedroom door
Where clothes lay all over the floor
"This looks rather bad,"
Said Sir Gal He Had,
"I've mistaken your wife for an whore."
There's more to the story than that
The Kingdom of Arthur fell flat
But Queen Guinevere
Did not shed one tear
For she loved to give tit for tat!
by Malcolm Dyer |
forgiveness, life, love, wife, me, time, me, time,
Forgive me my love for the hurtful words
I hurled from my mouth time and time again
Forgive me for letting you down
for in your time of need I was never around
Forgive me for the long nights
for all the constant fights
Forgive me for the innoncence I took away
for all the help I kept at bay
And lastly forgive me for being anything other than
a loving and caring husband
by Kelly Zakerski |
confusion, husband, life, loss, lost love, love, wife
Witnessing before God, and taking your vow
Enter into marriage, forever starts now
Devoted to each other, for all your life
Desiring no one, except for your wife
In sickness and in health, till death do you part
No one should come between you, right from the start
Giving of yourself, to make your family whole.
Value the sanctity, of both being “one”
Obstacles are there, for you to over come
Wedding vows are sacred, to show all your love
Straying away, is not meant from God above.
by Hgarvey Daniel Esquire |
life, love, wife
YOU are the Heaven of my Soul
The Life of my beating Heart
Every Thought and Dream in my Mind
My Strength, to continue on
YOUR Eyes are my Twilights’ beacon
YOUR voice the Hymn, humming in my ears
YOUR Silken skin and Auburn Hair
The Pillow of my Dreams
YOU are the Emotion in my POETRY
YOU are the Beauty I see in the Sunsets
YOU are the Flame, always keeping me Warm
YOU are the Brilliant Light on my Path to Heaven
Inspired by Matt Caliri’s Contest “I LOVE YOU Because…”
Dedicated in LOVING Memory of My Wife : L E N O R E
by Gordon Mcconnell |
anniversary, love, wedding,
It's happy anniversary again
thirty one years seems not long
but so thankful for all your love
every echo within makes a great song
Thirty one and going strong
looking forward to many more
together as one sweet union
We shall see what's on store
This past years been hard
but soon be on better plain
as we look on to our Lord
His plans are never in vain
Thanks for our yesterday's
our tomorrow's are in His love
together many more to celebrate
my love constantly on your nameplate
( Today is Christine and my 31st wedding anniversary so this is written to celebrate that fact in dedicating this piece to my lovely wife for all her love and care. )