by Arthur Vaso |
beauty, heart, introspection, passion, philosophy, wine, women,
Loves promenades towards emptiness
longing is a void
darkness of a million universes
where mythical black holes
chant of timeless desires
Yearning for carnal eternity
where candles never die
Two of us
never met
oceans apart
gasping for affections
in different times
winds may have swept
this way or that
never seen
Wind and candle lie in death
so lost
in emptiness
by Susan Ashley |
beauty, celebration, desire, joy, love, passion, woman,
As wild as unbridled seas,
soft as mist, a spindrift tease.
Night stars swoon and fall from skies;
constellations fill her eyes.
Every leaf stirs in her wake,
bottom to top, mountains quake.
Beaux like grapes bunch on her vine,
blood in veins she turns to wine.
Kisses sipped, her cherry lips.
Saké nip, rock ‘n roll hips;
tongue-and-groove celebration,
sensual saturation.
Her riptide lures sand from shore,
tsunami, when she wants more.
by Harry Horsman |
love, thank you,
Your willing lips encased entwined with mine
The taste as soft as the morning cast dew,
Emerald eyes the clarity of wine
Brings to mind the wondrous Castle to view.
Your voice as sweet as Thrush in harmony
A chorus awakened to the sunlight,
Penetration of love in litany
In deep alliteration morn till night.
Embraced in shackled touch with bonds thus bind
Oh I will of words pen of this love found,
You took a sad heart upon like did find
Staid the exterior yet ardour sound.
Your love's reflection my happiest days
This need to tell you in so many ways.
© Harry J Horsman 2013
by Arthur Vaso |
art, dark, evil, funny, humorous, internet,
Skip ad
poem will resume very soon
turn off ad block
ad blocker
get dressed
is not that kind of poem
please favorite me
I am flavor to be
like me
love me
photoshop me
pause for second ad
add ads, subtract ads
multiply wine ads
get more wine
is a long damn add
bought the Mercedes
make love
to words
is in
snap snap and chat
latex friendships
hollywood dreams
with amex
I never leave home
there she rests
in the trunk
blood mixed
with that new car smell
everything is modern these days
even my jail cell
by Daniel Turner |
life, seasons,
For years, I've watched my seasons come and go
Beneath the pines along the River Brine
I've drunk my fill of robust summer wine
Survived the stinging lonely winds that blow
Now once again spring brings her color show
Rebirthing beauty by Divine design
And even though my days are in decline
I'll add her mem'ries to next year's bordeaux
The rose inside my heart is in full bloom
Amongst forget-me-nots and memories
A sign to me that love in me abides
Intoxicating me with sweet perfume
Another season blown in on a breeze
That seem to come and go like changing tides.
3/21/2023 Daniel Turner
by Larisa Rzhepishevska |
devotion, write, write,
I don’t write poems,
I drink them like wine,
I become tipsy
with each coming line.
I don’t write poems,
I breathe them like air,
I become so happy
when each one I share.
I don’t write poems,
I live with them;
they prolong my years,
they are as true as I am.
I don’t write poems,
I weave into verses
sadness, joy, tears,
prayers, love, curses…
My poems talk and sing,
Sense of living they bring.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
by Mike Gentile |
angst, growth, hope, how i feel, life, memory,
When the only door that opens
is one leading to the past
I pack my bags and grab the wine
and find my way at last
I sojourn deep into the woods
of life’s long memories
and picnic on the leaves of love
for heart song melodies
And then with each familiar chord
and with each sip of wine
I start to find myself again
remembering what’s mine
A blessed life of ups and downs
with courage to be found
in knowing that I’ll find my way
when I come back around
by Karen Jones |
appreciation, beach, black african american, black love, blue, heart, how i feel,
Indigo ink dreams
Dripping from heart
Tattoos tongue with kinetic kiss
Green electric buzz like sip
Of fine blueberry wine so sweet
Dreamy turquoise love touch
Filling me up with red desire
On fire for your romantic antic
Sweeping me off my feet
Carrying me with ease
Of a blue breeze to deserted love island
Where tan sands caress like brown hands
White waters flow warm and toasty
Fast slow then in closing cold
Never let go of this love
For it floats like a boat
by Winged Warrior |
growth, inspirational love, longing,
The Nectars of Love
Let your love fall, that I may wallow
Let your tears drip of inner essence
Entranced by the nectar I swallow
As I engulf and taste your presence
Let your beating heart keep company
The emptiness that entraps my being
I’m a string vibrating in your symphony
Forever echoing festal forever freeing
Intoxicated by your juices made wine
For the gods pour down their nectar
Indulging in grapes of the orchid vine
Seducing our souls a haunting specter
The nectars of your love are ingested
And the fluids of my heart arrested.
Sponsored by: John lawless
by Silent One |
May one love you like Shakespeare?
Write verses to bring you near.
In delicate sighless sips,
taste wine from your drunken lips,
as drops induce and seduce,
become drunk from your sweet juice.
by Hiya Sharma |
deep, emotions, fantasy, first love, love, true love, wine,
I gaze at those fireflies in
your butter-sweet eyes that shine,
succulent with white lush pulp
of love's purity,
you hue my wildflower heart
with hyacinth, as we twirl
like spring-shaded tulips in
life's regal-black psalms;
mon cherie, I wish for stars
to sequin your shimmering
wine soul and cradle comets
of faith in your fate,
as, rubies glazed with honeyed
hibiscus and nectarine
daisies will be my pink muse,
forevermore true;
afterlife shall foretell our
lavender soliloquy
of celeste romance, whipped in
soft beige affection,
and your coral spirit will
eternally emphasise
cherry letters as tokens
of swan-shaped twin flames.
by Eve Roper |
Like leaves on ivy vines and the taste of fine wine
In our hearts fill with tales of fairies, love, and sunshine
Leaving her beautiful inspiring presence behind
A goldmine of fine array of poems, friendships of sunshine
From the poem "Sunshine Smiles"
posted 10/18/2016
A tribute to a very lovely lady Anne-Lise Andresen
by Winged Warrior |
angel, love, spiritual,
Angels in twilight
Reflections of affections
Dancing in starlight
When angels entwine
Harmonic explosions of devotions
A love divine
When angels embrace
Roses and wine will make you mine
With satin and lace
When angels dance
Starlets on fire with great desire
A burning romance
When angels fly
Dropping wishes of kisses
Amidst the jasmine sky
When angels sing
Humming in orchestral celestial
Vibrations in their wing
When angels dream
Marshmallow clouds over the crowds
Sitting on soft lavish green
When angels cry
Tears of wasted years
Reflections in my eye.
Sponsored by: Brian Strand
by Paul Callus |
betrayal, lost love,
We harvested the grapes in late autumn
when ripeness of love was at its best,
but deceit in the time of maturing
changed the passion to wrath and unrest.
Acerbic vinegar replaced sweet wine
and richness of flavour ceased to be mine.
Betrayed was the pledge of a tender vine.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Syllable count: 10-9-10-9 10-10-10
Rhyme Scheme: a b c b d d d
Novel: Grapes of Wrath (John Steinbeck)
Contest: Titles of Novels
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud
Placed 3rd
© paul callus ~ 10 June 2016
by Christy Hardy |
dedication, sexy,
Oh sexy man,
in line ahead of me,
you look like a dream,
are you golden band free?
Oh sexy man,
you're looking at me,
my hair is a mess,
my jeans have holes in the knees.
Oh sexy man,
here you come,
asking for my number,
my hands just went numb.
Oh sexy man,
a movie will be fine,
then we will gaze at the stars,
and sip red, red wine.
Oh sexy man,
we are a perfect match,
together as one,
my fantastic catch.
Oh sexy man,
so kind, and strong,
I'll love you forever,
you complete my song.
by Dana Smith |
death, love, passion,
Bodies molded into one, golden by the fire-light
Heat between the lovers touch could warm the coldest night
Golden locks around her shoulders; the softest hands upon her waist
Of all the sweets and wine been tasted- his lips the sweetest taste.
Her cheeks were red like roses, and his eyes were bright as day,
Imprinted on the others heart, there could be no other way
Gentle moans and gasps of love, ensconced in lovers game
Eros, Philia, and Agape, with neither lover tame.
His heart was her heart, his breath was her breath
Making love until time's end, and then his death her death.
by Justin Bordner |
destiny, devotion, i love you, soulmate,
When you laid your hands upon my naked heart
feeling the flex of it's fire, accessing the innocent desire,
holding the form of a new need, I swear, that's when love did start,
your touch became my tradition, the wine of your wisdom my lovely teacher,
From the fine feathers of your soft steel wings
I write poetry of storms in paradise and of love in your eyes,
sympathizing with my sage solitude, yet subduing the sadness it brings
you offer me everything an angel owns, halo and bloodroots, and together we rise -
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
crazy, death, love,
The wolves howling at the height of his past life
As a strangled breath from the grave
The air feels heavy and smells rotten soil
He never forgot his great love
The woman who was his passion
Links and bells chime in the wind
The taste of vintage wine
His blood rushes through a gloriously red rose
The last restraint is gone
If death is a caress, what is life ?
His bride will be transported on a white horse
- 07.08.2016
Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Robert Ronnow |
bird, humor, insect, love, men, poetry, wine,
In the debate between accessible and difficult poems
Poets' poems and poems for people
Only the single poem and private reader matter
Both kinds and anything between can matter or not
Solid or made of air, a vase or heavy clay ashtray
One word repeated or many like a lei
An acquired taste, like wine, and like wine
Not sustenance, yet men die with their miseries
Uncut without it, news and mere matter
I advise everyone to keep a personal anthology of poems that matter
Or not. Perhaps it should be novels. Stones, insect wings,
Feathers, Birds you've seen, People loved.
by Pace Ink-U-Script |
love, romantic,
Beneath the lasting hours of nightfall within our private dwelling;
naked feet waltz about the harmonized
silk petals eleven steps
onward to that of
the flat-bottom
in the
crystal foam
by shadows
of flickering
and two
wine glasses
teem with Champagne.
The temperature arouses
both temples, allowing entry for torrid love.
Precipitating...Evaporating indiscriminately...Sigh...Our hearts now set to rest.
by Mustapha Mohammed |
Love is like a fire
It often expires
A comfort that revives
Your tender soul alive.
A blind joy soaring
The loveless signs ignoring
It rises high with freedom's grace
To spring a blush upon your face.
Love is sweet like antique wine
It breaks the fetters of loveless mind.
Love is loving all the time
Love is a spirit unconfined.
Love is a constant kindness
A joyful untamed madness.
Love jealous not
Or is a selfish glut.
Love is a divine quality
Expressed in purity!
by Charlie Smith |
beauty, desire, emotions, love,
I fell in love with the silence of her eyes-
those unspoken pleasures
no one else has ever seen,
like the intoxicating placidity
of fine red wine
or the noiseless footsteps
of lingering thoughts that can't be stilled.
Words could make no sense of it..
the silence explained everything.
POTD 07/05/2017
by Mike Gentile |
how i feel, memory, nostalgia, time, travel,
Who says I can’t go back in time
No, not the records on my shelf
Just flip a switch and there I am
A version of my younger self
I turn the beat around all night
In memories of Disco shoes
A fever boils inside my brain
Love for the night is mine to lose
Who says I can’t go back in time
No, not the clock that haunts my wall
The tick and tock now tock and tick
As I drift back and have a ball
As pages turn in rhythmic flow
The photos in my book agree
It’s just as though I’m really there
Another sip of wine for me!
by Frederic Parker |
White doves flutter, dying words whisper
Silence becomes haunting and Angels Sing
A lone filtering light of soft glister
Casts fleeting shadows from a white dove's wing
This arrow of light pierces the dusk gray
On my knees, I shall pray for you, my love,
And touch the cold floor where your casket lay
Seeking unanswered questions, from above,
To find no comfort in your final breath.
Forgive me, As I taste this bitter wine
Release me, from a vow I once confessed,
By the shadow of your spirit, I'm blind
Poison drips from a bitter drink I've made,
Brings dark, Silent dark as the cold light fades.
by Bobby May |
Your lips I wonder and ponder
Wishing to place them upon mine
As I conjure your taste in wander
Intoxicating as if a fine wine
Your eyes so intriguing as jewels
Bright diamonds sparkling into mine
Your scent of perfume I cannot refuse
Please love me like I love you
Take this heart and hold it as if it were yours
Let our dreams come true
Never let me go and I will hold you
Please love me like I love you
Take this hand and walk with it
Hold it as if it were yours
With two becoming one
You will always be mine let me hold you
Will You be my Valentine