by John Hamilton |
desire, dream, imagery, longing, romantic,
Midnight Romance
Dusk falls quickly on cerulean skies
Day morphs from ash of roses to sable
Our love's vision flashes before my eyes
Midnight romance, like an ancient fable
Charcoal sketches meander in my mind
While jasmine-absinthe incense is burning
it's smoke, evokes passions clearly defined
porcelain skin blushes with love's yearning
Obsidian-ebony eyes that gleam
pleading to quench needy soulful desire
beckoning me to unite in the dream
willingly, I rush to put out the fire
My mind's eye sees quivering crimson lips
As love drips from ivory fingertips
October 18,2017
by Frederic Parker |
Along the feathered edge, a red sun-sets
To bind the evening in dreams eyes explore
Two hearts will greet, till' paradise begets
Love leaves impressions as waves swirl to shore
These caps of white will churn warmly the sand
The world will pass, the change of light is missed
Lonely eyes search for their yearning dreamland
When lips taste fire in a hungry kiss
As night arrives to shelter silhouettes
Soft is the sea to these two souls afar
In a twilight's pulse when the tide resets
And hands hold tight to await the Daystar
The fate of these lovers sealed in evermore
Tomorrow's memory from the seashore
by Silent One |
devotion, emotions, love,
A poets dream, she'll seduce with her eyes,
pens will desire to praise her charming guise,
but be cautious, she'll treat you like her book,
explore each chapter with her detailed look.
Drain your ink, smoking pages in to fire,
drink your spirit like blood thirsty vampire.
But now it seems she may have met her match,
a poet who's heart, she's struggling to snatch.
He holds scriptures, she's never read before,
each musing, leaves her yearning to feel more.
A heart breaker, who gives no man a chance,
dream maker, who leaves women in a trance.
A modern day Samson and Delilah -
spiritual soulmate who could tame her.
Silent One
20 October 2020
by Victor Buhagiar |
bird, spring,
Spring is back.
For hark!
The Eastern Bluebirds have returned,
Flying in droves from tree to tree,
Singing to their hearts’ delight.
No wonder they symbolise
The joy and happiness
Of gardens with fragrance love.
Yet I also admire The Swainson Thrush,
Aspiring grandeur with its fluting song.
A sure sign that Spring is back,
A choir of music mixed with skylarks,
Achieving a harmonious symphony,
A feeling that adds to the joy of bells.
by Heather Ober |
loss, love,
They flutter and hover
And float on the breeze.
They shiver and shimmer
And weaken the knees.
Fickle and fragile,
They tickle and tease.
Fleeting and flimsy,
Deceptively free.
These frivolous creatures,
These knots of desire.
Once spindles of yearning,
Now spools of barbed wire.
Once pulling like petals,
Now pricking like briar.
Once soothing like honey,
Now burning like fire.
Violently thrashing,
It struggles to rise.
The truth comes up gasping
From whirlpools of lies.
Shed this charade
And discard your disguise.
I know you enjoy
Drowning blind butterflies.
by Arthur Vaso |
beauty, heart, introspection, passion, philosophy, wine, women,
Loves promenades towards emptiness
longing is a void
darkness of a million universes
where mythical black holes
chant of timeless desires
Yearning for carnal eternity
where candles never die
Two of us
never met
oceans apart
gasping for affections
in different times
winds may have swept
this way or that
never seen
Wind and candle lie in death
so lost
in emptiness
by Elizabeth Wesley |
seasons, me,
Spring chased old man winter from his place
And silenced him with her capricious face
Sometimes a tear, sometimes a smile;
She would beguile
My lazy feet
To dance in some leafy bowered retreat.
When dreamy delightful summer flies
And looks at me with laughing eyes;
She draws me to her clover fields
And my heart yields
To her winsome wooing
And her siren song is my undoing.
One day I saw the sudden flare
Of autumn's wind blown crimson hair;
She stirred the whispering leaves and then
I felt again
A yearning glow
Of years remembered long ago
And I lived the dream I never knew
Of lost memories and my love for you.
by White Wolf |
love, romance,
Passions burn in the depth of night,
Lovers yearning to be entwined,
Against the wind these birds own flight,
A trail hidden it's hard to find.
Emotions soar high out of sight,
As love explodes in hearts so warm,
They hold each other close and tight,
Embraced they lay in loving form.
This is how love can be for most,
Ever daunting to say the least,
But when it's found it's grandiose,
So succulent thy lovers' feast.
In their arms lie and be adored,
And feel the fires as they once roared.
(Eight syllables per line)
by Sandra Adams |
death, true love,
an ardent desire of flames was burning
its passion held captive within our hearts
the temple of bodies arced in yearning
when fingers became restless like mozart's
melodies played beneath flickers of love
as sparks grew fuller than this moon tonight
more lambent in glow than what shone above
the gleam of those stars in your eyes alight
lit the passageway of your soul therein
I could feel the heat of love searing me
as each glance sparked the flame that burned within
its brilliance blinded me, i could not see
the embers as they lie dying from sight
its death left my soul with a lonely plight
Sonnet True Love Contest
Sponsored by Brenda Chiri
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
beauty, destiny, faith, love, school,
I hold my papers and pen
not a poetry to write
it is the school year again
one other journey in time.
My ever burning concern
would my words find their way
as all my candles I burn
to meet yearning faces each day.
A thirst for light in young hearts
I lend my soul, the blanks I fill
and then a whole story starts
quenching feels would be a thrill.
When my pupils take my notes
would they read devotion in many a line
my fear, a quote or a word floats
my quill unveiled in heart shrine.
I hold my pen with great zeal
two paths I walk, a heart is torn
my love how can I conceal
at a crossroads, a poet is born.
by Elizabeth Wesley |
lost love, me, lost, lost, love, me,
Come to me in the hush of night
Come to me in the silence of my dream;
With your sweet smile and eyes so bright
Like sunlight dancing on a stream.
But my eyes are filled with tears
For lost memories of those broken years
The dream so dear, yet bitter sweet
That awakened in a new disguise;
When wanting love we used to meet
And now the ache of yearning eyes
Has slowly closed the door
That once was open and now is no more.
Yet in dreams you come so I can live
A cherished life that yields to death;
Come back in dreams and I will give
Your beating heart its final breath.
Come to me and whisper low
Of a love we lost so long ago.
by Frederic Parker |
To feel love's tender touch with gracious hand
When hearts render treasure to paradise
Desires allowed to express understand
To let passion confess without device
To know brush of fingers to be sublime
As eyes slowly crush quiet in their pause
When hearts quiver on borrowed time
They'll deliver to love its purest cause
To seek lover's lips with its soft caress
Equips a mouth with need and silence held
A message burning in hearts both confess
Stirs heart beats yearning, lover's lips will meld
This quiet pause love alone can render
As it comes to cause complete surrender
contest Your Best Rhyming Poem -2
by Bryn Strudwick |
You stand once more beside the harbour wall
This is the third night I have seen you there.
I watch you from a distance, proud and tall
A shaft of sunlight glinting in your hair
What is it draws you to that spot each day?
What thoughts of sadness occupy your mind?
The memory of a love far, far away,
A yearning for your homeland left behind?
Sad seagulls’ cries provide the only sound;
You reach out, casting something on the sea
And then, oblivious to all around,
You slip away still steeped in mystery
I look down where the water gently flows.
It’s empty save for one dark, crimson rose
by Sharon Tideswell |
introspection, love, seasonsheart, heart, love,
For you, my love, I’ll be a single rose
of crimson hue, and velvet to the touch.
So warm in contrast to your fallen snows,
yet yearning for the thrill of winter's clutch.
Soft petals form a heart so firm and true,
unyielding to the tempest of your reign,
and though a cold wind nurtures doubt in you,
such purity of love I could not feign.
Dilemmas of the soul so keenly felt.
Bestow my love? or must it stay a dream?
for if I warmed your heart 'twould surely melt
and I would lose you to the flowing stream.
And so, my love, this single rose I’ll hide
and keep the love I feel for you inside.
by Andrea Dietrich |
passion, love,
A yearning for affection and romance
can cause one’s getting scorched by passions’ flame.
Love blooms if it is given a fair chance,
but some attempt to play the scoundrel’s game!
A tender soul can be bamboozled by
the man who has an inner soul of ice.
The love that he professes is his lie,
and cherishing himself alone - his vice.
The one he lured will struggle to maintain
her doomed relationship with him; she’s torn!
The taste of love once sweet turns into pain,
for what she offers is returned with scorn.
Abominations always will exist.
Take care one's not a scoundrel you have kissed!
For Dictionary fun....#1...Delilah's Words! Poetry Contest
by Chiquitachiamaka Baity |
love, romance, song-
Come and share my love,
I’ll give you all of me
Offer everything I am
Give it graciously
Come and share my love
I want to lose myself
Surrender everything I own
Until I have nothing left
Come and share my love
Let’s lay the night away
As I wrap my warmth around you
Until dawn, turns to day
Come and share my love
Like you’ve been yearning to do
Your every wish is my command
I will submit to you
Chiquita Chiamaka Baity
by Christina Bowring |
love, passion,
Loving eyes that burn to see
as my desire holds fast to thee.
So much yearning to be free,
Oh, how his passion taketh me!
Flames of longing blazing away,
Consuming my being every day.
No poetic words needed to say;
A secret love not for display.
Loving eyes that oft I miss
devouring me with a silent kiss.
My heart beats to the sound of his,
A tuneful melody in pure bliss.
Move as one in harmonic motion,
Stirring passion with devotion.
Evokes unbridled emotion -
Love more potent than any potion.
by John Gondolf |
loneliness, longing, love,
She sits alone in quiet of the night
as thoughts of him wrap ‘round her yearning heart,
and whispers ‘cross her skin; her flesh excites
while longing for his touch when they’re apart.
She yearns to gaze into his eyes of blue
while feeling his caress engulf her soul,
and have their hearts eclipse as love renews;
she longs for his return to make her whole.
She reaches for her parchment and her quill
to iterate her feelings and her doubts;
for him to know her longing thoughts instill,
and from this poet's pen, a poem pours out,
“My lonely spirit aches while you’re away,
and longs to feel your love as hearts replay.”
August 30, 2018
by Sally Eslinger |
desire, imagery, light, love, moon, music,
Spring Enchantment (a love poem)
As wisps of clouds creeped
overhead before a storm moving quickly east,
the moon lay down his vanilla beams
to dispel the darkness hiding our bared feet —
set side by side — romantically
touching for warmth, for love, for eternity,
hopefully, to envelop us, like the coming rain
in our lives’ thundering, combined heartbeats
…joined into those duets passion will release
all about from the great springs of yearning.
(c) s.y. Eslinger 3/2024
Thanks be to God——
by Lin Lane |
He warmed me as the sun when nights were cold
I was his moon, hair cascading in curls of gold
Lovers bound as one with yearning and need
With a hunger so powerful, it bordered on greed
I longed to savor his kiss and moistened my lips
We coupled together; sun and moon in eclispse
Desire not yet sated, I softly whispered a plea
"More deeply this time, my love, I beg of thee"
~ Not entered in a contest ~
by Line Gauthier |
lonely, longing, lost love, words, writing,
so many lines i’ve written
in the middle of the night
only to toss them
simply not measuring up
to the depths of my feelings
their dull reflections lost
in the yearning of my love for you
seeking those perfect words
worthy of wings taking flight
to find their way across the sky
where you now sleep
AP: Honorable Mention 2021
Submitted on January 9, 2021 for contest CRUMPLED THOUGHTS sponsored by JOHN LAWLESS - RANKED 7TH
by Paula Goldsmith |
poems, poetess, poets, words, writing,
P=Poetry Soup friends are writing away.
O=One of the writers could be sitting by the bay.
E=Emotions and passion with words is our forte.
T=Telling tall stories and poems by night or by day.
R=Readers love our world wide writing buffet.
Y=Yearning to be better each day we pray.
S=Special friendships I have made.
O=Over time I have stayed.
U=Under your time and helpful aid.
P=Poems come from the heart on paper they are laid.
by Frederic Parker |
lost love, nostalgia,
"The pain is deep when the heart is spent"...Poet
Your face floats through my mind
in vaporous wistful dreams of illusion
that drape over my soul
in an invisible cloak of yearning
the footprints you left on the soft ground
as you vanished in the shadows
when the rain poured
the last cold kiss devoid of feeling
frozen by the heart's emotional collapse
these are visions of melancholy
that dance with me
on a floor of vacuous emptiness I found
where nostalgia is a hard shattered shard of lament
that lay scattered across my mind
in sobs of burning torment
that form a wistful smile to cover my forlorn face
whenever you appear so present
by Eve Roper |
once an innocent child,
mastered world with open eyes
became flesh
love showed purest joy
fresh cleansing rain
yearning thirst
without love
no world peace,
but sadness and pain
non-existing life
without faith,
no hope
Holy Spirit within
gives hope and faith
seeing a world
through eyes of a child
regaining sight...
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
i miss you, longing, love,
The strong wind hits me on my cold cheek
The bird's escape across the great ocean
My tears, my longing for summer that was
Over high mountains, through deep forests
Let your fingers glide easily over my mouth
Rhythm of the chest, the heart is beating, soul burns
Yearning expression - heat of the closeness
Compared to eternity where the storm has subsided
At dusk I hear the sounds of hours we shared
You are far away, yet close
The yearning for you is a flame
that will never burn down
A-L Andresen :)
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