by Besma Riabi Dziri |
beauty, destiny, faith, love, school,
I hold my papers and pen
not a poetry to write
it is the school year again
one other journey in time.
My ever burning concern
would my words find their way
as all my candles I burn
to meet yearning faces each day.
A thirst for light in young hearts
I lend my soul, the blanks I fill
and then a whole story starts
quenching feels would be a thrill.
When my pupils take my notes
would they read devotion in many a line
my fear, a quote or a word floats
my quill unveiled in heart shrine.
I hold my pen with great zeal
two paths I walk, a heart is torn
my love how can I conceal
at a crossroads, a poet is born.
by Vijay Pandit |
Sweet-nothings of lover cooing like dove
A poem lovely as falling in love
A mating fervor of a smitten glance
An indulgence of impending romance
Invigorating sight of dazzled eyes
Unspoken dialogue passions surmise
Emboldening zeal of ecstatic dream
Strumming lyrical, mellifluous theme
Elixir of life cheering beguiled hearts
In blazing vibes enamored love imparts
Bowing to love as emotions cajole
Falling in love writes a poem of soul
March 2, 2022
Placed 1st: A Brian Strand Formal Contest
Placed 2nd: A Poem Lovely As…Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Margarita Lillico
Inspired by Joyce Kilmer’s “Trees”
Ten syllables per line (
by Alok Srivastava |
christian, creation, devotion, god, jesus, religion, work,
From bottom to top,
my house was decayed.
Through thousands of years
of commands disobeyed.
I girdled my loins
to rebuild my home.
I re-laid the foundation
stone by stone.
Brick by brick
I rebuilt the walls.
House was renewed with
many victories small.
I painted the house
with colors of new zeal.
I furnished it with
virtues that heal.
I planted the garden
with flowers of love.
I installed the fountains
with waters from above.
I sat in the garden
admiring my creation.
At last, to God
I offered adoration.
by Vijay Pandit |
heartbroken, lost love,
Oh, how I blush, in appeal of your zeal
Enthralled in treasured memories of glee
As words not said, intimately unseal
Verses of love arousing latent plea
In caged lofty dreams, longing to be free
Flirting secretly, letting passions rise
Pulsing my vibes, sensing sensuous highs;
Alas, my youth then, had nary a clue
How to woo your smile, courting doting eyes--
Bashful to tell you, how much I loved you.
August 13, 2020
Placed 1st: Pick-A-Title, Vol 21 - Dizain - Poetry contest
Title chosen: Untold
Sponsor: Edward Ibeh
Ten syllables per line (
by Paula Goldsmith |
day, joy, love, together, uplifting, words, writing,
A beautiful colorful day,
every flower greeting hellos.
I'm joyfully kissing love,
many nights.
Only polite quiet recipients,
sound true universal valentines.
Wanting xylophone youthful zeal.
by Panagiota Romios |
america, hope, inspiration,
Destruction and obstruction.
Cities burn, run by herds!
Anarchy, you see,
Is no mirror of democracy!
Businesses destroyed.
Free running shoes, girls and boys?
Patriots simply do not steal.
They love this land, with utmose zeal!
Have faith, have enormous hope.
Mature Americans are not dopes!
May 31, 2020
11am PST
Poem# 1,308
by Andrea Dietrich |
Last thoughts of anyone we cannot know
unless they voice those thoughts, which would be nice -
to hear their love expressed as they let go . . .
Unfortunate are those who pay a price
for years misspent! Regret they surely feel
to see no loved ones gathered round their bed.
Imagine letting go - heart filled with zeal
because it was a decent life you led!
I think last thoughts can be of joy and grace,
for some pass on with a smile on their face!
April 29, 2021
by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
potent fervor
delighting the soul immensely, with zeal.
Fascinatingly embracing the heart,
dreamy delight
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
January 16, 2010
Poetic form: Double Tetractys
by Jesse Rowe |
Authentic beauty cannot diminish.
Eternally flowering grandeur,
Her inner, jeweled kingdom: Love.
Matchless nature of personal quality
Radiates such that unknown viewers
Would xerox your zeal.
For Alphabet Soup Poetry Contest
by Sotto Poet |
analogy, appreciation,
Written: September 15, 2023
Pleiades 5 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Joseph May
Onset calm palm date realm
Oasis small green path
Overwhelmed to the verge
Onslaught in dense dryness
Oppugn the sand from crops
Oozing with zeal and poise
Our parched and arid love
1st place contest winner
by Funom Makama |
anxiety, life, lonely, longing, love, lust,
On his awareness, her flaunted features stand a peg
forcing out zeal and energy from his third leg
praying for a wishful share
of her behind like a chair
and yet unending are his hopes, prayers and beg.
by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
joy, life,
A child's sky
Subtle emotions in heart,
till he grows up real smart,
Tears scroll down the chubby cheek,
for a toy meagre and meek!
Steals eye to slip out of house,
dad's anger is tough to douse,
The joy of winning marbles,
soon withers with growing barbels!
Mom is after for the meals,
not eating, puts her on heels,
Annoyance that ends in love,
Countless blessings from above!
Courage and zeal see no dearth,
angel gets heaven on earth,
Holy soul knows no deceit,
a child's sky has winsome fleets !!
Written Feb 18th, 2015
By Dr. Upma A. Sharma joined soup on May 16th, 2013
Iambic heptameter for Giorgio's contest
by Connie Marcum Wong |
Amour, being capricious, dictates
emotions from gratified hearts,
intertwined joyously, keeping
love momentous.
Noting opposite’s prior
quintessential reticence,
sensual teasing unleashes visceral,
wondrous X-rated, youthful zeal.
September 24, 2015
Contest Name: ABCs
Theme: Sensuality
Sponsor: Charlotte Jade Puddifoot
by Jack Ellison |
love, , sweet love,
Infatuation is what it's sometimes called
You can give it any name you'd like
I call it love, pure love sweet love
It's as easy as falling off a bike
No need for any special instructions
But your heart must be willing to share
All or even just a part of your heart
Almost everyone has love to spare
Nothing's really more important in life
It's the engine that turns our wheel
Can't think of anything that even comes close
For passion, for intensity, for zeal
Take it from me, an extremely sensitive male
Who loves life and the joys it brings
Once you discover the true meaning of life
You find all year round is spring
© Jack Ellison 2013
by Pedros Fernandes |
grandmother, mother, mothers day, truth, integrity,
Pure Love
Enthusiasm, Excitement, Zeal
Passion, Love,
Cholera, Anger, Wrath, Fury
Deep dedication
by Messoh Vincent |
The love
That I feel
Can never sleep.
Anxiety that kills me
With warmth.
I've missed
Terror briddled
Set to gallop
My heart.
Words spoken
For heart that's set
Red rose...
Breasts to hug
With zeal breast bored
In rose!!!
That I yield
Can't just end.
Anxiety that kills me
In pain.
by Caryl Muzzey |
To win
With grin
For zeal
If must
You lust
First trust
Won’t hurt
Be curt
With flirt
Then kiss
Don’t miss
Such bliss
Copyright © 2013 By Caryl Muzzey
by Kim Shaw |
february, romantic,
Every petal says "I love you"
in vibrant sunset orange
Some whisper "I adore you"
as each is plucked and torn
A hundred loving sonnets
Each petal pens amour
Dew drops drip with sentiment
Fragrant with ardor
The heart of every blossom
bursts with love divine
Poetic beats of passion
Each color a new rhyme
Blessed be such youthful zeal
Sweet bouquets a must,
Roses are the fleur du jour
while others gather dust.
by Lunita Blanca |
10th grade, encouraging, feelings, happiness, life,
Here is my recipe for happiness:
In a large bottle of water add the following and mix.
A teaspoon of patience
A teaspoon of zeal
A tablespoon of faith
A tablespoon of kindness
A tablespoon of sincerity
Two tablespoons of tolerance
Two tablespoons of confidence
Two tablespoons of courage
Two cups of hope
Two cups love
Take the mixture to the woods and breath natures breath and sip until you finish the potion. Just remember,
happiness is achieved more fully from doing good than from being good.
by Gary Radice |
life, love, peace, spiritual,
now from this temple where I stand
upon this earth I sense a land
where no malevolent cruel wind blows
and stillness reigns where water flows
where zeal on fire creates a space
to live and love the human race.
by Agnes Akeyo |
childhood, journey, mother daughter, mum,
Deep in her eyes I could see,
the wrath once I asked for my school fee,
scared,I run out and as I walk past a tree,
I hear the buzz of a bee.
With the zeal of a referee,
once back she hits me with her knee,
and i shout,"You I guarantee,
I will be back!"There and then,I flee.
To get money,luggage i did carry,
slowly,my dreams I began to bury,
then one day,a man saw me and wanted to marry,
he saved and educated me as he was not in a hurry.
Years are gone and I have now flown higher than a dove,
I knock,she opens and cannot even look above,
I wipe her tears and feel us fit like a glove,
after all,she is still the mum i have and love.
by Saahil Parwez |
emotions, humanity, joy, metaphor, sister, sorrow, trust,
Joy and Sorrow
Are the two companions
Acompny each other in life
For after sorrow comes joy.
Sorrow makes us near to God
And we feel that we are sacred
It is the test of life
That we can trust and love others
That we are but a single soul
Sorrow is indeed a joy
Which unites us all.
Where there is sorrow
There must be joy
And it makes us smile and feel
the zeal of life
Joy is actually the celebration
To victory over the hard times.
Joy and Sorrow
are two sisters live in unison
And we always have one of them
For they are the companion of life.
by Guru Jad |
devotion, love, women,
No mortal has triumphed to conquer your appeal,
From Enkidu's Shamhat to Cain's Aclima it starts
Longing for possessing you was part of the ordeal,
For lust grew unfathomed with the first love darts
Craving carved its roots in men with a hefty zeal,
Until it blurred our nous with the serum of hearts
Till now the journey keeps marching without retreat
If all is summoned, faith to you until the endmost beat!
© Guru Jad 2013
by Ngoc Nguyen |
desire, love, lust, passion, relationship, romantic, sensual,
With ardent hands about our hips
and our thoughts being so unchaste,
let us together lock our lips
as love compels our lovers's haste.
This moment in time we're a pair
as we both do our very best
to disrobe our gowns without care
and explore our round, supple breasts.
We are moved with a lovers's zeal
to mate and join as one tonight
without need to doubt or to feel
if what we are is wrong or right.
Now our defiant love must dare
to earn its rights and longed-for rest
so Love's unwritten laws can declare
our union stronger than Hate's behest!
by Estela Canama |
care, confusion, heartbreak, heartbroken, jesus, loneliness, uplifting,
Real Buddy
The spiritual zeal within,
Is gone, when earthly duress set in
Life becomes dull and messy,
And your heart turns poignant.
Whenever you feel blue,
And nobody is there for you
Just call upon our Redeemer
His love is beyond compare!
God will mend your brokenness;
He’ll renew your strength,
He stays with you, forever
And He makes you feel better.