Love Poems About Acclaim or Acclaim Love Poems
by Jan Terry |
Categories: celebrity, death, obituary, suicide, sympathy, tribute,

A Tribute To Robin Williams

A good man's gone, loved by us all
on the screen both big and small.

The fire is cold, the lights are out.
His soul's moved on, without a doubt.

The laughter's gone that masked the pain.
The house is still and peace does reign.

He fought his battles on life's wild ride,
but lost his war with the demons inside.

How can one thrive on acclaim and wealth
without the love of one's own self?

I hope you found the peace you sought.
The life you lived won't be forgot.

July 5, 2015

by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love



The purity of song is your glad grace, 
you beautify the air with sweetest tone, 
competing with the lark (more commonplace), 
yours is true melody, second to none. 
Blessed and bewitched whene'er you serenade, 
the roses bow their heads in mute acclaim; 
the creatures of the field, of every glade 
attune their dance, rejoicing in your name! 
So pleasant are the times we are as one, 
you practising your art, I learning how 
    to blend with you, two lovers with one song, 
    in harmony for life, our sacred vow.

by Suujish Kandampullyy |
Categories: life,

Live Simply Walk Humbly Love Genuinely

In the event that riches is the key to joy, at that point 
The 'RICH' ought to move in the city. 
Yet, just 'POOR' kids do that. 

On the off chance that force guarantees security, at that point 
The 'Authorities' should walk unguarded. 
In any case, the individuals who 'LIVE SIMPLY', rest adequately. 

In the event that excellence and acclaim bring ideal connections, at that point 
'Famous people' ought to have the best relationships.
Yet, it's not here. 

Effortlessness drives the world 
So consistently recollect to 
Live Simply, Walk Humbly & Love Genuinely..!!!!

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: god,

One More Day

One more day of sunshine
One more to praise Your name.
One more day that is mine
Your glories to acclaim.

The birds were up before me
Each trilling a sweet refrain,
And competing just to show thee
Their purest love again.

As the day progresses,
May we pause to reflect
On the man-made messes
Of what You'd made perfect.

You gave us clear directions,
Changed by arrogance of man.
We are the imperfections 
Who dared to thwart Your plan.

We didn't listen to your word.
We've gone our thoughtless way.
It's time to turn to You Lord
And take your path today.

by Lim'Rik Flats |
Categories: new york,

The Old Broad Way

They say the neon lights are bright
hate the day but love the night
Dancers flame
Fans acclaim
The show goes on —old broads take flight.

by Ramesh Deshpande |
Categories: beauty,

The Taj - Symbol of Love

Anyone who visits this great grand beauty
Stands transfixed at its sublime majesty
The lavish magnificence in marble body
Stays incomparable as an edifice in history.

The emperor who built this famed mausoleum
As a token of abiding love for his dear begum
The architect who visualized the striking form 
And the craftsmen; all deserve wide acclaim.

A superb locale along the playful Yamuna
On an imposing stage stands this splendour
Surrounded by entrancing emerald cover
That makes any visitor an admirer forever.

by Farah Chamma |
Categories: family, life, love, time, words,

Refuge Acclaim

A million words I seek to praise,
To rave thy aged walls
That latch onto pictures of
Our youth, 

A million words I seek to praise,
To rave thy rising suns and
Darkening skies all drawn
On your transoms,

A million words I seek to praise,
To rave thy solace and comfort
Grasping sleep upon thy
Feathery beds,

A million words I seek to praise,
To rave thy ardor and tenderness
Bestowed upon the 
Treasure you hold,

A million words I seek to praise,
A million words all in daze…

“May God bless our home…”

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: beauty,

Mad For Plaid

I love to see a person clad
In skirt or sweater made of plaid.
A shirt or scarf works just as well;
No stripes or dots can parallel.

In Scotland, once, I went to see
A mammoth Tartan factory.
Each pattern has a special name
And certain ones have gained acclaim.

My closet has a wide selection,
Plaids I wear with great affection.
Wardrobes must be really Spartan
If they lack at least one Tartan!

by Jeremy Street |
Categories: baby, love,

Smoke, On the Water

His child, living long enough to have learned this truth....
Its been no pleasure cruise nor was such her world, meant 
To be their traveler time's pilgrims; transfiguration's stretched tightly
Elijah, these frames the sojourner's acrobatic feats as another's, stratum ?
Critical acclaim crossing love's Niagara Falls; electrotherapy armada's high tides.

by Gavin Joachims |
Categories: thank you, thanks, thanksgiving,

Thanking the Faces

Some things about that New Year’s Eve
I never will forget;
A sweet, soft-spoken Andrea
and young man proud to wed.

My New Year’s cheers was sounded by,
four strangers on a street.
Opening their hearts to me –
how beautiful when new souls meet.

Yes, as I strolled those joyous roads;
love pouring uncontained.
My most embracing New Year’s kiss,
with Mary shall remain.

So many faces on my rove –
How David’s words me touched.
Euphoria! Millennia!
It all became too much.

And as I wandered back to where,
my peace and solace reigns;
I’m  thanking all the faces that,
me this acclaim attains.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: beautiful, magic, winter,

I Love Nature

I Love Nature The blizzard piled the falling snow that day; with temps in teens, hard-frozen it became. The walks and roads were nowhere on display. Winter's magic show. The next day brought warm rain that did reclaim some melted snow- but soon, night's frigid stay had crystallized the surface as winds came. Throughout the night, ice mirrored each moon ray. Come morn, the sun brought gifts with its acclaim- a glaze that glowed like satin applique. Winter's magic show. Sandra M. Haight ~2nd Place~ Contest: Writing Challenge, Roundel Form Sponsor: Dear Heart Judged: 03/06/2019

by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
Categories: fantasy, life, loss

Queen of Spades

Opera Star locked in death
Suicide laughs at the gambler’s fate.
Queen of spades steals his last breath.
Tchaikovsky’s opus gets a high rate.

Intelligence befalls the Queen of Spades. 
Good luck is not in her game.
Gamblers, hustlers, and barmaids
Know misfortune’s historic acclaim.

There is in love no heart for her.
Suitors avoid her at every cost.
Paupers, bankers, friends or strangers
Bad luck befalls and the game is lost.

Her epitaph must surely say,
“She Partied Every Night.”
Money lost as the gambler’s play.
In laughter, her ghost takes flight.

by Brian Johnston |
Categories: journey, life, love,

Please Stretch My Heart

Thank you truly for “stretching my heart”
For it taught me that I’m not so smart,
Though it hurt, now I think I can see
A fresh longing for intimacy.

When before I thought I was in charge
There was love’s failure looming so large
Now we share in the risk and the blame,
Not to mention the joy and acclaim.

Though relationships always take work
To be sharing the load is a perk,
And reduction of unneeded stress
Can contribute to real happiness!

So the songs about love taking two
Aren’t about my control over you
Let’s just share in the love of the game
I suspect we’ll be happy we came!

Brian Johnston
June 18, 2016

by Joe Flach |
Categories: people

Pablo Neruda

“Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair”
Words that brought eroticism to bear
Penned by a man from the town of Parral
A poet for whom there’s no parallel.

Poetry won him acclaim,
Politics tarnished his name;
Pablo Neruda on the Noble Prize
Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto in his parents’ eyes.

Upon his death, people forbidden to mourn 
Due to his political views
Thousands of Chileans honored this man
Beyond established curfews.

As a man myself who fancies the verse
Writing poetry my ultimate curse
I envy the works of Pablo Neruda
My only wish?  That I knew ya.

Entry in the Pablo Neruda contest

by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love,


The purity of song is your glad grace, 
you beautify the air with sweetest tone, 
competing with the lark (more commonplace), 
yours is true melody, second to none. 
Blessed and bewitched whene'er you serenade, 
the roses bow their heads in mute acclaim, 
the creatures of the field, of every glade 
attune their dance, rejoicing in your name! 
So joyful are the times we are as one, 
your practising your art, I learning how 
   to blend with you, two lovers with one song, 
   in harmony for life, our sacred vow.

by Sharon Riggio |
Categories: death, grief, heartbroken, love,

In Memory

She mourned him,
his death was sudden.

It was not anticipated
nor expected so soon
let alone at all.

He died tragically
by critical acclaim.

She clung to his headstone
willing him to come to life
wanting and needing him back.

For she loved her muse
and what he stood for,
the spark of life felt inside
when she would write.

A mist arose from the grave,
he was seen to not be forgotten
an imprint left in memory
to use as seen fit 
when it pleased her.

He would not rest in peace
and so his spirit
continued to haunt her
in her distress she smiled.
 Like (2)

by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love,


The purity of song is your glad grace, 

you beautify the air with sweetest tone, 

competing with the lark (more commonplace), 

yours is true melody, second to none. 

Blessed and bewitched whene'er you serenade, 

the roses bow their heads in mute acclaim, 

the creatures of the field, of every glade 

attune their dance, rejoicing in your name. 

So joyful are the times we are as one, 

your practicing your art, I learning how 

to blend with you, two sweethearts with one song, 

in harmony for life, our sacred vow.

for music is the source of joy and bliss,

concluding in the sharing of a kiss.

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: baseball,

One Vote Shy

Last year Mariano
Made the Baseball Hall of Fame,
Unanimously, it turned out,
To thunderous acclaim.

This year is Derek Jeter’s turn,
Another Yankee star
And everyone expected him
To reach Rivera’s bar.

But no such luck, for Jeter,
With so many wins and hits,
Got elected with no problem
(Or the fans would throw some fits!)

Yet the vote was not unanimous,
For it was one vote shy
And I’d love to ask the holdout
Just one simple question – why?

by Beatrice Boyle |
Categories: faithheart, heart, me,

Poet's Prayer

Lord, send me phrases on Eagles wings
So I can express what my heart sings
Enable me to discover a way
To find the perfect words to say
To comfort, encourage or bring a smile
To lift men's spirits for a little while
To light the way when darkness falls
To soften the blow when tragedy calls
To express true love from a timid soul
Whose emotions are kept under strict control
I do not aspire to fortune or fame
I will never be worthy of great acclaim
To touch a heart is my reward
And for these gifts...I thank you Lord

Copyright©2005 Beatrice Boyle
(All rights reserved)

by Eiza Evangelista |
Categories: god,

The Greatest One

It was uplifting morning when I spoke to you,
Reuniting my spirit, making it closer to you,
I felt your love and forgiveness,
While I am in the midst of my loneliness.

Sorry for all my trespasses,
Sorry for all my blindness,
Sorry for all my weaknesses,
Sorry for all my wickedness,

You spoke through my guilty heart, 
As it mumbles with shames,
And my spirit rejoices as I acclaim your name.
O God, purify my heart, cleanse away my pain.

You've shown your ways, pouring graces upon,
By cleansing this heart and soul of mine,
Washing away with the blood of Your Son,
I am one blessed child of You our Greatest one.

by Tom Wright |
Categories: integrity,

God Sees All

God Sees All (Short sermon on Integrity) Written: by Tom Wright 2/19/2018) Others evaluate us daily on hyperbole and fact, Never on situations but how we’ve chose to react. It’s often a reach from what the unknown might be, Our Integrity is birthed in what peers think and see. So it invariably behooves us to bring our “A” game, Giving praise to God, not for some earthly acclaim; To avoid being found culpable in inducing one’s fall, Treat others with respect showing God’s love above all. Our integrity becomes tarnished with each failed test, By the unknown eyes which in our shadows may rest.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: friend, friendship, friendship love,

Proud To Call You Friend

Delicately done my friend
I watch your busy hands
Tending to little ones who are hurting
Cuddling them in unabashed ways
Encouraging them 
Loving them

Soft spoken friend of all
Sharing your lap and your arms
Bringing your love and faith to the little ones
Brightening their day with a smile and a hug
Showing your faith 
Not through words
But through deeds

Expecting no applause or acclaim
Silently helping people daily
Sharing your own joy 
Enthusiastically tending to those
Unfortunates sometimes shunned by others
Your spirit is marvelous.
Showing your kind soul.
I am proud to call you friend.