Love Poems About Aesthetic or Aesthetic Love Poems
by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: dance, desire,

Entertainer-Anacreontic Couplets

Charmed by her exotic glance She enchants a sexy dance In costumed display of art Strumming rhythms of joyful heart Choreographing slow grooves In graceful, musical moves As gestures paint passion themes And song of love stokes their dreams When desires-enamored spree Hypnotized in tunes of glee But look closely, watch her sigh Hear the bawl of tearless cry When crowds deceitful extol Exhibit of anguished soul As smiles aesthetic hide pain And feigned visage cries disdain Cheer for her to turn the page For she longs to leave this cage Leave realms inebriated Of drunk notions, ill-fated

by Shabnum A |
Categories: art, autumn, nature, peace, silence, stars, water,

Aesthetic Nature

Nature's beauty is exclusive 
Rivers flowing water somewhere
Is there a booming sea
So is that the calm lake somewhere

Nature's unique ever
Ever moving shadows
Then sometimes silence
Nature is exclusive

Sometimes sky turns blue, red, yellow
Sometimes it's clouded by black and white clouds,
Nature is exclusive

Sometimes the sunshine illuminates the sun
So sometimes within the dark night, the moon stars twinkle
Nature's love is exclusive

Ever dry dust blows
So sometimes a sheet of greenery is roofed
Nature's love is exclusive

Somewhere the sun hides during acorner,
So it comes out of the opposite corner startling,
Nature's love is exclusive

by Marissa Faries |
Categories: art, color, nonsense, simple,


More or less into pinks and blues,
But also love coolest spectral hues.

by Rosemarie Rowley |
Categories: appreciation, blessing,

Goodness As a Vibration


I love only what is good, and this aesthetic
Delights the blind man, for he can feel
Shimmer like a moth at his elbow, my pathetic
Sighs of creation in making what’s real, 

And he can distinguish the dark shrouds
Of faces where wicked deeds were splendour,
He can detect the feast of envy, and loud
Avenues of fame, their soul’s provender.

A child glistens with beauty like a rain-
Drop, dancing with the feet of time,
Innocence is bliss only when his pain
Of not seeing is absent, for he hurts like lime

Thrown in the faces of perceived sinners -
Who say horses backed on principle are not winners.

by Jun-Jun Villanueva |
Categories: art, love, mother,

' ' I Love You ' '

~*~ =============================== sophisticated architect who framed the home of my life's essence eloquent sculptor who casts and molds my ethereal vivacity aesthetic painter who puts the ravishing, superb hues in my flawed existence imperial majesty, owning the aureate diadem of my subsistence's glory " NUMBER 1 " mother, the blood when I'm in thirst and the flesh when I'm hungry. ~*~ ================================================================

by Fariq Yusoff |
Categories: life,

The Artist - Beautiful Scar

I am an Artist of sorts,
Of a magnificent artwork that cannot be bought,
A creation that takes a lifetime to complete,
A beautiful piece too sublime to compete,

Colours and shape that etched upon my canvas,
With brushes that hurt and scrape,
A timeless piece with mediums too diverse,
An emotional aesthetic of destiny and fate,

Each fragment, a memory of love and grief,
The outcome of lessons in life,
A detailed creation with no copy or brief,
Every stroke defining my strive,

Behold my artwork, revision of more to come,
Growth is the essence of my belief,
Scars may be just lessons to some,
But these are evidences of which I have lived.

Fariq Yusoff
20th November 2015

by Oboba Rukevwe |
Categories: beauty, character, community, identity, perspective,


Ugly because am Black as the Raven but white as a dove,
Ugly because I am a man yet act like a child,
Ugly because I try to be humble yet my Pride articulate,
Ugly because I can't find love Nd I keep trying hard,
Ugly because I am a great thinker but Dormant in my actions,
Ugly because I am Precious but still not Worthy,
Ugly because I trust  easily yet betrayed daily 
Ugly because I am a King but still the world sees a pauper,
Ugly to the transgressor only because I see the LIGHT.
Ugly to the society because We speak the TRUTH.

by Milan Georges Burovac |
Categories: beauty, deep, funny love, future, god, i love you, nature,

Eternal Blue

need to know where to look? soft 
forms to the caresses of an eternal 
wandering in search of beauty 
perfect for the indefinite aesthetic 
and the body to film 
and soul for the soul 
and the spirit of the infinite

by Paghunda Zahid |
Categories: hope, imagery, imagination, love, metaphor, paradise, romance, romantic, science, science fiction, soulmate, symbolism, trust, universe,

The Known-Unknown

I was a Moon in a dark abyss
Wandering alone in tormented solace
As aimlessly as a fish in bowl
Glumly glad within my alien abode

In a spur ___ you appeared from Nowhere
A Blackhole pulling me towards its angelic snare
Rearranging the space time fabric ___
To a whole new world ___ mystifying yet aesthetic 

And I couldn't resist, for that Benignity
set my heart ablazed ___ filled its Valence shell
Entwined with you I will step in eternity soon
Hoping, your floral rugs bear stars and moons..!!

by Abraham Tor |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, me,

To Sorania,With Love

Am not an aesthetic
I've no apollos
laurel in ode.
Too fragile is my
tongue to tell your
For your look I dare
to speak.

Play me that
Amphion's harp
That in your mouth
For your sake I
shall be paris
For the Helen's face
you wear
I shall draw
Menelaus up again 
To Trasimene Field.

I shall seek the
Delphian Oracle
That your heart I
may fathom.
Shall I employ Seba,
the questionnaire
That the discretion
of your choice I

Sorania, my Helen
I am Ovid to his
And as jealous as
Lead me to Venus'
And your dream I
promise be.

I stand by the
promise of Jephthah
To be your Romeo in
life and in death.

by Dakarai Cobb |
Categories: love

American Beauty

Aesthetic appreciations
Made available with respect,
Encouraging her to reset
Regrets, with a mediation.
Instead of a deviation,
Compliments, she can not reject,
Are offered without a regret,
Notating alleviations.
Beauty deserves to be noticed!
Envious others choose their views,
Acting out as if with no gist.
Uninhibited beauties, who
Treated right, eyes dry with no mist,
Yearn for a vision of love too.

by Vini Cho |
Categories: adventure, africa, art, crush, deep, for him, love,

You Are

You are my place of solace, your voice is serene music to my ears. 
Gazing into your deep oceanic eyes is like reading enriching literature. 
Your smile is aesthetic work of art evoking a sense of tranquillity to my bewildered mind. 
I hear a gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore through your breathing. 
Your touch is like reaching the alluring summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.
Your presence is a wildflower meadow filled with fantastical  butterflies which I try to capture for just one moment.
You are my picture of a dream, I see you day and night.

by Red Omara |
Categories: appreciation, cute love, fun, funny, humorous,

Lovely Lisa's Derriere

Lovely Lisa’s lovely bum,

shaped like a pear or p'raps a plum,

isn’t scrawny or athletic 

such bottoms are quite un-aesthetic.

Sweet Lisa’s gorgeous derriere

Is winsome, far beyond compare

I wish it was within my reach

(is it perhaps more like a peach?)

Whichever it’s a wondrous sight

If I could only take one bite

And feel it’s softness ‘gainst my lips

Content, I’d face apocalypse.

by Louis Borgo |
Categories: art, love,

The Foreign Lady

Land of a hat mist blue, 

long walk home pleasure that be,

Beauty of scent lay of night hint of foreign lady,

Oh my meant of a kiss ,

Like a fragment of sentence I got to walk my self,

Back to beginning to fine print this as art,

Beauty of scent lay of night hint of foreign lady,

This might be the most tall glass but with baggage, 

I would like to greet with more then a basket of sweets,

Pleasure of day laugh among a tree lay for a queen,

Snip snap what is the word to describe the finest of art,

Aesthetic in virtue time walk where you are, 

Goddess of a queen don’t forget you are,

The foreign lady of my,


by Jun-Jun Villanueva |
Categories: love, mother,

' I Love You '

~*~ =============================== sophisticated architect who framed the home of my life's essence eloquent sculptor who casts and molds my ethereal vivacity aesthetic painter who puts the ravishing, superb hues in my flawed existence imperial majesty, owning the aureate diadem of my subsistence's glory " NUMBER 1 " mother, the blood when I'm in thirst and the flesh when I'm hungry. ~*~ ================================================================ *-* jun-jun villanueva *-* " ONE ENGLISH QUINTAIN " contest

by Jamecia Buggs |
Categories: love, passionwords,


Poetic words flowing so naturally, On this soup of aesthetic candidacy, Epic verses releasing from one’s soul, Touching the heart of young and old, Radiating love with each comment, Yare ideas to be shared in our convent, Soup filled with ecstasy and despair, Optimistic outlooks eager to be shared, Unbelievable stories from people all over the world, Poetic words now unfold from the minds of both boy and girl.
For Adeleke Adeite's Poetic Picture Contest

by Keith Miller |
Categories: funny, parody, people, may,

Flower Girl

I saw you from across the bar,
Your eye shadow immaculate,
Your skin a pleasing, pale hue,
Your brown hair laced around a band of plastic flowers,
Your supple red lips engaged in fluid conversation.

I saw you, decided I loved you,
My bawdy, lusty companions thought so as well,
We cast dibs and lots for you and dared each other to speak to you,
And acquire your phone number,
As if you could be owned by possession of such things.

I turned away from our idle chatter and barter,
And glanced to where you spoke with the girl presumed to be your sister.
I may not love you tomorrow, 
The feeling may have faded by then,
But I relish the aesthetic of the moment,
Lovely Flower-Girl.

by Probir Gupta |
Categories: allusion, assonance, beauty, image, muse,

Muse On the Loose

Once you are in love
With your fond muse
On the slightest ruse
She’ll get you above

To ornate emptiness
Of aesthetic in grace
Seeking exclusively
Worded art in a glee

Views red and white
Word loud and quiet
Image blue and pink
Rainbows for the ink 

Your mundaneness
Of the gun and fun
Will lose the cages 
Under the cold sun 

Unruffled you’ll see
She makes you airy
You’ll feel the stone
Gone from the lone
Soul, you’re reborn 
With rose and thorn

Tremors in neurons
Get rhododendrons
The exciting flowers
Your creative hours

The single malt fine
Taking to cloud nine
What a lovely refuge
Embracing my muse

by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: appreciation, desire, for her, i love you,

My Sweet Darling--

My sweet darling, you inspire me to heights. How I love the way you look, smell and sound, Invading my mind day and through the night, Always dreaming about your sweet fairground. My sweet darling you to a happy arch? You are more mighty, intent and content. Meet clouds dull the present flowers of March, And the springtime has the thundery scent. My sweet darling you? Let me find the ways. To love your aesthetic heart, soul and eyes. Thinking of you only joy fills my days. My love for you is the nappy sunrise. Now I must away with a sappy heart, Remember my right words whilst we're apart.
3/17/19 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation, beauty, creation, extended metaphor,

If I Compare Love To a Life

I match love with life
humanly a reverie
flower aesthetic

by Jessica Johnson |
Categories: life, loss, love, teen,

A Two-Fold Epic

I'll never look back
I don't want to see
You're still waiting for me
Meant to be Kept
Never will be
From prying eyes
I'll go alone
To escape being told
It was a mistake

No aesthetic expression for selfishness

by Albert Ahearn |
Categories: imagination, introspection

That Rose and I

Though a lone rose in yonder bed
Blooms all alone in remoteness
Its regal grace reaches beyond
Its small cultivated confines.
Its blood-red petals capture
Sensuous eyes of passerby's;
Thoughts of love materialize
And some are stricken teary-eyed
By measured memories of love.
Then there are those aesthetic hearts
Who are dazzled by its beauty.
As for me, I assume that rose:
The empathy I have for it
I become its flowery soul.

by Sadat Khan |
Categories: children

For My Child

I love, and live in you my child
I wonder! I can create beauty
With such aesthetic outlining of yours
I made an artistry 

My last words are yours,
Spoken out in a long deep whisper;
My way is curved like your face
In your look thus I stay forever

You were born on the day I was pushed out 
Of my mother's womb,
And I know you outlive
When I will be placed in a tomb.

Love-blood oozes out from
A bare empty heart;
In your vacancy 
So, I am torn apart.

Thus my DNA is in your making
Grafted my dreams;
In the timeline you and me
Will make a ripple in the streams.

At last, when you grow
You you feel
How a father's heart
in you, would live still.

by Devin Udairam |
Categories: beauty, earth, mother, nature,

Aesthetic Warrior

Like an iris in soil 
You brought me from deep under 
As I rose with your nurture 
I embraced the warmth of this mundane realm 
Like a sword to a samurai 
You clasped me in your affectionate grip
As you unsheathed me 
Staining me with nature's blood
Forging me into a hardened warrior 
One of winsome strength 
My war would be fought on two fronts 
One of love 
The other euphoria

by Cierra Turks |
Categories: power

God of Music

The evening's rain
To the east constellation
Melodies merged and grew 
A mellower noticed
Soothing song
Blindly improvising
Gods summoned music
A ballad of his projected time
Aesthetic potential and 
Too enticed to hear
A showing
Bright musical performances
Through the drizzle, with eyes
He qualified his love for reality
The soulful voices sounded like 
a poem
Instrument of the beholder