Love Poems About Bees or Bees Love Poems
by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: loveautumn,

My Song To You

Come to the meadow just you only,
Where autumn weaves her spell;
On hills and purple moorlands lonely,
Where the magic of her presence dwells.

Beneath blue sky and fields of heather,
With soft humming of honey bees.
And I'll hold you, just us two together,
To share the scent of autumns leaves.

We’ve time to share asters in the meadow,
With all that we love best;
With the swallows wings and your shadow,
And summer's grass that built the nest.

To hold and hear the soft wind singing,
To see your hair tossed and blown;
And meet the bluebird softly winging,
Through heaven and earth, we too fly alone.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: winter,

The Color Palette of the World Has Changed

The color palette of the world has changed.
Wispy painters brush clouds line a clear calm sky.
The day is dry and cold, powdery snow starts to fall.
Flowers have ceased budding and spilling over in the garden;
yet the passion, fragrant, rosebud cherry and amber
honeysuckle vine, twines round the wooden arbor,
inviting the few scarce bees to come to its nectar.
Forbearance wooden starlings and mourning doves
move on with their singing and coo-OO-oo throughout the day.
Warm breath onto the cold window, a traced note of love.


by Paul Willason |
Categories: poetry, prayer,

A Poet's Prayer

In love
I keep coming back
to this place in the hope
I'll hear your voice,
feel your presence settle
the evening and draw closer
in the scented air.
Already spring has fired the furnaces
of desire and life trembles. Flowers
beckon bees and I too seem drawn
to this holy place.

And yet this throbbing world
seems veneered on a core of silence,
the most exquisite sounds arise
out of a hollow. My words echo
around its walls and go unanswered.
I keep coming back
still enamored with creation, lovesick,
holding these humble prayers
I pin to a closed door
hoping it will open.

by Lin Lane |
Categories: ireland,

Taste of Guinness, Scent of Heather: a Monotetra

Sunlit days I spent on the moor Sweet Summer heather scents allure Bathing in waves on Dublin's shore Aye, Irish lore Aye, Irish lore Crumbling castles on exhibit Pricey ticket; warm day visit Guinness stout without a limit Tastes exquisite Tastes exquisite Stung by wild bees in clover leaves Winded, needed the help of sheaves Love for Ireland my heart now weaves And soon it grieves And soon it grieves Time has come for vacation's end And Summer's days with Autumn's blend When I close my eyes and pretend In dreams I wend In dreams I wend

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: seasons

A Springtime Song

Soft showers fall and robins call. 
The scent of grass is sweet.
Meadows green and saplings lean
in warmth of April’s breeze.

The skies are fair and in the air
the lilacs’ fragrance wafts.
Small buds first show, then quickly grow –
delighting bees and wasps!

May’s flowers beam and streamlets gleam
along the mountain slopes.
Colors sing and everything
is life and love and hope!

by Ashmi Sheth |
Categories: devotion, love, poetess, poetry, romantic, romantic love, soulmate,

I Think of You


bees do of nectar
seeds do of soil
birds do of berries
shells do of sea . . .

I always think of You.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, flower,

- Oh, Blue Daisy -

In the garden of Eden,
grows beautiful Blue Daisies
Walk your steps with care,
without breaking anything
Hummingbirds and bees,
love your nectar and color

Soft music under the moon
Purple raindrops
Be mine, in the rain
A bouquet Blue Daisy
Shakespeare is in love
That's Amore

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Shaunda Lindsay |
Categories: garden, happiness, imagery, nature,

Spring Is Here

spring is here 
at last at last 
wind blowing clouds 
like gossamer glass 
smells fill the air 
the flowers are calling 
bees making honey 
with love and pollen 
watching dandilions 
is a glorious affair 
while slinging their fluff 
all thru the air 
It seems I'm not 
the only one 
to jump with joy 
here comes the sun 
I hop and skip 
accross a lawn 
I twirl around 
till I have fallen 
I dance a happy 
springtime dance 
lay on the grass 
where sprinklers splash 
a sweet little inchworm 
crosses my toe 
take your time little one 
just go with the flow 
my spring my spring 
is here for now 
the sun stands up 
to take a bow

by Jan Allison |
Categories: funny love, humorous, relationship, , cute,

Cutie Patootie Bawdy Limerick

Pat swung from a chandelier Fell off and hurt her cute rear She gave it a rub And soaked in the tub Next time she’ll stay off the beer! Pat copied the birds and the bees And had carpet burns on her knees She saw her GP He said ‘Oh dear me’ - Next time settle for a quick squeeze But Pat said I’m always so randy And so is my boyfriend called Sandy If he can’t have a lay At least three times a day He’ll leave me for that old moo Mandy 'for Pat' with my love xx 05~03~17

by Sandra Adams |
Categories: memory, poetry, spring,

Pastel Skies

waking eyes
to pastel skies
budding trees
these birds and bees
spring is calling
memories falling
in breathless whispers
of scented air
sighs of love
do not despair
i see you standing
over there
a shadow
beneath trees
pen in hand
you speak to me
in poetry
in metaphor
a hidden love
behind closed doors
a love like this
does not exist
i close my eyes
beneath these skies
where budding dreams
awaken me
in misted

april 14 2021

Anacreontic Verse Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Silent One

by Jean Murray |
Categories: home, house, how i feel,

Where I Live

In a stone cottage surrounded by trees,
I live here listening to birds and bees.
The **** crows each morn, wakens me at dawn.
I curse the beast, then rise to face the morn.
I love my work in the Maternity.
Just three days a week, then I am set free.
I live in Ireland, that beautiful isle.
I am spoiled for choice where to spend a while.
The beach, the forest, the National Park?
All are within range, if my car will start.
Hardly a sonnet but you get my drift.
If SO's not fussy, I'll give him a lift.
My kids have been blessed to grow without fear.
All want to return to have their wanes here.

by Yasser Rhimi |
Categories: angst, confusion, fear, funeral, hope, love, nostalgia, romantic, visionary,

Phantasmagoric Moments

For one moment I thought
Moons stars and kingdoms,
Humbly yielded to the spell of your tongue;
For I would never miss such an honour
When my heart still dies in front.

From the gravest yard in my groans,
In those rainy eyes of autumn,
You stole into the fragrance of my desert red bloom;
Despite the venom in my features,
You killed the old beast in my gloom.

For one moment I thought
Flowers, bees, and dew drops
Had never been bleeding forever;
The honey have they made
Fell us in love like a feather.

For one moment I thought
We stumbl’d upon each other.

by Delilah Ventura |
Categories: love, passion, romance, wedding

Bird, Honey ,Bee

The birds and the bees are not dreams
For I baptize myself into love
As my spirit enters the ocean
My breath blows in the wind
Romanticism in the spring
Bring yourself to me
Excitement in our hearts
Our fairy tale is a charm
Hanky-panky in the pond
Passion in the birds
Honey in the bees
Cuddling is our touch
Watery lips, so smooth
Relationship is our bond
Kissing is our key
Lovemaking in our soul
Energy fill the earth
Combine , the birds and the bees
As I accept this ring
Yes indeed


by Kaley Carroll |
Categories: lost love,

Winters My Enemy

Throughout the winter it's like I'm gone 
Watching you from far beyond 
Seeing you through the trees 
Something sounds like honey bees 
Watching you from far beyond 
Wishing that I was not gone 
Lovely roses round your head
Trees that shine green and red 
Winters gone and I am back 
I feel like such an insomniac
Here I am you are asleep 
That's when I hear a beep 
1 day 2 days 3 days by 
It really makes me wanna cry 
Summers gone and winters back 
It's back to were it started at.


by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: joy, spring,

Greens of Spring

Greens of spring

Comes in spring, bloom the greens, 
Perfect hues mark flawless screens,

Tender buds now yearn to thrive,
Bees are seen humming on their hive,

Colourful butterflies anxiously flutter,
Flowers eagerly lend their nectar,

Little ones play jolly in the streets,
Sky waits for birds to fly in fleets,

Vibrant shades entice a green eye,
Hurry the gloomy clouds, dolour belies,

Calls of spring, beloved will meet, 
Drowning in love, hazel green eyes will greet !

Written March 25th, 2015
For contest "Its spring- show me the green" by
Francine Roberts

Now entered into "Get your green on" old/new poem- poetry contest by PD A

by Susan Gentry |
Categories: love, marriage, moon, passion, summer, trust,

Summer Sonnet

Honeysuckle vines, butterflies and bees
Red-orange sunset slides and disappears
You and I on front porch sipping ice tea
Sitting side by side after all these years

When I look into your eyes so deep blue
Our hands entwine and we lean in to kiss
A warmth engulfs my heart, you feel it too
Summer love and passion leading to bliss

The many years of dancing and playing
Moonlight and gentle breezes caress us
Familiarity serenading 
Desire rising from a lifetime of trust 

Under the heavens feeling heavenly
Secure that our love a lifetime will be

May 15, 2018

Summer Love Sonnet Contest by John Hamilton

by Jamecia Buggs |
Categories: faith, happiness, hope, inspirational, love, religionme, me,

Gods Love

He has purified my soul,
Releasing me into the light,
Saving me from myself destruction,
I now soar without fear in the night,

I sing with the mocking bird,
I can hear the bees bussing in the air,
Smell a scarlet rose bloom,
And drink the oceans water without care,

I sense his presence beside me,
And feel the touch of his hand,
My legs are no longer weary,
With is power I can now stand,

Tears now fall out of joy,
I await my beautiful peaceful dreams,
And once blinded my darkness,
He has gave me light for me to see

by Tom Cunningham |
Categories: humor,

Footles X 17

Small print Eyes squint Deep snow Tread slow Strong gales Drop sails Score high Bulls eye Great whites Big bites Dark rum Warms tum Thin hair Thread bare Small tent Legs bent Wide load Hogs road Strong cheese Bees knees Flash drive Archive Clear night Stars bright Peace dove Spreads love Suns heat Dead beat Earthquakes Ground shakes Shots rang Loud bang Just wed Now bed
Written 21st August 2020

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: animals, fantasy, friendship, imagination, inspirational, life, love, music, nature, places


White blossoms of the Mountain Laurel
Contrasted to the waxy green leaves
Nestled under trees along the creek
Showing some of the beauty of spring

Snuggled on a blanket close to the edge
Enjoying the music that nature makes
Chirping of birds, no no not a word said
Rustle of leaves, buzz, buzzing of bees

Babbble of creek, splash of the deer's feet
Joy, oh, joy for the outdoor cheer
Wishing that we could share this time
This time of the year

by Daniel Human |
Categories: flower, nature, spring,

Flower Love

How the flower
Bobs and weaves
Sharing tea
With some bees

How the colour
Nods and sways
Breezy coolness
Sunlight rays

How the scent
Softly dances
Perfumed nose
Loving glances

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: autumn, lost love, winter,

Winter of Our Discontent

Autumn chilly days will soon be over,
There will be no bees over the clover.
The last vermillion leaves some red some gold
The breeze blows and my heart is much too cold.

I walk aimlessly in an unknown path,
My heart is like a sea with ugly waves.
How dare she, aloof. look away from me?
Has she forgotten those lambent days free?

Days spent in love and full of happy glee,
Whispering sweet nothings neath the oak tree.
Now she would not even acknowledge me
As she ambles the busy town, feeling free.

I do not love you anymore, she said.
Love is fickle, as autumn leaves fell dead.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: garden, inspirational love, nature,

Leaves Fall On My Face

Nesting birds singing in the trees so tall, They look grand in the summer, spring, or fall. Drenched in the warm early morning sunlight- Flowerbed beauties soft buds unfold bright. I lay, laud and favor whilst breeze flows through A graceful pace in a meadow of blue. Tree leaves fall freely on my head and face, Each float slowly finding a resting place. As long as the sun is shining, you'll find Blossoming blooms; bees lingering behind. Tiny flower clusters snug and fruity, Etched on earth memory of their beauty. 4/28/2020 Poetry Contest: Rhyming Couplets' Sponsored By: Janice Canerdy

by Pippi B. |
Categories: love, pain,


What is the color of love? 
Is it red? 
Pink, purple, the color of lilacs, 
Yellow, daisies, butterflies in the stomach,
glitter and unicorns,
skipping through a garden? 

What is the color of pain?
Is it blue?
Brown, dead orange leaves, 
grey, chrysanthemums and carnations,
pitch black, with the muffling sound of a thousand bees?

by James Christian |
Categories: adventurelove, me,

Every Day Life

i sit in my deckchair  
lisning to the birds  and bees
i love the way the tweet and get hunny for me 
i love all animales  from the fox to the wosp 
thear is nothing than upsets me 
when im out and about with all you 

by james christian

by Linda Xiao |
Categories: nature,


Trees in bloom
Winter's doom
Birds fly high
Against the sky
Endless shower
Season's power
Will amaze you
Through and through
As the light
Warm and bright
From the sun
Dance and run
Atop some trees
Or float on bees
Across a plain
Or in lion's mane
You will feel the power of
Mother Spring's forever love.