Love Poems About Blocks or Blocks Love Poems
by Daniel Cheeseman |
Categories: seastars,

Sailors Follow

Those stars that sailors follow
Guiding less the sea to swallow

And the night seas black as tar
Beyond the wave a land afar

Halyards taught, blocks in tallow
Breezes fresh and salt swallow

Timbers creak, white horses foam
Callused hands and oceans comb

And the stars pull them forth
South, east, west and north

Cabin boy or salty jack
Afore the mast, bare their back

Seas of glass or howling gales
Stands his watch what ever ails

For them the ocean a magic place
For every dawn a changing face

The face of his one true love
The wind, stars, skies above

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: husband,

On My Threadbare Love

My love is like a worker's gloves grown old.
His hands are leather, roughened now with age
and years of work in weather hot and cold,
yet through the many years, he has grown sage. . .

My love is like a builder's pair of boots.
He's dusty and fatigued and still he walks
while trailing mud, but now his attributes
shine through despite life's many stumbling blocks.

My love is like a pair of jeans much worn,
a pair of socks with holes that have stayed warm.
Though time and all the trials he has borne
have left him frayed, he wishes no one harm.

To write a beaming sonnet would not do,
but threadbare love (in some ways) bests the new.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: children, color, fun, nursery rhyme,

- Build Play and Learn With Lego -

                                    Lego in many fresh colours
                                    they belong to my brothers

                                 Hocus pocus, endless adventure
                                    turning up the temperature

                                  They love these building blocks
                             driven by imagination, create a red fox

                             There are no limits to what you can build
                        The Eiffel Tower probably 300 meters, so thrilled
                                       The world's best playtime
                                         ... evening or daytime

by Judy Ball |
Categories: anti bullying,

The Bully

Sparkle, sparkle little twink,
Who the heck you are I think.
How you love to rave and shout.
It matters not what it's about.

You think you look so big and scary,
But like most boars just big and hairy.
You're just making lots of noise,
Throwing fits like little boys.

You pick on those who can't fight back.
You cause them grief and give no slack.
You think you look so big and smart,
But all you show is a small, cruel heart.

So can the chatter and shut the trap,
'Cause like most gossips you're full of crap.
People like you get old real fast,
But like most blocks this too shall pass.

by Frances Schiavina |
Categories: love,

Mad Love

Flash floods forecast hurrying steps and wheels ahead of foreboding clouds pregnant as eyelids welling with tears of baptismal rain to cleanse earth's skirt of its mire of blood and dust of blinding confusion with thunder of reproaches and flash of lightning clarity. I had been standing, gaze switching from red eye turning yellow to the traffic slowly rolling in one lane, in the next
a car came speeding forward unaware of the pedestrian, head down, hurrying into its path. In an instant making eternity: Rainbow splendor!

slow car swerving right
blocks car missing collision
saving the man's life

by Phillip Garcia |
Categories: daughter, love, poetry,

Naomi's Mom and Dad

When mom, Naomi, was your mom not quite,
she was a barista at the Starbucks
just blocks away from where your thunderstruck
dad used to curse the name whose will to write
mistreated sonnets never metered right. 
In those days, my daughter, a word like schmuck
would suit your father, quite determined luck,
not talent lacked, should bear the blame for shame
that came from lameness littered kiddy rhyme.
But, with each finished turd, your dad (undeterred)
would march to Starbucks like he’d made a name,
and talk to mom, who taught me, overtime,
love and beauty’s praise are sonnets’ preferred.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: sea,

The Lighthouse

I stand as a sentinel by day and night, winking my eye to provide sailors light. Huge waves hit my feet, yet I stay strong, and I will remain on duty all year long I love to feel the sea spray on my face, and try to make the ocean a safer place by warning the sailors of jagged rocks, and guide them safely to local docks. When fog blocks my view I sound my foghorn, it booms out so loudly and is there to warn the sailors of such tempestuous conditions guiding their ships to much safer positions The Lighthouse Contest Sponsored by Eve Roper 12/16/18

by James Fraser |
Categories: life, loveday,

Love Is Like Porcelain

Love is like porcelain
So perfect and smooth
Two sides giving
With so much to lose

Love is like building blocks
Lived day by day
Words can say
But only true hearts display

Love is like porcelain
When cracked can go wrong
Impurities take over
We never sing the same song

Love is like building blocks
By day they reside
If they crumble and fall
Then grows the divide

Love is like porcelain
It has to be lived
Fifty, fifty
Each has to give

by Michael Degenhardt |
Categories: angst, depression, lifeheart, heart, me,


Heavy heart weighs me down
Troubles the mind
Obscures clear thought

Turbulent life coexists
Within the realm of the couple
On a plain different 
From where love resides

As shattered glass blocks the view 
But stays in place
People, too, can be the shards
Left there to block another
Not allowing the vision
The sight of what may be

May the glass fall to the ground
Opening up the skies to those in need
Opening up the horizons 
To the blind

May it not cut when falling
For with each piece
Are spoken words 
Which draw blood
Leaving scars

Heavy heart weighs me down
Troubles the mind
Obscures clear thought

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, blessing, dream, light, love, star,

A Class of It's Own

In time gone by bells ring 
We hold on to all the precious moments 

When paths cross answers unfold true 
Feelings mix with emotions 
building blocks in life finding the truth 

A love worth keeping 
Stored in the house of memories 
In you beautiful always
blows all dreams away beyond hope
Leaving that one remaining 
Caught in a soul's silent whispering 
to the heartbeat's murmur 
Flying over the moon 
Into the stars Embraced with love 
forever in a lifetime remains beautiful
I found you filled with light dream

by Lana Lana |
Categories: life, love, stress,


If I would be stronger,
without crucial mistakes,
if I would have last longer,
wouldn't step on the brakes.
Wouldn't consider an ending,
surrender at last,
get depressed at a bird sing
I would live with a blast.
But youth keeps me safe,
would not live without me,
I slide with the wave,
for youth I'm building a family tree.
But as I collect brick blocks,
I still slide against rocks.

Written on:
04/08/2016 (by the European date format)
All I could do was surrender - Shakespearean Sonnet - Poetry Contest

by Duke Beaufort |
Categories: business, funny, humorous, science,


A hot opportunity knocks
Buy and sell incoming space rocks
We love asteroids
But are covered by Lloyds
In case our own blocks suffer shocks

by Caycay Jennings |
Categories: appreciation, emotions, love, nature,

Why I Love Nature

Glass, chrome and steel city life, leaves me cold;
Sterile structures offer naught to behold.
A bland crowded downtown arranged by man
Blocks the beauty inherent in God’s plan.

Total honesty reigns but in nature;
She wears no mask to seek people’s favor.
Man seeks to taint nature with greedy builds.
Ignorant egos would see nature killed.

Being outside, I may reside with God.
Outside, I may behold life void of fraud,
Shake off grime from society’s deceit 
And feel peace from nature’s sincere heartbeat.

Nothing man made can sooth my spirit’s core.
Nature’s pure dynamics heal and restore.

June 5, 2016

by Phyllis Babcock |
Categories: lost love,

Frozen Love

Silvery moon cast shadows
On winters fallen snow
Cracks of ice melt deep down
Echoes of the past resounding
Cold winds howl
As heaviness encases
One by one dreams fade away
Killing the fire that once burned inside
Snow sucks the warmth
Ice crystals refuse to melt
Coldness engulfed the heart
Look at what it has done to me
What it has done to you
We drift in frozen water
Drowning in our sorrows
Frozen crystals of time
surrounding our soul
Tearing our world apart
I float on endless streams
Clutching to stay afloat
Our love dangerous yet beautiful
Encased in blocks of ice.

by Ahellas Alixopulos |
Categories: introspection, love, nostalgia,

First Job

Your son's first job
and you fight the urge
to go wait late at night
in the parking lot,
so that he doesn't have 
to walk the few blocks home,
so dangerous for a young man,
but you must,
for making it home safely,
is also part of the first job,
and waiting up,
for the casual hello
is also part.

by Cynthia Alvez |
Categories: sad, love,


Clouds of my mind
Chashing away the rainbow of you.
Monster realities casting shadows
Again and again and I am afraid
Of losing you.
I turn to run
But love blocks the passage to my escape
And I stay
And wait
For your return
Because I know you love me too! 
Soon the clouds disappear
And the monsters were never here!

by John Rhinem |
Categories: hope, life, love,


Staring into fantasia towns store front windows....

Images within this the bleedings glass from behind?!

Psychedelic stories aneath these city blocks; tie-dye

Bricks in fairytales mortar made moments of dreamful  

Lifes crumbling amid truths optical osmosis....

Sad songs playing now upon countless precious hearts 

Sirens colours painted in realities red, white and blacks

Mix and match tears inside of such, their beautiful eyes

Tossed into the twisted wind; store front windows!?

Hey there Georgie Girl; notes, rising within their minds....


....“Rewind” ~

by Jun Tumalad |
Categories: love, romance, love,



Roses of love have thorns...
       to protect and guard our hearts

Our love might encountered all kinds
       of hurdles and blocks!

So have no fear,
      always rely on me my dear

Every time, I am wishing for your love
       to cherish your precious heart

Since that day, you governed my life....
     every minute, every second!

by Dietra Reid |
Categories: black african american, childhood, family, friendship, grandchild, grandparents, hope, uplifting,

Cody Road

Cody Road, Cody Road I miss you Cody Road.
You were the road as a child that took me to my grandma's house.
You were the path in Mobile Terrace, Mobile Alabama that I love.
We played in your rich. red clay of your pure unprocessed state,
when it rained as kids on visits.
But Cody Road, count down it was three short blocks in the terrace to
Grandma's house on third street.
You took me to the perfectly, four room, square house on
cement blocks.
A house of love, grace and life that I always belonged.
It's been a long time Cody Road.  Life's been kinda hard.
But memories of you and my grandma will forever keep
my heart warm.

by Olivia Nimley |
Categories: art,


She emerge out of man
Deepest part of his rib
Woman o’ woman
Waited for life expression

She is a true portion of man
The secret of his strength
The secret of his weakness
The secret of his first love

She is full of nature’s beauty
Her virtue like a blossom flower
Her heart full of man’s respect
Her ability worth many shooting stars

Woman is peculiar
She rises with the sun
She sleeps only when the moons signal
And she aims for the sky

She breaths patience 
She talks courage
She sings true family life
And she smiles love
She ignores blocks of limitations

by Sarah Jones |
Categories: angst, girlfriend-boyfriend, lost love, love, sad, teenme, me,

Not For Long

Where's the fun in saying you can't see me that day
When you could raise my hopes first and then
Knock them down like building blocks?
I only try because I care but you've
Worn me out, led me on, taken
All I have to give, until I feel
Empty inside without you.
Should be used to it but
I am naïve and still a
Part of me believes.
But not for long.
Not for long.


by Jolene Cheyney |
Categories: love,

Be Brave

Sorry if there seems delay
Visit to dentist consumed
I had to work through my fear
Sit up straight in the chair

Strong faith by word.and.deed
If it's God's will we shall succeed
A balanced life we must find
If our futures would be aligned

No pressure would I add
Nor do I want you to be sad
If I could I would kiss away
Each tear you cried today

If fear still blocks your path
We can talk, there is no wrath 
You're welcome to emaill me
Stay with me, please don't flee

by Sadat Khan |
Categories: love

Don'T Take It Seriously

'Honey bunny' --
Here do I cross my heart;
I am confused.

Do I believe?
Do I love?
Do I see through?

But I speak a lot --
Words for words' sake;
Find my capacitated strength
In my literature --
And I enjoy that. 

Not flirting around dear,
Nor hosting a game show,
Nor stripping your 'wet-suit'
To see you in a naked aquarium.

I enjoy words,
Love, life in it.

I engineer  them and mold them
To see me gay in shaping blocks. 

Don't take my words seriously, then
Enjoy that to your heart's content.

by Manel Gunatillake |
Categories: children,

Grace Ii

While a girl cuddles a doll, a baby boy fancies other toys
Building blocks, cars and trucks, these are his favorites
No time wasted, his hands cleverly break them into pieces
Tries to fix them back, his perseverance and 
Knack for mechanism is expressed undoubtedly
A handyman marches to the grown up world
With his cries and screams tries to control others
With his hugs and smiles he wins the love desires
His aspiration to become a master,
His possessiveness over his mother
The qualities of a Man is shown even in his tender age

by Linda Smith |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, sensual,

Sensual Connection

To resolve this thirst, a path to which
I crave to escort you.
I want to reveal,
How it is to be cherished, adored.
Love is not to be fleeting, like paper aflame,
but designed to be passionate and dramatic,
to build leisurely, gracefully
with ever increasing crescendos,
one atop another,
spreading a single ember, patiently
into an inferno,
then letting it burn wildly,
only to add more tinder.
Tiny building blocks of pleasure,
stacked gently, carressingly, lavishly,
one next to another.
Intended to last dusk til dawn.
Extinguished only by a body and soul quenching,
felt deeply, exquisitely.
In a way, nothing else can.
A sensual connection
lasts a lifetime.