Love Poems About Clerihew or Clerihew Love Poems
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: black african american, caregiving, celebration, character, dedication, inspirational love, technology,

Garrett a Morgan


GARRETT A. MORGAN birth outside Paris, Kentucky
Inventor of Smoke hood model day respirator
Hair straitening combs, stop lights
Things for sewing machines
Yes! Mr. Morgan invented that

by James Edward Lee Sr.

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: appreciation, dedication, humorous,

This Clerihew's For You

Don't cross swords with A Poet Destroyer,
pretentious jousts really do annoy her
Her weapon of choice: a crossbow or a saber
she'll Cupid your mind, turn your rhymes to confetti paper

Dedicated to Poet Destroyer for being the first one to welcome the Romantic Warrior to the Poetry Soup community. Much love to you.

by Paul Callus |
Categories: girl, love,

Olive Eloi

There is a girl, Olive_eloi
Who is in love with a Pinoy
She wants to tell him what she feels
But loses out kicking her heels.


Written 18th May 2014
Contest: A Clerihew - and Make it New! 
Sponsor: Andrea Dietrich

by Mark Toney |
Categories: appreciation, cat, celebrity, cool, england, music, song,

Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind

Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind

Farrokh Bulsara a.k.a. Freddie Mercury
British singer, songwriter known universally
Confirmed he had AIDS and then died the next day
His music through Queen still rocks us all the way

Came a man from Zanzibar named Farrokh
Whose tastes were both flamboyant and baroque 
For fame he was ready
Changed his name to Freddie
After his death millions still love this bloke

A Heathrow baggage handler prior to fame
Wrote a song about his favorite cat, Delilah by name
In his personal life he was very shy, gentle and kind
His life and times are “guaranteed to blow your mind”

by Jack Horne |
Categories: lost love,

Clinton and Lewinsky - Bawdy

Bill Clinton, president
was seldom hesitant,
'It's not adultery,' he said,
'if somebody is "giving you head."'

Monica Lewinsky and dress
are famous for a yucky mess;
when DNA proved Clinton a liar,
he wished he'd shot a little higher...

for Carolyn's Clerihew contest

Will catch up on comments later, guys

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: love,

Prince Jahan and Mumtaz

Eyes met as they walked the market place
Mumtaz and Prince Jahan hearts did race
betrothed for five years before his bride
fourteen children before she died

Prince Jahan it was true love at first sight
distraught at her demise, a shrine of ivory white
built in her honour "Crown of Palaces: now stands
the Taj Mahal is famous throughout the lands

Penned 13/1/2019

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: celebrity, fun, funny, funny love, hilarious, humor, humorous,

Having A Ball

The illustrious Lucille Ball For Ricky, she would fall Left the world a little better For everyone who met her! I Love Lucy, the hit tv show, With Ricky as Lucy’s Romeo, Survived through many years, Despite the creator’s fears, Lucy would stir hearts in her shadow. Lucy became a favorite performer. She certainly wasn’t a benchwarmer. Her heart worn on her sleeve, Caused viewers to truly believe!

by Chantelle Cooke |
Categories: bereavement, character, dark, death, grief, heartbroken, lost love,

Soulmates in Death

Death's cosmic cryptic child Edgar Allen Poe
Whose spirit danced and was drenched in woe
Words were his secular style shields 
Sugar skull sentences steam today in forever fields 

Virginia Clemm his beloved beauty wife 
A flowering fruition museum muse by his side
Alas, the silver scythe slid
With devouring disease, she succumbed to the soul pyramid 

January 11th 2019

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: dedication, love,

- Legend of Whitney Houston -

                             A "Joy to the World" Whitney Houston
                                I am "Saving All My Love For You"
                It`s not fair that you left us but your legacy will live eternally
                                      "I Will Always Love You"

A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: image, love, usa,

Betsy Ross

Betsy Ross of Colonial days
Could never imagine the ways
Our United States flag would be blessed
To fly on the Moon and Mount Everest.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: people,

Tom Cruise Clerihews

World famous actor Tom Cruise
in talent and looks cannot lose.
Success is the guy’s middle name.
It’s his love life he just can’t maintain!

A younger and hotter Tom Cruise
must have had to wear lifts in his shoes.
His first wife Nicole was so tall!
Did size ever matter at all?

With a much younger starlet, Tom Cruise
got attached, and it made for great news
when he jumped on a sofa with glee
for the whole world to see on TV.

The now over-50 Tom Cruise,
 to avoid more marital blues,
ought to find a new partner who
adores Scientology too.

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: funny,

Robert Goulet

"ROBERT GOULET" Robert Gerard Goulet' Singing love songs 'twas his forte' As Lancelot wore ornamental panache' Kissed several Guinevere's with sexy mustache. *panache' - helmet *For Nathan's Yesterday's Clerihew Contest. *Sept. 24, 2012.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: character, christmas, fun,

Christmas Clerihew

Charlie Browns, alias Pig Pen,
wears overalls time and again.
Friends love him as he is;
a dust ball celebrating Christmas.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Contest: A Christmas Character Clerihew

by Gary Bateman |
Categories: funny, halloween, hilarious, humor, humorous,

Count Dracula's Love

Count Dracula’s Love

Count Dracula’s love is blood—sweet and bright red, 
And he wants to bite your neck while you’re in bed!
Seeking his next eternal bride on this All Hallows’ Eve,
His “undead” bite makes him happy and isn’t a pet peeve!

Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved,
October 25, 2015 (Clerihew)

by Russell Sivey |
Categories: life,

Emma Watson

Beautiful woman Emma Watson
Harry Potter fans love her a ton
She play’s a witch, with spells she may resort
To save our lives against the evil Voldemort

Russell Sivey

Here's my Clerihew! I hope you enjoyed it!

by Paul Callus |
Categories: history,

Queen Elizabeth I

Elizabeth the first of England
Had many suitors who vied for her hand
She doubted love, or was not keen 
And so she died a virgin queen. 

29 th May 2015
Contest: Cleri-who?
Sponsor: Kim Merryman
Placed: 6th

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: celebrity, faith,

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow
NFL football pro.
His love for Jesus sets him apart,
as he lives his faith with all his heart.


by Kya Dreemurr |
Categories: dream, fantasy, love, romantic,

Where You'Ll Find Me

In forests full of winding trees
With a gusty flower-scented breeze
And tiger-cats forever running free
This is where you'll find me

I live in oceans, blue and vast
I stand on a great ship's mast
Pirates come, we share some tea
That is where you'll find me

Underground, where monsters roam
Waging war over a lost home
Low deep growls the humans flee
This is where you'll find me.

Flying high with butterflies
Holding children when they cry
Thinking about when you kissed me
That is where you'll find me

All alone in an empty place 
Coming, going without a trace.
An undying romance, love that whirls
You will find me in your DreamWorld

by Jacob Cra |
Categories: funny,

Flounder From the Little Mermaid

I am Flounder, wild and young.
I flap my fins and love to have fun.
And sometimes when I eat bad algae,
I make the water a little bit bubbly!

by Arzoo Akbar |
Categories: family, family, family, love,

My Family

a family is togetherness
a togetherness is unity
a unity is a team 

dad,mom,sister,brother,granny, grandpa,uncle,aunt
are weeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
we are all a unity 
we love our team as all we love our family 
we love our parents
we love our grands
we love are sides ....................

we love our unity 
we love our family toooo !!!!!!     much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


by Gregory Richard Barden |
Categories: appreciation, history, love, peace,

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Hindus fighting Muslims, and brother slaying brother,

          made peace to save his life, loved more than any other.

               Dear Bapu, your greatest weapons, thereof ...

     the power, nonviolence, the strength ... LOVE.

Written and submitted on January 26, 2019
For the "Educate Me With Humor - Leader Clerihew" Poetry Contest
Andrea Dietrich, Judge & Sponsor.

by Clifford Villalon |
Categories: children,

Who Did It

Many children asked for funny stories before bed time.
  We did it.
More children love to hear praises than excuses.
  We did it.
More and more children demand for rewards
  than punishment.  We did it.
Most children want cellphones than parents...
  Who did it?

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: childhood, depression, growing up,

Charlie Brown

Poor Charlie Brown,
a boy who always wore a frown.
No Valentines, no love, good grief!
Bald head hung low in disbelief.

by David Fisher |
Categories: funny, funny love,

George the Dreamer

Big dreamer George Bailey
Read the Bedford Falls daily
Making him want to hurl
Until he kissed the girl!

For Andrea's Clerihew Contest

by Shirley Bracken |
Categories: funny

Mae West and Me

My husband fell in love with the beautiful Mae West.
I knew it was because of her oversized breast.
"Mae is beautiful," I retorted,  "but small chested girls also like to hug."
"You and Mae," he laughed, "is like comparing a Cadillac to a Volkswagen bug."