Love Poems About Coyote or Coyote Love Poems
by Skat A |
Categories: abuse, death, evil, lost love, pain, sad, sorrow, suicide,

Devil's Hidden Ranch


Coyote howl, dogs growl
Gunshots, dead cow
Red barn left unlock
Horseshoe upon death's door
Tequila in a cup
Salt of cocaine, shadows of insanity
Guitar string, sad song
Bandit near the door, wife on the floor
Yelling out her name, he's gone insane
Loaded gun, life is done
Far and near ending his intoxicating fear
The road under the sun
A coward in his path
Responding to the Devil's wrath

In a Hidden Ranch in Mexico!!!!!!
:)   SKAT

by Phil Capitano |
Categories: love hurts, metaphor,

Coyote Heart

Love is the anvil
and my coyote heart waits,
then crushed by the weight.

by John Castellenas |
Categories: angst, love, muse, ocean, peace, sea,

The Coastline

The Coastline

I fell in love with her on a December morning.
I stop my truck and I was star struck at her beauty,
her power.

I walk quickly to her,
she was dancing on the shore.

Nothing could equal her beauty.
I gazed in wonder for hours at her, sitting on the sand.

How could I have not escape to her beauty before this day?

Now I walk up and down the shore,
watching the waves.
The beauty of her be-witched my heart.

I knew when I left her,
I would yearn for her sight.
Never be complete till she was dancing my  feet again.

My love was the Pacific ocean,
the peaceful sea.

I wish to be with her today.

               December 1992

by Ralph Taylor |
Categories: animals, friendship, love,

Midnight Pearl

A real short story of a coal-black mare,
her name was Midnight Pearl!
She lived on a giant horse farm,
her owner, a teenage girl.

The girl was the farmers daughter,
her name was Lucy Gwen.
She got Midnight, when she was five,
they've been real close friends since then!

They were attacked by a rabid coyote,
one day on their daily ride!
Midnight was startled, and Lucy fell off,
she lay on the ground and cried!

Midnight, started snorting and kicking,
nothing more needs to be said!
Lucy was safe, cause when Midnight was done,
that rabid coyote, was dead!

By:  Ralph Taylor
Contest: Midnight Pearl

by Jeremy Street |
Categories: age, analogy, animal, love,

The Difference Between Survival And, Your Pain

Reading about mommy's little poochie
Hnaging out amid the early morning in her
Pacifica aside spring times sea: greeting lovely
Creation not a care in this world perhaps then suddenly
While mother was watching through her sunrise's kitchen window
Serenity abruptly being interrupted for the two of they: startled hearts a coyote
Carrying away their prey surreal as helpless she gazed fade to black it's tiny life today....
Turning about his babylon; east to west north and south everyday, these priceless babies, swept away.

by Joshua Lacey |
Categories: life


Crazy?  Stop.
Insane?  Stop.
Wily E. Coyote?  Stop.

Love?  Go.
Peace?  Go.
Joy?  Go.

To be me!

by Chris Matt |
Categories: funny, nature

Desert Dreams

It grows in the desert on cacti. 
It needs the heat and colorful sky. 
Adventurers love what it brings. 
Its a plant that can make you see things.

You feel like you are dancing with a star,
but you have no clue where you are. 
They open up your mind to new dreams,
but they can also open up your screams. 

Time will slow down and you'll wonder if this is real. 
Then you might move around like an electric eel. 
This brings more than just a hallucinogen, 
it can bring you something called zen. 
When you are out there, beware of the coyote, 
because he might ask you for some of your peyote.

by Cori Wunderlin |
Categories: cute love,


you and i
so different, yet alike.

you, with your crazy jazz,
abstract art
and football Sundays.

and me

nothing but elevator music
and dizzy ideas i've yet to make sense of.
attempting to understand
your jazz
and abstract art.

i doubt i'll ever understand football
but i love to win!

such funny lovers
you and i
in your arms i find a peace i'd thought had long since left me.

your lips are sweet wine and your voice gentle to my ears.

both of us
reaching out 
for something or someone


i love you coyote.

as much as i can



by Lola Maria King |
Categories: animals, death, devotion, loss, lost love, love, pets, me,

Lament To Lone Coyote

This pain in my heart is out of control,
for life without you has deeply wounded my soul.

Bitter-sweet memories flood my weary brain,
as this heartache and grief drive me insane.

Your part in my life, a blessing I treasure;
and love for my Coyote is far beyond measure.

You are at peace and suffer no pain.
This, alone, be my comfort to keep me half sane.

by John Castellenas |
Categories: beautiful, girl, love, sad love,

The Song of the Living

The song of the living

The song of the living, the song of the dead

Songs sung to celebrate life and death.

I knew a Scotland beauty, she was a rare flower,
pretty as she could be.
The sun caressed and loved her daily.
The gentle rain gave her life blood and strength.

Many came to see her.
She was a shining star in a world of darkness.
They adored her and worship her perfection and her beauty.

Like all flowers. In the Fall.
She would slowly die and many would mourn her death.
But they knew.

The dear rose would bloom in the Spring.
She would bless her world with her kind smile and her gentle voice.

                         John Castellenas/Coyote

by Fritz Purdum |
Categories: earth, life,

September Poem

meadows of vermilion are tether to the earth
bleeding red the landscape
the sun sets and melts away
glazing the prairie sky
a southwest wind blows
and i hear the song of promise
the truth of a stubborn hard people
till the earth with sweat and prayer
toil before dawn finish after dusk
be proud be foolish stay humble
live and die
back to the earth that made you
to the earth that nourished you
to the earth that damned you
to the earth that blessed you
to the land you love
to the land you cursed
a pale moon frozen in the sky
lonely and deep is the cry of the coyote

by Susan Clark |
Categories: wisdom,

Every Perfect Gift

Like a coyote I make my way in the untamed desert, 
I am alone but not lonely.
Early this eve I cry out to rejoice. I know exhaustion.
Pure destiny is just over that rise.

Foreboding thorny Saguaros stand as sentinels on either 
side guarding against any of my foe, sunset beckons me 
to continue this journey.

On borrowed time my eyes shades of amber and hazel 
catch the twinkling of light, more than a star.  Pulsating 
energy flows strongly into my often self-condemning will.

I take a generous breath of love, and then with insight I 
continue to travel along into the 
darkness of the night.

by S.E. Clark

by Andrew Crisci |
Categories: animals, history, loss, places, sad, seasons

Loss of a Breed

They ride on breezy praires
and as striking as they are,
they love their freedom as in those wild west days.

They snort as they approach danger,
it can be a coyote, hunter or wildcat;
see them flee to the canyons and completely disappear.

The Native Indians rode them with pride
and trusted them for their agility,
bravery and endurance to adjust to hot and cold clide.

The white man stole them from many a tribe...
mingling them with other breeds,
and in doing so:  the beautiful, wild horses couldn't survive.

by Angie Millan-Acosta |
Categories: animal, women,

Sola the Magic Cat

Found a safe place in our home.
After a coyote took her partner.
We fell in love with her.
Wild sweet Feline.

Fascinating eyes.
Aware of everything.
Walks gracefully;
unless some dog is chasing her.
Loves the woods,
Climb trees,
Jumps from the roof,
Free adventurer…

Moody, like a good female.
Asks for love when she wants.
Comes and goes as she please. 
Independent but unafraid to ask.

We weren’t cat people.
She wrapped us with her magic.
Day by day gains ground.
The new princess of the house.

by Larry Bradfield |
Categories: lost love,

I Still Smile

She looked at me as if to say "be mine"
And in return I smiled for I was shy
The moment passed and she moved on alone
And I stayed here for I was shy you see
The sun still sets in flaming reds each night
A silver moon still lights a love's first kiss
The coyote barks as if to say "come dance"
And so the night still holds the same mystique
Tho' years have passed and you are not the same
And I am old but I still smile at times
For I recall unspoken words -"be mine"
Then tear drops fall - where did you go my love

5/22/2017 for contest Blank Verse II

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: animal,

Because He Is a Little Guy

Coyote Pup used to sleep all day, but now he is past that.
He is an active running, jumping, sniffing, snarling puppy.
His life is busy, and he has a new friend, persnickety mouse.

Persnickety Mouse is bossy, but they are friends.
And they love to do the same things – chase and run.
Run and chase, chase and run and run and chase.

In the morning Coyote Pup gets his instructions from his friend.
Why do you let him boss you? His mother asks him.
“Because he is a little guy, and it makes him feel powerful.”

She cannot argue with this, so she keeps silent.
Watching them run and scramble, having such fun!
As they grow up it may not be this way, so they should enjoy the now.

by Jo Bien |
Categories: cowboy-western

The Love of the West

a hat a cowboy doesn't make
even a horse or ridin' the range
it's the love of the West
the mountain sunsets
the valley stretching out for miles
the sound of the coyote howl

by Angel Prall |
Categories: family, hurt,

Hide Who You Are

You throw 
God in my face.
To control me 
To be the person 
You want me to be.
Being hateful
With no love.
Despicing me for 
Who I became.
But your just a coyote 
In sheep clothing.
Hiding who you really are.