Love Poems About Hiking or Hiking Love Poems
by Ken Allan Dronsfield |
Categories: age, best friend, care, friend, heartbreak, sad love,

Sonnet 21, Old Hiking Shoes

Sonnet 21, Old Hiking Shoes 
(Spenserian Format)

Don't grieve for me here on the attic shelf;
we're joined infinitely as one, you said.
In an old moldy box now, by myself;
my place was there tucked well under your bed.

Don't grieve for me here within the dark dread;
the days and nights meld together as one.
Reflect on happy times, with stronger tread;
sweet dreams now reign as dead leaves in the sun.

Memories fade away after you're done;
the old just crumble away into dust.
Remember all the mountain trails we'd run?
Fear, you showed none, only honor and trust.

Don't grieve I'm here above your clarinet;
on the top shelf, right beside your train set.

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: spring,

A Wonderful Sight

Sky crimson all over.
The high mountains are still dressed with snow.
Surround the vale
As if to protect what’s below.
 So many blooming trees,
Though the Scandinavian Mountain ash
Takes its place as the queen of queens.
Below a rainbow of colours.
Fireweed grows wildly 
In the meadows and higher mountains.
Whilst below one can discern
Lupines and buttercups 
A contrast that delights.
A symphony of hues.
So come my love
Let’s go hiking.
A soft breeze will help us along
It will be a wonderful sight.

by Kl Williams |
Categories: humorous, nature,


I love to be outdoors,
but hiking, I don't commit.
I'll pick the cushy swing,
for my lazy butt to sit.

Umbrella drink in hand,
but lacking the umbrella.
When my life reminds me,
I'm fine without a fella.

Under the old maple,
where my cushy swing does fit.
I really take a chance,
with the bug bites and bird...poop.

With my trustee Schnoodle,
that will never leave my side.
I love to be outdoors,
It's where I feel alive.

by Joe Flach |
Categories: adventuresun,

A Hiking Passion

Lacing up my hiking boots
A backpack full of supplies
Heading out on a new trail head
As the sun just starts to rise

Switchbacks up the mountain trail
Waterfalls at which I stop
Six thousand feet of elevation gain
Before I reach the top

Splash fresh water upon my face
Enjoy the flora along the trails
Rejuvenating my inner soul
This exhilaration never fails

Approach the apex of the mountain
As the sun reaches its summit in the sky
Looking over miles of God’s green earth
Puts a teardrop in my eye

I love each day I can spend this way
Enjoying life in this particular fashion
Hiking trails through the wilderness
Is my enriching passion

by Joe Flach |
Categories: naturenature, love, me, nature,

The Pacific Northwest

Everywhere the trees are so green
Most beautiful sights ever seen
With snow capped mountains in between
And the rivers flowing so pristine
I love hiking the trails very long
Each step my heart is beating her song
If you would like to please come along
To get away from the crowded throng
I love having our nature so near
Walking amongst it my mind is clear
And I think about what I revere
All the things to me that I hold dear

It is nature that I admire most
And where I live now she is so close

Entry in the Sonnet Me contest
Honorable Mention

by Viv Wigley |
Categories: age, humor, love,

Love Poem Number One

(With apologies to William Shakespeare)

 Shall I compare thee to a box of frogs
 for inasmuch you seem to be as mad,
 you've really let your looks go to the dogs
 your face would look quite good worn by your Dad.
 Your armpit hair blossoms forth like a hedge,
 a thicket bursting out atop your vest,
 from deep within each summer, sparrows fledge,
 your muffin tops a fine home for their nests.
 At parties you can lighten up a room
 if only from the window you would shift,
 you stand, hitch hiking as the traffic zooms
 hoping someone will give your chins a lift.
 For beauty is skin deep I have no doubt,
 in which case I'm afraid you're inside out.

 (Love poem #2 to follow)

by Karen Jones |
Categories: america, appreciation, basketball, black african american, black love, childhood,


Years before 13th birthday
Sun beckons me run play
In the street under golden ray
With neighborhood kids on hills of clay

Learning to ride bike and skate
Playing kickball run chase
Playing football basketball too
Dodge ball softball all in June

In Clanton Park we all are one
Hiking green woods under red sun
What to do on rainy days
Play with dolls do hair makeup face

Drawing dresses or playing cards spa
Not so much t.v. but it had a part
We had just begun our training bras
Tomboys galore we are stars.


by Theresa Stephens |
Categories: romance,

Spring Fever

I went for a walk one Spring day

The sun was shining up above

As I strolled  with my friends

Soon to meet my one true love

Dressed in jeans and a jacket

Almost thought whether I should

Buy a pair of hiking boots

When I bumped into my one true love

My friends had walked on up ahead

While I wondered whether I could

My kitten heels had stuck in the mud

When I met my own one true love

He rescued me, my knight, my saviour,

He lifted me above the flood

Instantaneously a look in each other's eyes

Never to part from my one true love

by Sajdah Al-Riyami |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriendhope,

Shower Guy

Just when you thought
That you cant love no more

The shower guy yells for a towel
And your on the floor

He's mesmerized your every thought
And he is mesmerized by your every thought

Its like hope left you
and came back right in your heart

One day your were down
and you thought it a never ending frown

But the next you were hiking
With a boy thats grown

"Havent seen him since preschool
Its like daipers all over again

Im holding his hands
I want to be with this now man"

I'm here for you
Am here for everything you need

But a now man was all
that you plead

So i hope he turns out great
That soon youll have him growl

Now scooch girl!
Go Be his Towel!

by Keith Peterson |
Categories: america, beach, celebration, holiday, memorial day,

I Hate Memorial Day

Hot Dogs, beer 
and long warm nights
Indigestion, too much booze
Lead to front yard fights

Days at the river
Lying on the beach
Sand everywhere
Places I can't reach

Camping or hiking
Walking or biking
All that exercise
Is not to my liking

Sun high in the sky
Early sunrise
I can't get any sleep
These things I despise

Wait, we get Monday off
Is that what you say?
I've changed my mind 
I love Memorial Day

by Ja Angelo |
Categories: environment, holiday, magic, march, nature, spring, universe,


A colorful time of year 
The skies are oh so clear
The sun shines bright 
For our delight 
Longer and warmer days
Welcoming the sun’s blaze

Trees and flowers blooming 
Grilled foods we are consuming 
Pools opening
Divers motioning 
Windows down
Cruising ‘round town 

Bicycle riding
Hang gliding
Cliff diving
Race car driving 
Trail hiking 
Beach volleyball spiking 

Early sunrises, late sunsets
Picnics packed with baguettes 
Romance in the air 
It only takes a pair
First kiss 
True love is bliss

Twelve hours of sunlight 
Not quite 
Some more, some less 
Ostara has finesse 
Rebirth, balance, and renewal
Spring looks like a jewel

by Frank Martinez |
Categories: love,


Memories springing from the hallways of my heart 
Memories feeling sweet emotions from our start 
Hiking through the sunny day 
Into the night of purple haze 
Holding hands and the sweetness of your kiss 
I close my eyes for you are the one I miss. 

Memories spring from the hallways of my heart 
Memories feeling sweet emotions from our start 
Walking through the forest tress 
Holding hands so tenderly 
Waiting for the sweetness of your kiss 
I close my eyes to take in all your bliss. 

But if all I have are memories 
Of tender kisses under sunlite trees
Of times still standing so true 
Then I don’t have you.

by Gwen Von Erlach Schutz |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, friendship, god,

God's Companion

He is God's companion learned and kind,
A minstrel of the Lord,
Hiking the mountains with excellence,
Then I would like to be his companion,
That he never be lonely,
May he always be loved and cared,
Happiness should always be with him,
I rise to meet his excellence,
A companion whom I have come to love and respect,
I have never known this enhanced lifestyle,
To be a performer, my classical music is humble,
The love of God continues and I hope to age gracefully,
With God's blessing I have discovered a miracle.

Author: Gwen von Erlach Schutz

by Danielle Wayman |
Categories: longing, lost love,


Sometimes I think you hate me because your love is so great…

The words don’t fall out;
It’s like were dining on empty plates,
Were on the ice with no skates

Sometimes you stay away too long
Your presence is in need;
It’s like were sailing with no maps,
Gone hiking with no compass

At times, you don’t show enough care;
It’s like were walking with nowhere to go,
Like were hunting with guns and no ammo

Sometimes I think you hate me, just because I’m here
Your love is too great and it’s all too *****

by Janelle Barker |
Categories: emotions, faith, feelings,

Fathers Feelings

i watched you come into this world
it took my breath away
i look at you
and cant believe
your're here to stay
i held you in my arms 
so soft n tender you are
i will always b here for you 
and never be afar
i love to watch you grow
and take you to the snow
camping, biking, hiking
oh, sweet child
you are so striking
i give you m heart
i give you my soul
in the heat
or in the cold
sometimes life
changes direction
but we will always
have a connection.

by Constance La France |
Categories: art, poetry,

Photographer - PS

I love writing poetry that is so true, and though I am not that good I draw too. But, I love, love taking nature photography, creating photos like a seasonal biography. I go for long walks when the days are nice, with hiking boots and camera for a picture to entice. Often, these photo creations will truly inspire, me- to write poetry that others will admire. Poetry and photography are my loves true blue, I wish to capture both in every possible hue. The artistic soul is connected in all ways, and I just follow it's violin whispering maze.

by Constance La France |
Categories: parents,


Mom strong, kind nurturing, speaking, inspiring home, garden - nature, life hiking, teaching, hardworking brave, wise Dad ___________________ January 16, 2023 Poetry/Diamante/Love Copyright Protected, ID 01-1518-074-16 All Rights Reserved, 2023, Constance La France Written for the Standard contest, Delightful Diamante sponsor, Caren Krutsinger, Judged 04/02/2023

by Tlcer Lyfe |
Categories: children, friendship, innocence, joy, kid,


Books of rhyming
Sat on the floor
We were never to be disturbed
A child's mind
Not yet able to read
Needs a helper 
in times of need
we sat on that 
old blue rocking chair
gritty and old
he would read to me
in times of despair
his old hiking boots
put on the floor
Carol King in the air
Dr. Seuss in my head
As stories came to life
in that poor lighted room
and ugly carpeted floors
a love for reading was born

by Robert Gorelick |
Categories: humor,

She Loves

She loves cool, crisp breezes along the shore
Warm smiles and rom-coms she's cried to before
She loves fall, dogs and biking
Babies, laughter and hiking
But somehow, she doesn't love me anymore

Written 10/17/22

by Jo Bien |
Categories: love

Moment In Time

something I can believe in
I'm loving all of these feelings
right now, this moment in time
hold on baby, hold on tight

with you I can bare my soul
loving you makes it so
right now, this moment in time
hold on baby, hold on tight

it's like driving in pouring rain
it's like hiking a mountain range
right now, this moment in time
hold on baby, hold on tight

I don't know where you've been
but you've got me feeling like this again
right now, this moment in time
hold on baby, hold on tight

by Michael Kalavik |
Categories: desire,

Pennsylvania Fieldstone

I want a house that’s built from Pennsylvania fieldstone
On a farm that’s far away from all this noise.
I want a lane that’s lined with clutches of day lilies.
We’ll live on simple gifts and ordinary joys.

I want a trail where we’ll go hiking with our children,
Where they can learn the trees and follow nature’s way.
I want to sit around a fire and tell them stories
That make them laugh enough to scare their fears away.

I want a woman I can trust will always love me,
And who wants my lovin’ likewise in return.
I want the happily ever after happily here and now.
We’ll meet at rainbow’s end and spend the gold we’ve earned.