Love Poems About Holiday or Holiday Love Poems
by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: funny, holiday

Valentine's Day Musings

All year long he puts my heart on a shelf
No surprise I’d rather be by myself
     If there’s no Valentine treat
     From this worthless hunk of meat
He can go on making love to himself

Remember there’s an “I” in Valentine
So if no one’s around to say, “Be mine”
     Just splurge – get a new hairdo
     Party with an all-girl crew
Check out the divorce rate and say, “I’m fine”

*For Francine's Valentine Limerick contest

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: fantasy, fun, funny, holiday, humorous, love,

I Want Peace

I want a piece of chocolate cake
Oh and a delicious piece of cherry pie
I want a piece of that place called Fort Knox
With all those pieces I could afford a lot

I want a piece of that lady over there
In her haute couture she saunters with such flair
I want a piece of the clouds in the sky
I just want it, don't ask me why!

I want some tiny peace of mind
To have some pieces left to be kind
Then I can give you a piece of  Art
A piece I promise comes straight from the heart

by Hyle Chu |
Categories: depression, devotion, fantasy, holiday, life, lost love, love, passion, sad,

Time Out

Make no haste,
your work is restless.

Aeon give me pause--
no more ticking
gears grinding
ever towards the
lonely end.

Live the now.
Even Death took
a holiday,
veering briefly from an
eternity of reaping

Take your time
on earth and
overindulge in
Rest assured,
oblivion can

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: happiness, holiday

Memory Wreath

Each year before Christmases of the past
   Past visitors came to trim my holiday tree
Tree with ornaments homemade to last
   Lasting, unique gifts of their artistry

Artistry now shown in a wreath on my door
   Door filled with treasures I was blessed to receive
Received gifts from those who are with us no more
   More reminders that love in my heart will never leave

*For Dr. Ram's "Wreath" Contest. (Eight-line quatrain/rhyme using the last word of each line as the first word of the next line.)  Merry Christmas, everyone!

by Anais Vionet |
Categories: 11th grade, care, christmas, feelings, holiday, humor, teen,

Old Fashioned Christmas

It’ll be an old fashioned Christmas,
with Santa due down the chute.
I bet he Purells his reindeer, 
and Lysols his hazmat suit.

It’s an old fashioned Christmas.
We’ll all have on our masks,
and our muffled yuletide carols,
will be just like seasons past.

We’ll observe all the guidelines.
We’ll eat six feet apart.
We’ll have disinfectant under the mistletoe,
and keep safety in our hearts.

Sure, it’s an old fashioned Christmas.
One unique to the times.
The love this year might be careful,
but the feelings are genuine.

by Franci Hoffman |
Categories: christmas,

Christmas Recipe

Happy Holidays everyone at Poetry Soup!

A cozy warm fire

2 cups hugs plus one cup love

and a Christmas tree

Gifts favored with care

3 cups grins 2 cups kisses

and snuggly blankets

Chocolaty treats

Tablespoon of handholding

and Christmas stockings

Candy cane delights

Two and a half cups laughter

and Christmas carols

Santa’s ho ho ho

2 cups of Christmas giving

and holiday cheer

Merry Christmas!

3rd publish-prev PoetryPalette and GoDogGocafe by Franci Eugenia Hoffman

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: write,

Running Out of Ideas Is Impossible

Running out of ideas?
That is impossible if you have a:
TV set
toilet paper
drum set
spiders web
grand child
space aliens

by Christopher Flaherty |
Categories: love,

Love Pray New Day Enjoy the Gift

New Day

Give us all a New Day 
Give us all a Holiday
Give us all a brighter dawn

So when the Sun pierces our curtains
That what which we were uncertain
Are consigned to our past
Like ghosts and ashes

So give us all a New Day
And let the sun shine 
Into every room
Where the clouds of doom
Are decorations and affirmations 

That the Storm is clearing
And the Sky has no ceiling 
For all we are feeling
Is Love and Rocket's 
Set for the Sun

Come On
Come on
And all become 1
Who fear none
As Love's great reward 
Is nothing more than that
Love itself 

Enjoy the gift
And give the World 
A well deserved Lift

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: giggle, holiday, love,

- Rio De Janeiro and Carl -

Carl is still in Rio
He is hooked on the casino
Sweet love in moonlight
Cherry musk all night
His libido is like a volcano

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
6-8-5 -5 -10 syllables

by James Fraser |
Categories: beauty, holiday, i miss you, love, passion, vacation, valentines day,

Kiss Me Quiet

It's near midnight, whilst we moonlight walk Palm tree lined fairway, Crickets singing Hands clenched in loving vacationed talk Hearts in wanting pound, Batangas is bringing We, she and I, now amidst our intending lock Serenity is the scene blessed by lunar watch So late, but joyous we, soon our lips are speaking Clouds now hover as we witness natures rain Our apartment is distant, we welcome given Through broken lunar light, stroking her mane My hands in taken then, sensuously they're driven Kiss me quiet is whispered, hearts now in reign Walking, slowly walking, absorbing to us this night Hearts in touching pound, Batangas has brought .

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: chocolate, holiday, humorous, religion, valentines day,


Not much is known about him,
But all girls love him.

Saint Valentine's Feast,
On February fourteenth:
Mostly chocolates!

It would make more sense
To honor Aphrodite...
So then, why don't we?!

by Donald Williams |
Categories: dedication, girlfriend, holiday, passion, romantic, thank you,

Thank You My Love

The days go by, each hour and each minute, 
Sometimes I neglect to say certain things, but you know that I mean it. 
In light of this special occasion, I wanted to share a thought with you. 
So often I pass you by with only a gentle tug or two. 
Even without words, you know my feelings, 
Today is one day that has special meaning. 
I want to tell you that one thing you hardly ever hear, 
With passion from me to you, my dear. 
A whisper in the darkness and you look to see who. 
I want to say "THANK YOU" for all that you do.

by Brenda Meier-Hans |
Categories: celebration, christmas, family, holiday, love, thanksgiving,


 making each holiday
 Our gifts 
 shall vanish 
 but fostered love
 will bind us together 
 as one.

Written by Brenda Meier-Hans 
Dr. Mehta’s Contest 

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: holiday, me,

Giving Thanks For 2015 and Every Year

G od’s love and all the things He’s given me:
I ntelligence, abilities, free will,
V im for living life, the poetry
I nside me, for the muse is with me still!
N ew life that I’ve been lucky to see grow
G randchildren who keep me on the go!

T he list of what I’m thankful for goes on:
H ealthy fun activities I do,
A nimals I’ve kept as pets - now gone,
N ature, movies, food, the friendships true,
K indnesses shown to me, and the last:
S ouls I’ve loved both now and in the past.

Written 11/20/12
but it applies to every year that I am alive.

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: holiday, thank youthanksgiving, love,

Thanksgiving Pudding

Mix up all the love felt for my family, God, and Home.

Sprinkle in the gratitude for material blessings from above.

Blend well, holiday cheer.

Whip the the blues and set aside.

Let the Joy rise to overflowing.

let all the friends partake of the blessings, Warm the hearts of others in my path, sautee the 
ingredients and Share the Love with all the neighborhood. Set a spell and enjoy.

My Recipe for Thanksgiving Pudding

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: christmas, holiday, thanksgiving,



Harvest of food
Families gather close
Warm love

Christmas joy
Give and receive
Gifts...but best is the love

© Sandra M. Haight 2014 
   All Rights Reserved

~3rd Place~
Contest: Cinqku Poem - Holidays
Sponsor: Dr. Ram Mehta
Judged 12/09/2014

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: dedication, devotion, happiness, holiday, inspirational, life, love, on work and working, passion

The Mission Trip To Please

On mission trip overseas
At least one week will do
Hold babies gently squeeze

Whether in cold where freeze
In rain forest where view 
On mission trip overseas

My hearts desire will please
Feed hungry babies stew
Hold babies gently squeeze

Give up my life of ease
Place on feet needed shoes
On mission trip overseas

Help babies who cough wheeze
For mothers good tea brew
Hold babies gently squeeze

Perfect week just do these
Open heart my love grew
On mission trip overseas
Hold babies gently squeeze

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: funny, humorous, nonsense,

A Racy Poem So Watch Out

My thumbs ran off today.
I knew they were in love
And I suspected they might be compelled to be alone, together.

It makes opening cans rather tough.
Turning the key in the ignition is nigh onto impossible.
I had trouble picking up my fork for my eggs.
But do they care?

Heavens no.
They are selfishly in love, those two.
Gone away on a clandestine holiday.
Thank goodness I have an I-phone instead of a rotary one.

I do not even have to use my thumbs to hold it down while I dial.
They are in the next room, moaning and stuff. 
Like newlyweds do. I hate to disturb them,
So here I sit, twiddling nothing.

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: holiday, social,

Black For a Reason

We all get up early
To head out to the mall
For Black Friday Bargains
We want to get them all

First there's all the line ups
We're set to crash the door
Here for all our treasures
Waiting inside the store

The entrance is opened
we all push and we shove
Forget the Christmas Spirit
This sure aint about love

Cash registers flashing
Bing Bang Ring a Ding Ding
The money is flowing 
People buying their Bling

Some people get trampled
They didn't factor that cost
All those stupid profits
In the end will be lost

by Skat A |
Categories: art, celebration, first love, holiday, love,

Forever -Valentine


Forever my Valentine 

The perfect mate
Sparkles of a new journey, 
Love so divine my heart spoke red for the first time
I am yours, you are mine.
You will always be mine, mine, and all mine.
Beautiful shades of red flow, making everyday,

S…. Poems

by Deb Wilson |
Categories: holiday, lovechristmas, me, christmas, me,

Joy of Christmas Love

Just as snow begins to drift and fall
Outside still my lover comes to call
Yes the fire is toasty warm,and bright
On my rug we curl up nice and tight
For awhile we kiss and murmur sweet
Casually he gets me on my feet
Hanging in the door there's mistletoe
Reaches for me as our feelings grow
In his arms he twirls me and I sway
Soon we realize Santa's on his way!
Tree lights twinkle bright across the room
Merry Christmas on our lips does bloom
At long last I unfold from his arms
Softly pull away from all his charms
Let us give each other just one gift
On to pretty packages we drift
Very soon it will be Christmas Day
Ending the night,we listen for that sleigh!

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: christmas, friend, poets, uplifting,

To My Dear Readers

To My Dear Readers,
Another year is ending with a bright new "2025" beginning.
I want to give you a huge "Thank You" for your support. This means the world to me. It has been fun reading your Wonderful comments over the many months.
May you enjoy your Holiday Season.  Remember, Jesus is the Reason for Christmas. Gifts are always nice to give and get. Giving yourself and time can mean much more.
I Wish You Blessings, Love, Peace, Health and Wealth
In The Coming New Year "2025," Paula...........

by Chris Tober |
Categories: easter, god, holiday, religious,

Happy Easter Jesus Christ Is Our Savior

Jesus Christ our savior is the Ultimate Boss, He Loved us so much that he was Crucified on the Cross.
Those who believe in him are the ultimate Winners,
He gave his life to forgive us Sinners.
Jesus Reigns from heaven Above, He is looking down on us with all of his Love
So when we celebrate this Easter season, let us rejoice in Jesus Christ Our Savior is the reason
From My Family To Yours Have A  Bless & Joyful Easter
A Short Holiday Poem For Easter By 
Christopher Tober

by Tim Ryerson |
Categories: daughter, holiday,

All That Remains

Beyond all the hard times before
Eternal and pure at the core
Beyond all the guilt and the pains
I love you is all that remains

In spite of the worry and strife
I'm honored you entered my life
In spite of the losses and gains
I love you is all that remains

There are no more debts to forgive
Nor any regrets to relive
There are no more smudges or stains
I love you is all that remains

Let richer men offer up pearls
A poor man gives this my dear girls
Just a verse that proudly exclaims
I love you is all that remains

*Written several years ago for Christmas to my three daughters who often asked, "How did you ever put up with us?"

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: faith, holiday, life, love

Love Triumphs

pure love triumphs – Joseph bears burden quietly marries his Mary

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Note:  #6 in the series - 24 Monokus reflecting the holy season of Christmas *
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