by Deborah Burch |
home, symbolism,
Oh! Virginia
Come travel back with me to Old Virginia
The namesake of Elizabeth: the Queen
No other state possesses such charisma...
Oh! Mother, of this nation... evergreen.
The Old Dominion, (fifth realm of the Crown),
Birthed many 'Declaration' signers here
As well as Presidents...heroes abound,
From battles fought for Freedom we endear.
The Commonwealth is full of history:
From Jamestown...Williamsburg...and even Poe;
Virginians' Honour and Integrity...
Are still the code for living--not just show.
The Blue Ridge, Country Ham, and Brunswick Stew...
Virginia! Oh! Virginia! I love you...
deborah burch©1.3.2017
Form: Sonnet
by Daniel Cheeseman |
Let me walk the palm of your
hand, over the mount of Venus
down the line of life and along
the line of love.
Let our heart lines entwine and
mingle with the lines of fate.
Let our futures be each others
and the stars be radiant.
For in the heavens our love is
written, its glory for all to see,
it falls as stardust, in honour of
you and me.
So let us walk hand in hand and
let the lines entwine, live our
life in paradise, and taste of love
And at break of day let love
change its cloak and come in
the form of rays, to provoke
desire and passion throughout
our given days.
Sorry probs with PC can't comment
or soupmail at moment will catch up
by Yasser Rhimi |
angst, confusion, fear, funeral, hope, love, nostalgia, romantic, visionary,
For one moment I thought
Moons stars and kingdoms,
Humbly yielded to the spell of your tongue;
For I would never miss such an honour
When my heart still dies in front.
From the gravest yard in my groans,
In those rainy eyes of autumn,
You stole into the fragrance of my desert red bloom;
Despite the venom in my features,
You killed the old beast in my gloom.
For one moment I thought
Flowers, bees, and dew drops
Had never been bleeding forever;
The honey have they made
Fell us in love like a feather.
For one moment I thought
We stumbl’d upon each other.
by John Beharry |
bird, joy, love, music, mystery, nature, sweet,
Perched on a sturdy branch on yonder tree
Pouring out your heart in sweet melody
With a full throated birdsong rhapsody
Filling me with such joyful ecstasy
Do you sing sweetly to woo your lady
Who listens somewhere on a nearby tree
Her heart must surely melt at the beauty
Of the song you sing so effortlessly
Is your song a joyful testimony
To honour nature's musical bounty
Given to creatures from earth, sky and sea
Whose music blesses all abundantly
Or is it part of a profound mystery
Heralding a supreme divinity
Which pervades all silently and deeply
O bird, I'll ever be grateful to thee
by Sekitto Herbert Grace |
life, love,
Today's children,
honor your parents
to enjoy the world's joy.
Love your parents,
as you love your selves,
our parents are our life,
the source of every thing.
by Seren Roberts |
Eyes met as they walked the market place
Mumtaz and Prince Jahan hearts did race
betrothed for five years before his bride
fourteen children before she died
Prince Jahan it was true love at first sight
distraught at her demise, a shrine of ivory white
built in her honour "Crown of Palaces: now stands
the Taj Mahal is famous throughout the lands
Penned 13/1/2019
by Simran Mendon |
10th grade, cute love, desire, high school, imagery, soulmate, urdu,
it is five a.m and his voice is a hymn i composed to honour my body.
his history is now mine, and I have sewn myself to his favourite memory.
his baritone is cinnamon flavoured - the words, crushed blueberries he has plucked out of the garden of his skin and from which I will make the most insatiable type of wine.
the smoke billowing from his mouth is my scent - the ittar I adorn my name with,
and this phone is the bridge between our beds - the miles that separate our worlds,
he asks me if I know how long it takes to fall in love.
Just long enough for him to say hello.
by Diane Christian |
faith, on writing and words, thank you
Dear Lord
thank you for poetry
a special gift given to us from you
a great way to express ourselves of your goodness
and the amazing things that you can do
as you minister deep into our heart
words with our pen on to paper then start to depart
words of love and devotion and so much more
all Glory honour and praise be to you
both now and forever more
we can only write in the way and the styles that we do
not because of us but because those gifts and tallents come from you. Amen.
by Vladislav Raven |
love, sunset,
In the heart of a moonlit smile,
as the sky is alight with fire,
I behold a woman of style,
in sunset she shines with desire.
a love-light glow upon her face,
her temple shining so divine,
I hold close, her Heavenly grace,
with angelic love, she does shine.
A man of great integrity
whose fondness for the twilight hour,
is shared with me in unity
in grandeur of nature's power.
The stars reflected in his eyes
enchants my soul upon this night,
we gaze in love, with moonlit skies
as crickets serenade 'til light.
As always, Connie, it is an honour to share words with you on the Soup. you always make our collaborations sing. Stay safe.
by Peter Adelakun |
It squeezes all hope
Like something tied down with a rope
Giving one a name such as a dope
Alas! Who with this can cope
It makes a life journey very bad
Leaving one with a mind that feels so bad
Here a child isn't bold enough to call his dad
While any man would love to see his lad
Like an honour it bestows on man shame
Which stands in the way of one's fame
It disables the power of the mind as though a lame
Being hindered to play his life's game
Our progress it loves to bog
By defeating one's confidence through its cog
It's as wicked as a ferocious dog
Oh that it would fall off like a log
by Shajid Khan |
death, dedication, poems,
Tribute to APJ Abdul Kalam
Most respectfully dedicated to
Shri APJ Abdul Kalam,
Our beloved Ex-President of INDIA
You left us with a shock
You left us with a tear..
You left us with your books
You left us with your words
You left us with your missiles
You deserve not just a word
but phrases,
To properly describe you
To honour and acknowledge you
To show the respect we have for you
We say 'Kalam Tujhe Salaam"
You lived as right as a man can live,
You showed love and respect for fellow man,
You led by example to things Godly
And even in death,
You were there for the young minds
by David Bucknell |
humanity, hyperbole, mentor, mirror, moon, mother son, mothers day,
For all the things that you do for me,
For being my rock and crutch,
For always caring and believing,
For loving me so much,
Through all the mistakes and ups and downs,
You've always been by my side,
For showing me how to live and love,
For being my council and guide,
My conscience, values and principles,
All the goodness that I possess,
These gifts that you've taught and shown,
I'm able to honour and express,
On this day and every day,
I'll always be your loving son,
Thank you for each and everything,
Thank you for being my mum,...
by Adeleke Adeite |
Life itself is a bunch of something built on
nothing, what lives after a man is not the
luggage of his labor but the legacies of
love he leaves. Pride is parading the
porous, painting the pointless and
preaching on pit-platform. Humility is
holding unto honour with the hands of
your heart. What a man posseses that
adds value to him alone goes to the
grave with him, what a man posseses
that adds value to others goes to where
his legs wouldn't get to, leaves his
footprint of the path of posterity & his
fingerprint on the walls of eternal worth.
Live to love, leave a legacy.
~Adeleke Adeite~
by Brenda Rose |
appreciation, brother, eulogy, family, feelings, love, tribute,
Oh how I remember him so tall and strong
He showed no fear when facing wrong
So it was no surprise to hear at all
My brother became a man of the law.
A family man devoted too
Took care of his with I love you
And if others were in any need
He’d lift them up till they could lead.
And heard aloud but will never pass
The sound of my brother’s boisterous laugh
And his favourite time he wished could stay
Could only be every Christmas Day.
A man of honour of love and kind
A decent man that walked the line
You could see his strength his mighty will
So that’s my brother his name was Bill.
Brenda Elizabeth Rose
by Naldeem Bout |
childhood, christian, courage, life, love, mother, mothers day,
Dear Lord thank You for a mother
who stayed through it all with us,
who has shown us the way to church,
because in You today I trust.
Thank You for every hardship she faced
for she has taught us sacrifice
now I can give my all to You,
nothing else would have sufficed.
Thank You Lord for all her toil
because she represents great strength
for even in adversity
she persevered through great a length.
If anyone be candidate
let it be her You honour Lord
for You know all about her struggle
and surely You are her reward.
I praise You greatly for Her life
my life without her could not be,
show her Your favour without measure
for everything she's meant to me.
by Ojobo Emmanuel |
mother, religion,
Honour whom shall we raise high
With her i always stand and sigh
Your love is what i see at home
To whom shall you be made known?
Cleopatra-can she ever stands your tide?
The mediator o! She stood the time
She is a way easy and safe to Christ grace
And intercessor of the worn out age
She is of heaven alma-mater
Tabernacle of our lord and master
O! Virgin our gracious mother
Full of grace humble and greater
Etal Gracias Light
by Brenda Rose |
best friend, emotions, friendship, funny love, imagery, satire, word play,
I'd like you to meet a friend of mine
Michael is his name
He has not been my loss
He has not been my gain.
He helps keep my sanity
So I'm not yet insane
And when he doesn't talk too much
He doesn't leave me drained.
Honour and integrity
Is part of this man's grain
He only stands for good and right
So this man bears no stain.
He doesn't stand behind the scenes
And point the finger and maim
If he is in the wrong
He stands and takes the blame.
And if you believe this tall tale
You are far from sane
Crazy Michael's on the loose
So I must catch a train!
Brenda Elizabeth Rose
by Ivor Davies |
analogy, animal, caregiving, family, strength,
Tigers laze in midday sun
their very essence shared,
for when they’re caring for their kind
their fangs are seldom bared,
but should a danger threaten those
that tigers hold their own
they’ll give their life to then protect
all those who share their home.
This beast of beauty, strength and power
with independent streak
is emblem of a lifetime’s love
where power is also meek.
A tiger’s heart both fierce and kind
depending on the need
lifts them above all earthly beasts,
brings honour to their breed
Courageous, fearsome, gentle beasts
no other can surpass,
but just remember, it’s their world,
………..and Tigers Don’t Eat Grass!
Ivor G Davies
by Deborah Burch |
allegory, dedication,
The Volunteer
Each heartbeat of the volunteer
Exudes a hope for mankind that
Embodies lessons of mercy,
Honour, and compassion; equal
That higher calling made to all
Believers. The power
Not just love for friends, but strangers.
Daily sacrificing their lives
And their selves on the alter of
Humanity. For no other
Reason but that calling breathed
Deep within each drop of blood...That
"Greater love has no man than this:
to lay down his life for his friends. "
3.26.2017©deborah burch
In Honour of my son
In Memory of my husband
And to all "Good Samaritans" in the world
Holy Bible: reference
by Kim Shaw |
It's Poppies, poppies o'er the land,
stuck fast to collars; prickled hands.
Blood red, emblazoned, filled with pride,
A poppies heart shall never hide!
Poppies, poppies; our best, our brave,
The fallen ones we could not save.
Instead, they marched ahead to cheers,
We love them always, shedding tears.
Poppies, poppies, share our feelings,
Standing tall, we pray for healing.
Fathers, Mothers, sons and daughters,
We stand for all; silent honour.
by Liam Mcdaid |
baptism, beautiful, blessing, destiny, flower, heaven, love,
Many sins have been forgiven
washed inside the oceans a secret dwells
Forever loved cherished Rose scarlet
were the passion bleeds to honour your sacrifice
Within thorns daggers sharp razor frosted winter flower grows
dancing with the angels sweet aroma of Heaven claws
Misted mountain echoes Glory to Your Name
wild steeds rise and thundering onto the sands crash kneeling
Winds carrying whispering voices magnified inside waves
looking up to the sun warmly it kissed me remembering
by Naldeem Bout |
childhood, christian, courage, life, love, mother, mothers day,
Dear Lord thank You for a mother
who stayed through it all with us,
who has shown us the way to church,
because in You today I trust.
Thank You for every hardship she faced
for she has taught us sacrifice
now I can give my all to You,
nothing else would have sufficed.
Thank You Lord for all her toil
because she represents great strength
for even in adversity
she persevered through great a length.
If anyone be candidate
let it be her You honour Lord
for You know all about her struggle
and surely You are her reward.
I praise You greatly for Her life
my life without her could not be,
show her Your favour without measure
for everything she's meant to me.
by Brenda Rose |
appreciation, devotion, how i feel, love, mothers day, thank you, woman,
There’s a day soon coming
For Mothers and those alike
That will take a time to honour
Our Mothers in their own right.
And it’s what they mean to us
That cannot be expressed
It seems that they keep giving more
Despite that they get less.
A Mothers love can’t be measured
And if it could be at last
The scales would well tip over
For a Mothers love is vast.
” I hope you read this Mom
For I have had my say
And don’t forget how much I love you,
So Happy Mother’s Day”.
Brenda Elizabeth Rose
by Wendy Rycroft |
The olive tree withstands,
History tells her story,
Age portrays it,
Thousands years of growth,
No matter what comes,
She stands the test of time,
Wars, disasters, blood,
Tears and peace,
Past present and future,
Nothing can uproot,
Or take away her love,
Brilliantly shining,
Her message to the world,
Producing good vibes,
Small oval fruit,
With a bitter flesh,
Food for thought,
And the taste of forgiveness,
Anointing with her oil,
Offering reconciliation,
A symbol of peace,
Honour joy and favour,
Branching into friendship,
Her communication,
Calls from the Garden of Eden
Bringing wealth and health,
The perfect wedding
Wendy Jae
by Anna-Marie Docherty |
caregiving, christian, confusion, death, dedication, devotion, forgiveness, friendship, hope, jesus, light, loss, lost love, meaningful, remember, sad, sympathy,
The candles we light in honour of your name
Reflect the brightness you gave to our lives
Burn away at the darker side surrounding
Giving way to freedom's path for your spirit
Helping bring healing to the hearts that miss you
Binding you in mind, faith and prayer
So your memory can live on and bring comfort
To those that walk in hope, with you beside them