Love Poems About Polish or Polish Love Poems
by Tim Smith |
Categories: confusion,

Breaking Point

I can't take it no more this is too much Your words are just words you use as a crutch My mind is a mess these pills just dont work Why don't you care I'm going beserk One minute I'm up the next one I'm down This life is strangling me I might as well drown I sit in the dark never seeing the light You're all out to get me I'm living in fright I polish my guns They are a true friend Since you don't love me Today will be our end
***based on a true story of a co-worker. Last weekend he attempted to shoot his wife over cold dinner**** Hope he can get the help he truely needs

by Travis Tapley |
Categories: love

My Pearl

i will show you the

pearls of my heart

place them inside

the shell of your love


feed you the grains

of my tenderness

form a new stone

treasure of happiness


i will open the armor

that protects your fear

polish the white gem

that has grown within


let me wash you in

the streams of my soul

cleanse the sands of doubt


a precious pearl

taken from the

waters of uncertainty


i will cherish your

beauty forever

by Brian Anderson |
Categories: introspection, mother

A Glimpse of Mamma

mamma held the whiskey bottle
in small yellow hands
with dirty/short nails
their polish peeling like hers.
jaded/hard eyes with fear in each iris
watched me with something akin to love
similar but more unsure.

by Pariah Love |
Categories: beauty, body, confidence, courage, growth, poetry, pride,


Your precious youthful portrait you polish,
Till thy cheeks dye rose and yellow seems gold.
Seeking praise her truth she shall embellish,
Concealing blemish under manifold
Brushes in prayer for brief perfection:
“Make lush my lashes, allow my eyes allure,
 Veil in vanity this unloved complexion,
Feature me anew to comely contour.”
Who fed her the lie that her flaws were foes?
Who whispered she’d die unless she attain
A visage pure as those in heaven’s host,
Wherefore she sees her face and can’t complain.
     Pretty pictures indeed a frame deserves;
     Artless love, she ought learn, no mask can earn.

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: life,

Life's Shores

Perpetually persistent, the sea will polish
its ragged rim - stone, no greater foe
than bone or shell, time makes all the same,
all to sand and then to dust.

My mind, intoxicated by horizon's edge,
a visual vixen, while the surf beguiles -
pulsing hypnotically.
A love, a passion that can never be owned,
always shared, and happily.
Space where predetermined fates become

infinitely miscible with all that has been -
all that will be.  Here, where life
crept from water's womb,
I'm beckoned again and again
to revel on its shores.

by Leo Mbalamana |
Categories: black love, blessing, blue, body, books, boyfriend, break up,


Don’t be Foolish 
For you to accomplish 
And finally flourish 
Take your time 
With your art and polish
Don’t just preach 
And give off a perfect speech 
Truly practice what you teach 
Than your purpose you shall reach

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: dedication, faith, future, poverty,

She Walks

Amidst the broken windows  
   The blowing trash on the sidewalks
She walks, cheekbones prominent
   Head held high

Past drunks, huddled against the cold
   Past the shrunken veins of stoned addicts
She walks, leaning into the wind
   Her step steady

Empty lots littered with glass to her right
   On her left, boarded-up residences, nevertheless
She walks, her love for her children
   Filling her tear-stained heart

To a bus stop, then a train station,
   Another bus stop, and then finally
She walks, to those pretty, far-away castles
   To polish her diamonds' futures

by Christie Mills |
Categories: family, love,

The Greatest Treasure

My family is my treasure
Each one a precious jewel
For if I did not cherish them
I would be a fool
I will polish them daily
And let their beauty shine
What makes them the greatest treasure in the world
Is that these jewels are mine!

by Jagdish Bajantri |
Categories: art, beautiful, freedom, fun, games, i love you, imagination,

Nail Polish


 Is something special 
 happens when you read 
 this ?

 my hands are cold to touch 
 you,leavening my pen
 holding you fingers 
 biting your nails

 door of sky is open 
 with the paired of birds
 in the sky,stars are laughing
 on me with the rain of sparkle
 wind bewitching with the
 condiment  sentiments of
 our love by fire got on my 
 painting of our freeze moment 
 colors flow from the height of 
 mountain to a river to meet your 
 nail like a shine of it,

 smoke of my painting flying
 like a butterfly in my heart to see
 how your Nails
 are looking when you open your eyes 

 with love all 
 jagdish bajantri

by Joy Wellington |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend

I Am His Diamond

From the collapsed gold mine of our love
An opening again has been found
Where trust turned debris of fallen faith
Now stands, diamond strength of renewal and hope

I, the paradox, declared I would love eternally
Washed away, in a sea of doubt and uncertainty 
Dismissed the very essence of my joy
The one who made me to feel like his princess

Gladly now, a fiduciary of his everlasting love
Mistakes polish my experience
No more down the road of doubts 
The most precious diamond in his collection

So my dearest, with you I’ll walk
Hand in hand through all coming situations
Giant steps forward, never to retreat
Love and hope and happiness, just what we seek

by Kathryn Sweeney |
Categories: culture, love,

Food Lure

The art of cooking never changes,
it's lure to us debates
taste vs. smell,
then it all rises up in memory like a colorful dream,
one of art that has been raided by veterans of the old country.....
My grandmothers never ceased to feed us,
"eat!" they would scream, 
and their work worn hands would bring forth Polish and Ukrainian feasts of 
pierogi, borsch, babka, and love,
blended into a holiday festivity that never disappointed, fresh from a sea of hand picked ingredients.
New York City was our place of initiation to that congregation of food and loud, loud people who thrived on second helpings. 
I reincarnated this time just to be one of them.

by Abdulhafeez Oyewole |
Categories: beauty, friend, friendship, love, work,



Your love I paint this portrait for
For you I furnish it with many color
Those ones of your desires
And from mine you admire
I single handedly paint this for you
In your best polish, clad and crown
And in your cherished light auburn 
Showing my love I dedicate through words
In hope you’ll find a place in your heart 
To fathom as bosom you’re to me


by Katherine Braithwaite |
Categories: hilarious, humor, hyperbole,

All I Ask Is That You Polish Me

I am a kettle made of stainless steel
I am a saint,  for tea  is brewed to heal
And , unlike kettles on an old  coal fire,
I am not dirty nor do I perspire.

My mirrored sides reflect you as you cook.
Look at me and read me like a book
I’m  full of love and hotter than a man
Oh, dear lady, love me while you can.

Superior mother,  yet inhuman  I;
Even electric kettles sometimes lie.
I shall never punish you, my dear
For perfect love like mine shall wield no fear.

All I ask is that you polish me.
For, in between your hands, I  yearn to be.

by Karen Murphy |
Categories: happiness, hope, imagination, life, love,

I'M In Love With You.

You're a cup of Milo on a cold winters day. 
The bacon and eggs on a warm breakfast tray. 
You're a budding rose in a dying field. 
Your not the dagger, but the durable shield. 
You're the rainfall in the middle of a drought. 
You're the certainty in a world filled with doubt. 
You're that shiny polish put on an old worn shoe. 
In fact, you're all the reasons I'm in love with you.

by David Wanjiku |
Categories: love,

I Love You

Oh my lovely Jacqueline
A heart so clean
Unto you I cling
Forever you're my cream

Our love will flourish
Your heart I'll polish
Our kids I'll cherish
A love never to perish

You give me hope
In hardships to cope 
Trashes to mop
And always be at the top

I love you princes
Even in my moments of distress
You remain to be my empress

To my love Jacky

by Blind Pathos |
Categories: emotions, growth, heartbroken, lost love, love, strength,

Romance Lost

Death stalks me like a sweetheart Rushes up and then just let’s me be All together my life comes apart And I keep watching but I can’t see Brush away the dead canaries And put a picture on the desk Another charm on the keys And a dead carnation on your vest Pound the swords into plowshares And the romance into bell curves Atop all the freshly painted prayers Only Satan’s corporate d’oeuvres Pull out the dreams and polish Cry a tear for all the windmills Look to progress instead of solace Hope is just another bitter pill

by Daver Austin |
Categories: family, hope

Focus Neighborhood


It is a collective concern
A consciousness of soul    few possess
‘Neighborhood’ is the term
We cannot know all    just a few things each one

From somewhere beyond the Milky Way
A powerful telescope zeros-in
Encircling a globe – to that furthest eye a bare acre
And in that focus
That ‘neighborhood’
Is contained a nucleus
A collective possibility that -
Once smitten    all    with love and concern –
They might free the world

by Lynn Dolly |
Categories: angst, father, lost love, people, recovery from..., song-

No Superhero

I believe in love, 
Not in you

You've hurt a lot of people
That's something no superhero would do

Wimpy attempts prove one thing
You're desire for my love has no honesty

Did your time
Escaped your grind

Whatever is left behind
A toy maker can fix and polish to shine

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: inspiration, passion, poetry, poets,

On Writer's Block

Perhaps I should
write about something
besides love
although my freethinking pen
is attached to my heart
a battle I cannot win...

I seek
to be a writer assassin
but I cannot slay the muse
or force her to show up
I must pamper her
squeeze her
and kiss her
for all of her inspiration...

Ah, but not to write
is short of torture
a chaotic and bloody battle
If I write
I find inner peace
not writing
is death of the soul...

Ink on paper
arrange and polish
add and delete
merciless determination...

My words
my poems
are beatings of my heart
put to paper...

It's a sad thing
when one gets writer's block
such frustration and tears
fortunately for me
I don't have it....

by William J. Jr. Atfield |
Categories: death, love,

Reaching An Ending

Reaching an ending 

To the long running “ Repetition / The never ending story of a Polish Princess, and the Canadian Frog ”. 
Lifted has become the veil, the misty fog
of love’s insanity, it’s blinding glory.

I think that it all, had a redundancy 
and that may be ?, the true essence of me !
I wonder if cathartic expressions be the cure ?, 
or will I, forever more, traverse this plane and endure ?

B. J. "A" 2
June 21st 2013

by Eduardo Escalante |
Categories: destiny, philosophy, social, society, world,

The Thin Human Line and the Digital Explosion

You love the touch of your hand
Your body without floor
As on an orange bed of fog
It seems you do not hold hand
You are twelve feet tall
It is more sensual a road without frontiers
Nobody touches your footprints
A desire to open with your index finger
And your liquid-crystal eyes
a cloister with thousands of years
to polish the sound of your brain
and to walk farther than any limits
or directions sustaining all without a sound
and a body. Where the line ends or
if there is nobody it does not matter.

by Seema Ali |
Categories: friendship, happiness, holiday, hope, inspirational, life, peace, people, upliftingwinter, winter,

Winter Now

Wow!Its winter now
It is time for some snow
Indeed a beautiful show
From morning till night
Every moment a delight!

Infront of the Fireplace
Life becomes a chilly place
We put on cashmeres and cottons
So comfortable  and always  so very warm
Gods heavenly light reaches us each dawn!

It is winter now
So lets renounce
War and hate
Lets polish our world
With peace and love
Until Laughter and happiness
Envelops each and every place!

by Abdulhafeez Oyewole |
Categories: absence, age, butterfly, caregiving, dream, emotions, heart, love, missing you, trust, words, youth,

To My Heartbeat

Dear Dearest,
I do know fate is not cruel
And so are our souls.
I know sky will remain crystal clear
Until our hearts sing alive.
I know that stars will remain glint
And they would sign treasures to our dream.
I know the same way my heart beats...
So is yours too.
I know we're fashioned to be 
Though our destinations seem far-
I live north, you live south.
I know you don't sway without thinking about me.
And so do I.
The only memory you left me with in here-
Pen and paper,
Are what I polish my feelings through.
I do hope my words won't take days before they'd be returned.
It's well with my soul here you left it.

From your part in here and right there.

by Seren Roberts |
Categories: home,

A Home - Contest

A house is a Home with a capital H it is where love reigns supreme

Where being together
Is more important  than housework
Where a visit to the park
Comes before a duster and polish.
A home is four walls
Vibrating with laughter
Where your children learn
To love each other
Where parents or a single parent
Teaches love and respect
When they have children
They carry the tradition forward
Being kind, showing good manners
towards old and young alike
A home is where you run to
When the daily drag sucks you in
Where problems can be resolved without rows

Home is a house with Soul

Penned 20/5/2013

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: butterfly, romance, romantic,

Rainbows End

my beautiful goddess 
i want to kiss 
your finger tips
holding your hand  
lightly fluttering lips
in soft warmness
i will polish 
you shoes 

with raindrops 
of happiness
falling from
 the salted 
waters of love
 in the paradise 
golden droplets 
of honey 
when i kiss baby

your beautiful lips 
our bouncing waves 
of joy 
with warm blooded
 passion i love you 
deeply from 
the heart
 inside of me